18 research outputs found

    Covid-19: Tinjauan Maqasid Al-Shariah Terhadap Penangguhan Pelaksanaan Ibadah Shalat Di Tempat Ibadah (Hifdz al-Nafs Lebih Utama Dari Hifdz al-Din?)

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    AbstractThe spread of a deadly epidemic known as Covid-19 has indeed caused several polemics such as economic, social, political and religious issues in particular. For instance, the conflicts regarding ban congregational prayers and also mass gatherings amid coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic have led to various responses pros and cons amongst the society. The pro assumes that it is indeed a way of preventing as well as anticipate the transmission of Covid-19. Unlike those who disagree with that kind of postponement, they presume that hifdz al-Din (protection of religion) is much more important than hifdz  al-Nafs (protection of life). Furthermore, the key main objective of this research is to describe the postponement or cancelation of Friday prayers and mass gatherings due to coronavirus pandemic based on comprehensive study of maqasid al-shariah. In this research, the researcher uses full qualitative method and documentation related to the topic of this research, which then will be analyze descriptively.Keywords: COVID-19, Maqasid al-Shariah, Salat, Hifdz al-Din, Hifdz al-Nafs. AbstrakPenyebaran virus berbahaya bernama Covid-19 yang tengah terjadi saat ini telah menciptakan berbagai polemik dan persoalan di tengah kehidupan masyarakat baik persoalan ekonomi, sosial, politik maupun agama khususnya. Misalnya saja, polemik mengenai penangguhan atau larangan mengenai ibadah shalat jum’at ataupun berjamaah di masjid yang mana persoalan tersebut melahirkan berbagai reaksi pro-kontra dari kalangan masyarakat. Masyarakat yang pro menganggap bahwa hal tersebut sebagai bentuk pencegahan dan antisipasi penyebaran virus korona atau Covid-19 yang tengah mewabah. Adapun masyarakat yang kontra terhadap penangguhan tersebut memandang bahwa hifdz al-din (memelihara agama seperti ibadah shalat) lebih utama dari hifdz al-nafs (memelihara jiwa atau nyawa). Oleh sebab itu, tujuan utama penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan tinjauan Maqasid al-Shariah terhadap pembatasan, penangguhan, serta larangan pelaksanaan ibadah shalat Jum’at maupun lainnya semasa terjadi sebuah wabah. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini ialah dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif penuh serta data dokumentasi yang terkait dengan topik kajian penelitian ini, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif.Kata-kata kunci: COVID-19, Maqasid al-Shariah, Shalat, Hifdz al-Din, Hifdz al-Nafs

    Assessing the Role of Women in Countering Radicalism: an Islamic Perspective

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    Radicalism can lead to acts of terrorism that damaging feelings of safety and stability for many other entities and affecting all parts, whether soul, properties, and many more. In this research, the researcher uses a full qualitative method and documentation related to the topic of this research, which then will be analyzed descriptively. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the role of women based on the Islamic perspective regarding countering radicalism. The result found that another strategy to battle radicalism or spreading extremism is by the role and dedication of women in which women (mother) has become a landmark throughout family life to shape their children personality and mindset which enable them to remain mostly in the right direction as well as preventing radicalism and ideology that could turn to acts of violence

    Ṭawāf al-Mar’ah al-Ḥā’id fi al-Manẓar al-Islāmiy: Dirāsah Muqāranah bayn al-Madhāhib al-Fiqhiyyah al-Islāmiyyah

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    One of the most important tasks in performing an obligation of worship is that a servant is required to learn the law as it was formed by sharia and religion, so that he could worship properly. Hajj is one of Islam's pillars where Islamic law requires all followers to run it for those who have the ability, even if only once in their lifetime, as He has said in the al-Qur’an: “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures.” (QS: Al-Imran: 97). There are requirements in carrying out the Hajj and Umrah which should be fulfilled in their completion as a servant must manage, understand, etc. There are obligations to be performed in the conduct of Hajj and Umrah, and one is Ihram, Ramy al-Jamarat, stay a night in muzdalifah and so on. Furthermore, in the act of performing hajj and umrah there have been several pillars that must be performed such as tawaf. While as far as tawaf is concerned, there is an interesting discussion among many of the scholars on the issue of tawaf during Hajj and Umrah where it would be required to remain to purify during the hajj and umrah especially for a women within her menstruation cycle


