11,047 research outputs found

    Hot Core, Outflows and Magnetic Fields in W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10)

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    We present submillimeter spectral line and dust continuum polarization observations of a remarkable hot core and multiple outflows in the high-mass star-forming region W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10), obtained using the Submillimeter Array (SMA). A temperature of ∼\sim 400 K is estimated for the hot-core using CH3_3CN (J=19-18) lines, with detections of 11 K-ladder components. The high temperature and the mass estimates for the outflows indicate high-mass star-formation. The continuum polarization pattern shows an ordered distribution, and its orientation over the main outflow appears aligned to the outflow. The derived magnetic field indicates slightly super-critical conditions. While the magnetic and outflow energies are comparable, the B-field orientation appears to have changed from parsec scales to ∼\sim 0.1 pc scales during the core/star-formation process.Comment: accepted, ApJ Letter

    The Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction of Toroidal Magnetic Flux Ropes: Method Development and Benchmark Studies

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    We develop an approach of Grad-Shafranov (GS) reconstruction for toroidal structures in space plasmas, based on in-situ spacecraft measurements. The underlying theory is the GS equation that describes two-dimensional magnetohydrostatic equilibrium as widely applied in fusion plasmas. The geometry is such that the arbitrary cross section of the torus has rotational symmetry about the rotation axis ZZ, with a major radius r0r_0. The magnetic field configuration is thus determined by a scalar flux function Ψ\Psi and a functional FF that is a single-variable function of Ψ\Psi. The algorithm is implemented through a two-step approach: i) a trial-and-error process by minimizing the residue of the functional F(Ψ)F(\Psi) to determine an optimal ZZ axis orientation, and ii) for the chosen ZZ, a χ2\chi^2 minimization process resulting in the range of r0r_0. Benchmark studies of known analytic solutions to the toroidal GS equation with noise additions are presented to illustrate the two-step procedures and to demonstrate the performance of the numerical GS solver, separately. For the cases presented, the errors in ZZ and r0r_0 are 9∘^\circ and 22\%, respectively, and the relative percent error in the numerical GS solutions is less than 10\%. We also make public the computer codes for these implementations and benchmark studies.Comment: submitted to Sol. Phys. late Dec 2016; under review; code will be made public once review is ove

    Incommensurate magnetic order in the alpha-Fe(Te,Se) superconductor systems

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    Magnetic spin fluctuations is one candidate to produce the bosonic modes that mediate the superconductivity in the ferrous superconductors. Up until now, all of the LaOFeAs and BaFe2As2 structure types have simple commensurate magnetic ground states, as result of nesting Fermi surfaces. This type of spin-density-wave (SDW) magnetic order is known to be vulnerable to shifts in the Fermi surface when electronic densities are altered at the superconducting compositions. Superconductivity has more recently been discovered in alpha-Fe(Te,Se), whose electronically active antifluorite planes are isostructural to the FeAs layers found in the previous ferrous superconductors and share with them the same quasi-two-dimensional electronic structure. Here we report neutron scattering studies that reveal a unique complex incommensurate antiferromagnetic order in the parent compound alpha-FeTe. When the long-range magnetic order is suppressed by the isovalent substitution of Te with Se, short-range correlations survive in the superconducting phase.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Total urinary follicle stimulating hormone as a biomarker for detection of early pregnancy and periimplantation spontaneous abortion.

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    Total concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were evaluated in daily urine samples from conceptive and nonconceptive menstrual cycles by measurement of the FSH beta subunit following treatment of the samples to dissociate the FSH heterodimer. Samples were self-collected by normal subjects during cycles in which daily blood samples also were obtained. Daily blood and urine specimens were collected prospectively from 10 subject in conceptive cycles, which led to normal pregnancies, and from 10 subjects with bilateral tubal ligations to provide control samples form nonconceptive cycles. Mean serum and urinary FSH concentration profiles wer parallel in both groups following ovulation and during he first 9 days of the luteal phase. Mean values for both serum and urinary FSH rose significantly above the postovulatory baseline by 10-12 days following the midcycle luteinizing hormone (LH) peak in nonconceptive cycles, but did not rise at any time following ovulation during conceptive cycles. Following regression analysis of the changing FSH concentration between days 9-14 post-LH surge in conceptive cycles, a slope of </= 0.02 ng FHS/mg creatinine/day was selected as a cutoff point to identify conceptive cycles. There was a high concordance between the day of LH peak in serum and the day of FSH peak in urine. Therefore, in applying the algorithm, the day of FSH peak in urine was used to determine the days for which the FSH slope would be calculated, i.e., days 9-14 post-FSH peak in urine. The sensitivity and specificity of the change in urinary FSH concentrations to detect pregnancy in a different set of 55 cycles were found to 88.9% and 89.3%, respectively. All six cases of early fetal loss in the sample set were correctly identified. These results suggest that urinary FSH can be used as an additional biomarker for the verification of early pregnancy in prospective epidemiological studies in which early fetal loss is a suspected outcome

