24 research outputs found

    Failure characteristic and fracture evolution law of overburden of thick coal in fully mechanized sub-level caving mining

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    In mining process, the height of water flowing fractured zone is important significance to prevent mine of water and gas, in order to further research the failure characteristic of the overlying strata. Taking certain coal mine with 5.82 m mining height as the experimental face, by using the equipment which is sealed two ends by capsules in borehole, affused measurable water between the two capsules and borehole televiewer system, ground penetrating radar, microseismic monitoring system in underground coal mine, the height of water flowing fractured zone of fully-mechanized top caving are monitored, a numerical simulation experiment on the failure process was conducted, a similarity simulation experiment on the cracks evolution was conducted, at the same time, empirical formula of traditional was modified, The results showed that the height of caving and fractured zones were respectively 43.1 and 86.7 m in fully mechanized sub-level caving mining. The data difference of each test method of caving, fractured and water flowing fractured zones were respectively less than 4.5%, 7.1% and 9.0%. The degree of fracture development was low before mining, the number of fissures was obviously increased after mining, the degree of fracture development increased. The fractures cluster region mainly focuses near the coal wall. The fractures density distribution curves of overlying strata like sanke-shapes. The new and adapt to certain coal mine geological conditions empirical formula of water flowing fractured zone height is proposed

    Characterization methods for current in-situ stress in oil and gas reservoirs: a mini review

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    In-situ stress plays a crucial role in governing various parameters such as the distribution of oil and gas accumulation zones, the fracture pattern of reservoirs, formation fracture pressure, and collapse pressure. Understanding the distribution characteristics of current in situ stress of reservoirs has significant implications for exploration and development of oil and gas. This paper focuses on the characterization methods for current in situ stress of oil and gas reservoirs, discussing the research progress in testing methods, computational approaches, numerical simulations, and seismic prediction methods. The results indicate that the testing method including the on-site testing method and the laboratory testing method offer the relatively high accuracy, but this method only provides point-specific magnitude and direction of current in situ stress. The Computational approaches can obtain continuous profiles of current in situ stress along individual wells. After using the testing method for calibration, we can obtain relatively accurate calculation results. The numerical method can predict current in situ stress over large areas, but it requires rigorous model setup, boundary definition, and parameter selection. The seismic prediction method also can predict broad distribution of current in situ stress, but this method is influenced by many factors and we had better apply this method in conjunction with other methods. In the future, engineers and researchers should innovate testing technologies and instruments, and establish models and processes for joint use of multiple methods, and explore the development of novel current in situ stress prediction models based on artificial intelligence and big data

    Fractal characteristics of reservoir structural fracture: a case study of Xujiahe Formation in central Yuanba area, Sichuan Basin

