393 research outputs found
Role of Quality Management in Pharmaceutical Development: Evidence from Islamabad and Lahore
The aim of this paper is to investigate the employee’s perceptions of the impact, of Total Quality Management (TQM), on their roles within the organization and how they perceived the effectiveness of the quality processes in Pakistan Pharmaceutical industry. The universe of this study was the employees of Pharmaceutical industry in Islamabad and Lahore. For this purpose survey method was used by using questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The results have shown that Employee Training and Development, Employee Performance, Quality Process and Team Work are significant factors with the Total Quality Management and correlated with each others. The result shows the application of TQM principles addresses some of the key challenges facing the organization. The study was faced by certain limitations and included time constraints and resources constraints which limited this research to only Islamabad and Lahore offices, of the Pharmaceutical companies. The present study found support that pharmaceutical companies faced the same difficulties with TQM implementations as experienced in other industries. These include achieving a culture of continuous improvement, overcoming a lack of trust and understanding the TQM process itself, and what they were, as a company, trying to achieve. These problems are not new and many companies have difficulties in implementing TQM. Pharmaceutical companies also followed the path of achieving a quality certification; namely, ISO 9000 accreditation, in the pursuit of excellence.Quality Management; pharmaceutical Development; Pakistan; Employee’s Perceptions
Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan
Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan.
Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident.
Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion.
Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents.
Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану.
Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ).
Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки.
Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій.
Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана.
Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО).
Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт.
Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий.
Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time
Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan
Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan.
Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident.
Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion.
Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents.
Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану.
Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ).
Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки.
Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій.
Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана.
Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО).
Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт.
Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий.
Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time
Expert advice ensemble for thyroid disease diagnosis
Thyroid gland influences the metabolic processes of human body due to the fact that it produces hormones. Hyperthyroidism in caused due to increase in the production of thyroid hormones. In this paper a methodology using an online ensemble of decision trees to detect thyroid-related diseases is proposed. The aim of this work is to improve the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid disease. Initially, feature rejection method is applied to discard 10 irrelevant and redundant features from 29 features. Then, it's shown that the offline ensemble of decision trees provides higher performance than state-of-the-art methodologies. Afterwards, the exponential weights based online ensemble method is implemented which reaches comparable classification performance with offline methodology. The proposed system consists of three stages: feature rejection, training decision trees with different cost schemes and the online classification stage where each classifier is weighted using an exponential weight based algorithm. The performance of online algorithm increases as the number of samples increases, because it continuously updates the weights to improve accuracy. The achieved classification accuracy proves the robustness and effectiveness of online version of proposed system in thyroid disease diagnosis. © 2017 IEEE
Serum cholesterol in neonates and their mothers. a pilot study
Reports from the Aga Khan University indicate that 58% of 400 school children studied had undesirably high serum cholesterol levels. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the high cholesterol levels are present at birth and to determine the relationship between cord blood, maternal blood cholesterol and maternal diet. Cord blood from 58 neonates and fasting venous blood form 45 mothers were analyzed for total serum cholesterol. Mothers were interviewed regarding their usual diet during pregnancy. Mean cord blood cholesterol was 56.90 mg/dl (range 26 to 123 mg/dI). Mean maternal blood cholesterol was 232.4mg/dl (range 141-382 mg/dl). Mean maternal intake of cholesterol was 457 mg (recommended level _ 300 mg/day). There was no significant co-relation between cord blood cholesterol and maternal blood cholesterol or maternal intake of cholesterol. Eighteen percent of the mothers reported a strong family history of hypercholesterolemia and/or heart disease, but this genetic tendency was not observed in the blood cholesterol level at birth indicating that environmental factors namely diet may have a prime role in determining serum cholesterol levels in childhoo
Role of Quality Management in Pharmaceutical Development: Evidence from Islamabad and Lahore
The aim of this paper is to investigate the employee’s perceptions of the impact, of Total Quality Management (TQM), on their roles within the organization and how they perceived the effectiveness of the quality processes in Pakistan Pharmaceutical industry. The universe of this study was the employees of Pharmaceutical industry in Islamabad and Lahore. For this purpose survey method was used by using questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The results have shown that Employee Training and Development, Employee Performance, Quality Process and Team Work are significant factors with the Total Quality Management and correlated with each others. The result shows the application of TQM principles addresses some of the key challenges facing the organization. The study was faced by certain limitations and included time constraints and resources constraints which limited this research to only Islamabad and Lahore offices, of the Pharmaceutical companies. The present study found support that pharmaceutical companies faced the same difficulties with TQM implementations as experienced in other industries. These include achieving a culture of continuous improvement, overcoming a lack of trust and understanding the TQM process itself, and what they were, as a company, trying to achieve. These problems are not new and many companies have difficulties in implementing TQM. Pharmaceutical companies also followed the path of achieving a quality certification; namely, ISO 9000 accreditation, in the pursuit of excellence.Quality Management; pharmaceutical Development; Pakistan; Employee’s Perceptions
Fragmentation of very high energy heavy ions
A stack of CR39 (C12H18O7)n nuclear track detectors with a Cu target was
exposed to a 158 A GeV lead ion beam at the CERN-SPS, in order to study the
fragmentation properties of lead nuclei.
