438 research outputs found

    Is the Flipped Classroom Pedagogy Effective for All Students?

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    In my experience as a mathematics teacher, I have learned that mathematics is a subject that is commonly paired with negative feelings. Many individuals lack confidence in their ability to perform mathematics. As a mathematics teacher, I am always looking for different ways to reach the needs of all of my students. The flipped classroom was one initiative that I implemented into my classroom to understand the benefits of learning in this unique way. In a flipped lesson, the students learn the lesson from a textbook or video as the homework, while the practice is completed in the classroom. The purpose of this study was to determine the perspectives of middle school students on the flipped classroom. In addition, because my goal was to reach all of my learners, this study also gathered perceptions from teachers, parents, and students who have individualized educational programs (IEPs) or 504 plans on using the flipped classroom method in terms of differentiating instruction. Data was collected through student surveys, a student focus group, teacher interviews, parent interviews, and classroom observations. The data showed that the flipped classroom was beneficial in terms of allowing students to pace themselves when learning, focus more on the lesson and in class activities, have access to the information whenever and wherever they needed to review, and gaining more help and guidance from the teacher

    Detección, identificación e cuantificación de nanopartículas metálicas en acuicultura mediante microscopía electrónica e dispersión Raman aumentada por superficie

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    Nanomaterials are becoming more and more prevalent as ingredients or components for several consumer products such as paints, personal care products, food and cosmetics. It has been demonstrated that these nanomaterials are released in water bodies such as coastal waters. These could be accumulating not only in the sediments but also in the aquatic organisms. In line with this, aquaculture is a key component of both the Common Fisheries Policy and the Blue Growth agenda and currently makes up over 50 % of the fish and seafood destined for human consumption. Many of the most consumed aquaculture species in the Atlantic area are marine. Therefore, these species are in contact with all the components contained in seawater. As human exposure to such nanomaterials increases, there is a growing need for a method to identify and characterize nanoparticles present in complex matrices. The assessment of the presence of these new emerging contaminants (i.e. nanomaterials) in products destined to the human consumption as well as the development of portable sensors to detect them in seawater are necessary, since those will allow a quick implementation of measures for risk mitigation. Specifically, there is two main challenges, besides the difficulty in sample preparation and in the controlled conditions during analysis, that could hinder the implementation of the portable sensors: (1) their miniaturization and (2) the matrix interferences, which compromise the robustness, selectivity and sensitivity of the portable sensors. Therefore, there is a need to develop sample preparation methods to reduce the matrix interferences present on real samples, reduce the lack of specificity and noise, and increase the robustness of these sensors. Thus, the main objectives to develop during the PhD are: 1. The assessment of the potential bioaccumulation and biodistribution of metallic nanoparticles in aquaculture products using electron microscopy techniques (TEM, SEM, STEM-EDS). 2. The development of sample preparation methods for the detection and characterization of metallic nanoparticles in both, water and aquaculture products. 3. The design and fabrication of Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based portable sensors for monitoring and detection of metallic nanoparticles in aquaculture waters.La utilización de nanomateriales como ingredientes o componentes en diferentes productos de consumos, tales como pinturas, productos de cuidado personal, comida y cosmético, ha aumentado súbitamente en los últimos años. El ciclo de vida de estos nanomateriales considera la posibilidad de que sean liberados en las masas de aguas como es en las aguas marinas costeras. Estos materiales pueden acumularse no solo en los sedimentos sino también en los organismos acuáticos. Esto nos permite estudiar a los nanomateriales desde otra perspectiva, como contaminantes emergentes en el medio ambiente. Una de las actividades que puede verse afecta por la presencia de estos nanomateriales es la Acuicultura. En Europa, la acuicultura representa aproximadamente el 20% de la producción de pescado y da empleo directo a unas 85 000 personas. La acuicultura de la Unión Europea es conocida por su alta calidad, su sostenibilidad y su normativa sobre protección de los consumidores. Por eso, ha despertado gran interés el análisis de la biodistribución y bioacumulación de estos nanomateriales en los productos de acuicultura así como la detección de estos mismos en aguas donde se crían especies marinas. Sin embargo, una de las limitaciones es que actualmente no hay una tecnología desarrollada para ello. Así, los esfuerzos están dirigidos al diseño de metodologías para la visualización de los nanomateriales en los tejidos para entender su asociación con los mismos así como su acumulación. Por otro lado, el desarrollo sensores portátiles es importante, ya que permitiría la monitorización descentralizada y la rápido implementación de medidas para la mitigación y gestión de riesgos. Sin embargo, dos grandes desafíos se presentan para la implementación de estos sensores portátiles: (1) su miniaturización y (2) las interferencias de matriz que compromete la robustez, selectividad y sensibilidad del método. Por tanto, hay una necesidad de desarrollar métodos de preparación de muestra para reducir las interferencias de matriz presentes en muestras reales, reducir la falta de especificidad y ruido e incrementar la robustez de estos sensores. Así, los objetivos principales para desarrollar durante el doctorado son: 1. Evaluación de la bioacumulación y biodistribución de nanopartículas metálicas en productores de acuicultura usando técnicas de microscopía electrónica (TEM, SEM, STEM-EDS). 2. Establecer métodos de preparación de muestra sin impacto en el tamaño de los nanomateriales en agua y productos de acuicultura permitiendo su posterior detección y caracterización. 3. Diseño y fabricación de los sensores portátiles basados en SERS para la monitorización y detección de nanopartículas metálicas en agua de acuicultura.O uso de nanomateriais como ingredientes ou compoñentes en diferentes produtos de consumo, como pinturas, produtos de coidado persoal, alimentos e cosméticos, aumentou de súpeto nos últimos anos. O ciclo de vida destes nanomateriais considera a posibilidade de que sexan liberados en masas de auga como é nas augas mariñas costeiras. Estes materiais poden acumularse non só en sedimentos senón tamén en organismos acuáticos. Isto permítenos estudar nanomateriais dende outra perspectiva, como contaminantes emerxentes no ambiente. Unha das actividades que se poden ver afecta á presenza destes nanomateriais é a acuicultura. En Europa, a acuicultura representa aproximadamente o 20% da produción de peixe e emprega directamente a unhas 85.000 persoas. A acuicultura da Unión Europea é coñecida pola súa alta calidade, a súa sustentabilidade e a súa normativa sobre protección do consumidor. Por este motivo, a análise da biodistribución e bioacumulación destes nanomateriais en produtos acuícolas espertou un grande interese, así como a súa detección en augas onde se crían especies mariñas. Non obstante, unha das limitacións é que actualmente non hai tecnoloxía desenvolvida para iso. Así, os esforzos están dirixidos ao deseño de metodoloxías para a visualización de nanomateriais en tecidos para comprender a súa asociación con eles así como a súa acumulación. En segundo lugar, ao desenvolvemento de sensores portátiles é importante, xa que permitiría un seguimento descentralizado e unha implantación rápida de medidas de mitigación e xestión de riscos. Non obstante, xorden dous retos importantes para a implementación destes sensores portátiles: (1) a súa miniaturización e (2) a interferencia da matriz que compromete a robustez, a selectividade e a sensibilidade do método. Por iso, é necesario desenvolver métodos de preparación de mostras para reducir a interferencia de matriz presente en mostras reais, reducir a falta de especificidade e ruido e aumentar a robustez destes sensores. Así, os principais obxectivos a desenvolver durante o doutoramento son: 1. Avaliación da bioacumulación e biodistribución de nanopartículas metálicas en produtores acuícolas mediante técnicas de microscopía electrónica (TEM, SEM, STEM-EDS). 2. Establecer métodos de preparación de mostras sen impacto no tamaño dos nanomateriais en produtos de auga e acuicultura permitindo a súa detección e caracterización más tarde. 3. Deseño e fabricación de sensores portátiles baseados en SERS para o seguimento e detección de nanomateriais en auga