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    Abstract: Islamic thought has been developing whenever so there are various streams within the legal methodology especially within the fiqh approach which emerged from the Sahabat era such as fiqh 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, fiqh Umar, fiqh Ibn Umar, etc and therefore the differences between the Companions has given rise to different tendencies of thought between each other both those belonging to the ahl athar or ahl ra'i groups. The obvious difference is that the tendency of thinking based on maqasidi is colored by ijtihad Umar while the tendency of thinking supported syakli (formalism) is more clearly seen within the fiqh of Abdullah Ibn Umar and these streams are created within supported the legal references employed by every group in order to do Istinbath al-hukm. So, a Fuqaha who always looks at the objectives of Islamic Sharia in conducting legal terminology is spoken as Maqasidi while jurists who always look to the form or format in legal rest are spoken as Syakli. Therefore, during this study, the author is inspired to check and analyze the thoughts of the jurists towards legal methodology supported the flow of maqasidi and also syakli.Abstrak: Pemikiran Islam terus berkembang pada setiap masanya, sehingga telah muncul berbagai macam aliran dalam bidang metodologi hukum, utamanya dalam pendekatan fiqh. Perbedaan tersebut muncul sejak masa Sahabat r.a, seperti ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, fiqh Umar, fiqh Ibn Umar dan sebagainya. Perbedaan di kalangan para Sahabat ini telah melahirkan kecenderungan pemikiran yang berbeda di antara mereka baik mereka yang tergolong dalam kelompok ahl athar atau ahl ra’i. Perbedan yang jelas terjadi adalah kecenderungan pemikiran berasaskan terhadap maqasidi yang diwarnai oleh ijtihad Umar sedangkan kecenderungan pemikiran berasaskan terhadap syakli (formalisme) lebih jelas terlihat pada fiqh Abdullah Ibn Umar dan aliran-aliran ini merupakan aliran yang dibentuk berdasarkan kepada mashâdir hukum yang digunakan oleh setiap kelompok dalam melakukan istinbath hukum. Seorang fuqaha yang senan­tiasa melihat secara objektif Syariat Islam dalam melakukan istinbath hukum disebut sebagai Maqâsidi. Sedangkan fuqaha yang senantiasa melihat kepada rupa bentuk atau format dalam beristinbat hukum disebut sebagai Syakli. Oleh karena itu, dalam artikel ini ini penulis terdorong untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pemikiran para fuqaha terhadap metodologi hukum berasaskan aliran maqasidi dan juga syakli

    Muhasabah Diri Sebagai Media Penanggulangan Perilaku Juvenile Delinquency

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    Masa remaja adalah masa perubahan seseorang dari kanak-kanak menuju dewasa, dalam tahap ini seorang remaja akan diliputi rasa ingin tahu terhadap hal-hal yang baru. Ketika menghadapi hal tersebut, saat itulah seorang remaja diuji apakah dia akan melakukan hal yang baik atau malah akan terjerumus ke perbuatan-perbuatan yang akan merugikan dirinya, keluarganya bahkan merugikan orang lain. Karenanya, tanggung jawab terhadap kenakalan remaja itu salah satunya terletak dari sekolah sehingga sudah seyogyanya setiap sekolah memiliki langkah penyelesaian yang konkret salah satunya dengan menggunakan media muhasabah diri. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan mengambil latar Madrasah Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta sebagai lokasi penelitian. Adapun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan muhasabah  diri yang berupa client centered theraphy seperti muraqabah, muhasabah, mujahadah, dan mu’atabah telah menunjukkan hasil yang positif dalam menanggulangi kenakalan remaja (Juvenile Delinquency) di kelas X secara efektif.


