125 research outputs found

    A Bilevel Game-Theoretic Decision-Making Framework for Strategic Retailers in Both Local and Wholesale Electricity Markets

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    This paper proposes a bilevel game-theoretic model for multiple strategic retailers participating in both wholesale and local electricity markets while considering customers\u27 switching behaviors. At the upper level, each retailer maximizes its own profit by making optimal pricing decisions in the retail market and bidding decisions in the day-ahead wholesale (DAW) and local power exchange (LPE) markets. The interaction among multiple strategic retailers is formulated using the Bertrand competition model. For the lower level, there are three optimization problems. First, the welfare maximization problem is formulated for customers to model their switching behaviors among different retailers. Second, a market-clearing problem is formulated for the independent system operator (ISO) in the DAW market. Third, a novel LPE market is developed for retailers to facilitate their power balancing. In addition, the bilevel multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game forms an equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints (EPEC) problem, which is solved by the diagonalization algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the EPEC model and the importance of modeling customers\u27 switching behaviors. We corroborate that incentivizing customers\u27 switching behaviors and increasing the number of retailers facilitates retail competition, which results in reducing strategic retailers\u27 retail prices and profits. Moreover, the relationship between customers\u27 switching behaviors and welfare is reflected by a balance between the electricity purchasing cost (i.e., electricity price) and the electricity consumption level

    A Bilevel Game-Theoretic Decision-Making Framework for Strategic Retailers in Both Local and Wholesale Electricity Markets

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    This paper proposes a bilevel game-theoretic model for multiple strategic retailers participating in both wholesale and local electricity markets while considering customers\u27 switching behaviors. At the upper level, each retailer maximizes its own profit by making optimal pricing decisions in the retail market and bidding decisions in the day-ahead wholesale (DAW) and local power exchange (LPE) markets. The interaction among multiple strategic retailers is formulated using the Bertrand competition model. For the lower level, there are three optimization problems. First, the welfare maximization problem is formulated for customers to model their switching behaviors among different retailers. Second, a market-clearing problem is formulated for the independent system operator (ISO) in the DAW market. Third, a novel LPE market is developed for retailers to facilitate their power balancing. In addition, the bilevel multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game forms an equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints (EPEC) problem, which is solved by the diagonalization algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the EPEC model and the importance of modeling customers\u27 switching behaviors. We corroborate that incentivizing customers\u27 switching behaviors and increasing the number of retailers facilitates retail competition, which results in reducing strategic retailers\u27 retail prices and profits. Moreover, the relationship between customers\u27 switching behaviors and welfare is reflected by a balance between the electricity purchasing cost (i.e., electricity price) and the electricity consumption level

    Analysis of the population displacement phenomenon under tourism economy development in Chinese historical areas:Based on Social Exchange Theory

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    In recent years, tourism’s commercial exploitation of China’s historical areas has been in full swing. However, the status quo of those historical sites is increasingly worrying due to their over-commercialization, the dissimilation of original lifestyles and, especially, the phenomenon of population displacement, with historical residents moving out and the non-native population flooding in, which directly gives rise to the loss of traditional culture. As per our investigation of Kulangsu, concerning its current population and culture situations, this paper aims to dig out the root cause of the population displacement, grasp the law and features of this phenomenon, analyze the significance and impacts it brings about and put forward optimization proposals for the sustainable development of Kulangsu Island

    Tomato Chlorosis Virus Infection Facilitates \u3cem\u3eBemisia tabaci\u3c/em\u3e MED Reproduction by Elevating \u3cem\u3eVitellogenin\u3c/em\u3e Expression

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    Transmission of plant pathogenic viruses mostly relies on insect vectors. Plant virus could enhance its transmission by modulating the vector. Previously, we showed that feeding on virus infected plants can promote the reproduction of the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci MED (Q biotype). In this study, using a whitefly-Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV)-tomato system, we investigated how ToCV modulates B. tabaci MED reproduction to facilitate its spread. Here, we hypothesized that ToCV-infected tomato plants would increase B. tabaci MED fecundity via elevated vitellogenin (Vg) gene expression. As a result, fecundity and the relative expression of B. tabaci MED Vg was measured on ToCV-infected and uninfected tomato plants on days 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24. The role of Vg on B. tabaci MED reproduction was examined in the presence and absence of ToCV using dietary RNAi. ToCV infection significantly increased B. tabaci MED fecundity on days 12, 16 and 20, and elevated Vg expression on days 8, 12 and 16. Both ovarian development and fecundity of B. tabaci MED were suppressed when Vg was silenced with or without ToCV infection. These combined results suggest that ToCV infection increases B. tabaci MED fecundity via elevated Vg expression