    Iturin A Strongly Inhibits the Growth and T-2 Toxin Synthesis of Fusarium oxysporum: A Morphological, Cellular, and Transcriptomics Study

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    Fusarium oxysporum (F. oxysporum) is a common contaminant of dried fish, and the T-2 synthesis by this organism in dried fish products poses a serious public health risk. In this study, we investigated the effects of iturin A, a cyclic lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis, on the growth and synthesis of the T-2 toxin of F. oxysporum, and transcriptomics was conducted. Results showed that the inhibitory effect of iturin A on F. oxysporum was significantly enhanced with an increase in iturin A concentrations. More specifically, compared with the control group, all indexes in the iturin A treatment group with 50 μg/mL were decreased to 24.84 mm, 0.33 × 106 cfu/mL, and 5.86 ng/mL for the colony diameter, number of spores, and concentration of T-2 toxin, respectively. Furthermore, iturin A was proven to destroy the integrity of cell membranes and cause a significant increase in ROS at 25 μg/mL or 50 μg/mL. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that with the treatment of iturin A, the genes of the oxidation-reduction process were up-regulated, while the gene expression of mycelial growth, cell integrity, transmembrane transport, energy metabolism, and others were down-regulated. More importantly, the Tri5 gene cluster was significantly inhibited. This study provided new insights into the mechanism for the inhibitory effect of iturin A on the growth and T-2 toxin synthesis of F. oxysporum and theoretical guidance for the application of iturin A in the preservation of dried aquatic products

    Interface alloying and magnetic properties of Fe/Rh multilayers

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    Rh(20 Å)/57Fe(tFe) multilayers with Fe thicknesses tFe of 2, 5, 10, and 15 Å prepared by alternate evaporation in UHV have been investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), Mössbauer spectroscopy, and SQUID magnetometry. First- and second-order superstructure Bragg peaks (but no higher-order peaks) in small-angle XRD patterns suggest some compositional modulation. Mössbauer spectra taken at 4.2 K are characterized by a distribution P(Bhf) of hyperfine fields Bhf. Peaks observed in the P(Bhf) curves near 17 and 35 T are assigned to an fcc-RhFe interface alloy (~7–24 at. % Fe) with spin-glasslike properties and to a disordered ferromagnetic bcc-FeRh alloy (~96 at. % Fe), respectively. The magnetic transition temperature of the fcc alloy was found to be 23 and 45 K for tFe=2 and 5 Å, respectively, and Bhf follows a T3/2 law. For tFe=2 Å, spin-glasslike behavior was observed by magnetometry. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    Near-infrared light absorption and scattering based on a mono-layer of gold nanoparticles

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    We report fabrication and characterization of large-area ultrathin near-infrared light absorbers and scatterers based on a mono-layer of gold nanoparticles laying on top of a dielectric spacer and an aluminum reflector. The nanoparticles are formed through thermal annealing of an evaporated continuous gold film. Through optimization of initial gold-film thickness, spacer thickness, as well as annealing temperature we obtained samples that exhibit very low (~2%) broadband specular reflectance at near-infrared (NIR) wavelength range. By considering also diffuse reflection, we identify that the low specular reflectance can be due to either relatively high light absorption (~70%) or high light scattering (over 60%), with the latter achieved for samples having relatively sparse gold nanoparticles. Both strong absorption and scattering of NIR light are not inherent properties of the bulk materials used for fabricating the samples. Such composite optical surfaces can potentially be integrated to solar-energy harvesting and LED devices
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