25 research outputs found

    Feasibility of using waste Molecular sieve and Ceramic ball in hot asphalt mixtures

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    Background and Aims: Environmental awareness about problems of industrial waste landfills has resulted in industrial waste management to be high on the agenda with an emphasis on the recovery of materials and energy. One of the methods of waste recycling in the oil and gas industry is the use of generated waste in civil activities. The main objective of this research is to assess the feasibility of using gas refineriesindustrial waste produced in dehydration unit in hot asphalt mixtures.Material and Methods: The ICP and XRF analyses were carried out to determine the concentrations of heavy metals and composing elements of waste Molecular Sieve and Ceramic 卢ball. Sieve and and quality analyses were thence done on these wastes and materials. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: Both types of wastes were classified as non-dangerous waste. Absorption of water in waste Molecular Sieve was at least 10 times the permissible level for aggregates according to the standards of Journal 234. Waste molecular sieve was not therefore replaceable with aggregates in asphalt mixtures since they may cause cracking in the winter season., Moreover, the existence of many pores in MolecularSieve significantly increase the use of bitumen.Conclusion: Waste Molecular Sieve is not recommend to be uses as an alternative to aggregates due to significant absorption of water.Furthermore, the comparison of results obtained from physical tests performed on the waste ceramics ball with standard limit of Journal 234 indicate the potential of this wasteas an alternative to the aggregates in asphalt mixtures

    On Active Suspension in Rail Vehicles

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    The topic of this PhD thesis is active suspension in rail vehicles whichis usually realized through sensors, controllers and actuation components.A well established example of an active suspension is the tiltingcontrol system used to tilt the carbody in curves to reduce centrifugalacceleration felt by passengers. Active suspension for rail vehicles is beingstudied since 1970s and in this PhD thesis it has been tried to expandon some aspects of this topic.This study extends the research field by both experimental and theoreticalstudies. In the first phase of the study which led to a licentiatedegree the focus was more on experimental work with active verticalsuspension (AVS). This was implemented by introducing actuators inthe secondary suspension of a Bombardier test train, Regina 250, in thevertical direction. The aim has been to improve vertical ride comfort bycontrolling bounce, pitch and roll motions.In the second phase after the licentiate, the studies have been moretheoretical and can be divided into two parts. The first part of the workhas been more focused on equipping two-axle rail vehicles with differentactive suspension solutions for improving the vehicle performanceregarding comfort and wheel-rail interaction. Three papers are writtenon active suspension for two-axle rail vehicles. Two of the papers discussthe use of H楼 control for wheelset guidance in curves to reducewheel-rail damage. The third paper shows that by use of active verticaland lateral suspension (AVS and ALS) in two-axle rail vehicles goodcomfort can be achieved as well. The paper then studies how the threeactive suspension systems (ALS, AVS, and ASW) interact once implementedtogether on a two-axle rail vehicle.The second part is a study on safety of active suspension systems.The study discusses a possible procedure to ensure that a designed activesuspension for a rail vehicle will be safe in all possible failure situations.QC 20170602</p

    Analytical and Numerical Analysis of the Acoustics of Shallow Flow Reversal Chambers