    Getting better acquainted with Auditory Voice Hallucinations (AVHs): A need for clinical and social change

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    The phenomenon of hearing voices (AVHs) is very much a subject of current scientific interest, both clinically1 and socially. For a long time, auditory hallucinations—perceiving sounds without external stimuli (David, 2004)—were considered an obvious sign of schizophrenic or psychotic psychopathology (Goodwin et al., 1971; Larøi et al., 2012), but these days such an association is no longer taken for granted. Various recent studies in the areas of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience have brought a renewal of interest in AVHs. First of all, the move beyond Kraepelinian logic (van Os, 2009; Fusar-Poli et al., 2014) has led us to see AVHs as a phenomenon in their own right, and not just a characteristic of schizophrenia (Fernyhough, 2004). Furthermore, a number of studies in imaging techniques have allowed us to study the phenomenon live, as it occurs, collecting various new data (Shergill et al., 2000). On the other hand, psychological studies with attempts at modeling, have boosted the idea that AVHs are linked to the linguistic and verbal qualities of the subject, thus reducing the association between voice hallucinations and signs of pathology (Johns and van Os, 2001; Pearson et al., 2001; Stanghellini and Cutting, 2003). Other researchers have theorized that hearing voices is a different manifestation of self-awareness (Salvini and Bottini, 2011; Salvini and Quarato, 2011). Even DSM-5 has modified the importance it attaches to hallucinations, in fact although the 4th edition diagnosed “schizophrenia” simply on the basis of the symptom “hallucinations,” in the new edition hallucinations on their own are not considered a sufficient symptom to diagnose the specter of schizophrenia” (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Many of those suffering from this condition are not under treatment and are not diagnosable in psychopathological terms, which asks ever more questions of health professionals (Iudici, 2015), and which brings with it the risk that the phenomenon of hearing voices may be considered pathological because of a lack of understanding of the problem. One direct implication of this risk concerns non-psychotic and non-schizophrenic hearers of voices who are afraid of being considered mad or disturbed, who very often live in fear for years without talking about it with anyone, although realizing that hearing voices causes no general maladjustment in their lives (Andrew et al., 2008). In the long term this can lead to feelings of alarm in some of them, and when such situations result in a visit to a clinic or a psychiatrist, there are often “suffering and conflicted confessions” about such experiences, especially by people who have never had psychiatric experience (Iudici and Gagliardo Corsi, 2017). These people consequently do not have appropriate information to help them understand their experiences (Faccio et al., 2013). This fact raises further doubts about the direct juxtaposition of auditory hallucinations and diagnoses of mental disturbance, and consequently our interest is in sensitizing clinicians to a broader interpretation of the phenomenon than the traditional view, highlighting the importance of considering more perspectives

