4 research outputs found


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    Pembelajaran sistem klasifikasi tumbuhan yang diintegrasikan dengan keterampilan abad 21 mengalami hambatan seperti pada pembelajaran yang masih terbatas pada identifikasi klasifikasi, pemberian nama ilmiah dan pengajaran sistem klasifikasi yang tidak ada bedanya dengan mengajarkan hasil klasifikasi, menyebabkan rendahnya tingkat pengetahuan siswa tentang sistem klasifikasi tumbuhan. Oleh karena itu, pengintegrasian ini membutuhkan suatu metode yang bukan hanya dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pada konsep sistem klasifikasi tumbuhan tetapi juga meningkatkan system thinking siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan fenetik dan kladistik terhadap system thinking siswa SMA pada konsep tumbuhan berbiji. Metode penelitian berupa kausal-komperatif dengan berfokus pada dua kelompok yaitu kelompok I menerapkan fenetik sedangkan kelompok II menerapkan kladistik pada siswa SMA kelas X MIPA di salah satu SMA Bandung tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal pretest-posttest, LKS fenetik dan kladistik, lembar observasi fenetik dan kladistik, lembar kuesioner siswa terhadap fenetik dan kladistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan system tkinking siswa pada kelas fenetik sebesar 0,6 dan pada kelas kladistik sebesar 0,5. Keduanya berada pada kategori sedang. Peningkatan terjadi pada semua indikator system thinking setelah penerapan fenetik dan kladistik. Empat indikator system thinking siswa pada fenetik meningkat lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan indikator system thinking siswa pada kladistik yaitu menganalisis tujuan sistem, menganalisis struktur hubungan komponen dan timbal balik, menganalisis ciri holistik dan mengevalusi multidimensi. Indikator menganalisis komponen sistem pada kladistik meningkat lebih tinggi dibandingkan fenetik. Siswa merespon positif terhadap penerapan fenetik dan kladistik konsep tumbuhan berbiji. The learning process of seed classification systems is still facing problems in the learning process itself, teachers and students that cause learning not to work as it should and lead to cognitive low. On the other hand, the integration of 21st century skills into learning is one of the focuses of attention in the field of education. The research aimed to apply phenetic and cladistic to thinking system of high school students on seed plants concept. The research method is in the form of causal-comparative which is focusing on two groups, namely group I applying phenetic while group II applying cladistic to high school students of class X MIPA in Bandung City 2017/2018 academic period. The instruments used were in the form of questions about pretest-posttest thinking system concept of seed plants, phenetic and cladistic book, phenetic and cladistic observation sheets, student questionnaire sheets on phenetic and cladistic. The results showed that there was an increase in thinking system in the phenetic class of 0.6 while in the Cladistic class it was 0.4. Both are in the medium category. In addition, an increase occurred in all indicators of system thinking after the application of phenetic and cladistic. The four indicators of system thinking in phenetics increased higher than the cladistic system thinking indicator, which is analyzing system objectives, analyzing the structure of component relationships and reciprocity, analyzing holistic features and evaluating multidimensional. While indicators of analyzin

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black

    Etnobotani Tumbuhan Pewarna Alami Kain Tenun pada Suku Baduy Luar Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to identify the types, habitus, parts/organs and processing methods of plants used as natural materials for woven cloth from the Outer Baduy  Banten tribe. Apart from that, this research also aims to identify the colors produced from plants used as natural materials for the woven cloth of the Baduy Luar tribe. The research approach uses quantitative with exploratory survey methods. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. The samples chosen were deliberately determined based on certain criteria, namely someone who understands the dyeing of woven fabric in the Baduy community and someone who understands weaving techniques in the Outer Baduy tribe. The number of samples from the Outer Baduy tribe was 5 people. The results of the research show that the natural dye plants found in the Outer Baduy tribe are 9 types of plants, consisting of 8 families, 3 habituses (trees, bushes and shrubs), 5 plant organs that are used (bark, leaves, rhizomes, stems and roots), The majority of processing methods involve boiling the parts of the organs used and then soaking them, the resulting colors are yellow, blue, brown, red and black