    The ALMA-QUARKS survey: -- I. Survey description and data reduction

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    This paper presents an overview of the QUARKS survey, which stands for `Querying Underlying mechanisms of massive star formation with ALMA-Resolved gas Kinematics and Structures'. The QUARKS survey is observing 139 massive clumps covered by 156 pointings at ALMA Band 6 (λ\lambda\sim 1.3 mm). In conjunction with data obtained from the ALMA-ATOMS survey at Band 3 (λ\lambda\sim 3 mm), QUARKS aims to carry out an unbiased statistical investigation of massive star formation process within protoclusters down to a scale of 1000 au. This overview paper describes the observations and data reduction of the QUARKS survey, and gives a first look at an exemplar source, the mini-starburst Sgr B2(M). The wide-bandwidth (7.5 GHz) and high-angular-resolution (~0.3 arcsec) observations of the QUARKS survey allow to resolve much more compact cores than could be done by the ATOMS survey, and to detect previously unrevealed fainter filamentary structures. The spectral windows cover transitions of species including CO, SO, N2_2D+^+, SiO, H30α_{30}\alpha, H2_2CO, CH3_3CN and many other complex organic molecules, tracing gas components with different temperatures and spatial extents. QUARKS aims to deepen our understanding of several scientific topics of massive star formation, such as the mass transport within protoclusters by (hub-)filamentary structures, the existence of massive starless cores, the physical and chemical properties of dense cores within protoclusters, and the feedback from already formed high-mass young protostars.Comment: 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted by RA

    ATOMS : ALMA three-millimeter observations of massive star-forming regions - VII. A catalogue of SiO clumps from ACA observations

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    To understand the nature of SiO emission, we conducted ACA observations of the SiO (2-1) lines toward 146 massive star-forming regions, as part of the ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions (ATOMS) survey. We detected SiO emission in 128 (87.7 per cent) sources and identified 171 SiO clumps, 105 of which are spatially separated from 3 mm continuum emission. A large amount of the SiO line profiles (60 per cent) are non-Gaussian. The velocity dispersion of the SiO lines ranges from 0.3 to 5.43 km s(-1). In 63 sources the SiO clumps are associated with H II regions characterized by H40 alpha emission. We find that 68 per cent (116) of the SiO clumps are associated with strong outflows. The median velocity dispersion of the SiO line for outflow sources and non-outflow sources is 1.91 km s(-1) and 0.99 km s(-1), respectively. These results indicate that outflow activities could be connected to strongly shocked gas. The velocity dispersion and [SiO]/[(HCO+)-C-13] intensity ratio do not show any correlation with the dust temperature and particle number density of clumps. We find a positive correlation between the SiO line luminosity and the bolometric luminosity, implying stronger shock activities are associated with more luminous protoclusters. The SiO clumps in associations with HII regions were found to show a steeper feature in Lsio/Lbol. The SiO line luminosity and the fraction of shocked gas have no apparent evidence of correlation with the evolutionary stages traced by luminosity to mass ratio (L-bol/M).Peer reviewe

    Episodic Accretion in Protostars -- An ALMA Survey of Molecular Jets in the Orion Molecular Cloud

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    Protostellar outflows and jets are almost ubiquitous characteristics during the mass accretion phase, and encode the history of stellar accretion, complex-organic molecule (COM) formation, and planet formation. Episodic jets are likely connected to episodic accretion through the disk. Despite the importance, there is a lack of studies of a statistically significant sample of protostars via high-sensitivity and high-resolution observations. To explore episodic accretion mechanisms and the chronologies of episodic events, we investigated 42 fields containing protostars with ALMA observations of CO, SiO, and 1.3\,mm continuum emission. We detected SiO emission in 21 fields, where 19 sources are driving confirmed molecular jets with high abundances of SiO. Jet velocities, mass-loss rates, mass-accretion rates, and periods of accretion events are found to be dependent on the driving forces of the jet (e.g., bolometric luminosity, envelope mass). Next, velocities and mass-loss rates are positively correlated with the surrounding envelope mass, suggesting that the presence of high mass around protostars increases the ejection-accretion activity. We determine mean periods of ejection events of 20-175 years for our sample, which could be associated with perturbation zones of \sim 2-25\,au extent around the protostars. Also, mean ejection periods are anti-correlated with the envelope mass, where high-accretion rates may trigger more frequent ejection events. The observed periods of outburst/ejection are much shorter than the freeze-out time scale of the simplest COMs like CH3_3OH, suggesting that episodic events largely maintain the ice-gas balance inside and around the snowline.Comment: Submitted to Journal; 27 pages, 15 Figures and additional Appendix materia

    ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP) : Evidence for a Molecular Jet Launched at an Unprecedented Early Phase of Protostellar Evolution