    Aesthetic satisfaction in lip and palate clefts: a comparative study between secondary and tertiary bone grafting

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    Lip and palate cleft represent one of the most frequently occurring congenital deformity, which includes dental anomalies, such as variation in tooth number and position. In case of hypodontia implant-prosthetic rehabilitation offers significant advantages in terms of function, aesthetics and quality of life and bone graft is usually needed. Secondary bone grafting, generally performed in the mixed dentition phase (years 8-11) seems to be the most successful method to allow for rehabilitation. It's often necessary to perform a tertiary bone grafting in adult age in order to achieve better bone quantity and quality before implant placement. Aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the aesthetic perception that patients had of themselves comparing dental implants placed in tertiary grafted alveolar cleft sites with a previous secondary grafting to only secondary grafting. Between 2009 and 2012, fourteen alveolar cleft were treated with implant rehabilitation and eleven of them received tertiary bone grafting six months prior to implant placement. All patients were questioned to give a score from 1 to 10 their aesthetic satisfaction of their smile before and after implant rehabilitation and during pre-surgery provisional rehabilitation. At the end of their prosthesis rehabilitation patients who received tertiary bone grafting resulted more satisfied than those who had secondary bone grafting only (9.5 vs 8)

    CEO as board chair in listed family firms: A test of the performance effects during an economic crisis

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    Family firms often opt for a combined CEO and board chair positions, yet the implications of such leadership structure on firm performance remain a subject of scholarly debate. We introduce the socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspective as a unifying framework that bridges the divergent views of stewardship and agency theories. We argue that the effects of CEO duality on performance are contingent upon the balance between extended and restricted SEW priorities. Drawing on a sample of listed companies on the Milan Stock Exchange between 2003 and 2015, our empirical analysis reveals that listed family firms derive greater benefits from CEO duality compared to their non-family counterparts. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that such leadership structure renders the highest performance benefits in listed family firms when the CEO-chair is not a family member, particularly during periods of economic crisis

    Correlates of violent suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder

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    Background: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in bipolar disorder (BD); violent suicide attempts are associated with the highest level of lethality. We aimed to evaluate factors related to the risk of violent suicide in a large naturalistic sample of patients with BD; in addition, we analyzed the rates of lifetime suicide attempts and the variables associated with suicidal behavior. Methods: We recruited 847 patients with BD. Patients were grouped according to whether they had a lifetime history of suicide attempts and, among suicide attempters, subjects who had used a violent suicide method were compared with those who had attempted suicide with a nonviolent method. Comparisons were performed using \u3c72 tests for categorical variables and ANOVA for continuous variables. Logistic regression (LogReg) was used to identify explanatory variables associated with violent suicide attempts (dependent variable). Results: Two hundred and two patients (24%) had a lifetime history of suicide attempts. Subjects with at least one lifetime suicide attempt showed longer duration of illness (22.4 \ub1 14.1 years vs 19.9 \ub1 14.2 years: p 0.028), more lifetime hypomanic episodes (3.3 \ub1 4.3 vs 2.3 \ub1 3.1: p 0.001), more lifetime depressive episodes (6.0 \ub1 4.4 vs 4.7 \ub1 4.1: p < 0.001), higher rates of lifetime psychiatric comorbidities (50.0% vs 41.3%: p 0.029), higher rates of lifetime medical comorbidities (58.0% vs 48.9%: p 0.028) and higher rates of reduced HDL cholesterol (46.2% vs 36.7%: p 0.030). Among suicide attempters, fifty-two patients (30.6%) attempted suicide with a violent method. We found more men in the group of violent suicide attempters than in the group of nonviolent suicide attempters (65% vs 28%; p: <0.001). Moreover subjects with previous violent attempts showed higher mean values of weight (80.5 \ub1 18.3 vs 69.4 \ub1 14.7: p < 0.001), body mass index (27.8 \ub1 5.6 vs 25.2 \ub1 4.7: p < 0.003) and waist circumference (98.7 \ub1 18.5 vs 92.4 \ub1 14.3: p 0.032). The LogReg analysis confirmed the association of violent attempts with male gender (p: <0.001; Phi: 0.35) and higher waist circumference (p: <0.001; Cohen's d: 0.39). Limitations: In our research we analyzed lifetime suicide attempts, but the sample does not include completed suicides, meaning that we are unable to test whether the results are generalizable to suicide deaths. Moreover, some relevant variables, such as medical comorbidities/metabolic parameters at the time of suicide attempts and previous medication, were not collected. Another limitation concerns the heterogeneity of recruited patients in terms of clinical characteristics (e.g.: medical conditions, drug treatments), with potential confounding factors. Conclusions: The present study confirms the association between male gender and violent suicide and suggests a correlation between obesity and the use of violent suicide methods. The relationship between obesity and suicidal behaviour is worthy of interest and deserves to be explored by further studies

