38 research outputs found

    GIVE: portable genome browsers for personal websites.

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    Growing popularity and diversity of genomic data demand portable and versatile genome browsers. Here, we present an open source programming library called GIVE that facilitates the creation of personalized genome browsers without requiring a system administrator. By inserting HTML tags, one can add to a personal webpage interactive visualization of multiple types of genomics data, including genome annotation, "linear" quantitative data, and genome interaction data. GIVE includes a graphical interface called HUG (HTML Universal Generator) that automatically generates HTML code for displaying user chosen data, which can be copy-pasted into user's personal website or saved and shared with collaborators. GIVE is available at: https://www.givengine.org/

    Snx27 Deletion Promotes Recovery From Spinal Cord Injury by Neuroprotection and Reduces Macrophage/Microglia Proliferation

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    Sorting nexin 27 (SNX27) is an endosome-associated cargo adaptor that is involved in various pathologies and development of neurological diseases. However, the role of SNX27 in spinal cord injury (SCI) remains unclear. In this study, we found that SNX27 was up-regulated in injured mice spinal cords by western blot and immunofluorescence. A comparative analysis of Basso mouse scale (BMS), footprint test and corticospinal tract (CST) tracing in Snx27+/+ and Snx27+/− mice revealed that haploinsufficiency of SNX27 ameliorated the clinical symptoms of SCI. Based on the results of western blot and immunofluorescence, mechanistically, we found that SNX27 deficiency suppresses apoptotic caspase-3 induced neuronal death. In addition, SNX27 haploinsufficiency lowers the infiltration and activation of macrophage/microglia by suppressing their proliferation at the SCI lesion site. Together, these results suggest that down-regulation of SNX27 is a potential therapy targeting both acute neuronal death and chronic neuroinflammation, and promoting nerve repair after SCI

    The deubiquitinase USP6 affects memory and synaptic plasticity through modulating NMDA receptor stability

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    人类与其他动物相比的重要区别在于人类拥有高等认知能力,这种能力集中体现在学习记忆和语言表达方面。厦门大学医学院神经科学研究所王鑫教授团队发现人科动物特异性基因USP6作为一个新的NMDA受体调控因子,可通过去泛素化途径调节NMDA型谷氨酸受体的降解和稳定性,进而调控突触可塑性和学习记忆能力。 本研究工作由王鑫教授指导完成,博士生曾凡伟、马学海与硕士生朱琳为共同第一作者,王鑫教授为通讯作者。Ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) 6 is a hominoid deubiquitinating enzyme previously implicated in intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Although these findings link USP6 to higher brain function, potential roles for USP6 in cognition have not been investigated. Here, we report that USP6 is highly expressed in induced human neurons and that neuron-specific expression of USP6 enhances learning and memory in a transgenic mouse model. Similarly, USP6 expression regulates N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent long-term potentiation and long-term depression in USP6 transgenic mouse hippocampi. Proteomic characterization of transgenic USP6 mouse cortex reveals attenuated NMDAR ubiquitination, with concomitant elevation in NMDAR expression, stability, and cell surface distribution with USP6 overexpression. USP6 positively modulates GluN1 expression in transfected cells, and USP6 down-regulation impedes focal GluN1 distribution at postsynaptic densities and impairs synaptic function in neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells. Together, these results indicate that USP6 enhances NMDAR stability to promote synaptic function and cognition.This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871077, 81822014, 81571176 to XW; 81701349 to Hongfeng Z.; 81701130 to QZ; and 81471160 to HS), the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC1305900 to XW and HS), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (2017J06021 to XW), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Chinese Central Universities (20720150061 to XW and 20720180040 to ZS), Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology, Xiamen University (SKLCSB2019KF012 to QZ), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M612130 to QZ).该研究得到了国家自然科学基金面上项目和优秀青年基金项目的支持

    Multifunctional ytterbium oxide buffer for perovskite solar cells

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    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) comprise a solid perovskite absorber sandwiched between several layers of different charge-selective materials, ensuring unidirectional current flow and high voltage output of the devices. A ‘buffer material’ between the electron-selective layer and the metal electrode in p-type/intrinsic/n-type (p-i-n) PSCs (also known as inverted PSCs) enables electrons to flow from the electron-selective layer to the electrode. Furthermore, it acts as a barrier inhibiting the inter-diffusion of harmful species into or degradation products out of the perovskite absorber. Thus far, evaporable organic molecules and atomic-layer-deposited metal oxides have been successful, but each has specific imperfections. Here we report a chemically stable and multifunctional buffer material, ytterbium oxide (YbOx), for p-i-n PSCs by scalable thermal evaporation deposition. We used this YbOx buffer in the p-i-n PSCs with a narrow-bandgap perovskite absorber, yielding a certified power conversion efficiency of more than 25%. We also demonstrate the broad applicability of YbOx in enabling highly efficient PSCs from various types of perovskite absorber layer, delivering state-of-the-art efficiencies of 20.1% for the wide-bandgap perovskite absorber and 22.1% for the mid-bandgap perovskite absorber, respectively. Moreover, when subjected to ISOS-L-3 accelerated ageing, encapsulated devices with YbOx exhibit markedly enhanced device stability