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    The reservoir structural fractures have excellent fractal characteristics, as well as self-similarities. Based on the fractal theory, the surface fractal characteristics of faults and the fractal characteristic of fractures in the core of the Xujiahe Formation in the Fault-Fold Belt of the central Yuanba area were studied, and a quantitative relationship was set up between them. Based on the fractal characteristics of faults, predictions were made of the favorable fracture zone, which provides a new idea for the research of fracture, as well as offers theoretical references for exploring the fracture development zone during oil-gas exploration. The results show the following: the seismic value of reflection fault fractal dimension of the Xujiahe Formation is 1.5284; the correlation coefficient R2 is bigger than 0.9901; the capacity dimension linear regression correlation coefficient of the fracture in core of the Xujiahe Formation is bigger than 0.98; the fractal dimension D can well reflect the fault and fracture development degree, as well as the complexity of the fracture system; it can quantitatively calculate the density of the fracture of the reservoir in the area; the areas of capacity dimension bigger than 1.45 are the fracture development zones in the Fault-Fold Belt of the central Yuanba area; the oil and gas enrichment degree is high; the areas with the fractal dimension value between 0.95 and 1.45 are the fracture relatively-developed zones; the fractal dimension with values smaller than 0.95 are the lack of fracture areas.Las fracturas estructurales de yacimientos tienes excelentes características fractales y autosimilares. Basados en la teoría fractal, se estudiaron las características fractales superficiales de las fallas y las características fractales de las fracturas en el núcleo del Cinturón Falla-Pliegue de la Formación Xujiahe, área central de Yuanba (China). Luego se estableció una relación cuantitativa para estas relaciones. Según las características fractales de las fallas, se predijo la zona favorable de fractura, lo que ofrece una nueva idea para el conocimiento de esta y a la vez brinda referencias teóricas para la exploración de la zona de desarrollo de la fractura durante la exploración de petróleo y gas. Los resultados muestran lo siguiente: el valor sísmico de la dimensión fractual de la falla en la Formación Xujiahe es de 1.5284; el coeficiente de correlación R2 es mayor a 0.99901; la dimensión del coeficiente de correlación de regresión lineal en el núcleo de la fractura de la Formación Xujiahe es mayor a 0.98; la dimensión fractal D puede reflejar la falla y el grado de desarrollo de la fractura, al igual que la complejidad del sistema de fractura; también puede calcular cuantitativamente la densidad de la fractura del yacimiento en el área; las áreas con capacidad mayor a 1.45 son las zonas de desarrollo de la fractura en el Cinturón Falla-Pliegue del área central de Yuanba; el grado de enriquecimiento de petróleo y gas es alta; las áreas con valor de dimensión fractal entre 0.95 y 1.45 son las zonas de fractura de desarrollo relativo; la dimensión fractal con valores menos a 0.95 son las áreas que carecen de fracturas

    Plant commensal type VII secretion system causes iron leakage from roots to promote colonization

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    Competition for iron is an important factor for microbial niche establishment in the rhizosphere. Pathogenic and beneficial symbiotic bacteria use various secretion systems to interact with their hosts and acquire limited resources from the environment. Bacillus spp. are important plant commensals that encode a type VII secretion system (T7SS). However, the function of this secretion system in rhizobacteria–plant interactions is unclear. Here we use the beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus velezensis SQR9 to show that the T7SS and the major secreted protein YukE are critical for root colonization. In planta experiments and liposome-based experiments demonstrate that secreted YukE inserts into the plant plasma membrane and causes root iron leakage in the early stage of inoculation. The increased availability of iron promotes root colonization by SQR9. Overall, our work reveals a previously undescribed role of the T7SS in a beneficial rhizobacterium to promote colonization and thus plant–microbe interactions

    Research Methods of Main Parameter Sensitivity Differences in China’s Dynamic Oil and Gas Reserve Estimation under SEC Standards

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    International oil and gas companies listed in New York must publish the information of oil and gas reserves under the SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission) standards every year. For greatly improving the SEC reserve, the SEC reserve value and the SEC reserve substitution rate, in this article not only the SEC reserve equations have been determined but also the SEC reserve value models have been established. The SEC reserve value models have been verified as correct. Based on these models, the multivariate function calculus method, the multivariate function limit method and the function recurrence method have been adopted to research parameter sensitivity differences rules, parameter adjustment directions, parameter adjustment degrees and SEC reserve parameter linkage adjustment rules. The research is significant, because there are great differences between SEC standards and China’s in reserve management mode, reserve estimation method system and financial management system. It is just these differences that cause the frequent adjustment of SEC reserve parameters during the process of SEC reserve submissions each year. As a result, this article reaches some conclusions. Above all, the article has clarified the parameter quantitative conditions that lead to the sensitivity between the SEC reserve and the initial production to begin stronger and weaker than the sensitivity between the SEC reserve and the price in production exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic decline types. Furthermore, the article has clarified the parameter quantitative conditions that lead to the sensitivity between the SEC reserve value and the initial production to begin stronger and weaker than the sensitivity between the SEC reserve value and the price in common production exponential decline types. Moreover, the article has clarified reserve parameter linkage adjustment rules and found the most significant parameter whose least adjustment will cause the largest reserve increase. In addition, the function calculus method adopted to disclose reserve parameter sensitivity rules will expand the parameter sensitivity analysis method that took the previous statistical mapping method as the main analysis method

