27 research outputs found

    Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antidiabetic, and Antimicrobial Potential of Bergenia ligulata

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    Bergenia ligulata, locally known as “Pashanbheda,” belongs to the family Saxifragaceae and is a perennial herb with a short and thick stem. This plant has numerous medicinal properties including antioxidant, antidiabetic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The qualitative and quantitative analysis shows that the rhizome of this plant contains various phytochemical constituents. Qualitative analysis shows that it contains phenols, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids, carbohydrates, and glycosides. Thirty- two bioactive compounds were identifiedduring GC-MS analysis. Dihydro-3-methylene-5-methyl-2-furanon, Stigmast-5-en-3-ol, 9-Octadecenamide(Z), 6,9-Octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester, 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z, Z)-, methyl compounds have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. The total phenol and flavonoid content from the quantitative analysis revealed a significant amount of phenol i.e., 67.1±0.02*6mg/g, and flavonoid content i.e., 89.11±0.01* mg/g. In vitro, antioxidant activities were estimated by diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl assay showing the highest % inhibition of 47.24±0.06* for plant extract and 41.63±0.057* for standard respectively. The in vitro, antidiabetic activitieswere estimated by alpha-amylase inhibition assay showing the highest % inhibition of 67.14±0.05* at 250 μg/ ml for methanolic plant extract and 61.42±0.01* at 250 μg/ ml for standard and in vitro antibacterial potential were detected by using Agar well diffusion process. The anti-bacterial action was found maximum in aqueous plant extract against staphylococcus aureus bacteria

    Nikah Mut'ah Dalam Pandangan Syi'ah

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    In this paper Abul Qasim Gourji highlights several verses or hadith which become the theological base for the legitimacy of mut'sb marriage. As a follower of the Syi' ah School, the writer wishes to clarify the validity of tnut' ah marriage. In his opinion, there is not one verse in the al-Qur'an or the hadith that expresses, either directly or implicitly, a prohibition of mut'ah marriage. By quoting several stories found in the books of Tafsir and laws of the books of Hadith and Tarikh, which all originate from the Sunni school, the writer emphasises that the prohibition on mut' ah marriage was not made by the Prophet, but rather by Umar bin Khattab. And this prohibition, he feels, clearly contradicts the al-Qur'an and the hadith. Moreover, up til now still no agreement has been reached about this prohibition on mut'ahmarriage, which was even practiced by several of the Prophet's companions

    Service Quality and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Airline Industry: Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Approach.

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    This quantitative paper aims to measure the service quality of airline service perceived by Pakistani customers, and its impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Partial Least Square Structural - Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to measure the relationship. It used a self-administered questionnaire by incorporating AIRQUAL measurement model. Respondents (n=168) who have travelled from Pakistan to Malaysia were sent questionnaire through social media. Convenience sampling technique was used, and the results revealed that Airline Tangibles, Personnel Services, and Image have a positive and significant relationship with Customer Satisfaction whereas Empathy and Terminal Tangibles showed an insignificant relationship with Customer Satisfaction. Results also showed a strong positive relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Moreover, the management of airlines and airport services need to reconsider the services they provide to their customers who are travelling from Pakistan to Malaysia

    Prevalence of Plasmodium species in patients attending in Ed-Babiker health center in Khartoum State, Sudan.

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    Background: Malaria is a serious vector-borne tropical disease that remains one of the primary reasons for death in several developing countries. In Sudan, almost 75% of the population is at risk of developing malaria. Aim: To study the prevalence and diversity of Plasmodium species based on the data collected in a health center-based survey in Ed-Babiker Health Center-Sudan. Methods: This was cross-sectional malaria survey carried out in Ed-Babiker Health Center during the colder season from December 2020 to March2021.The survey was categorized according to gender and age groups.Results: The overall prevalence of Plasmodium species among malaria suspected cases was 33%.  P. falciparum was is the main infecting malaria species in Ed-Babiker Health Center as we found that about (24%) of cases were infected with that species. The prevalence showed significant variations between the localities (P value <0.001), which could be explained by differences in population movement, refugees' presence of and proximity to endemic neighboring states. Conclusion: Even though malaria in Ed-Babiker Health Center is still largely recognized to Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax has been growing with worrying proportions and spreading to new areas. The emergence and marked increase of P. vivax poses new challenges to malaria treatment and control in Ed-Babiker Health Center.&nbsp