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    Flow reversal chambers are mainly used to accomplish a compact silencer design needed on a vehicle. Generally in this configuration the inlet and outlet ports are on the same face and the flow direction is reversed. During many years different authors have tried to develop 1D and 3D models for evaluating the acoustic performance of circular and rectangular reversing chambers. Ih [1] categorizes four methods for evaluating the acoustic performance of the reversing chamber. The first involves utilizing analysis techniques for other types of muffler elements having similar acoustic performances [2]. Analysis techniques for extended inlet/outlet expansion chambers may be used to approximate the behavior of a reversing chamber in which the length-to-diameter ratio is large. When the length-to-diameter ratio is small, the reversing chamber approximates the behavior of a short expansion chamber. In this case, exact predictions of the acoustic performances cannot be made and, moreover, the method itself is a trial-and-error one. The second is a mode-matching method at the discontinuities [3-5], but this is tedious to formulate and the transmission matrix for this type of muffler has not been obtained. A simplified version (third method) of this method has been developed for plane wave propagation, in which the sound pressures and particle velocities at the area discontinuities are matched [6, 7]. However, this method is restricted to a very small frequency range below the cut-off frequency of the first asymmetric mode, i.e., the (1, 0) mode, and the peaks of the transmission loss curves are not correctly predicted due to the disregard of the higher order modes. Furthermore, when the length-to-diameter ratio is small, the actual acoustic performance deviates appreciably from the theoretical transmission loss predicted by this one-dimensional analysis method. The fourth method involves using numerical methods such as finite element analysis [8] and the finite difference method [9], or possibly, the boundary element method. These numerical techniques have some merits in the treatment of more complicated geometries, such as that of an elliptic cross-section and/or a chamber with a pass tube [10], but a great many mesh points or mesh elements are required to deal with the high frequency range, so that the execution time for computation is long and the costs are high. It is also difficult to describe the total exhaust system by incorporating the transmission matrix of each silencer element.Lindborg et al. [11] modeled the flow reversal chamber by two port method. The system under study is broken down into a set of linear subcomponents that are described individually and then assembled in a network. Each component is treated as a black box that is defined at the inlet and outlet ports where plane waves are assumed. This is an efficient tool, but for complicated geometries such as the flow reversal chamber the decomposition into subcomponents is not obvious. Three different approaches are used for the two port modeling of a flow reversal [11]; 1- Large quarter wave resonator 2- More detailed representation consisting of cones and quarter wave resonators 3- A simplification of the second approach into a simple Pipe 6 From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the acoustic characteristics of shallow flow reversal chambers can be modeled, with engineering precision, up to cut on frequency of the first higher order mode using simple two-port elements. Good results were achieved modeling the flow reversal chamber as a simple straight duct connecting the inlet and the outlet. Munjal [12] devised a numerical collocation method. This method is easily applicable to rectangular as well as circular expansion chambers, but is limited to integer multiple area expansion ratios due to its inherent concept of discrete geometrical partitioning. Analytical methods have been introduced over the years. These methods fall into two main groups, one-dimensional and three-dimensional models. However as Ih [13] has mentioned, if the length of the chamber is much shorter than its width, then a large number of modes should be counted for calculating transmission loss even for the very low frequency range and this fact, arising mainly from the higher order acoustic modes generated at area discontinuities which do not fully decay before they reach the counterpart port, because the inlet and outlet are very close to each other. This leakage phenomenon means that the one-dimensional models are quite far from the actual performances even in the low frequency region. Three-dimensional models provide a very simple and exact approach to theoretical prediction of acoustical performance of plenum and reversing chambers. A three-dimensional mathematical formulation for mufflers with circular or rectangular cross-section with arbitrary location of inlet/outlet is derived by using the Eigen function expansion technique by Ih [13, 14]. The same problem is solved by the use of Green's function by Kim and Kang [15] for circular chambers and by Venkatesham et al. [16] for rectangular chambers. These methods take into account the effect of higher order modes which is necessary for successful analysis of a flow reversal chamber. The basic idea for these models stems from the fact that these chambers are in general regular in shape, which permits the use of series of orthogonal eigenfunctions. However, mufflers used in industry are not exactly rectangles or cylinders. Usually they are a bit curved at the edges to increase the stiffness. It is of interest for industry to know how this difference can alter the TL curve. This problem can be solved by FEM, however this method would be expensive and time consuming. One purpose of this thesis work is to investigate other methods for predicting TL of such chambers. One method could be to approximate the chamber which is curved at the edges with one which has sharp edges and then use the available theoretical models like the Green's function method to get TL curve. In the present study we want to find out how to do this approximation. The other possible method can be Neural Network. However this method needs some training data to train the neural network. Data for training can be obtained either through experiment or FEM. The effect of mean flow velocity is not studied here; However it has been found to be of negligible effect when Mach number is smaller than about 0.03 [17]. Besides, when the mean flow velocity is smaller than about M = 0.1, the convective contributions can be considered as negligible second order quantities and flow-generated noise may often be neglected. Further, if the mean flow velocity is small, the flow-generated 7 noise as well as pressure losses can be greatly reduced without degradation of the acoustic performance by streamline guidance: i.e., by using special l/O connecting geometries such as bell mouths and perforated bridges with high perforation ratios over 20% [14]

