10 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of Volume Prediction Model for Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) In Central Kalimantan

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    Estimation model of tree volume must be high in accuracy and precisions to estimate stand potential precisely. This paper determines and validates the estimation model of Shorea balangeran volume grown in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. There were three phases of model development which include 52 trees for model progress, 23 trees for model validation, and 10 trees for external model validation. The calculation model used linear and non-linear models with diameter, diameter and height, and diameter and height combination as independent variables. The criteria of the best model was determined by statistical analyses such as coefficient determination, relative and aggregative deviation, bias, precisions and accuracy of estimation, AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion). The result of the study showed that the model with diameter as single variable was not complied with the selected best model criteria (aggregative deviation; AD< 1 % and relative deviation: RD< 8 %). The addition of tree height on model estimation increased the coefficient determination of 6.54% and the model with diameter and height as independent variable was satisfied with the criteria (AD and RD criteria). The best model of Balangeran was with coefficient determination of 89.77 %. However, the best model was not applicable for other sites with different stand characteristic

    Keragaman dan Komposisi Jenis Tumbuhan Sebagai Bioindikator Pemulihan Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah Setelah Terbakar

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    AbstrakDegradasi hutan menyebabkan perubahan komposisi jenis penyusun tegakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran kemampuan regenerasi alami dari areal bekas terbakar berdasarkan parameter keragaman jenis dan menggambarkan proses regenerasi alami pada areal bekas terbakar. Survei untuk memperoleh data jumlah dan kerapatan jenis, keragaman, dan komposisi jenis penyusun tegakan pada tiga lokasi yakni areal hutan sekunder, bekas terbakar 1997, dan bekas terbakar 2015. Penentuan keragaman jenis tersebut menggunakan beberapa indeks ekologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi jenis penyusun tegakan bervariasi antar lokasi. Pada areal bekas terbakar 2015, jumlah dan komposisi jenis penyusun tegakannya paling rendah, sedangkan pada areal bekas terbakar 1997 dan hutan sekunder mempunyai jumlah dan komposisi jenis yang hampir mirip. Perubahan komposisi jenis terbesar terjadi pada areal bekas terbakar 2015 dengan pengurangan jenis >82% untuk seluruh tingkat permudaan. Berdasarkan indeks ekologinya, areal hutan sekunder mempunyai tingkat kemerataan yang tinggi, tidak didominasi oleh jenis tertentu, dan jenis lebih beragam. Namun demikian, indeks ekologi pada areal bekas terbakar 1997 mendekati nilai dari hutan sekunder. Kondisi ini berdasarkan indeks kesamaan komunitas yang tinggi pada tingkat semai dan pancang >50%. Hal ini menunjukkan pemulihan alami pada areal bekas terbakar 1997 sangat mungkin terjadi dan areal bekas terbakar 2015 membutuhkan intervensi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemulihannya.AbstractThe forest degradation has altered stand composition. The research objectives was to obtain natural regeneration ability of post burning area based on species diversity parameter and describing the process of natural regeneration on the burnt area. The survey was carried out to obtain the data of number and species density, diversity and species composition of three stands including secondary forest, arean burnt in 1997 and 2015. Species diversity was measured with several ecological index. The result showed that species composition varied between those areas. The lowest stand species compositon was the 2015 burnt area. The 1997 burnt area and the secondary forest were similar in terms of stand species composition. The biggest changes of species composition was the 2015 burnt area with species removal of more than 82% for all regeneration stages. Based on the ecological indexes, the secondary forest had the highest evenness, no domination of a certain species and more diverse species existed. Nevertheless, ecological index of area burnt in 1997 was resembling the value of secondary forest. This condition was shown by the community similarity index of seedlings and saplings of  >50%. It indicated that the natural regeneration of the 1997 burnt area was happening and intervention was needed for the 2015 burnt area

    Studi Biofisik pada Lanskap Hutan Rawa Gambut di Taman Nasional Sebangau: Kasus di Resort Mangkok

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    Fire and illegal logging are main causes of peat swamp forest (PSF) degradation. Degradation causes biotic and abiotic changes of PSF. This reasearch was designed to collect data on description of species composition, carbon stock, soil physical factors, and soil macrofauna as indicators of changes in land condition due to PSF degradation. This research was conducted on degraded PSF area caused by fire and illegal logging. Sample plots were located based on the distance from the river i.e., &lt;1.5; &lt;4; and &lt;10 km. Parameters measured included species composition of the stands and their ecological indices, carbon stock potention, soil physical condition (density), and soil macrofauna diversity. Research results showed that all of the parameters in those three locations were not significantly different. Based on those conditions, the main causes of degradation gave the same effects (biotic and abiotic changes) in the very ranged area with 10 km distances. These results were caused by the condition that all parameters measured were very sensitive to changes occurred in all experimental location


