86 research outputs found


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    Understanding how belowground microbial communities respond to increasing atmospheric CO2 is of crucial importance for global change biology, microbial ecology and predictive biology. However, our understanding of CO2 effects on microbial communities is still limited, especially due to the immense diversity and as yet-uncultivable nature of most soil microorganisms. By implementing next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, we comprehensively surveyed the responses of microbial communities to elevated CO2 (eCO2) in the BioCON experimental site, a grassland ecosystem, which had been exposed to eCO2 for 12 years. In the beginning of this study, it was noticed that computational approaches to identify microbial strains/species from shotgum metagenomes are very limited, thus we have developed a computational algorithm, termed GSMer that identifies genome-specific markers (GSMs) from currently sequenced microbial genomes for strain/species identification in metagenomes. Although GSMer was not very successfully applied in our soil metagenomes due to the extremely low coverage and high diversity of soil microbial communities as well as short sequencing reads from early Illumina GAII performs, it was successfully used to analyze microbial communities with a good coverage of reference genomes, such as human microbiomes. Sensitivity evaluation against synthetic metagenomes with different levels of coverage suggested that 50 GSMs per strain were sufficient to identify most microbial strains with β‰₯ 0.25x coverage, and 10% of selected GSMs in a database should be detected for confident positive callings. Application of GSMs respectively identified 45 and 74 microbial strains/species significantly associated with type-2-diabetes (T2D) patients and obese/lean individuals from corresponding gastrointestinal tract metagenomes. Our results agreed well with previous studies, but provided strain-level information. In the following, we analyzed the biodiversity, composition, structure and functional potential of soil microbial communities in response to eCO2 at multiple (e.g., phylogenetic, taxonomic, genetic, functional) dimensions using next generation sequencing approaches. For each dimension of microbial biodiversity, all components of diversity, including alpha-, beta- and gamma-diversity were analyzed. Our results suggested that long-term eCO2 decreased the overall microbial biodiversity. Beta-diversity analysis suggested eCO2 decreased functional beta-diversity, but increased taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity, suggesting long-term eCO2 selected for microbial function rather than taxonomy. Further meta-analysis suggested that such decreased biodiversity was significantly negatively correlated with increased soil ammonification rate. Moreover, the abundance of gene families involved in ammonium producing pathways increased significantly as well, indicating a functional convergence process as a result of higher demand for biologically available nitrogen (N) by stimulated plant growth as a result of eCO2. Our findings present evidence that plant-microbe interactions for NH4+ as result of progressive nitrogen limitation were an important driving factor, responsible for decreased microbial biodiversity under eCO2. We also analyzed the response of fungal communities to long-term eCO2 by sequencing of 28S rRNA gene amplicons. Long-term eCO2 did not significantly alter the overall fungal community structure and species richness, but significantly increased community evenness and diversity. Relative abundances of 119 OTUs (~ 27% of the total captured sequences) were changed significantly. More interestingly, significantly changed OTUs under eCO2 were associated with increased overall relative abundance of Ascomycota, but decreased relative abundance of Basidiomycota. Co-occurrence ecological network analysis indicated that eCO2 increased fungal community interactions, as evidenced by higher intermodular and intramodular connectivity and shorter geodesic distance. In contrast, decreased connections for dominant fungal species were observed in the eCO2 network. Community reassembly of unrelated fungal species into highly connected dense modules was observed. Such changes in the network structure were significantly associated with altered soil and plant properties under eCO2, especially with increased plant biomass and NH4+ availability. This study provides novel insights into our understanding of how eCO2 shapes soil fungal communities in grassland ecosystems. Since it was noticed that changes of both belowground microbial biodiversity and fungal communities were significantly correlated with soil ammonification rate, and our previous studies showed that the abundance of nifH significantly increased at eCO2, we hypothesized that N2-fixing microorganisms would play important roles in response to eCO2. Therefore, we analyzed N2-fixing communities by sequencing of nifH gene amplicons as well as extraction of nifH fragments from shotgun metagenomes. Surprisingly, long-term eCO2 significantly increased the abundance of nifH genes, but did not change the overall nifH diversity and diazotrophic community structure. Taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis of amplified nifH sequences suggested a high diversity of nifH genes in the soil ecosystem, with the majority belonging to cluster I and II nifH genes. We then constructed a microbial ecological network using 16S rRNA gene and nifH gene profiles. Co-occurrence ecological network analysis suggested a clear preference of co-occurrence patterns between diazotrophs and other microbial species with different patterns observed for different subgroups of diazotrophs, such as Azospirillum/Actinobacteria, Mesorhizobium/Conexibacter, and Bradyrhizobium/Acidobacteria. This indicated a potential attraction of these non-N2-fixers by diazotrophs in the soil ecosystem. Interestingly, more complex co-occurrence patterns were found for free-living diazotrophs than commonly known symbiotic diazotrophs, consistent with the physical isolation nature of symbiotic diazotrophs from the environment by root nodules. The study provides novel insights of our understanding microbial ecology of soil diazotrophs in natural ecosystems. All studies included in this work provided novel insights into the long-term eCO2 effects on belowground microbial communities, which are of merit for next generation sequencing analysis for microbial ecologists, global change biologists and bioinformaticians