    Research Methods of Main Parameter Sensitivity Differences in China’s Dynamic Oil and Gas Reserve Estimation under SEC Standards

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    International oil and gas companies listed in New York must publish the information of oil and gas reserves under the SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission) standards every year. For greatly improving the SEC reserve, the SEC reserve value and the SEC reserve substitution rate, in this article not only the SEC reserve equations have been determined but also the SEC reserve value models have been established. The SEC reserve value models have been verified as correct. Based on these models, the multivariate function calculus method, the multivariate function limit method and the function recurrence method have been adopted to research parameter sensitivity differences rules, parameter adjustment directions, parameter adjustment degrees and SEC reserve parameter linkage adjustment rules. The research is significant, because there are great differences between SEC standards and China’s in reserve management mode, reserve estimation method system and financial management system. It is just these differences that cause the frequent adjustment of SEC reserve parameters during the process of SEC reserve submissions each year. As a result, this article reaches some conclusions. Above all, the article has clarified the parameter quantitative conditions that lead to the sensitivity between the SEC reserve and the initial production to begin stronger and weaker than the sensitivity between the SEC reserve and the price in production exponential, hyperbolic and harmonic decline types. Furthermore, the article has clarified the parameter quantitative conditions that lead to the sensitivity between the SEC reserve value and the initial production to begin stronger and weaker than the sensitivity between the SEC reserve value and the price in common production exponential decline types. Moreover, the article has clarified reserve parameter linkage adjustment rules and found the most significant parameter whose least adjustment will cause the largest reserve increase. In addition, the function calculus method adopted to disclose reserve parameter sensitivity rules will expand the parameter sensitivity analysis method that took the previous statistical mapping method as the main analysis method

    Comprehensive prediction of fractures distribution: A case study of Badaowan Formation of Baka Oilfield, Turban-Hami Basin, China

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    2042-2048Development of fractures have important influence on migration and accumulation of the hydrocarbon. Taking the Badaowan Formation of Baka Oilfield, Turban-Hami Basin as an example, Comprehensive prediction of fractures by weighting assessment was performed based on three fracture prediction method. Fractures are influenced by two tectonic movements. The main orientation of fractures lie in NWW (280°±10°), NNE (20°±10°) and NNW (330°±10°). Fractures of NWW and NNE are better validity because of its consistence or seam at small angles with present maximum principal stress, less filled degree and larger aperture. Comprehensive prediction of the fractures distribution shows that the fractures are mainly developed in Ke20~Ke23 well area, the high point of the footwall of the KEKEYA fault, Ke22 ~Ke19 well area, Ke34 well area, the area of south of Ke21,the area of west of Ke26, Ke32 well area and Ke24 well area. The comprehensive prediction technology effectively improves the accuracy and reliability of fracture distribution

    Brittleness evaluation of the shale reservoirs in Wufeng and Longmaxi formation in the DS Area, southeast Sichuan, China

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    1959-1968Present study analyzed the brittleness of shales in the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations based on mineral composition and elasticity parameters, using a combination of core samples, well logging, X-ray diffraction, and mechanical tests. Fracturability of the two formations was then assessed. The results show that, from the perspective of mineral composition, the brittleness of shales in the Wufeng and Longmaxi Formations is affected mainly by brittle minerals like quartz, feldspar, and pyrite. Shale samples ranged from 36.2% to 62.7% in brittleness index (BRIT) based on mineral composition, with an average of 48.6%. Mechanical tests under different confining pressures revealed three failure modes of the shale samples: splitting, bidirectional shear, and unidirectional shear. Their values of BRIT based on elasticity parameters were between 40.7% and 61.6%, averaging 52.6%. Compared to other gas-producing shale formations, the Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the study area have above-average BRIT levels and high fracturability. There are good correlations between their brittle mineral content, BI, and total organic carbon (TOC). At well DY1, the strata at depths of 2027 to 2054.2m show high brittleness with BRIT values exceeding 50%