    Cultivation of Black Goji Berry (Lycium Ruthenicum Murr.) in the Trans Himalayan Region Ladakh Agro Technique Harvest, Yield and Cost Benefit Analysis

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    The present study discusses the agro technique, harvesting, yield, and economics of less explored highly medicinal plant black goji berry (Lycium ruthenicum). It was observed that black goji berries can be easily cultivated through seed, pencil-thickness hardwood stem cuttings, and rootstock. Black goji berry harvesting is a very difficult and tedious task for goji growing farmers as the berries get easily ruptured during harvesting and lose their content. To address these obstacles, DIHAR-DRDO, Leh conducted several goji berry harvesting trials deploying various techniques. Collecting fruits/berries to their full potential requires careful planning and tactics, which involves the use of an appropriate harvesting method that minimizes damage. After performing various method of harvesting, the best outcome was reported in cutting the fruit-bearing branch method as its less expensive with minimum fruit damage (5 %), time-saving, and retain the quality of fruit as compared to the other harvesting methods. An approximate cost production and net profit calculation were performed for 1011.71 square meters (02 Kanal) plantations of L. ruthenicum to their average yield of fruit production per plant. The average yield of three-year-old hardwood stem cutting and uprooted plant is 500-600 gm of fresh berry per plant on average. The economic relation to the cost production of L. ruthenicum is highly beneficial and it has all the capabilities of enhancing the socio-economy of the fragile ecosystem

    Fungal systematics and evolution : FUSE 6

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    Fungal Systematics and Evolution (FUSE) is one of the journal series to address the “fusion” between morphological data and molecular phylogenetic data and to describe new fungal taxa and interesting observations. This paper is the 6th contribution in the FUSE series—presenting one new genus, twelve new species, twelve new country records, and three new combinations. The new genus is: Pseudozeugandromyces (Laboulbeniomycetes, Laboulbeniales). The new species are: Albatrellopsis flettioides from Pakistan, Aureoboletus garciae from Mexico, Entomophila canadense from Canada, E. frigidum from Sweden, E. porphyroleucum from Vietnam, Erythrophylloporus flammans from Vietnam, Marasmiellus boreoorientalis from Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, Marasmiellus longistipes from Pakistan, Pseudozeugandromyces tachypori on Tachyporus pusillus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Belgium, Robillarda sohagensis from Egypt, Trechispora hondurensis from Honduras, and Tricholoma kenanii from Turkey. The new records are: Arthrorhynchus eucampsipodae on Eucampsipoda africanum (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Rwanda and South Africa, and on Nycteribia vexata (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria; A. nycteribiae on Eucampsipoda africanum from South Africa, on Penicillidia conspicua (Diptera, Nycteribiidae) from Bulgaria (the first undoubtful country record), and on Penicillidia pachymela from Tanzania; Calvatia lilacina from Pakistan; Entoloma shangdongense from Pakistan; Erysiphe quercicola on Ziziphus jujuba (Rosales, Rhamnaceae) and E. urticae on Urtica dioica (Rosales, Urticaceae) from Pakistan; Fanniomyces ceratophorus on Fannia canicularis (Diptera, Faniidae) from the Netherlands; Marasmiellus biformis and M. subnuda from Pakistan; Morchella anatolica from Turkey; Ophiocordyceps ditmarii on Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) from Austria; and Parvacoccum pini on Pinus cembra (Pinales, Pinaceae) from Austria. The new combinations are: Appendiculina gregaria, A. scaptomyzae, and Marasmiellus rodhallii. Analysis of an LSU dataset of Arthrorhynchus including isolates of A. eucampsipodae from Eucampsipoda africanum and Nycteribia spp. hosts, revealed that this taxon is a complex of multiple species segregated by host genus. Analysis of an SSU–LSU dataset of Laboulbeniomycetes sequences revealed support for the recognition of four monophyletic genera within Stigmatomyces sensu lato: Appendiculina, Fanniomyces, Gloeandromyces, and Stigmatomyces sensu stricto. Finally, phylogenetic analyses of Rhytismataceae based on ITS–LSU ribosomal DNA resulted in a close relationship of Parvacoccum pini with Coccomyces strobi.http://www.sydowia.at/index.htmpm2021Medical Virolog