    Appoptosin-Mediated Caspase Cleavage of Tau Contributes to Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Pathogenesis

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    在该研究中,许教授课题组鉴定了一个在Tau疾病中起关键致病作用的新蛋白Appoptosin。Tau疾病是一类具有共同病理特征:即随着疾病的进程,在脑中会产生Tau蛋白异常聚集和缠结的神经退行性疾病,包括阿尔茨海默症(老年性痴呆)、额颞痴呆、以及进行性核上麻痹(PSP)等。虽然人们推测Tau蛋白异常很可能是导致这些疾病中神经元和脑功能受损的关键因素,但是并不清楚它究竟是如何诱发疾病的。尤其是PSP患者在平衡、眼球运动以及思维上都存在严重的障碍,但迄今为止,人们对该疾病的致病机制几乎一无所知。许教授的研究团队通过对PSP患者的检测,发现一个与该疾病相关的DNA单核苷酸突变(SNP)可以引起Appoptosin蛋白水平的增高,并增加Tau蛋白的过度磷酸化以及caspase-3酶介导的Tau蛋白切割,从而导致Tau蛋白的异常聚集和突触功能障碍。更为重要的是,在阿尔茨海默症和额颞痴呆患者的脑组织中,同样发现了致病蛋白Appoptosin和Tau蛋白异常切割的增加,进一步证明了Appoptosin介导的途径在Tau疾病的发病机制中起到了关键性作用。该研究为进一步阐明神经退行性疾病的病理机制指引了新的研究方向,为痴呆和运动功能障碍的临床治疗提供了全新的治疗靶点和思路,具有重要的临床意义。Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a movement disorder characterized by tau neuropathology where the underlying mechanism is unknown. An SNP (rs1768208 C/T) has been identified as a strong risk factor for PSP. Here, we identified a much higher T-allele occurrence and increased levels of the pro-apoptotic protein appoptosin in PSP patients. Elevations in appoptosin correlate with activated caspase-3 and caspase-cleaved tau levels. Appoptosin overexpression increased caspase-mediated tau cleavage, tau aggregation, and synaptic dysfunction, whereas appoptosin deficiency reduced tau cleavage and aggregation. Appoptosin transduction impaired multiple motor functions and exacerbated neuropathology in tau-transgenic mice in a manner dependent on caspase-3 and tau. Increased appoptosin and caspase-3-cleaved tau were also observed in brain samples of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia with tau inclusions. Our findings reveal a novel role for appoptosin in neurological disorders with tau neuropathology, linking caspase-3-mediated tau cleavage to synaptic dysfunction and behavioral/motor defects

    Trisomy 21-induced Dysregulation of Microglial Homeostasis in Alzheimer’s Brains is Mediated by USP25

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    阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是一种最为常见的与记忆、认知能力退化相关的渐进性神经退行性疾病。唐氏综合征(Down’s syndrome, DS)是早发型阿尔茨海默病的一个重要风险因素,作为最常见的智力障碍遗传疾病,厦门大学医学院神经科学研究所王鑫教授团队揭示了治疗阿尔茨海默病和唐氏综合征新的治疗靶点,并且在小鼠模型上利用USP25小分子抑制剂成功地改善了阿尔茨海默病小鼠的认知功能,缓解了神经退行性病变的病理进程。该研究工作由王鑫教授指导完成,厦门大学医学院助理教授郑秋阳和博士生李桂林完成主要实验工作,王世华、朱琳、高月、邓青芳、张洪峰、张丽珊、吴美玲、狄安洁参与了部分研究工作。厦门大学医学院许华曦、赵颖俊和孙灏教授在研究过程中给予大力帮助和支持,清华大学董晨教授提供了Usp25基因敲除小鼠,厦门大学附属妇女儿童医院周裕林教授和郑良楷博士帮助收集了脑组织样品。Down syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, is the most significant risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD); however, underlying mechanisms linking DS and AD remain unclear. Here, we show that triplication of homologous chromosome 21 genes aggravates neuroinflammation in combined murine DS-AD models. Overexpression of USP25, a deubiquitinating enzyme encoded by chromosome 21, results in microglial activation and induces synaptic and cognitive deficits, whereas genetic ablation of Usp25 reduces neuroinflammation and rescues synaptic and cognitive function in 5×FAD mice. Mechanistically, USP25 deficiency attenuates microglia-mediated proinflammatory cytokine overproduction and synapse elimination. Inhibition of USP25 reestablishes homeostatic microglial signatures and restores synaptic and cognitive function in 5×FAD mice. In summary, we demonstrate an unprecedented role for trisomy 21 and pathogenic effects associated with microgliosis as a result of the increased USP25 dosage, implicating USP25 as a therapeutic target for neuroinflammation in DS and AD.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31871077, 81822014, and 81571176 to X.W.; 81701130 to Q.Z.), the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC1305900 to X.W.), the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (2017J06021 to X.W.), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Chinese Central Universities (20720150061 to X.W.), and the BrightFocus Foundation (A2018214F to Yingjun Zhao). 该研究工作得到国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金的资助和支持

