678 research outputs found

    Inequality in the Literacy Levels in Pakistan: Existence and Changes Overtime

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    This paper attempts to identify the areas that are still lagging behind other parts of the country in terms of literacy levels and are unable to play their role in the velopment of human capital of the country. The analyses indicate that more than 75 per cent of the districts in the country are under-represented in terms of literacy levels. This includes a large portion of Balochistan province. A large proportion of the iterate population is concentrated in the national and provincial capitals. In general, Sindh lags behind in case of rural areas and NWFP in case of females. The analyses also dicate that the areas that are backward in terms of economic development are also those with low levels of literacy. Balochistan is the province that needs the greatest attention. An encouraging sign is the general decline in disparities in literacy levels over time. Moreover, the least literate areas have shown a significant improvement over time. wever, a lot of work needs to be put into these areas for them to come at par with other parts of the country.Pakistan; Literacy Levels; Inequality; Representation; Growth; Ranking; Census

    Effects of Tredmil Training with and without Mirror Therapy on Lower Limb Function, Dynamic Balance, and Gait in Chronic Stroke Patients

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    Stroke, a brain attack, causes approximately 17 million new strokes annually, leading to motor deficits in up to 80% of patients, 30% experiencing long-term deficits in independent walking, and two-thirds experiencing functional limitations in lower limbs. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of treadmill training with and without mirror therapy on lower limb function, dynamic balance, and gait in chronic stroke patients. This research involved 24 chronic stroke patients divided into two groups: Group A received lower-limb treadmill training with mirror treatment, and Group B received treadmill training without mirror treatment. Both groups received traditional physiotherapy methods. The study found that MAS was non-parametric, while other measures were parametric. The trial lasted eight weeks, using six-minute walk testing, the modified Ashworth scale, and Fugl-Meyer assessment (lower extremity). The study found that the "mirror therapy" group had better results than the "control group" group, with P values of 0.023 and 0.00, respectively, for the outcome measures "MAS post-intervention" and "6MWT post-intervention." The "Mirror Therapy" group also improved more than the "Control Group" group in the outcome measure "FMA-LE Post-Intervention."This study concluded that there was a significant association between treadmill training and mirror therapy and lower limb functioning, dynamic balance, and gait in chronic stroke patients.&nbsp

    An Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan

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    Achieving economic growth is an important goal of any country. However, in recent years it has increasingly been realised that economic growth is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for human development. Pakistan provides a good example of a country which has historically enjoyed a respectable GDP growth rate and yet failed to translate this positive development into a satisfactory level of human development. Since its independence in 1947, Pakistan’s development policies have focused primarily on realising high economic growth and only incidentally on the task of providing social necessities. Such a process has given rise to a structure of production and distribution which has been only indirectly responsive to social goals. However, there is now a growing realisation that we could have done much better had we stressed human resource investments relatively more.

    Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan

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    This study attempts to analyse the priorities accorded to Education by the federal as well as the provincial governments. Since education is in large part a provincial responsibility, a comparative analysis of the performance of the public sector education in the four provinces of Pakistan would be useful to provide feedbacks to the provincial administrations of relative strengths and weaknesses of their educational system. Also, differences in priorities and performance among provinces provide useful insights, and, more importantly, raise many questions for planners. Such an analysis is also necessary for overall resource allocation. The analysis will be extended to district level but confined to Punjab and Sindh due to data constraints. The study will also examine the disparities in budget allocations to education in the two provinces.Education; Public expenditures; Pakistan

    Fiscal Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of FRDL (2005) Pakistan

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    The term fiscal responsibility in financial dictionary is defined as “A balanced budget”. That is a budget wherein expenditures during a given period of time equal to revenues. The fiscal responsibility also includes a budget in which revenue is greater than the expenditures. Fiscal responsibility is achievable and most of the individuals in their private life practice fiscal responsibility. At individual level everybody knows that they have to live within the budget and usually they do not overspend. Usually overspending by individual results in bad crediting rating which one receives from their creditors due to non-payments or late payments of installments and thus denies future benefits to the person concern. Fiscal responsibility at national level implies that a government has a balanced budget and has sufficient revenue to pay for its all expenditures. There would be no overspending if government had a true balanced budget in each period. The economic future of a nation largely depends on the way fiscal responsibility is practiced. There is a direct link between budget deficit today and what nation can enjoy in future. Fiscal responsibility is crucial for a nation to remain prosperous and stronger in future. Fiscal responsibility will also determine what kind of future we are leaving to our children and grandchildren for the next 20 years and beyond. If the fiscal responsibility is not practiced the government would spend more money than its income and it borrows for the difference. If the money borrowed come from domestic savings or from domestic lenders the economy will have less money available for capital investment and future productivity growth rates and levels would be lower. If on the other hand deficit is financed by foreign organisation/country the country will be indebted with growing debt to the rest of the world, with growing interest costs which must be served every year. If we rely more on foreign sources to finance the resource gap the foreign ownership of our resources would grow and so has our dependences on the actions of foreign governments and investors

    An Analysis of Monetary Policy in Controlling the Monetary Assets in Pakistan: A Money Multiplier Approach (1971-72 to 1989-90)

