60 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a Family of Nonlinear Delay Difference Equations

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    We study the global asymptotic stability of the following difference equation: xn+1=f(xn-k1,xn-k2,…,xn-ks;xn-m1,xn-m2,…,xn-mt),n=0,1,…, where 0≤k1<k2<⋯<ks and 0≤m1<m2<⋯<mt with {k1,k2,…,ks}⋂‍{m1,m2,…,mt}=∅, the initial values are positive, and f∈C(Es+t,(0,+∞)) with E∈{(0,+∞),[0,+∞)}. We give sufficient conditions under which the unique positive equilibrium x- of that equation is globally asymptotically stable

    Eventually Periodic Solutions of a Max-Type Difference Equation

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    We study the following max-type difference equation xn=max⁡{An/xn-r,xn-k}, n=1,2,…, where {An}n=1+∞ is a periodic sequence with period p and k,r∈{1,2,…} with gcd(k,r)=1 and k≠r, and the initial conditions x1-d,x2-d,…,x0 are real numbers with d=max⁡{r,k}. We show that if p=1 (or p≥2 and k is odd), then every well-defined solution of this equation is eventually periodic with period k, which generalizes the results of (Elsayed and Stevic´ (2009), Iričanin and Elsayed (2010), Qin et al. (2012), and Xiao and Shi (2013)) to the general case. Besides, we construct an example with p≥2 and k being even which has a well-defined solution that is not eventually periodic

    Oscillation for Higher Order Dynamic Equations on Time Scales

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    We investigate the oscillation of the following higher order dynamic equation: {an(t)[(an-1(t)(⋯(a1(t)xΔ(t))Δ⋯)Δ)Δ]α}Δ+p(t)xβ(t)=0, on some time scale T, where n≥2, ak(t)   (1≤k≤n) and p(t) are positive rd-continuous functions on T and α,β are the quotient of odd positive integers. We give sufficient conditions under which every solution of this equation is either oscillatory or tends to zero

    Stability of Rotation Pairs of Cycles for the Interval Maps

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    Let C0(I) be the set of all continuous self-maps of the closed interval I, and P(u,v)={f∈C0(I):f has a cycle with rotation pair (u,v)} for any positive integer v>u. In this paper, we prove that if (2mns,2mnt)⊣(γ,λ), then P(2mns,2mnt)⊂  int  P(γ,λ), where m≥0 is integer, n≥1 odd, 1≤s<t with s,t coprime, and 1≤γ<λ