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    Protostellar outflows and jets play a vital role in star formation as they carry away excess angular momentum from the inner disk surface, allowing the material to be transferred toward the central protostar. Theoretically, low-velocity and poorly collimated outflows appear from the beginning of the collapse at the first hydrostatic core (FHSC) stage. With growing protostellar core mass, high-density jets are launched, entraininf an outflow from the infalling envelope. Until now, molecular jets have been observed at high velocity (greater than or similar to 100 km s(-1)) in early Class 0 protostars. We, for the first time, detect a dense molecular jet in SiO emission with low velocity (similar to 4.2 km s(-1), deprojected similar to 24 km s(-1)) from source G208.89-20.04Walma (hereafter G208Walma) using ALMA Band 6 observations. This object has some characteristics of FHSCs, such as a small outflow/jet velocity, extended 1.3 mm continuum emission, and N2D+ line emission. Additional characteristics, however, are typical of early protostars: collimated outflow and SiO jet. The full extent of the outflow corresponds to a dynamical timescale of similar to 930(-100)(+200) yr. The spectral energy distribution also suggests a very young source having an upper limit of T-bol similar to 31 K and L-bol similar to 0.8 L-circle dot. We conclude that G208Walma is likely in the transition phase from FHSC to protostar, and the molecular jet has been launched within a few hundred years of initial collapse. Therefore, G208Walma may be the earliest object discovered in the protostellar phase with a molecular jet.Peer reviewe

    ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): How Do Dense Core Properties Affect the Multiplicity of Protostars?

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    During the transition phase from a prestellar to a protostellar cloud core, one or several protostars can form within a single gas core. The detailed physical processes of this transition, however, remain unclear. We present 1.3 mm dust continuum and molecular line observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array toward 43 protostellar cores in the Orion molecular cloud complex (λ Orionis, Orion B, and Orion A) with an angular resolution of ∼0.″35 (∼140 au). In total, we detect 13 binary/multiple systems. We derive an overall multiplicity frequency (MF) of 28% ± 4% and a companion star fraction (CSF) of 51% ± 6%, over a separation range of 300-8900 au. The median separation of companions is about 2100 au. The occurrence of stellar multiplicity may depend on the physical characteristics of the dense cores. Notably, those containing binary/multiple systems tend to show a higher gas density and Mach number than cores forming single stars. The integral-shaped filament of the Orion A giant molecular cloud (GMC), which has the highest gas density and hosts high-mass star formation in its central region (the Orion Nebula cluster), shows the highest MF and CSF among the Orion GMCs. In contrast, the λ Orionis GMC has a lower MF and CSF than the Orion B and Orion A GMCs, indicating that feedback from H ii regions may suppress the formation of multiple systems. We also find that the protostars comprising a binary/multiple system are usually at different evolutionary stages.T.L. acknowledges support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) through grants No. 12073061 and No. 12122307, the International Partnership Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) through grant No. 114231KYSB20200009, the Shanghai Pujiang Program (20PJ1415500), and science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with no. CMS-CSST-2021-B06. K.T. was supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (grant No. 20H05645). D.J. and J.d.F. are supported by NRC Canada and by NSERC Discovery Grants. C.-F.L. acknowledge grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MoST 107-2119-M-001-040-MY3 and 110-2112-M-001-021-MY3) and Academia Sinica (Investigator Award AS-IA-108-M01). This research was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). J.-E.L. was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (grant No. 2021R1A2C1011718). J.H. acknowledges the support of NSFC projects 11873086 and U1631237. This work is sponsored (in part) by the CAS, through a grant to the CAS South America Center for Astronomy in Santiago, Chile. S.-L.Q. is supported by the NSFC with grant No. 12033005. S.Z. acknowledges the support of the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation through grant No. 2021M700248. L.B. gratefully acknowledges support by the ANID BASAL projects ACE210002 and FB210003. P.S. was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI No. 18H01259) of JSPS. V.-M.P. acknowledges support by the grant PID2020-115892GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    The ALMA Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE): Core Growth, Cluster Contraction, and Primordial Mass Segregation

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    The ALMA Survey of Star Formation and Evolution in Massive Protoclusters with Blue Profiles (ASSEMBLE) aims to investigate the process of mass assembly and its connection to high-mass star formation theories in protoclusters in a dynamic view. We observed 11 massive (Mclump>1000 Msun), luminous (Lbol>10,000 Lsun), and blue-profile (infall signature) clumps by ALMA with resolution of 2200-5500 au at 350 GHz (870 um) in continuum and line emission. 248 dense cores were identified, including 106 cores showing protostellar signatures and 142 prestellar core candidates. Compared to early-stage infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) by ASHES, the core mass and surface density within the ASSEMBLE clumps exhibited significant increment, suggesting concurrent core accretion during the evolution of the clumps. The maximum mass of prestellar cores was found to be 2 times larger than that in IRDCs, indicating evolved protoclusters have the potential to harbor massive prestellar cores. The mass relation between clumps and their most massive core (MMCs) is observed in ASSEMBLE but not in IRDCs, which is suggested to be regulated by multiscale mass accretion. The mass correlation between the core clusters and their MMCs has a steeper slope compared to that observed in stellar clusters, which can be due to fragmentation of the MMC and stellar multiplicity. We observe a decrease in core separation and an increase in central concentration as protoclusters evolve. We confirm primordial mass segregation in the ASSEMBLE protoclusters, possibly resulting from gravitational concentration and/or gas accretion.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