    Widespread mitochondrial depletion via mitophagy does not compromise necroptosis

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    Programmed necrosis (or necroptosis) is a form of cell death triggered by the activation of receptor interacting protein kinase-3 (RIPK3). Several reports have implicated mitochondria and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation as effectors of RIPK3-dependent cell death. Here, we directly test this idea by employing a method for the specific removal of mitochondria via mitophagy. Mitochondria-deficient cells were resistant to the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, but efficiently died via tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced, RIPK3-dependent programmed necrosis or as a result of direct oligomerization of RIPK3. Although the ROS scavenger butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) delayed TNF-induced necroptosis, it had no effect on necroptosis induced by RIPK3 oligomerization. Furthermore, although TNF-induced ROS production was dependent on mitochondria, the inhibition of TNF-induced necroptosis by BHA was observed in mitochondria-depleted cells. Our data indicate that mitochondrial ROS production accompanies, but does not cause, RIPK3-dependent necroptotic cell death

    Environmental exposure to arsenic and chromium in an industrial area

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    Arsenic and chromium are widespread environmental contaminants that affect global health due to their toxicity and carcinogenicity. To date, few studies have investigated exposure to arsenic and chromium in a population residing in a high-risk environmental area. The aim of this study is to evaluate the exposure to arsenic and chromium in the general population with no occupational exposure to these metals, resident in the industrial area of Taranto, Southern Italy, through biological monitoring techniques. We measured the levels of chromium, inorganic arsenic, and methylated metabolites, in the urine samples of 279 subjects residing in Taranto and neighboring areas. Qualified health staff administered a standardized structured questionnaire investigating lifestyle habits and controlling for confounding factors. The biological monitoring data showed high urinary concentrations of both the heavy metals investigated, particularly Cr. On this basis, it will be necessary to carry out an organized environmental monitoring program, taking into consideration all exposure routes so as to correlate the environmental concentrations of these metals with the biomonitoring results

    Long-term safety, efficacy, and quality of life during adjunctive brivaracetam treatment in patients with uncontrolled epilepsy: An open-label follow-up trial.

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    Abstract Objectives The primary objective of this long-term follow-up (LTFU) trial was to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of brivaracetam (BRV). The secondary objective was to evaluate the maintenance of efficacy of BRV (including quality of life) over time. Methods This open-label, multicenter, flexible-dose trial (N01379 [NCT01339559]) was conducted in adults (≥16 years) with focal or generalized-onset seizures, who had participated in a placebo (PBO)-controlled trial of adjunctive BRV (N01258: NCT01405508 or N01358: NCT01261325). Results Seven hundred and sixty-six patients received BRV in this LTFU trial (753 had focal seizures and 13 had generalized-onset seizures). Kaplan–Meier-estimated retention was 71.9% at 12 months, and 53.7% at 36 months. Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were reported by 643 (83.9%) patients, most commonly headache (104 [13.6%] patients) and dizziness (100 [13.1%] patients). Two hundred and fifty-seven (33.6%) patients had drug-related TEAEs, most commonly somnolence (49 [6.4%] patients) and dizziness (41 [5.4%] patients). Permanent discontinuation of BRV due to TEAEs occurred in 91 (11.9%) patients. Patients with focal seizures had a median percentage reduction in focal seizure frequency of 52.0% and 51.7% were 50% responders (sustained over time); 26.0% were seizurefree for 6 months, and 17.9% were seizurefree for 12 months. 42.4% of patients at 12 months and 46.8% at 24 months had clinically meaningful improvements in Patient Weighted Quality of Life in Epilepsy Questionnaire 31 total score. Conclusions In this select group of patients who entered the LTFU trial, BRV was generally safe and well tolerated. Results indicate the long-term efficacy of BRV in patients with focal seizures