    أثر الباعث في العقود: دراسة فقهية مقارنة بين الشريعة الاسلامية وبعض القوانين الوضعية

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    ABSTRAK Alhamdulillahirobil ‘alamin, Shalawat serta salam semoga selalu tercurahkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai Rahmat bagi seluruh alam, istri Nabi SAW ummahatul mu’minin, keluarga Nabi SAW, para Sahabat Nabi Radliyallah anhum, dan para Tabi’in. Penelitian ini mengkaji teori Motif dan pengaruhnya terhadap akad. Motif adalah perkara personal yang bersifat rahasia, yang merupakan urusan kejiwaan yang menggerakkan keinginan akan suatu tujuan tertentu. Motif ini ada kalanya disyariatkan dan adakalanya tidak disyariatkan. Motif yang disyariatkan adalah yang sesuai dengan keinginan Al Syari’ Al Hakim (Allah). Adapun Motif yang tidak disyariatkan maka wajib untuk dihentikan, dan dilarang untuk dilaksanakan. Teori Motif ini memiliki dalil-dalil yang menjadi landasannya dari Al Qur`an dan sunnah, serta memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap seluruh akad, dan dapat diterapkan pada berbagai macam akad untuk menghindari bahaya bagi personal maupun masyarakat. Peneliti telah mengkaji Motif dalam penelitian ini baik secara teoritis maupun aplikatif. Peneliti memandang bahwa fiqh Islam memiliki dua pandangan: pertama, pandangan tematik, mereka adalah golongan madzhab Syafi’i dan Hanafi. Kedua, pandangan personal, mereka adalah golongan madzhab Malikiyah dan hambali. Peneliti memaparkan sebagian penerapan kontemporer yang melekat pada inti penerapan motif, diantaranya di bidang jual beli seperti masalah pemalsuan dan pengoplosan, di bidang perdata seperti masalah perceraian karena penyakit mematikan, dan tindakan istri terhadap hartanya. Semua itu sesuai dengan metode ilmiah sebagaimana yang telah disepakati dalam penelitian sebagai berikut: Bab I : Kerangka umum dan kajian terdahulu, bab ini terdiri dari muqoddimah, latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, manfaat penelitian, dan kajian terdahulu. Bab II : Bab ini merupakan kajian teori yang terdiri dari : konsep motif, dalil-dalil tentang motif dari Al Qur`an dan Sunnah, sebab-sebab dalam hukum positifisme Bab III : Dalam bab ini peneliti menjelaskan tentang metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari jenis penelitian, sumber data, metode analisis data, dan kerangka penelitian. Bab IV : Bab ini adalah pembahasan dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari masalah pemalsuan, pengoplosan, perceraian karena penyakit mematikan, dan tindakan istri terhadap hartanya, dan penjelasan tentang hal-hal tersebut. Kemudian tentang pengaruh motif terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut. Bab V: Bab ini berisi penutup, hasil-hasil, saran-saran, dan referensi. ABSTRACT Alhamdulillahirobil 'alamin, shalawat and salam always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW. as a mercy to all the worlds, his wife, ummahatul mu'minin, his family, the Companions of the Prophet Radliyallah anhum, and the tabi'ins. This study examines the motive theory and its influence on the akad or contract. Motif is a personal matter that is confidentially, which is a psychological affair that drives the desire for a particular purpose. This motif is sometimes prescribed and sometimes not prescribed. Motifs that are prescribed in accordance with the wishes of Al Syari 'Al Hakim (God). The motive is not prescribed then obliged to stop, and forbidden to be implemented. This motif has a theory postulates