5 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Pengguna SIAKAD

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    Abstract:  The Academic Information System has become an integral part of modern educational institutions, aiming to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in managing academic information. The adoption and usage of the Academic Information System (often referred to by its local abbreviation, SIAKAD) are often influenced by the psychological and behavioral factors of its users. To understand and address these challenges, the TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) methodologies are applied to determine the behavior and acceptance levels of SIAKAD. The nature of this research is quantitative. The sampling technique is random sampling, taken from 30 Study Programs with a total of 89 respondents. Research data were obtained from the results of the respondent's questionnaire. The data was then analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The findings show that the variable of ease of application use has a significant influence. This is based on the calculation results that show a T-statistic value of 58.715 (> 1.96). Abstrak: Sistem Informasi Akademik telah menjadi bagian integral dari institusi pendidikan modern, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, akurasi, dan aksesibilitas dalam pengelolaan informasi akademik. Penerimaan dan penggunaan SIAKAD seringkali dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor psikologis dan perilaku penggunanya. Untuk memahami dan mengatasi tantangan ini, penerapan  metode TPB dan TAM digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat perilaku dan penerimaan SIAKAD. Jenis penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel, yaitu random sampling yang diambil dari 30 Program Studi dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 89 orang responden. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner responden. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa varibel kemudahan menggunakan aplikasi memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang menunjukkan T-statistic sebesar 58, 715 (> 1,96)


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    This research can be carried out to carry out the shipping process to avoid accidents caused by accidents caused by the use of discharges and solutions by using the approach. This auxiliary system works for purposes. The auxiliary system in this research is in the form of optimization that can overcome the problem of ship's overnight in making the voyage. Test the eligibility of ships in a good and optimal shipping to avoid fatal accident is not possible without using a good data management system and realtime. With the auxiliary system, data processing and feasibility parameters become faster and produce decisions with a high degree of accuracy. Through this research, we are able to improve the quality of ship's eligibility in shipping well in strategic and operational aspects. The research was conducted by using survey method, model and system development. The expected result is a prototype and a vessel assistive aerial system for carrying out shipping that can be implemented to address and reduce the number of marine accidents in the voyage

    Kombinasi Zachman Framework dan Strategic Planning Information System versi John Ward dan Joe Peppard dalam Perancangan Blueprint IT FTI USN Kolaka

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    This study focuses on designing IT blueprints for the Information Technology Faculty of USN Kolaka by combining the Zachman framework and the Strategic Planning Information System to produce an objective requirements plan. The results of this study suggest that there are at least 11 potential applications, including one strategic application, namely the e-quality assurance application, there are five high priority applications, namely e-monev, e-publication, e-ledger, e-procurement, e-certification, there are also four an application that determines the success of public service operational activities such as e-learning, e-library, e-journal, e-alumni, and then an application that supports public service activities, namely an e-mail application that functions for recording incoming and outgoing letters electronically. Thus, this IT blueprint can be a reference for technology developers in mapping the priorities of FTI USN Kolaka services in the future.Penelitian ini difokuskan pada perancangan blueprint IT fakultas teknologi informasi USN Kolaka dengan mengkombinasikan kerangka kerja zachman dan Strategic Planning Information System untuk menghasilkan sebuah perencanaan kebutuhan Teknologi Informasi yang objektif. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengusulkan setidaknya terdapat 11 aplikasi potensial yang dapat diadopsi oleh FTI USN Kolaka antara lain satu aplikasi strategic yaitu aplikasi e- jaminan mutu, terdapat lima aplikasi prioritas tinggi yaitu e-monev, e-publikasi,e-ledger, e-procurement, e-sertifikasi, terdapat pula empat aplikasi penentu kesuksesan kegiatan operasional layanan publik seperti e-learning, e-perpustakaan, e-jurnal,e-alumni,dan selanjutnya sebuah aplikasi pendukung kegiatan pelayanan publik yaitu aplikasi e-surat menyurat yang berfungsi untuk pencatatan surat masuk dan surat keluar secara elektronik. Dengan demikian blueprint IT ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi pengembang teknologi dalam memetakan prioritas layanan FTI USN Kolaka dimasa mendatang

    The Combination of the Zachman Framework and the Strategic Planning Information System Version of John Ward and Joe Peppard in the Design of IT Blueprint FTI USN Kolaka

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    This study focuses on designing IT blueprints for the Information Technology Faculty of USN Kolaka by combining the Zachman framework and the Strategic Planning Information System to produce an objective requirements plan. The results of this study suggest that there are at least 11 potential applications, including one strategic application, namely the e-quality assurance application, there are five high priority applications, namely e-monev, e-publication, e-ledger, e-procurement, e-certification, there are also four an application that determines the success of public service operational activities such as e-learning, e-library, e-journal, e-alumni, and then an application that supports public service activities, namely an e-mail application that functions for recording incoming and outgoing letters electronically. Thus, this IT blueprint can be a reference for technology developers in mapping the priorities of FTI USN Kolaka services in the future