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    The objective of the research is to identify which main commodity crops can be developed in three sub- districts, within KPHL Model Hulu Sungai Selatan. The research was carried out during July to December 2016 in three sub-districts, namely: Loksado; Padang Batung; and Telaga Langsat, located within Hulu Sungai Selatan, South Kalimantan. Primary data and secondary data were collected during this research. Secondary data, in the form of time series which includes forest product and horticultural commodities data (food crops, palawija crops, vegetables) during the period of 2011-2015, which refer from Statistics Indonesia (Central Bureau of Statistic). Location Quotient (LQ) and Shif Share Analysis (SSA) method were used to analyze the collected data during this research. The result showed that food crops commodity and food crops sub-sector which become the main commodities of sub-districts within Hulu Sungai Selatan KPHL were peanuts in Loksado sub-district, cassava and paddy in Padang Batung sub-district. For the vegetable sub-sector, there was no main vegetable commodity because it only comparative or competitive advantage. For plantation and forestry commodities, the main commodities in Loksado sub-district were rubber and candlenuts, while for Padang Batung sub-district was rubber plant

    Potensi Simpanan Karbon pada Beberapa Tipologi Hutan Rawa Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah

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    Akurasi pendugaan simpanan karbon hutan rawa gambut dapat ditingkatkan melalui pengukuran masing-masing gudang/sumber karbon dan berbagai macam tipologi hutannya. Pengukuran tersebut berkaitan dengan besarnya kandungan dan fraksi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kandungan dan potensi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon di tipologi gambut. Pengukuran simpanan karbon dilakukan pada lima gudang karbon yakni vegetasi (tingkat permudaan pohon), serasah, tumbuhan bawah, nekromasa dan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan karbon adalah 50% dari berat kering biomassa. Kandungan karbon tidak dipengaruhi oleh gudang karbon dan tipologi gambut. Pada tanah gambut, kedalaman gambut mempengaruhi besarnya kandungan karbon sehingga besarnya faktor konversi harus memperhatikan kedalaman masing-masing tipologi gambut. Potensi simpanan karbon terbesar pada tipologi hutan sekunder dengan kedalaman gambut antara 3-3,5 m sebesar 3.722,08 Mg/ha sedangkan potensi simpanan karbon terendah pada tipologi semak belukar dengan kedalaman gambut 3-3,5 m sebesar 2243,49 Mg/ha. Pada hutan gambut, gudang karbon tanah menyumbang >95% dari simpanan karbon total. Gudang karbon nekromasa memberikan sumbangan simpanan karbon terkecil. Fraksi simpanan karbon pada masing-masing gudang karbon berturut-turut adalah tanah> vegetasi> serasah> tumbuhan bawah> nekromasa.Carbon Stocks Potential of Peatland Forests Typologies in Central KalimantanAbstractAccuracy of carbon stocks estimation can be enhanced by measuring each carbon pools in various forest peatland typologies. The carbon stocks measurement is associated with the amount of contents and fractions of carbon stocks. The research objectives were to obtain the information of carbon contents and carbon stocks potentials in each carbon pool in the peat typologies. Carbon stocks measurement was conducted in five carbon pools which were: vegetation (tree stages), litter, understory, necromass, and soil. The results showed that the carbon contents reached more than 50% of its dry weight. The carbon contents were not affected by the carbon pools and peat typologies. In the soil carbon pools, peat depth affected the amount of carbon content so that the magnitude of the conversion factor should concentrate to the depth of each peat typology. The greatest potential of carbon stocks was found in the secondary forest (3,733.08 Mg/ha) with the peat depths between 3-3.5 m, while the lowest potential of carbon stocks found in the bush typology (2243.49 Mg/ha) with the peat depths between 3-3.5 m. In the peat typology, soil carbon stocks contributed more than 95% of total carbon stocks whereas necromass carbon stocks contributed the smallest amount of carbon. The fractions of carbon stocks in each carbon pools were soil> vegetation> litter> understorey> necromass, respectively