that is based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, and having a major influence on the entire contract, and it can be applied to various kinds of contract to avoid danger to personal or public. Researchers have studied motif in this study both theoretical and applicative. The researcher considers that Islamic fiqh has two views: first, thematic view, they are the ones Syafi’i and Hanafi schools. Second, personal views, they are the ones Malikiyah and Hanbali schools. Researchers explain part of the application from contemporary which adhered to the core application of motif, including in the field of buying and selling such as counterfeiting and adulteration issues, such as problems in the field of civil divorce because of the deadly disease, and the wife actions of his property. All that according to the scientific method as agreed in the study as follows: Chapter I: general framework and previous studies, this chapter consists of opening, background, problem statement, research objectives, benefits of the study, and previous studies. Chapter II: This chapter is a review of the theory consisting of: the concept of motives, the arguments about the motives of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the causes in legal positivism Chapter III: In this chapter, the researcher describes the methods used in this study, which consists of the types of research, data sources, methods of data analysis, and research framework. Chapter IV: This chapter is a discussion in this study, which consists of the problem of counterfeiting, adulteration, divorce because of the deadly disease, and the wife actions of his property, and an explanation of these things. Then on the influence of motives on these issues. Chapter V: This chapter contains the cover, the results, suggestions, and references. ملخص تناولت هذه الرسالة دراسة نظرية الباعث واثرها في العقود، والباعث هو امر ذاتي خفي، وهو ذالك الامر النفسي المحرك للإرادة نحو هدف معين، وقد يكون الباعث مشروعا؛ وقد يكون غير مشروع، فاذا كان مشروعا؛ فانه يكون موافقا لإرادة الشارع الحكيم، واذا كان الباعث غير مشروع، فانه يجب ايقافه، ويمنع صاحبه من تنفيذه. ونظرية الباعث لها ادلتها التي تقوم بها من الكتاب والسنة، ولها اثر بالغ الاهمية على جميع التصرفات والعقود، ويمكن اعمالها على مختلف العقود منعا لوقوع الضرر على الفرد والمجتمع. وقد بحثنا نظرية الباعث في هذه الرسالة نظريا وتطبيقها في بعض العقود ، وقد رأينا ان الفقه الاسلامي ذو اتجاهين، احدهما اتجاه موضوعي اصحابه هم الشافعية والحنفية، والاتجاه الاخر ذاتي حمل رايته المالكية والحنابلة. وقد اوردنا بعضا من التطبيقات المعاصرة التي تجسد روح التطبيق لفكرة الباعث، ومن هذه التطبيقات في جانب البيوع مسألة التصرية، ومسألة العرايا، ومن الاحوال الشخصية، مسألة الطلاق في مرض الموت، وتصرف الزوجة في مالها، وكان ذالك وفق منهجية علمية كما هو متعارفاً عليه في اواسط البحث العلمي كالتالي: الفصل الاول: الاطار العام والدراسات السابقة، وقد اشتمل هذا الفصل على مقدمة/ خلفية البحث، ومشكلة البحث، واسئلة البحث، واهداف البحث، واهمية البحث، والدراسات السابقة. الفصل الثاني: وكان تجسيدا للاطار النظري وقد اشتمل على: مفهوم الباعث وضوابطه، والادلة على الباعث من الكتاب والسنة، والسبب في القانون الوضعي. والفصل الثالث: وقد اوضحت فيه المنهجية المتبعة في كتابة هذه الرسالة، وقد اشتمل على نوع البحث، ومصادر البيانات، وطرق تحليلها، وهيكل البحث. والفصل الرابع: وهو الذي يمثل الجانب العملي في هذه الرسالة، وقد اشتمل على: مسألة التصرية، والعرايا، والطلاق في مرض الموت، وتصرف الزوجة في مالها، وبيان كلاً منها موضحاً بعد ذالك اثر الباعث في هذه المسائل. والفصل الخامس: جاء فيه الخاتمة واهم النتائج والتوصيات، والمصادر والمراج

