1,016 research outputs found

    Path-integral over non-linearly realized groups and Hierarchy solutions

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    The technical problem of deriving the full Green functions of the elementary pion fields of the nonlinear sigma model in terms of ancestor amplitudes involving only the flat connection and the nonlinear sigma model constraint is a very complex task. In this paper we solve this problem by integrating, order by order in the perturbative loop expansion, the local functional equation derived from the invariance of the SU(2) Haar measure under local left multiplication. This yields the perturbative definition of the path-integral over the non-linearly realized SU(2) group.Comment: 26 page

    Responsabilità del notaio ai sensi dell’art. 28 l.not. e nullità c.d. di protezione

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    La formulazione dell’art. 28 l. not. Rende incerti e controversi i profili di responsabilità concernenti lo svolgimento dell’attività del notaio, soggetto elettivamente deputato dall’ordinamento ad attribuire pubblica fede agli atti ricevuti. La citata disposizione, infatti, nel vietare al notaio di ricevere o autenticare gli atti che siano espressamente proibiti dalla legge, male si concilia con l’attuale sistema delle invalidità negoziali quale delineato nel codice civile. In questo contesto, si inserisce la complessa problematica della responsabilità del notaio allorché nell’atto risultino inserite pattuizioni sanzionate con le c.d. nullità di protezione: categoria, quest’ultima, anch’essa dagli incerti contorni, ma che si pone sempre più all’attenzione degli interpreti soprattutto in ragione della relativa crescente diffusione, soprattutto nella normativa di derivazione comunitaria

    Renormalization of the Non-Linear Sigma Model in Four Dimensions. A two-loop example

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    The renormalization procedure of the non-linear SU(2) sigma model in D=4 proposed in hep-th/0504023 and hep-th/0506220 is here tested in a truly non-trivial case where the non-linearity of the functional equation is crucial. The simplest example, where the non-linear term contributes, is given by the two-loop amplitude involving the insertion of two \phi_0 (the constraint of the non-linear sigma model) and two flat connections. In this case we verify the validity of the renormalization procedure: the recursive subtraction of the pole parts at D=4 yields amplitudes that satisfy the defining functional equation. As a by-product we give a formal proof that in D dimensions (without counterterms) the Feynman rules provide a perturbative symmetric solution.Comment: Latex, 3 figures, 19 page

    The Hierarchy Principle and the Large Mass Limit of the Linear Sigma Model

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    In perturbation theory we study the matching in four dimensions between the linear sigma model in the large mass limit and the renormalized nonlinear sigma model in the recently proposed flat connection formalism. We consider both the chiral limit and the strong coupling limit of the linear sigma model. Our formalism extends to Green functions with an arbitrary number of pion legs,at one loop level,on the basis of the hierarchy as an efficient unifying principle that governs both limits. While the chiral limit is straightforward, the matching in the strong coupling limit requires careful use of the normalization conditions of the linear theory, in order to exploit the functional equation and the complete set of local solutions of its linearized form.Comment: Latex, 41 pages, corrected typos, final version accepted by IJT

    The SU(2) X U(1) Electroweak Model based on the Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Group

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    The electroweak model is formulated on the nonlinearly realized gauge group SU(2) X U(1). This implies that in perturbation theory no Higgs field is present. The paper provides the effective action at the tree level, the Slavnov Taylor identity (necessary for the proof of unitarity), the local functional equation (used for the control of the amplitudes involving the Goldstone bosons) and the subtraction procedure (nonstandard, since the theory is not power-counting renormalizable). Particular attention is devoted to the number of independent parameters relevant for the vector mesons; in fact there is the possibility of introducing two mass parameters. With this choice the relation between the ratio of the intermediate vector meson masses and the Weinberg angle depends on an extra free parameter. We briefly outline a method for dealing with \gamma_5 in dimensional regularization. The model is formulated in the Landau gauge for sake of simplicity and conciseness: the QED Ward identity has a simple and intriguing form.Comment: 19 pages, final version published by Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, some typos corrected in eqs.(1) and (41). The errors have a pure editing origin. Therefore they do not affect the content of the pape

    One-loop Self-energy and Counterterms in a Massive Yang-Mills Theory based on the Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Group

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    In this paper we evaluate the self-energy of the vector mesons at one loop in our recently proposed subtraction scheme for massive nonlinearly realized SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. We check the fulfillment of physical unitarity. The resulting self-mass can be compared with the value obtained in the massive Yang-Mills theory based on the Higgs mechanism, consisting in extra terms due to the presence of the Higgs boson (tadpoles included). Moreover we evaluate all the one-loop counterterms necessary for the next order calculations. By construction they satisfy all the equations of the model (Slavnov-Taylor, local functional equation and Landau gauge equation). They are sufficient to make all the one-loop amplitudes finite through the hierarchy encoded in the local functional equation.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, minor changes, final version accepted by Phys. Rev. D, typos corrected in eqs.(8),(17),(27),(28

    Comments on the Equivalence between Chern-Simons Theory and Topological Massive Yang-Mills Theory in 3D

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    The classical formal equivalence upon a redefinition of the gauge connection between Chern-Simons theory and topological massive Yang-Mills theory in three-dimensional Euclidean space-time is analyzed at the quantum level within the BRST formulation of the Equivalence Theorem. The parameter controlling the change in the gauge connection is the inverse λ\lambda of the topological mass. The BRST differential associated with the gauge connection redefinition is derived and the corresponding Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities are proven to be anomaly-free. The Green functions of local operators constructed only from the (λ\lambda-dependent) transformed gauge connection, as well as those of BRST invariant operators, are shown to be independent of the parameter λ\lambda, as a consequence of the validity of the ST identities. The relevance of the antighost-ghost fields, needed to take into account at the quantum level the Jacobian of the change in the gauge connection, is analyzed. Their role in the identification of the physical states of the model within conventional perturbative gauge theory is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, LATEX, to appear in Journal of High Energy Physic