    Restoration of Degraded Tropical Peatland in Indonesia: A Review

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    Tropical peatlands are fragile ecosystems with an important role in conserving biodiversity, water quality and availability, preventing floods, soil intrusion, erosion and sedimentation, and providing a livelihood for people. However, due to illegal logging, fire and conversion into other land use, the peatlands in Indonesia are under serious threat. Efforts to restore Indonesia’s tropical peatlands have been accelerated by the establishment of the Peatland Restoration Agency in early 2016. The restoration action policy includes the rewetting, revegetation and revitalisation of local livelihood (known as the 3Rs). This paper summarises the regulatory, institutional and planning aspects of peatland restoration, in addition to the implementation of the 3Rs in Indonesia, including failures, success stories, and the criteria and indicators for the success of peatland restoration

    Feasibility of Agarwood Cultivation in Indonesia: Dynamic System Modeling Approach

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    Most of the Indonesian agarwood in the international market is harvested from the wild, which raises concerns regarding its sustainability. The Government of Indonesia encourages agarwood cultivation produced from the cultivated Agarwood-Producing Tree (APT) to overcome this concern and replace natural agarwood. APT cultivation in Indonesia is not a new development, but it has faced various obstacles, ranging from production quantity and quality to funding and marketing. Therefore, an appropriate policy is needed to support the success of APT cultivation. This study aims to develop a dynamic system model in order to identify the gaps and determine appropriate policy strategies to improve APT cultivation in Indonesia. The model was established by compiling three conceptual stages: planting to harvest, cost&ndash;benefit analysis, and feasibility analysis. Agarwood from Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. cultivated by the community and private sector, which produces kemedangan (an agarwood grade in the Indonesian market) and oil, was chosen for the model. The model developed shows that APT cultivation development in the private sector and the community is unfeasible with the business as usual. There are three options to simulate the feasibility of agarwood produces from APT cultivation. The best scenarios are chosen based on the feasibility indicator, when benefit is higher than cost. The development of APT by the private sector that produces kemedangan and oil products is feasible, with the invention of more effective inoculant and processing technology (scenario 1), as well as applying high thinning, which can increase the yield. Oil production requires more investment, so the revenue obtained is lower than the production cost, resulting in the unfeasibility of the production. The development of APT by the community will be feasible with scenario 2, if there is government funding for the establishment of APT cultivation, inoculants application, and harvesting. Based on the model scenario, APT cultivation will be ecologically sustainable, economically feasible, and socially acceptable if carried out by the private sector or the community by applying inoculation techniques and selecting inoculants to increase production effectiveness, and will be supported by lower production costs and market stability. The Indonesian government needs to take several policies to encourage APT development, including financial assistance for APT development, setting inoculant standards at affordable prices, simplifying trade administration, stabilizing agarwood product prices at the local level, and law enforcement

    A Chronicle of Indonesia’s Forest Management: A Long Step towards Environmental Sustainability and Community Welfare

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    Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with 17,000 islands of varying sizes and elevations, from lowlands to very high mountains, stretching more than 5000 km eastward from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua. Although occupying only 1.3% of the world’s land area, Indonesia possesses the third-largest rainforest and the second-highest level of biodiversity, with very high species diversity and endemism. However, during the last two decades, Indonesia has been known as a country with a high level of deforestation, a producer of smoke from burning forests and land, and a producer of carbon emissions. The aim of this paper is to review the environmental history and the long process of Indonesian forest management towards achieving environmental sustainability and community welfare. To do this, we analyze the milestones of Indonesian forest management history, present and future challenges, and provide strategic recommendations toward a viable Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) system. Our review showed that the history of forestry management in Indonesia has evolved through a long process, especially related to contestation over the control of natural resources and supporting policies and regulations. During the process, many efforts have been applied to reduce the deforestation rate, such as a moratorium on permitting primary natural forest and peat land, land rehabilitation and soil conservation, environmental protection, and other significant regulations. Therefore, these efforts should be maintained and improved continuously in the future due to their significant positive impacts on a variety of forest areas toward the achievement of viable SFM. Finally, we conclude that the Indonesian government has struggled to formulate sustainable forest management policies that balance economic, ecological, and social needs, among others, through developing and implementing social forestry instruments, developing and implementing human resource capacity, increasing community literacy, strengthening forest governance by eliminating ambiguity and overlapping regulations, simplification of bureaucracy, revitalization of traditional wisdom, and fair law enforcement