    Development and on-Track Tests of Active Vertical Secondary Suspension for Passenger Trains

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    QC 20150204</p

    Unsupervised rail vehicle running instability detection algorithm for passenger trains (iVRIDA)

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    Intelligently identifying rail vehicle faults instigating running instability from carbody floor acceleration is essential to ensure operational safety and reduce maintenance costs. However, the vehicle-track interaction's nonlinearities and scarcity of running instability occurrences complicate the task. The running instability is an anomaly in the vehicle-track interaction. Thus, we propose unsupervised anomaly detection and clustering algorithms based iVRIDA framework to detect and identify running instability and corresponding root cause. We deploy and compare the performance of the PCA-AD (baseline), Sparse Autoencoder (SAE-AD), and LSTM-Encoder-Decoder (LSTMEncDec-AD) model to detect the running instability occurrences. Furthermore, we deploy a k-means algorithm on latent space to identify clusters associated with root causes instigating instability. We deployed the iVRIDA framework on simulated and measured accelerations of European high-speed rail vehicles where SAE-AD and LSTMEncDec-AD models showed 97% accuracy. The proposed method contributes to smart maintenance by intelligently identifying anomalous vehicle-track interaction events.QC 20230607PIVOT

    Fault-Tolerant Analysis for Active Steering Actuation System Applied on Conventional Bogie Vehicle

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    Active steering system can drastically improve dynamic behaviors of the railway vehicle but will also introduce safety-critical issues. The fault-tolerant analysis therefore is essential for the design and implementation of this technology. In this work, an approach based on Risk Priority Number from Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is established to present quantitative assessment for fault tolerance of actuation system. This method is adopted to compare proposed nine different active steering schemes where two different hydraulic actuators are considered, and additional passive spring or redundant structure is implemented as back-up to ensure the safety. In case studies, the impacts of typical failure modes are investigated through multi-body simulation and quantified by Severity factor. Finally, the fault tolerance of different actuation schemes is compared by RPN values

    Investigating the effect of the equivalent conicity function's nonlinearity on the dynamic behaviour of a rail vehicle under typical service conditions

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    Generally, the equivalent conicity function (ECF) is denoted by equivalent conicity at 3mm (位3mm) and a Nonlinearity Parameter (NP). NP describes the nonlinearity of the ECF and its influence on a vehicle design is explored thoroughly, however, NP鈥檚 role in vehicle and track maintenance is not researched yet. This paper investigates the influence of track maintenance actions on vehicle dynamics with help of NP vs 位3mm scatter plots of ECF database. The ECF database is constructed by combining measured worn wheel and rail profile pairs of the Swedish high-speed vehicle and rail network, respectively. The ECF database revealed an inverse relationship between 位3mm and NP, i.e., NP is negative for larger 位3mm values. The combination of negative NP and high 位3mm causes reduction in the vehicle鈥檚 nonlinear critical speed and vehicle often exhibit the unstable running on the Swedish rail network. Thus, the occurrence of ECF with negative NP and high 位3mm is undersirable and the undesirable ECF can be converted into desirable ECF by grinding the rail, which converts ECF鈥檚 into positive NP and low 位3mm combinations. Thus, the NP parameter along with the 位3mm must be considered in track maintenance decisions.QC 20210813IN2TRACK