    Oral microbiota of periodontal health and disease and their changes after nonsurgical periodontal therapy

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    This study examined the microbial diversity and community assembly of oral microbiota in periodontal health and disease and after nonsurgical periodontal treatment. The V4 region of 16S rRNA gene from DNA of 238 saliva and subgingival samples of 21 healthy and 48 diseased subjects was amplified and sequenced. Among 1979 OTUs identified, 28 were overabundant in diseased plaque. Six of these taxa were also overabundant in diseased saliva. Twelve OTUs were overabundant in healthy plaque. There was a trend for disease-associated taxa to decrease and health-associated taxa to increase after treatment with notable variations among individual sites. Network analysis revealed modularity of the microbial communities and identified several health- and disease-specific modules. Ecological drift was a major factor that governed community turnovers in both plaque and saliva. Dispersal limitation and homogeneous selection affected the community assembly in plaque, with the additional contribution of homogenizing dispersal for plaque within individuals. Homogeneous selection and dispersal limitation played important roles, respectively, in healthy saliva and diseased pre-treatment saliva between individuals. Our results revealed distinctions in both taxa and assembly processes of oral microbiota between periodontal health and disease. Furthermore, the community assembly analysis has identified potentially effective approaches for managing periodontitis

    Functional Ecological Gene Networks to Reveal the Changes Among Microbial Interactions Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Conditions

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    Biodiversity and its responses to environmental changes is a central issue in ecology, and for society. Almost all microbial biodiversity researches focus on species richness and abundance but ignore the interactions among different microbial species/populations. However, determining the interactions and their relationships to environmental changes in microbial communities is a grand challenge, primarily due to the lack of information on the network structure among different microbial species/populations. Here, a novel random matrix theory (RMT)-based conceptual framework for identifying functional ecological gene networks (fEGNs) is developed with the high throughput functional gene array hybridization data from the grassland microbial communities in a long-term FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) experiment. Both fEGNs under elevated CO2 (eCO2) and ambient CO2 (aCO2) possessed general characteristics of many complex systems such as scale-free, small-world, modular and hierarchical. However, the topological structure of the fEGNs is distinctly different between eCO2 and aCO2, suggesting that eCO2 dramatically altered the interactions among different microbial functional groups/populations. In addition, the changes in network structure were significantly correlated with soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics, and plant productivity, indicating the potential importance of network interactions in ecosystem functioning. Elucidating network interactions in microbial communities and their responses to environmental changes are fundamentally important for research in microbial ecology, systems microbiology, and global change

    Biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six forests in North America.

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    Soil diazotrophs play important roles in ecosystem functioning by converting atmospheric N2 into biologically available ammonium. However, the diversity and distribution of soil diazotrophic communities in different forests and whether they follow biogeographic patterns similar to macroorganisms still remain unclear. By sequencing nifH gene amplicons, we surveyed the diversity, structure and biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six North American forests (126 nested samples). Our results showed that each forest harboured markedly different soil diazotrophic communities and that these communities followed traditional biogeographic patterns similar to plant and animal communities, including the taxa-area relationship (TAR) and latitudinal diversity gradient. Significantly higher community diversity and lower microbial spatial turnover rates (i.e. z-values) were found for rainforests (~0.06) than temperate forests (~0.1). The gradient pattern of TARs and community diversity was strongly correlated (r(2)  > 0.5) with latitude, annual mean temperature, plant species richness and precipitation, and weakly correlated (r(2)  < 0.25) with pH and soil moisture. This study suggests that even microbial subcommunities (e.g. soil diazotrophs) follow general biogeographic patterns (e.g. TAR, latitudinal diversity gradient), and indicates that the metabolic theory of ecology and habitat heterogeneity may be the major underlying ecological mechanisms shaping the biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities