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    Nowadays, the term "Jiha̅d" has taken on the connotation of a frightening term (logophobia). This is due to the fact that religious extremists use it in a very narrow context. Unfortunately, the concept of pure and vast Jihad has been tainted by insights and actions that have transcended its borders, resulting in the term Jihad being viewed negatively by some segments of the world's society. The study examines how these scholars (of Salafi Jihadism) interpret these specific verses of the Holy Quran, as well as how their concepts and explanations regarding Jihad verses differ from other scholars. A thorough qualitative method is used in this article to examine the misinterpretation of the Jiha̅d verses used by Salafi Jihadism. The study shows, first, the Salafi-Jihadi movement interprets jihad verses only based on literal meanings, ignoring the context of the asbab nuzul verses, pay less attention to the period and socio-historical verses revealed. Second, considering jihad as a physical struggle only and war in the way of Allah as a natural obligation for Muslims

    CHILDFREE IN THE QUR’AN: Reinterpretation of Al-Naḥl Verse 72 with Ma’nā Cum Maghzā Approach

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    Abstract: Childfree can be interpreted as the view of a husband and wife who decide not to have children, which is often considered contrary to the one purpose of marriage in the Islamic perspective to have children. It is important to explain how the Qur'an respons to the polemic of childfree, while the Qur'an itself strongly echoes the urgency of having children. This article is qualitative descriptive research with a socio-religious approach and uses the hermeneutic theory of ma'na-cum-maghza as an analytical tool, this paper aims to analyze Surah Al-Naḥl 72 related to how the Qur'an talks about the pros and cons of childfree. This is done to prove that the Qur'an ṣaḥīẖ li kulli zamān wa makān (relevant for every time and place) is used as a reference in solving contemporary problems. This research finds that Surah Al-Naḥl verse 72 it is clearly explained that one of the purposes of marriage is to have children, while the childfree decision contradicts the absolute purpose of marriage in the Qur'an, but in some conditions, if not possible to have children, such as a disease that endangers the mother's life when pregnant and giving birth to a child, it is permissible to decide to be childfree, but if it is only a matter of parents worrying about not being able to educate and raise their child properly, it is prohibited because in Al-Naḥl verse 72 Allah will also guarantee fortune for the children in a family. Keywords: Al-Qur'an, Childfree, Ma'na Cum Maghza الملخص: عدم وجود الأطفال (childfree ) باتفاق بين الزوج والزوجة يعتبر في كثير من الأحيان مخالفاً لهدف الزواج. فكذلك اهتم هذا البحث في نظر سورة النحل اية ٧٢ لحصول الاجبابة في مسآلة childfree. هذا المقال عبارة عن بحث وصفي نوعي اعتمادا بمنهج اجتماعي ديني بحيث يستخدم نظرية التأويل ma'na cum maghza. وجد هذا البحث أن سورة النحل الآية 72 توضح بوضوح أن أحد مقاصد الزواج هو الإنجاب ،بينما قرار الخلو من الأطفال يتعارض مع الهدف المطلق للزواج في القرآن ، لكن في بعض الحالات إن لم يكن لحصول الأولاد بسبب من الاسباب الشرعية كمثل المرض الذي يعرض حياة الأم فيجوز اتخاذ قرار بفعل childfree. الكلمات المفتاحية:  القزآن، اية، Childfree، Ma'na Cum Maghza                                         Abstrak: Childfree merupakan salah satu fenomena terbaru dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern saat ini. Childfree dimaksudkan sebagai keputusan seorang suami istri untuk tidak memiliki seorang anak. Tentu saja fenomena ini mendapatkan beragama reaksi dari berbagai komunitas muslim khususya sebab dianggap bertentangan dengan salah satu tujuan pernikahan yaitu melangsungkan keturunan. Karena itu, artikel ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosio-religius dan menggunakan teori hermeneutic ma'na-cum-maghza sebagai alat analisis. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis surah al-Naḥl 72 terkait dengan bagaimana Al-Qur'an berbicara tentang pro dan kontra persoalan childfree. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan bahwa Al-Qur'an saḥīẖ li kulli zamān wa makān untuk digunakan sebagai referensi dalam memecahkan masalah kontemporer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam surah al-Naḥl ayat 72, melestarikan keturunan (memiliki anak) merupakan fitrah manusia dari adanya pernikahan, sedangkan praktek childfree bertentangan dengan tujuan asal pernikahan. Akan tetapi dalam beberapa kondisi tertentu dan terdapat alasan-alasan yang syar’i seperti penyakit yang membahayakan nyawa ibu dan sebagainya, maka keputusan childfree dapat dibenarkan. Kata kunci: Al-Qur'an, Childfree, Ma'na Cum Maghz

