266 research outputs found


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    The present study aimed at analyzing the writing activities in Action Pack 10 and measuring the degree of their congruence with the general grade outcomes for the English language guidelines in Jordan. The material of the analysis is the English language textbook for the 10th grade within Action Pack series. The researchers content-analyzed the writing activities in all the units in both parts of the book; they compared the content of these activities with the main five general outcomes for the guidelines of teaching writing in this grade. The results of the study showed that the second and the third outcomes, as listed in the third and fourth sections of the paper, ranked first with a percentage of 24.5%; second ranked the fourth and fifth outcomes with a percentage of 18.3% ; and finally, the first outcome ranked third with a percentage of 14.3%. The researchers presented some inferences that are related to the results of the analysis


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    The present study aimed at analyzing the writing activities in Action Pack 10 and measuring the degree of their congruence with the general grade outcomes for the English language guidelines in Jordan. The material of the analysis is the English language textbook for the 10th grade within Action Pack series. The researchers content-analyzed the writing activities in all the units in both parts of the book; they compared the content of these activities with the main five general outcomes for the guidelines of teaching writing in this grade. The results of the study showed that the second and the third outcomes, as listed in the third and fourth sections of the paper, ranked first with a percentage of 24.5%; second ranked the fourth and fifth outcomes with a percentage of 18.3% ; and finally, the first outcome ranked third with a percentage of 14.3%. The researchers presented some inferences that are related to the results of the analysis

    Impact of New Generation Wide-Base Tires on Fuel Consumption

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    This study combined multiple approaches to evaluate the structural and economic impact of using new-generation wide-base tires (NG-WBT) in New Brunswick, Canada. A three-dimensional finite-element model of a typical pavement structure used in New Brunswick was used to predict critical pavement responses. The model includes measured tire-pavement contact forces among other variables overlooked in conventional flexible pavement analysis approaches. Using the model output, regression analysis was performed to predict the responses under various loadings to avoid performing the time-consuming finite-element analysis. Eight-year weight-in-motion data and critical pavement responses were used in transfer functions to predict pavement damage and the corresponding progression of an international roughness index (IRI) during a 60-year analysis period. Most pavement responses from NG-WBT compared with dual-tire assembly (DTA) were 20% and 30% higher in this case. The smallest difference was the vertical strain on top of the subgrade. The life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) considered a reduction in fuel consumption because of the use of NG-WBTs. Two scenarios were analyzed: (1) Case A, in which maintenance was performed periodically and independent of IRI values, and (2) Case B, in which the IRI threshold triggered maintenance. A reduction in fuel costs was significant in both cases. Maintaining a low pavement IRI would increase vehicle and truck fuel cost savings. The results indicate that the agency cost to maintain pavement used by NG-WBT is expected to be between CAD 7,703 to CAD 8,840 (2019 dollars) for 10% and 20% of all tandem axles using NG-WBT per one kilometer for a 60-year analysis period. The annual worth of such savings would be CAD 298 and CAD 342 (2019 dollars), respectively. In contrast, fuel savings per truck-km is expected to be CAD 30,471 to CAD 60,119 (2019 dollars) for 10% and 20% of all tandem axles using NG-WBT per one kilometer for the same analysis period, respectively. The annual worth of such savings would be CAD 1,100 and CAD 2,172 (2019 dollars) per one kilometer, respectively. Additionally, the trucks would save, annually, CAD 0.42 and CAD 0.107 per ton transported per kilometer for 10% and 20% NG-WBT market penetrations, respectively

    A Fractional LC − RC Circuit

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    Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 30B10, 33B15, 44A10, 47N70, 94C05We suggest a fractional differential equation that combines the simple harmonic oscillations of an LC circuit with the discharging of an RC circuit. A series solution is obtained for the suggested fractional differential equation. When the fractional order α = 0, we get the solution for the RC circuit, and when α = 1, we get the solution for the LC circuit. For arbitrary α we get a general solution which shows how the oscillatory behavior (LC circuit) go over to a decay behavior (RC circuit) as grows from 0 to 1, and vice versa. An explanation of the behavior is proposed based on the idea of the evolution of a resistive property in the inductor giving a new value to the inductance that affects the frequency of the oscillator

    Physicochemical and antimicrobial properties of whey protein-based films functionalized with palestinian Satureja capitata essential oil