    Comparative Metagenomics of Freshwater Microbial Communities

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    Previous analyses of a microbial metagenome from uranium and nitric-acid contaminated groundwater (FW106) showed significant environmental effects resulting from the rapid introduction of multiple contaminants. Effects include a massive loss of species and strain biodiversity, accumulation of toxin resistant genes in the metagenome and lateral transfer of toxin resistance genes between community members. To better understand these results in an ecological context, a second metagenome from a pristine groundwater system located along the same geological strike was sequenced and analyzed (FW301). It is hypothesized that FW301 approximates the ancestral FW106 community based on phylogenetic profiles and common geological parameters; however, even if is not the case, the datasets still permit comparisons between healthy and stressed groundwater ecosystems. Complex carbohydrate metabolism has been almost entirely lost in the stressed ecosystem. In contrast, the pristine system encodes a wide diversity of complex carbohydrate metabolism systems, suggesting that carbon turnover is very rapid and less leaky in the healthy groundwater system. FW301 encodes many (~;;160+) carbon monoxide dehydrogenase genes while FW106 encodes none. This result suggests that the community is frequently exposed to oxygen from aerated rainwater percolating into the subsurface, with a resulting high rate of carbon metabolism and CO production. When oxygen levels fall, the CO then serves as a major carbon source for the community. FW301 appears to be capable of CO2 fixation via the reductive carboxylase (reverse TCA) cycle and possibly acetogenesis, activities; these activities are lacking in the heterotrophic FW106 system which relies exclusively on respiration of nitrate and/or oxygen for energy production. FW301 encodes a complete set of B12 biosynthesis pathway at high abundance suggesting the use of sodium gradients for energy production in the healthy groundwater community. Overall comparative analysis suggests that the introduction of contaminants is accompanied by a decrease in biodiversity, loss of nutrient cycling, less metabolic diversity, increased respiration and dominance by r-strategists. These results are consistent with trends predicted for stressed ecosystems

    Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants

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    Microorganisms in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are essential for water purification to protect public and environmental health. However, the diversity of microorganisms and the factors that control it are poorly understood. Using a systematic global-sampling effort, we analysed the 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences from ~1,200 activated sludge samples taken from 269 WWTPs in 23 countries on 6 continents. Our analyses revealed that the global activated sludge bacterial communities contain ~1 billion bacterial phylotypes with a Poisson lognormal diversity distribution. Despite this high diversity, activated sludge has a small, global core bacterial community (n = 28 operational taxonomic units) that is strongly linked to activated sludge performance. Meta-analyses with global datasets associate the activated sludge microbiomes most closely to freshwater populations. In contrast to macroorganism diversity, activated sludge bacterial communities show no latitudinal gradient. Furthermore, their spatial turnover is scale-dependent and appears to be largely driven by stochastic processes (dispersal and drift), although deterministic factors (temperature and organic input) are also important. Our findings enhance our mechanistic understanding of the global diversity and biogeography of activated sludge bacterial communities within a theoretical ecology framework and have important implications for microbial ecology and wastewater treatment processes

    The Thermoanaerobacter Glycobiome Reveals Mechanisms of Pentose and Hexose Co-Utilization in Bacteria

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    Author Summary Renewable liquid fuels derived from lignocellulosic biomass could alleviate global energy shortage and climate change. Cellulose and hemicellulose are the main components of lignocellulosic biomass. Therefore, the ability to simultaneously utilize pentose and hexose (i.e., co-utilization) has been a crucial challenge for industrial microbes producing lignocellulosic biofuels. Certain thermoanaerobic bacteria demonstrate this unusual talent, but the genetic foundation and molecular mechanism of this process remain unknown. In this study, we reconstructed the structure and dynamics of the first genome-wide carbon utilization network of thermoanaerobes. This transcriptome-based co-expression network reveals that glucose, xylose, fructose, and cellobiose catabolism are each featured on distinct functional modules. Furthermore, the dynamics of the network suggests a distinct yet collaborative nature between glucose and xylose catabolism. In addition, we experimentally demonstrated that these novel network-derived features can be rationally exploited for product-yield enhancement via optimized timing and balanced loading of the carbon supply in a substrate-specific manner. Thus, the newly discovered modular and precisely regulated network elucidates unique features of thermoanaerobic glycobiomes and reveals novel perturbation strategies and targets for the enhanced thermophilic production of lignocellulosic biofuels.Yeshttp://www.plosgenetics.org/static/editorial#pee
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