    Evaluation of the current in situ stress in the middle Permian Maokou Formation in the Longnüsi area of the central Sichuan Basin, China

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    The middle Permian Maokou Formation in the Longnüsi area in the central Sichuan Basin is currently a key formation for exploration and development. The evaluation of the current in situ stress in this area is of great significance for fracture prediction, well pattern deployment, drilling and construction, and fracturing stimulation. This study clarifies the current direction and magnitude distributions of the in situ stress by evaluating the Maokou Formation in the Longnüsi area using finite-element numerical simulation, acoustic emission experiments, and logging data (including data from imaging logging, array acoustic logging, conventional logging, and cross-dipole acoustic logging). Specifically, the current maximum horizontal stress of the Maokou Formation in the Longnüsi area is mainly in the NW‒SE direction, and the stress direction is greatly affected by the local fault zone. The current minimum horizontal stress magnitude of the Maokou Formation obtained by acoustic emission experiments is between 96.29 and 114.36 MPa, the current maximum horizontal stress magnitude is between 126.01 and 145.10 MPa, and the current horizontal stress difference is between 25.59 and 32.58 MPa. The current minimum and maximum horizontal stress magnitudes both decrease from north to south. The current horizontal stress parameters calculated by Huang’s model are not significantly different from those experimentally measured: there is a difference of less than 8% in the current minimum horizontal stress magnitude, a difference of less than 9% in the maximum horizontal stress magnitude, and a difference of less than 15% in the current horizontal stress difference. Therefore, Huang’s model has good applicability in terms of calculating the current horizontal stresses in the Longnüsi area. The current horizontal stress parameters, which are numerically simulated with the finite-element method, are also not much different from those experimentally measured: there is a difference of less than 11% in the current minimum horizontal stress magnitude, a difference of less than 10% in the maximum horizontal stress magnitude, and a difference of less than 20% in the current horizontal stress difference. The numerically simulated current horizontal stress also decreases from north to south. Therefore, the simulated results are highly accurate. This study clarifies the directions and magnitudes of the current in situ stress state of the Maokou Formation in the Longnüsi area of the central Sichuan Basin and provides a basis for the formulation of exploration and development plans for the Maokou Formation reservoir in the study area

    Influence of nappe structure on the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir in the middle of the Hongche Fault Zone, Junggar Basin, China

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    This work presents an in-depth examination of the Carboniferous volcanic reservoir within the CH471 well area, situated in the central portion of the Hongche fault zone on the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin. Leveraging seismic data and well connection comparisons, we scrutinize the tectonic evolution model and elucidate the impact of the nappe structure of the Hongche fault zone on the volcanic reservoir. The study has obtained the following understanding: after the formation of Carboniferous volcanic rocks, affected by the Hongche fault structure, a series of structural superpositions from extension to extrusion and finally thrust occurred, resulting in a northwestward tilt of the volcanic rock mass, and a large number of cracks were generated inside the rock mass. At the same time, the top was uplifted and affected by weathering and leaching to form a weathering crust, eventually forming a reservoir. The northern part is located in the edge area of the eruption center, and the rock mass has good stratification. The rock strata have certain constraints on the reservoir distribution, and the reservoir is inclined along the rock mass. The southern part is close to the eruption center and features large volcanic breccia accumulation bodies with strong internal heterogeneity. The reservoir developed mainly in the superposition of the range of control of the weathering crust and dense fracture development, and the rock mass morphology does not control the area. Structure is the key to forming a volcanic rock reservoir, mainly reflected in the following aspects. First, tectonic activity is accompanied by fracture development, and fractures are densely developed in areas with strong activity, which can effectively improve the physical properties of volcanic reservoirs. Second, tectonic activity leads to the strata uplift and weathering denudation, forming a weathering crust. Within the range of control of weathering and leaching, the physical properties of volcanic rocks are improved, and it is easier to form high-quality reservoirs. Third, the distribution of volcanic rock masses is controlled by tectonic activity, which affects the reservoir controlled by the dominant lithology