17 research outputs found

    NSOTree: Neural Survival Oblique Tree

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    Survival analysis is a statistical method employed to scrutinize the duration until a specific event of interest transpires, known as time-to-event information characterized by censorship. Recently, deep learning-based methods have dominated this field due to their representational capacity and state-of-the-art performance. However, the black-box nature of the deep neural network hinders its interpretability, which is desired in real-world survival applications but has been largely neglected by previous works. In contrast, conventional tree-based methods are advantageous with respect to interpretability, while consistently grappling with an inability to approximate the global optima due to greedy expansion. In this paper, we leverage the strengths of both neural networks and tree-based methods, capitalizing on their ability to approximate intricate functions while maintaining interpretability. To this end, we propose a Neural Survival Oblique Tree (NSOTree) for survival analysis. Specifically, the NSOTree was derived from the ReLU network and can be easily incorporated into existing survival models in a plug-and-play fashion. Evaluations on both simulated and real survival datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of performance and interpretability.Comment: 12 page

    Data-Driven Approaches to Solve Inverse Problems

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss data-driven approaches to solve inverse problems in image reconstruction. In the Bayesian framework, the image prior serves as a regularizer in the computation of a maximum-a-posterior estimation of the reconstructed image. Classical image priors include Gaussian random space(e.g. Tikhonov regularization) or Besov prior (e.g. Total Variation regularization). Inspired by generative adversarial networks, a critic (discriminator) can serve as a regularizer, because of its capability of distinguishing the distribution of the ground-truth images from the distribution of the naively reconstructed images with classical regularization functional. Another data-driven approach, regularization by denoising (RED), provides a flexible and effective way to combine the state-of-the-art denoisers and model-based methods with a variety of optimization strategies to solve the inverse problem. Unlike traditionally hand-crafted regularizers, the data-driven regularization has the potential to learn an optimal regularizer from the data. In this thesis, we will consider two widely used linear forward models, and two data-driven approaches to solve inverse problem: adversarial regularizer and regularization by denoising

    SC-VAE: Sparse Coding-based Variational Autoencoder

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    Learning rich data representations from unlabeled data is a key challenge towards applying deep learning algorithms in downstream supervised tasks. Several variants of variational autoencoders have been proposed to learn compact data representaitons by encoding high-dimensional data in a lower dimensional space. Two main classes of VAEs methods may be distinguished depending on the characteristics of the meta-priors that are enforced in the representation learning step. The first class of methods derives a continuous encoding by assuming a static prior distribution in the latent space. The second class of methods learns instead a discrete latent representation using vector quantization (VQ) along with a codebook. However, both classes of methods suffer from certain challenges, which may lead to suboptimal image reconstruction results. The first class of methods suffers from posterior collapse, whereas the second class of methods suffers from codebook collapse. To address these challenges, we introduce a new VAE variant, termed SC-VAE (sparse coding-based VAE), which integrates sparse coding within variational autoencoder framework. Instead of learning a continuous or discrete latent representation, the proposed method learns a sparse data representation that consists of a linear combination of a small number of learned atoms. The sparse coding problem is solved using a learnable version of the iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm (ISTA). Experiments on two image datasets demonstrate that our model can achieve improved image reconstruction results compared to state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the use of learned sparse code vectors allows us to perform downstream task like coarse image segmentation through clustering image patches.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, and 3 table

    PDL: Regularizing Multiple Instance Learning with Progressive Dropout Layers

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    Multiple instance learning (MIL) was a weakly supervised learning approach that sought to assign binary class labels to collections of instances known as bags. However, due to their weak supervision nature, the MIL methods were susceptible to overfitting and required assistance in developing comprehensive representations of target instances. While regularization typically effectively combated overfitting, its integration with the MIL model has been frequently overlooked in prior studies. Meanwhile, current regularization methods for MIL have shown limitations in their capacity to uncover a diverse array of representations. In this study, we delve into the realm of regularization within the MIL model, presenting a novel approach in the form of a Progressive Dropout Layer (PDL). We aim to not only address overfitting but also empower the MIL model in uncovering intricate and impactful feature representations. The proposed method was orthogonal to existing MIL methods and could be easily integrated into them to boost performance. Our extensive evaluation across a range of MIL benchmark datasets demonstrated that the incorporation of the PDL into multiple MIL methods not only elevated their classification performance but also augmented their potential for weakly-supervised feature localizations.Comment: The code is available in https://github.com/ChongQingNoSubway/PD