Measurements of the total, break-up and pick-up charge-changing cross
sections of ultrarelativistic Pb ions on Cu and CR39 targets are presented and
discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 EPS figures included with epsf, uses article.sty Talk
presented by M. Giorgini at the Int. Conf. on Structure of the Nucleus at the
Dawn of the Century, Bologna (Italy), May 29-June 3, 200
Discrete-time rewards model-checked
This paper presents a model-checking approach for analyzing discrete-time Markov reward models. For this purpose, the temporal logic probabilistic CTL is extended with reward constraints. This allows to formulate complex measures – involving expected as well as accumulated rewards – in a precise and succinct way. Algorithms to efficiently analyze such formulae are introduced. The approach is illustrated by model-checking a probabilistic cost model of the IPv4 zeroconf protocol for distributed address assignment in ad-hoc networks
Contraction and Intracellular Calcium Transport in Epicardial and Endocardial Ventricular Myocytes from Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rat
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem. According to the International Diabetes Federation, 424.9 million people suffered from DM in 2017 and this number is expected to rise to 628.6 million by 2045. Although diabetes can affect every organ in the body, cardiovascular disease is a major cause of death and disability in people with diabetes. Diabetic patients frequently suffer from systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Within the ventricles, the electromechanical properties of cardiac myocytes vary transmurally. The aim of this study was to investigate contraction and Ca2+ transport in epicardial (EPI) and endocardial (ENDO) myocytes from the left ventricle in the streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat heart. Experiments were performed 5–6 months after STZ treatment. Ventricular myocytes were isolated by enzymic and mechanical dispersal
techniques from EPI and ENDO regions of the left ventricle. Contraction and free intracellular Ca2+ concentration (Ca2+)i were measured by video edge detection and fl uorescence photometry techniques, respectively. Myocyte length and calculated surface area were smaller in EPI-STZ compared to EPI-CON. Time to peak (TPK) shortening was prolonged in EPI-STZ compared to EPI-CON and in ENDO-STZ compared to ENDO-CON myocytes. Time to half (THALF) relaxation of shortening was prolonged in EPI-STZ compared to EPI-CON. TPK Ca2+ transient was prolonged in EPI-STZ compared to EPI-CON, ENDO-STZ compared to ENDO-CON, ENDO-STZ compared to EPI-STZ and in ENDO-CON compared to EPI-CON myocytes. THALF decay of the Ca2+ transient was prolonged in ENDO-STZ compared to ENDO-CON. Fractional release of Ca2+ was increased in ENDO-STZ compared to ENDO-CON and in ENDO-STZ compared to EPI-STZ. Recovery of the
Ca2+ transient was prolonged in ENDO-STZ compared to ENDO-CON. In conclusion, the kinetics of contraction and Ca2+ transient, fractional release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum are altered to different extents in EPI and ENDO myocytes from STZ-induced diabetic rat
Calcium Signaling in the Ventricular Myocardium of the Goto-Kakizaki Type 2 Diabetic Rat
The association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and high mortality linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major concern worldwide. Clinical and preclinical studies have demonstrated a variety of diastolic and systolic dysfunctions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with the severity of abnormalities depending on the patients’ age and duration of diabetes. The
cellular basis of hemodynamic dysfunction in type 2 diabetic heart is still not well understood. The aim of this review is to evaluate our current understanding of contractile dysfunction and disturbances of Ca2+ transport in the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) diabetic rat heart. The GK rat is a widely used non-obese, non-hypertensive genetic model of T2DM which is characterized by
insulin resistance, elevated blood glucose, alterations in blood lipid profile and cardiac dysfunction
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