    دراسة فقهية مقارنة بين الشريعة الاسلامية وبعض القوانين الوضعية

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji teori Motif dan pengaruhnya terhadap akad. Motif adalah perkara personal yang bersifat rahasia, yang merupakan urusan kejiwaan yang menggerakkan keinginan akan suatu tujuan tertentu. Motif ini ada kalanya disyariatkan dan adakalanya tidak disyariatkan. Motif yang disyariatkan adalah yang sesuai dengan keinginan Al Syari’ Al Hakim (Allah). Adapun Motif yang tidak disyariatkan maka wajib untuk dihentikan, dan dilarang untuk dilaksanakan. Teori Motif ini memiliki dalil-dalil yang menjadi landasannya dari Al Qur`an dan sunnah, serta memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap seluruh akad, dan dapat diterapkan pada berbagai macam akad untuk menghindari bahaya bagi personal maupun masyarakat. Peneliti telah mengkaji Motif dalam penelitian ini baik secara teoritis maupun aplikatif. Peneliti memandang bahwa fiqh Islam memiliki dua pandangan: pertama, pandangan tematik, mereka adalah golongan madzhab Syafi’i dan Hanafi. Kedua, pandangan personal, mereka adalah golongan madzhab Malikiyah dan hambali. Peneliti memaparkan sebagian penerapan kontemporer yang melekat pada inti penerapan motif, diantaranya di bidang jual beli seperti masalah pemalsuan dan pengoplosan, di bidang perdata seperti masalah perceraian karena penyakit mematikan, dan tindakan istri terhadap hartanya. Semua itu sesuai dengan metode ilmiah sebagaimana yang telah disepakati dalam penelitian sebagai berikut: Bab I : Kerangka umum dan kajian terdahulu, bab ini terdiri dari muqoddimah, latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, manfaat penelitian, dan kajian terdahulu. Bab II : Bab ini merupakan kajian teori yang terdiri dari : konsep motif, dalil-dalil tentang motif dari Al Qur`an dan Sunnah, sebab-sebab dalam hukum positifisme. Bab III : Dalam bab ini peneliti menjelaskan tentang metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari jenis penelitian, sumber data, metode analisis data, dan kerangka penelitian. Bab IV : Bab ini adalah pembahasan dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari masalah pemalsuan, pengoplosan, perceraian karena penyakit mematikan, dan tindakan istri terhadap hartanya, dan penjelasan tentang hal-hal tersebut. Kemudian tentang pengaruh motif terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut. Bab V: Bab ini berisi penutup, hasil-hasil, saran-saran, dan referensi. ABSTRACT This study examines the motive theory and its influence on the akad or contract. Motif is a personal matter that is confidentially, which is a psychological affair that drives the desire for a particular purpose. This motif is sometimes prescribed and sometimes not prescribed. Motifs that are prescribed in accordance with the wishes of Al Syari 'Al Hakim (God). The motive is not prescribed then obliged to stop, and forbidden to be implemented. This motif has a theory postulates that is based on the Qur’an and Sunnah, and having a major influence on the entire contract, and it can be applied to various kinds of contract to avoid danger to personal or public. Researchers have studied motif in this study both theoretical and applicative. The researcher considers that Islamic fiqh has two views: first, thematic view, they are the ones Syafi’i and Hanafi schools. Second, personal views, they are the ones Malikiyah and Hanbali schools. Researchers explain part of the application from contemporary which adhered to the core application of motif, including in the field of buying and selling such as counterfeiting and adulteration issues, such as problems in the field of civil divorce because of the deadly disease, and the wife actions of his property. All that according to the scientific method as agreed in the study as follows: Chapter I: general framework and previous studies, this chapter consists of opening, background, problem statement, research objectives, benefits of the study, and previous studies. Chapter II: This chapter is a review of the theory consisting of: the concept of motives, the arguments about the motives of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the causes in legal positivism. Chapter III: In this chapter, the researcher describes the methods used in this study, which consists of the types of research, data sources, methods of data analysis, and research framework. Chapter IV: This chapter is a discussion in this study, which consists of the problem of counterfeiting, adulteration, divorce because of the deadly disease, and the wife actions of his property, and an explanation of these things. Then on the influence of motives on these issues. Chapter V: This chapter contains the cover, the results, suggestions, and references. مستخلص البح