    TetCNN: Convolutional Neural Networks on Tetrahedral Meshes

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been broadly studied on images, videos, graphs, and triangular meshes. However, it has seldom been studied on tetrahedral meshes. Given the merits of using volumetric meshes in applications like brain image analysis, we introduce a novel interpretable graph CNN framework for the tetrahedral mesh structure. Inspired by ChebyNet, our model exploits the volumetric Laplace-Beltrami Operator (LBO) to define filters over commonly used graph Laplacian which lacks the Riemannian metric information of 3D manifolds. For pooling adaptation, we introduce new objective functions for localized minimum cuts in the Graclus algorithm based on the LBO. We employ a piece-wise constant approximation scheme that uses the clustering assignment matrix to estimate the LBO on sampled meshes after each pooling. Finally, adapting the Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping algorithm for tetrahedral meshes, we use the obtained heatmaps to visualize discovered regions-of-interest as biomarkers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on cortical tetrahedral meshes from patients with Alzheimer's disease, as there is scientific evidence showing the correlation of cortical thickness to neurodegenerative disease progression. Our results show the superiority of our LBO-based convolution layer and adapted pooling over the conventionally used unitary cortical thickness, graph Laplacian, and point cloud representation.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper to Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2023) conferenc

    NNMobile-Net: Rethinking CNN Design for Deep Learning-Based Retinopathy Research

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    Retinal diseases (RD) are the leading cause of severe vision loss or blindness. Deep learning-based automated tools play an indispensable role in assisting clinicians in diagnosing and monitoring RD in modern medicine. Recently, an increasing number of works in this field have taken advantage of Vision Transformer to achieve state-of-the-art performance with more parameters and higher model complexity compared to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Such sophisticated and task-specific model designs, however, are prone to be overfitting and hinder their generalizability. In this work, we argue that a channel-aware and well-calibrated CNN model may overcome these problems. To this end, we empirically studied CNN's macro and micro designs and its training strategies. Based on the investigation, we proposed a no-new-MobleNet (nn-MobileNet) developed for retinal diseases. In our experiments, our generic, simple and efficient model superseded most current state-of-the-art methods on four public datasets for multiple tasks, including diabetic retinopathy grading, fundus multi-disease detection, and diabetic macular edema classification. Our work may provide novel insights into deep learning architecture design and advance retinopathy research.Comment: Code will publish soon: https://github.com/Retinal-Research/NNMOBILE-NE

    Optimized Live 4K Video Multicast

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    4K videos are becoming increasingly popular. However, despite advances in wireless technology, streaming 4K videos over mmWave to multiple users is facing significant challenges arising from directional communication, unpredictable channel fluctuation and high bandwidth requirements. This paper develops a novel 4K layered video multicast system. We (i) develop a video quality model for layered video coding, (ii) optimize resource allocation, scheduling, and beamforming based on the channel conditions of different users, and (iii) put forward a streaming strategy that uses fountain code to avoid redundancy across multicast groups and a Leaky-Bucket-based congestion control. We realize an end-to-end system on commodity-off-the-shelf (COTS) WiGig devices. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system with extensive testbed experiments and emulation

    OTRE: Where Optimal Transport Guided Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Meets Regularization by Enhancing

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    Non-mydriatic retinal color fundus photography (CFP) is widely available due to the advantage of not requiring pupillary dilation, however, is prone to poor quality due to operators, systemic imperfections, or patient-related causes. Optimal retinal image quality is mandated for accurate medical diagnoses and automated analyses. Herein, we leveraged the Optimal Transport (OT) theory to propose an unpaired image-to-image translation scheme for mapping low-quality retinal CFPs to high-quality counterparts. Furthermore, to improve the flexibility, robustness, and applicability of our image enhancement pipeline in the clinical practice, we generalized a state-of-the-art model-based image reconstruction method, regularization by denoising, by plugging in priors learned by our OT-guided image-to-image translation network. We named it as regularization by enhancing (RE). We validated the integrated framework, OTRE, on three publicly available retinal image datasets by assessing the quality after enhancement and their performance on various downstream tasks, including diabetic retinopathy grading, vessel segmentation, and diabetic lesion segmentation. The experimental results demonstrated the superiority of our proposed framework over some state-of-the-art unsupervised competitors and a state-of-the-art supervised method.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper to The 28th biennial international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2023

    An Integrated Approach for Power System Restoration Planning

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