815 research outputs found

    Multi-Sensory Emotion Recognition with Speech and Facial Expression

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    Emotion plays an important role in human beings’ daily lives. Understanding emotions and recognizing how to react to others’ feelings are fundamental to engaging in successful social interactions. Currently, emotion recognition is not only significant in human beings’ daily lives, but also a hot topic in academic research, as new techniques such as emotion recognition from speech context inspires us as to how emotions are related to the content we are uttering. The demand and importance of emotion recognition have highly increased in many applications in recent years, such as video games, human computer interaction, cognitive computing, and affective computing. Emotion recognition can be done from many sources including text, speech, hand, and body gesture as well as facial expression. Presently, most of the emotion recognition methods only use one of these sources. The emotion of human beings changes every second and using a single way to process the emotion recognition may not reflect the emotion correctly. This research is motivated by the desire to understand and evaluate human beings’ emotion from multiple ways such as speech and facial expressions. In this dissertation, multi-sensory emotion recognition has been exploited. The proposed framework can recognize emotion from speech, facial expression, and both of them. There are three important parts in the design of the system: the facial emotion recognizer, the speech emotion recognizer, and the information fusion. The information fusion part uses the results from the speech emotion recognition and facial emotion recognition. Then, a novel weighted method is used to integrate the results, and a final decision of the emotion is given after the fusion. The experiments show that with the weighted fusion methods, the accuracy can be improved to an average of 3.66% compared to fusion without adding weight. The improvement of the recognition rate can reach 18.27% and 5.66% compared to the speech emotion recognition and facial expression recognition, respectively. By improving the emotion recognition accuracy, the proposed multi-sensory emotion recognition system can help to improve the naturalness of human computer interaction


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    Abiotic stresses, such as temperature extremes and salinity adversely affect plant productivity and distribution worldwide. Resistant or susceptible to stresses is a complex trait because more than one stress may occur simultaneously, for example, salinity is accompanied with ion toxicity and water deficit. To survive in a fixed environment, plants have to adjust their metabolisms and developmental programs to adapt to the stress or acclimate to the transitory stress. The responses of plants to different abiotic stresses are extremely complex, involving stress perception, signaling transduction, and response induction. We took a forward genetic analysis approach and identified three novel proteins in the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana, Regulator of CBF Gene Expression 1 (RCF1), Regulator of CBF Gene Expression 3 (RCF3), and Short Root in Salt Medium 3 (RSA3), which are critical for plant tolerance to cold, heat and salinity, respectively. RCF1 is a cold-inducible DEAD box RNA helicase protein which is localized in the nucleus. RCF1 is a positive regulator for chilling and freezing tolerance. RCF1 functions to maintain proper splicing of pre-mRNAs because many cold-responsive genes are mis-spliced in rcf1-1 mutant plants under cold stress. RCF3 encodes a KH-domain containing putative RNA-binding protein. RCF3 is a negative regulator of most heat stress transcription factors (HSFs). Consistent with the overall increased accumulation of heat-responsive genes, the rcf3 mutants are heat-tolerant. RSA3, a xylogluscan galactosyltransferase, is essential for salt stress tolerance. rsa3-1 mutant plants are hypersensitive to NaCl and LiCl but not to CsCl or to general osmotic stress. RSA3 controls expression of many genes including genes encoding proteins for reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification under salt stress. RSA3 functions to maintaining the proper organization of actin microfilaments in order to minimize damage caused by excessive ROS. miRNAs play important regulatory roles in plants by targeting messenger RNAs (mRNAs) for cleavage or translational repression. We determined role of the heat-inducible miR398 in plant heat stress tolerance. Our results suggest that plants use a previously unrecognized strategy to achieve thermotolerance, especially for the protection of reproductive tissues. This strategy involves the down-regulation of two copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (CSDs) and their copper chaperone CCS through the heat-inducible miR398

    Multiple solutions to a class of inclusion problems with operator involving p(x)-Laplacian

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    In this paper, we prove the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions for a nonlinear elliptic problem involving p(x)-Laplacian-like operator and nonsmooth potentials. Our approach is variational and it is based on the nonsmooth critical point theory for locally Lipschitz functions

