9 research outputs found


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    Study on the training of multi-limb coordination (preliminary experiment)

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    Study on the training of multi-limb coordination (preliminary experiment)

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    Defect suppression in AlN epilayer using hierarchical growth units

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    Growing AlN layers remains a significant challenge because it is subject to a large volume fraction of grain boundaries. In this study, the nature and formation of the AlN growth mechanism is examined by ab initio simulations and experimental demonstration. The calculated formation enthalpies of the constituent elements, including the Al/N atom, Al-N molecule, and Al-N 3 cluster, vary with growth conditions in N-rich and Al-rich environments. Using the calculation results as bases, we develop a three-step metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy, which involves the periodic growth sequence of (i) trimethylaluminum (TMAl), (ii) ammonia (NH3), and (iii) TMAl+NH3 supply, bringing in hierarchical growth units to improve AlN layer compactness. A series of AlN samples were grown, and their morphological and luminescent evolutions were evaluated by atomic force microscopy and cathodoluminescence, respectively. The proposed technique is advantageous because the boundaries and defect-related luminescence derived are highly depressed, serving as a productive platform from which to further optimize the properties of AlGaN semiconductors. ? 2013 American Chemical Society

    Author Correction: An intercross population study reveals genes associated with body size and plumage color in ducks

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    In the original version of this Article, there was an error in the legend for Figure 2, whereby the descriptions of panels a, b and c were presented in a different order to the corresponding figure panels. The text ‘a GWAS of duck plumage color, including 76 colored ducks and 30 white Pekin ducks. The gray horizontal dashed lines indicate the Bonferroni significance threshold of the GWAS (1 × 10−9). b Fixation index (F ST) of all SNPs along chromosome 13 between mallards and Pekin ducks. Red dots indicate fixed SNPs. c The nucleotide diversity (π) of mallards (blue line) and Pekin ducks (red line) from 16.0 to 17.0 Mb on chromosome 13.’ should have read ‘a Fixation index (F ST) of all SNPs along chromosome 13 between mallards and Pekin ducks. Red dots indicate fixed SNPs. b The nucleotide diversity (π) of mallards (blue line) and Pekin ducks (red line) from 16.0 to 17.0 Mb on chromosome 13. c GWAS of duck plumage color, including 76 colored ducks and 30 white Pekin ducks. The gray horizontal dashed lines indicate the Bonferroni significance threshold of the GWAS (1 × 10−9).’ This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article

    An intercross population study reveals genes associated with body size and plumage color in ducks

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    Ducks, one of the most common domestic fowls, originated from mallards. Here, the authors perform whole-genome sequencing of mallards, indigenous-breed ducks, and Pekin ducks, as well as 1026 ducks from a population generated by wild × domestic crosses to identify selection signals and map variants associated with body size and plumage color