    SNX14 deficiency-induced defective axonal mitochondrial transport in Purkinje cells underlies cerebellar ataxia and can be reversed by valproate

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    共济失调是一类以运动协调性紊乱为主要特征的神经系统症状,临床表现包括步态不稳、丧失平衡、吞咽困难、眼球运动异常、肌张力受损等。厦门大学医学院神经科学研究所王鑫教授团队首次从轴突线粒体运输这一全新视角揭示了一类遗传性共济失调的发病机制,并发现抗癫痫药--丙戊酸大幅度减缓模型小鼠的疾病进程,具有较强的转化应用价值,有望为共济失调提供新的治疗手段。 该研究工作由王鑫教授指导完成,厦门大学医学院助理教授张洪峰和博士生洪育娟共同完成主要实验工作。Loss-of-function mutations in SNX14 cause autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 20, which is a form of early-onset cerebellar ataxia that lacks molecular mechanisms and mouse models. We generated Snx14-deficient mouse models and observed severe motor deficits and cell-autonomous Purkinje cell degeneration. SNX14 deficiency disrupted microtubule organization and mitochondrial transport in axons by destabilizing the microtubule-severing enzyme spastin, which is implicated in dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia with cerebellar ataxia, and compromised axonal integrity and mitochondrial function. Axonal transport disruption and mitochondrial dysfunction further led to degeneration of high-energy-demanding Purkinje cells, which resulted in the pathogenesis of cerebellar ataxia. The antiepileptic drug valproate ameliorated motor deficits and cerebellar degeneration in Snx14-deficient mice via the restoration of mitochondrial transport and function in Purkinje cells. Our study revealed an unprecedented role for SNX14-dependent axonal transport in cerebellar ataxia, demonstrated the convergence of SNX14 and spastin in mitochondrial dysfunction, and suggests valproate as a potential therapeutic agent.We thank Tim Huang for helpful discussion, Wei Mo for sharing mouse lines, Li Zhong for sharing reagents, Aidong Han, Luming Yao, Caiming Wu, Mingxia Zhu, Qingfeng Liu, Lin Zhu, Shuo Zhang, Haiping Zheng, and Changchuan Xie for technical assistance, and Cui Li for providing bioinformatics software. We also thank Novogene Co., Ltd. and PTM Biolab Co., Ltd. for technical assistance in the transcriptomic and proteomic analyses, respectively. 厦门大学医学院许华曦、赵颖俊、张云武、杜丹教授在研究过程中给予大力帮助和支持。本研究工作得到国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金、厦门大学校长基金的资助和支持

    Translation of robot-assisted rehabilitation to clinical service: a comparison of the rehabilitation effectiveness of EMG-driven robot hand assisted upper limb training in practical clinical service and in clinical trial with laboratory configuration for chronic stroke

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    Abstract Background Rehabilitation robots can provide intensive physical training after stroke. However, variations of the rehabilitation effects in translation from well-controlled research studies to clinical services have not been well evaluated yet. This study aims to compare the rehabilitation effects of the upper limb training by an electromyography (EMG)-driven robotic hand achieved in a well-controlled research environment and in a practical clinical service. Methods It was a non-randomized controlled trial, and thirty-two participants with chronic stroke were recruited either in the clinical service (n = 16, clinic group), or in the research setting (n = 16, lab group). Each participant received 20-session EMG-driven robotic hand assisted upper limb training. The training frequency (4 sessions/week) and the pace in a session were fixed for the lab group, while they were flexible (1–3 sessions/week) and adaptive for the clinic group. The training effects were evaluated before and after the treatment with clinical scores of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). Results Significant improvements in the FMA full score, shoulder/elbow and wrist/hand (P < 0.001), ARAT (P < 0.001), and MAS elbow (P < 0.05) were observed after the training for both groups. Significant improvements in the FIM (P < 0.05), MAS wrist (P < 0.001) and MAS hand (P < 0.05) were only obtained after the training in the clinic group. Compared with the lab group, higher FIM improvement in the clinic group was observed (P < 0.05). Conclusions The functional improvements after the robotic hand training in the clinical service were comparable to the effectiveness achieved in the research setting, through flexible training schedules even with a lower training frequency every week. Higher independence in the daily living and a more effective release in muscle tones were achieved in the clinic group than the lab group

    Dysregulation of Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is one of the major protein degradation pathways, where abnormal UPS function has been observed in cancer and neurological diseases. Many neurodegenerative diseases share a common pathological feature, namely intracellular ubiquitin-positive inclusions formed by aggregate-prone neurotoxic proteins. This suggests that dysfunction of the UPS in neurodegenerative diseases contributes to the accumulation of neurotoxic proteins and to instigate neurodegeneration. Here, we review recent findings describing various aspects of UPS dysregulation in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntingtin’s disease