45 research outputs found

    Video1_Case report: Open-heart removal for a cement embolism formed 10 years ago in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery.mp4

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    Bone cement embolism is a known complication after a kyphoplasty operation. Cement embolisms without immediate fatal complication such as cardiac perforation or hypoxemia were often stable during observation. We report a case of a large volume bone cement embolism involving the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery system. The patient developed mild exertional shortness of breath and chest pain after a percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP) operation 10 years ago. However, her mild symptoms were attributed to multiple myeloma, and no chest imaging was taken until the symptoms exacerbated after a COVID-19 infection 6 months ago. A large, tree-branch-shaped embolus was found, causing severe obstruction of the ascending and middle-lobe branch of the right pulmonary artery. The pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy demonstrated an impaired perfusion of the right upper and middle lobe. An open-heart removal was performed, and the symptoms were relieved afterward. We report this case to highlight the importance of routine chest imaging after a PKP operation and to claim that open-heart removal for chronic cement pulmonary embolism is technically feasible and safe.</p

    Subcellular location of WT-AQP0 and AQP0-D150H in two expressing cells.

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    <p>(A) Representative fluorescence microscopy images show the distributions of immunoreactive AQP0 and a Golgi apparatus resident protein (GM130) in HeLa cells which were transiently transfected with wild type AQP0 or AQP0-D150H. The wild type AQP0 was detected mainly at the plasma membrane (white arrow) and in cytoplasm. By contrast, AQP0-D150H was not observed at the plasma membrane other than cytoplasmic sites which extensively overlapped with that of GM130. Scale bar = 10μm. (B) The quantities of wild type and p.D150H mutant AQP0 in membrane-enriched lysates of HEK-293T cells were assessed by western blotting, after WT-AQP0 or AQP0-D150H transfected, GAPDH was used as control.</p

    Haplotype of the cataractous family.

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    <p>Eight locus around <i>MIP</i> were genotyped. The disease-susceptibility haplotype (indicated by a vertical box) showed cosegregation with affected members in this family from <i>D12S1632</i> to <i>D12S1691</i>.</p

    Family pedigree.

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    <p>A four-generation Chinese family affected with autosomal dominant cataract is shown. Squares and circles indicate males and females, respectively. The black symbols represent the affected members and open symbols represent the unaffected individuals. The diagonal line indicates a deceased family member and the black arrow indicates the proband. The family members attending this study are marked with asterisks.</p

    Unlocking DCAFs To Catalyze Degrader Development: An Arena for Innovative Approaches

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    Chemically induced proximity-based targeted protein degradation (TPD) has become a prominent paradigm in drug discovery. With the clinical benefit demonstrated by certain small-molecule protein degraders that target the cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligases (CRLs), the field has proactively strategized to tackle anticipated drug resistance by harnessing additional E3 ubiquitin ligases to enrich the arsenal of this therapeutic approach. Here, we endeavor to explore the collaborative efforts involved in unlocking a broad range of CRL4DCAF for degrader drug development. Throughout the discussion, we also highlight how both conventional and innovative approaches in drug discovery can be taken to realize this objective. Moving ahead, we expect a greater allocation of resources in TPD to pursue these high-hanging fruits

    Clinical features of the proband (A, B) and her son (C, D).

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    <p>Slit-lamp photographs (diffuse illumination and silt lamp) show the phenotype of the congenital cataract is punctate cortical opacities. In younger affected one, the punctate opacities were only seen in the peripheral cortex of the lens. The punctate opacities became denser and invaded into central cortex of the lens gradually with increasing age.</p

    Mutation screening.

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    <p>Forward sequence analysis of exon 2 of MIP in the normal and affected members of this family. The DNA sequence chromatogram shows a heterozygous G>C nucleotide change (black arrow) in exon 2 of MIP (c.448G>C), which leads to the replacement of aspartic acid (GAC) with histidine (CAC) at codon 150 (p.D150H).</p

    Bioinformatics analysis of the p.D150H mutation and multiple sequence alignment.

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    <p>(A) The mutation was predicted to be probably damaging with a score of 1.00 by PolyPhen-2, which meant it may have deleterious effect on the structure and function of the protein. (B) the score and media information content from SIFT was 0.00 and 2.63 respectively, predicting the effect of this amino acid substitution on protein function was damaging. (C) The result of a multiple sequence alignment from various species showed that the aspartic acid at position 150 of AQP0 is highly conserved (marked in green, the mutation in red).</p

    The Florida nurse : off. bulletin of the Florida Nurses' Association

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    Mg<sup>2+</sup>/Li<sup>+</sup> hybrid batteries have recently been constructed combining a Mg anode, a Li<sup>+</sup>-intercalation electrode, and an electrolyte containing both Mg<sup>2+</sup> and Li<sup>+</sup>. These batteries have been reported to outperform all the previously reported magnesium batteries in terms of specific capacity, cycling stability, and rate capability. Herein, we report the outstanding electrochemical performance of Mg<sup>2+</sup>/Li<sup>+</sup> hybrid batteries consisting of a one-dimensional mesoporous TiO<sub>2</sub>(B) cathode, a Mg anode, and an electrolyte consisting of 0.5 mol L<sup>–1</sup> Mg­(BH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + 1.5 mol L<sup>–1</sup> LiBH<sub>4</sub> in tetraglyme. A highly synergetic interaction between Li<sup>+</sup> and Mg<sup>2+</sup> ions toward the pseudo-capacitive reaction is proposed. The hybrid batteries show superior rate performance with 130 mAh g<sup>–1</sup> at 1 C and 115 mAh g<sup>–1</sup> at 2 C, together with excellent cyclability up to 6000 cycles