746 research outputs found

    Perambulator: An Artist’s Statement

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    This artist’s statement describes the development of a participatory performance project ‘Perambulator’. Conceived in response to the shift in walking practice experienced in early motherhood, the project invited other pram users (predominantly mothers) to walk together exploring and highlighting the everyday awkwardness of pram use in the city. Alongside an overview of the projects’ methods: walking, talking and mapping, connections to walking art and participatory art practices are considered

    Perambulator: Borders

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    From Live Art and Motherhood: A Study Room Guide on Live Art and the Maternal: This Guide features fourteen individual artists and two artist collectives working in the mediums of Live Art and performance around the topic of the maternal, who have all set out to make performance and/or Live Art work about their particular maternal experience. The Guide maps these artists’ works and themes, creating an archive, and, on a pragmatic as well as highly political level, giving visibility to this field and proclaiming maternal agencies through and in arts making. The Guide also recommends wider materials to watch and read around the subject

    Letter from the Guest Editor

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    Perambulator: An Artist’s Statement

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    This artist’s statement describes the development of a participatory performance project ‘Perambulator’. Conceived in response to the shift in walking practice experienced in early motherhood, the project invited other pram users (predominantly mothers) to walk together exploring and highlighting the everyday awkwardness of pram use in the city. Alongside an overview of the projects’ methods: walking, talking and mapping, connections to walking art and participatory art practices are considered

    The Role of Protein Arginine Methylation as Post-Translational Modification on Actin Cytoskeletal Components in Neuronal Structure and Function

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    The brain encompasses a complex network of neurons with exceptionally elaborated morphologies of their axonal (signal-sending) and dendritic (signal-receiving) parts. De novo actin filament formation is one of the major driving and steering forces for the development and plasticity of the neuronal arbor. Actin filament assembly and dynamics thus require tight temporal and spatial control. Such control is particularly effective at the level of regulating actin nucleation-promoting factors, as these are key components for filament formation. Arginine methylation represents an important post-translational regulatory mechanism that had previously been mainly associated with controlling nuclear processes. We will review and discuss emerging evidence from inhibitor studies and loss-of-function models for protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMTs), both in cells and whole organisms, that unveil that protein arginine methylation mediated by PRMTs represents an important regulatory mechanism in neuritic arbor formation, as well as in dendritic spine induction, maturation and plasticity. Recent results furthermore demonstrated that arginine methylation regulates actin cytosolic cytoskeletal components not only as indirect targets through additional signaling cascades, but can also directly control an actin nucleation-promoting factor shaping neuronal cells—a key process for the formation of neuronal networks in vertebrate brains

    Walking Women: A Study Room Guide on women using walking in their practice

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    This Guide is a record of WALKING WOMEN, a series of events held in London and Edinburgh in July and August 2016 celebrating the work of women using walking in their practice. Conceived in response to a growing concern that walking is perceived as a male domain of practice, the WALKING WOMEN events were designed to counter this imbalance; to make visible the work of as many WALKING WOMEN as possible through opportunities to show their work, talk about their work, reach new audiences and network with peers. The Guide includes a schedule of events from summer 2016, a directory of artists who took part, a full list of titles held in Dee Heddon and Misha Myers’ Walking Library for Women Walking, a list of titles in the bibliotheque curated by LADA for the London event

    Immunocytochemistry by Electron Spectroscopic Imaging Using Well Defined Boronated Monovalent Antibody Fragments

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    Contributing to the rapidly developing field of immunoelectron microscopy a new kind of markers has been created. The element boron, incorporated as very stable carborane clusters into different kinds of peptides, served as a marker detectable by electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) - an electron microscopic technique with high-resolution potential. Covalently linked immunoreagents conspicuous by the small size of both antigen recognizing part and marker moiety are accessible by using peptide concepts for label construction and their conjugation with Fab\u27 fragments. Due to a specific labeling of the free thiol groups of the Fab\u27 fragments, the antigen binding capacity was not affected by the attachment of the markers and the resulting immunoprobes exhibited an elongated shape with the antigen combining site and the label located at opposite ends. The labeling densities observed with these reagents were found to be significantly higher than those obtained by using conventional colloidal gold methods. Combined with digital image processing and analysis systems, boron-based ESI proved to be a powerful approach in ultrastructural immunocytochemistry employing pre-and post-embedding methods
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