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    The present study aimed to produce bio-active packaging materials made of whey proteins (WPs) and essential oil (EO) extracted from Thymbra (Satureja capitata, L.), one of the most popular Palestinian wild plants. In this study, two different Thymbra leaves from Nablus and Qabatiya in Palestine were collected and analyzed for EOs by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Based on the analysis, two EOs, namely, TEO1 and TEO2, were extracted, and it was found that both samples primarily contain γ-terpinene and carvacrol, whereas p-cymene was detected only in TEO1. The antimicrobial activity of TEO1 and TEO2 was evaluated by microbroth microdilution assays against pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Based on the results, TEO1 exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against the test strains. Besides, TEO1 was chosen to functionalize WP-based films at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.4%, and 0.8% v/v of Film Forming Solutions). Film mechanical property investigation showed a marked reduction in the tensile strength and Young’s modulus at 0.8% TEO1. In contrast, its elongation at break value was significantly (p < 0.05) increased due to the plasticizing effect of the EO. Moreover, the film transparency was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) reduced by increasing TEO1 concentrations. Finally, microbiological investigations indicated that film antimicrobial activity against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria increased dose-dependently. The overall results open interesting perspectives for employing these films as preservative materials in food packaging

    واقع البرامج والخدمات المقدمة للطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم في المدارس النظامية في ضوء مؤشرات ضبط الجودة في الأردن

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الكشف عن واقع البرامج والخدمات المقدمة للطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم في المدارس النظامية في ضوء مؤشرات ضبط الجودة في الاردن، وقد تكون مجتمع الدراسة من جميع غرف مصادر التعلم للطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم والبالغ عددها(51) غرفة مصادر في محافظة المفرق, بمديرياتها الثلاث (مديرية تربية قصبة المفرق, مديرية تربية البادية الشمالية الغربية, مديرية تربية البادية الشمالية الشرقية) وبلغ عدد الغرف المفعلة (34) غرفة مفعلة, وقد استخدمالمنهج الوصفي المسحي, ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة قام الباحثان ببناء استبانة تكونت بصورتها النهائية من (108) فقرات موزعة على (12) مجالاً هي (الرؤية والفكر والرسالة, ادارة وتنظيم البرنامج, حفظ السجلات وطرق تخزين المعلومات واسترجاعها, المصادر الميزانية المالية للبرنامج, مؤهلات العاملين في البرنامج, التشخيص والتقييم, البرنامج التربوي الفردي(منهاج الطالب), اساليب التعليم والانشطة التعليمية, تنظيم الخدمات المساندة في البرنامج, البيئة التعليمية, مشاركة ودعم تمكين الأسرة,التقييم الذاتي) واستخدمت المتوسطات والانحرافات المعيارية للإجابة عن اسئلة الدراسة، وقد توصلت الدراسة الى أن واقع البرامج والخدمات المقدمة للطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم على اداة الدراسة كانت بدرجة متوسطة، وحصل مجال " الرؤية والفكر والرسالة" على الرتبة الاولى وبدرجة مرتفعة، وحصل مجال "مصادر الميزانية المالية للبرنامج" على الرتبة الاخيرة وبدرجة منخفضة. ومن اهم التوصيات التي توصلت اليها الدراسة:اعتماد معايير ضبط الجودة في هذه الدراسة في إجراء دراسات أخرى في الأردن

    A Proposed Expert System for Strawberry Diseases Diagnosis

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    Background: There is no doubt that strawberry diseases are one of the most important reasons that led to the destruction of strawberry plants and their crops. This leads to obvious damage to these plants and they become inedible. Discovering these diseases after a good step for proper and correct treatment. Determining the treatment with high accuracy depends on the method used in the diagnosis. Correctly, expert systems can greatly help in avoiding damage to these plants. The expert system correctly diagnoses strawberry disease to make it easier for farmers to find the right treatment based on the appropriate diagnosis. Objectives: The main goal of this expert system is to get the appropriate diagnosis of disease and the correct treatment. Methods: In this paper the design of the proposed Expert System which was produced to help Farmers and students interested in agriculture strawberry in diagnosing many of the strawberry diseases such as: Leaf Spots, Grey Mold, Red Stele/Red Core, Wilt, Powdery Mildew, Alternaria Spot, Black Root Rot, Anthracnose (black spot), and Angular Leaf Spot. The proposed expert system presents an overview about strawberry diseases are given, the cause of diseases are outlined and the treatment of disease whenever possible is given out. CLIPS language was used for designing and implementing the proposed expert system. Results: The proposed strawberry diseases diagnosis expert system was evaluated by Farmers and they were satisfied with its performance. Conclusions: The Proposed expert system is very useful for Farmers with strawberry problem and students interested in agriculture strawberry

    Developing an Expert System to Diagnose Tomato Diseases

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    There is no doubt that tomato diseases are one of the important reasons that destroy the tomato plant and its crops. This leads to clear damage to these plants and they become inedible. Discovering these diseases after a good step for proper and correct treatment. Determining the treatment with high accuracy depends on the method used in the diagnosis. Correctly, expert systems can greatly help to avoid damage to these plants. The expert system diagnoses tomato disease correctly to facilitate farmers to find the correct treatment based on the appropriate diagnosis. Objectives: An expert system has been established based on CLIPS to diagnose tomato plant diseas