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    Besides fiscal policy, monetary policy is designed to attain sustained economic growth and to contain inflation within manageable limits. Usually monetary policy is pursued through variations in money supply in accordance with the requirement of output level and employment on one hand and price stability on the other. In Pakistan monetary policy is formulated to control total monetary assets keeping in view the projected growth rate of GDP, monetisation of the economy and the likely surplus or deficit in the country's international account. Once the safe limit of total monetary assets is determined it is then realised through different indirect measures, namely, the liquidity ratio, reserve requirements and the bank rate. l?rior to 1972 credit was controlled by these indirect measures. However, the separation of the Eastern wing and the two oil shocks of the early 1970's indicated the shortcomings of indirect methods when they failed to cope with the new situation. The open market operation could not be materialised due to marginal or nominal demand of government securities. The credit budgeting measure was introduced in 1972, replacing the old one, wherein the principal instrument is the credit ceiling for the commercial banks and they are bound to allocate credit to the priority sectors as determined by the government. Credit budgeting has proved to be an effective instrument of monetary policy both as a means of providing necessary funds for the development process and for curbing the increasing trends in prices. The credit ceiling with· its beneficial effects also has some adverse effects for example, commercial banks have little incentive in mobilising deposits, and their ability to respond to demand becomes extremely limited. The response of the public and commercial banks, to a certain extent, depend upon the credit ceilings determined by the monetary authority

    Growth of Output and Productivity in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Trends, Sources, and Policy Implications

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    The paper aims to review the growth performance of Pakistan’s agriculture from 1950 to 1995. The long-term growth rate of agriculture, although respectable, has exhibited considerable yearly fluctuations even between decades. The period of the fifties and early seventies lacked any growth. Accelerating and high growth rates marked the decade of the sixties but the performance has not been satisfactory since 1979-80 and average growth rates have barely exceeded the population growth rate, with widespread implications for growth of national economy, food security, and social welfare of the masses. Area, modern inputs, and technology have been the major determinants of growth but prices were equally important because of their incentive and disincentive effects. The agriculture price policies adopted during the 1980s are known to have had a negative effect on the development and use of technology in agriculture. In order to boost agricultural productivity, a change in price policy is needed to ensure incentive prices. This could be done by setting agricultural commodity prices at par with corresponding import and export parity prices. A higher investment in research and development can hardly be overemphasised. There is an urgent need to remove the bottlenecks in agricultural input markets since these markets represent the typical monopoly position. To break up the monopoly of registered dealers and to promote competition, free sales in the open market by interested parties and individuals may be allowed.

    Organizational Intelligence and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Distributive Justice

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    Abstract: A well thriving education system, initiate and promotes innovation along research, is a key to the performance, productivity and sustainability in the august world class universities, colleges and schools. Globalization and digital revolution are creating new strategic competition and advancement as, a result innovative knowledge and learning’s are driving our economic system. Both public and private organizations are forced to adopt these innovative and technical reforms in order to survive in a competitive environment, which can be possible through spiraling education system by research and innovative techniques. This study intends to investigate the mediating effects of distributive justice on relationship between organizational intelligence and employee performance in education sector. Based on a sample of 113 employees and using structural equation modeling approach, the organizational intelligence is found to have positive effects on distributive justice. The findings of the study suggest that the effects of organizational intelligence on employee performance are fully mediated by distributive justice. This study provides a strapping foundation for all educational institutes to analyze whether they are implementing strategic management practices or not. Systematic and assertive implementation of these practices will not only uplift the quality and standards of educational institutions but also essential for better performance of every industry

    The Relationship between Federal Government Revenues and Expenditures in Pakistan

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    A sound fiscal policy is important to promote price stability and sustain growth in output and employment. Fiscal policy is regarded as an instrument that can be used to lessen short-run fluctuations in output and employment in many debates of macroeconomic policy. It can also be used to bring the economy to its potential level. If policymakers understand the relationship between government expenditure and government revenue, continuous government deficits can be prevented. Hence the relationship between government expenditure and government revenue has attracted significant interest. This is due to the fact that the relationship between government revenue and expenditure has an impact on the budget deficit. The causal relationship between government revenue and expenditure has remained an empirically debatable issue in the field of public finance. The question of which variable takes precedence over the other has been a central issue to this debate

    Crime and Labor Market: A panel data analysis

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    This study empirically investigates the causal relationship between crime and labor market. Panel regression analysis with time period 2012- 2014 along with pool OLS method has been used for this purpose. The countries under study are divided into three categories: high, moderate and low crime index. The variables used in this study are also of three kinds: socio economic, demographic and deterrence variables. The results indicate that in high crime index countries (UDCs) unemployment & urbanization have significant positive impact on crime index whereas inflation, GDP growth rate, prison population rate and participation of youth 18-24 years in education and training are insignificant. In moderate crime index countries (UDCs) GDP growth rate & urbanization have significant negative impact on crime index. Whereas inflation, unemployment, prison population rate and participation of youth 18-24 years in education and training are insignificant.  In low crime index countries, the same socioeconomic and demographic factors as are noticed in high crime index countries i.e. unemployment and urbanization in addition to prison population rate are found to be responsible for labor market crimes. In order to control labor market crimes, the study recommends the improvement in GDP growth rate, discouraging the trend of urbanization, enhancement in education and training programs so that unemployment level be controlled and hence labor market can be saved from crimes