    Problems With the Implementation of Qanun Aceh Number 6 of 2014 Concerning Jinayat Law

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    Aceh as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has special privileges and autonomy, one of which is the authority to implement Islamic sharia, and Qanun Aceh Number 6 of 2014 concerning jinayat Law is part of Islamic law which is implemented in Aceh through the struggle of the Acehnese people in the application of Islamic sharia. However, after it was ratified, the implementation of the qanun Aceh gave rise to various problems in various circles. Therefore, through qualitative research with literature studies and data analysis through a deductive frame of mind, this article attempts to analyze the problems that arise after the implementation of the qanun Aceh. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the qanun Aceh raises various problems. The emergence of pros and cons among the community, academia and the government, is assumed to be a barrier to human togetherness and understanding. The content of the qanun which is considered not comprehensive and discriminatory in nature is contrary to the Constitution and a number of laws

    Badiuzzaman Said Nursi and KH Ahmad Dahlan’s Thoughts on Education Reform: A Comparative Study

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    In order to control the movement of globalization throughout this modern era, one of it's key aspects is through deconstruction throughout the education sector. Undoubtedly, high quality education management was produced by integrating disciplines in practice with fundamental Islamic values within the learning process. Besides that, this approach had also been continuously used among reformist leaders to weaken the dangerous Western ideology that influenced significantly the global government system through colonialism mostly by poisoning the generation of youth through sole reference to materialism philosophy and rationalism. Based on that issue, numerous powerful leaders in Indonesia have intervened to rectify the problem among Muslims by reconstruction of the education systems rather than through political as well as other aggressive physical interaction. KH Ahmad Dahlan was the trustworthy figure in endorsing the concept of educational reform through the "Muhammadiyah" mass organization, which was formed in Yogyakarta in 1912. The conducted a study to examine the similarities amongst KH Ahmad Dahlan and Badiuzzaman Said Nursi in applying the Islamic Education Reform System in the region. In this research, the researcher uses full qualitative method and documentation related to the topic of this research, which then will be analyze descriptively

    The Enforcement of Counter-Radicalism through Educational Values (Analytical analysis of the Book of I'tiqād by Al-Bukhārī)

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    Radicalism is an understanding of social life, far beyond reconciliation and communication, similar to acts of violence. This misconception is indeed very dangerous, particularly if it is made in the name of religion itself. Evidently, the religious principle which always encourages a good and ethical way of life seems to have been misunderstood, perhaps abused. Radicalism might be handled and prevented by implementing the teachings of Imam al-Bukhārī, e.g. the I'tiqād, a clear understanding of religion and outstanding teaching practices. The aim of this research is to analyze the contents of the book upon its values of Islamic teachings concerning harmony through living together under a foundation of educational values towards radicalism. The research employed a full qualitative method and data documentation related to the research, which was then analyzed descriptively. In the meantime, the results of the study revealed that Imam al-Bukhārī, in his book I'tiqād al-Bukhārī, proposed four (4) educational values or elements of peace in Islamic teachings, namely: (1) harmony with the public at large, (2) harmony with the government, (3) tranquility with the Muslims, and (4) harmony with believers of other religions. These educational values could be an instructional approach for the enforcement of counter-radicalism that would be applicable to Islamic education in Indonesia