    Multi-Sensory Emotion Recognition with Speech and Facial Expression

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    Emotion plays an important role in human beings’ daily lives. Understanding emotions and recognizing how to react to others’ feelings are fundamental to engaging in successful social interactions. Currently, emotion recognition is not only significant in human beings’ daily lives, but also a hot topic in academic research, as new techniques such as emotion recognition from speech context inspires us as to how emotions are related to the content we are uttering. The demand and importance of emotion recognition have highly increased in many applications in recent years, such as video games, human computer interaction, cognitive computing, and affective computing. Emotion recognition can be done from many sources including text, speech, hand, and body gesture as well as facial expression. Presently, most of the emotion recognition methods only use one of these sources. The emotion of human beings changes every second and using a single way to process the emotion recognition may not reflect the emotion correctly. This research is motivated by the desire to understand and evaluate human beings’ emotion from multiple ways such as speech and facial expressions. In this dissertation, multi-sensory emotion recognition has been exploited. The proposed framework can recognize emotion from speech, facial expression, and both of them. There are three important parts in the design of the system: the facial emotion recognizer, the speech emotion recognizer, and the information fusion. The information fusion part uses the results from the speech emotion recognition and facial emotion recognition. Then, a novel weighted method is used to integrate the results, and a final decision of the emotion is given after the fusion. The experiments show that with the weighted fusion methods, the accuracy can be improved to an average of 3.66% compared to fusion without adding weight. The improvement of the recognition rate can reach 18.27% and 5.66% compared to the speech emotion recognition and facial expression recognition, respectively. By improving the emotion recognition accuracy, the proposed multi-sensory emotion recognition system can help to improve the naturalness of human computer interaction

    Research on the Evaluation Method of Enterprise Legal Risk

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    Purpose: Legal act is frequent in daily management of the legal behavior. Enterprises are facing all kinds of legal issues in all kinds of business activities, enterprises in the business, the process of the contract, shall be strictly in accordance with the contract rights and obligations to fulfill, but due to the enterprise internal and external some uncertain factors, these may lead to business and business contract cannot smooth realization factors, Enterprises may be involved in disputes, losses, thus forming risks.   Theoretical framework: After analyzing the factors that cause enterprise legal risk, this paper carries on the scientific classification and the characteristic boundary to enterprise legal risk.   Design/methodology/approach: This paper analyzes the system level of enterprise legal risk, uses the method of hierarchy comprehensive evaluation, studies the ideas and evaluation objectives of the evaluation system of enterprise legal risk.   Findings: The results of the study, the paper establishes the evaluation model of the enterprise legal risk, and gives a set of the evaluation system of the enterprise legal risk.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study can reduce enterprise disputes and losses, thus reducing legal risks.   Originality/value: The value of the study realizes that the legal risk management measures of enterprises can be scientific, systematic and practical, and play a greater role in practice

    Continuous spectrum of a fourth order nonhomogeneous differential operators with variable exponent

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    In this article, we consider the nonlinear eigenvalue problem: {Δ(Δup1(x)2Δu)+Δ(Δup2(x)2Δu)=λuq(x)2u, in Ω,u=Δu=0, on Ω,\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \Delta(|\Delta u|^{p_1(x)-2}\Delta u)+\Delta(|\Delta u|^{p_2(x)-2}\Delta u)=\lambda|u|^{q(x)-2}u,\ {\rm in}\ \Omega, & \\ u=\Delta u=0,\ {\rm on}\ \partial \Omega,\\ \end{array} \right. where Ω\Omega is a bounded domain of RN\mathbb{R}^N with smooth boundary, λ\lambda is a positive real number, the continuous functions p1,p2p_1,p_2, and qq satisfy 1<p2(x)<q(x)<p1(x)<N21<p_2(x)<q(x)<p_1(x)<\frac{N}{2} and maxyΩq(y)<Np2(x)N2p2(x)\max\limits_{y\in\overline{\Omega}}q(y)<\frac{Np_2(x)}{N-2p_2(x)} for any xΩx\in \overline{\Omega}. The maim result of this paper establishes the existence of two positive constants λ0\lambda_0 and λ1\lambda_1 with λ0λ1\lambda_0\leq\lambda_1 such that any λ[λ1,+)\lambda\in[\lambda_1,+\infty) is an eigenvalue, while and λ(0,λ0)\lambda\in(0,\lambda_0) is not an eigenvalue of the above problem

    Multiple solutions for nonhomogeneous Neumann differential inclusion problems by the p(x)-Laplacian

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    In this paper we study Neumann-type p(x)p(x)-Laplacian equation with nonsmooth potential. Firstly, applying a version of the non-smooth three-critical-points theorem we obtain the existence of three solutions of the problem in W1,p(x)(Ω)W^{1,p(x)}(\Omega). Finally, we obtain the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions, when α>p+\alpha^->p^+

    Models of Relative Nearness Incidence Based on Standard Distance Entropy

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    The model of grey nearness incidence cannot reflect the nearness degree of sequences correctly. Therefore, the model of relative nearness incidence of sequences, curves, and surfaces is suggested based on standard distance entropy to remove the current bottlenecks and its properties are studied. At last, three cases are exemplified to demonstrate the validity and practicability of relative nearness incidence. The proposed models have enriched the theory of grey nearness incidence, filled the defects of grey nearness incidence