9,629 research outputs found

    Nuclear quantum shape-phase transitions in odd-mass systems

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    Microscopic signatures of nuclear ground-state shape phase transitions in odd-mass Eu isotopes are explored starting from excitation spectra and collective wave functions obtained by diagonalization of a core-quasiparticle coupling Hamiltonian based on energy density functionals. As functions of the physical control parameter -- the number of nucleons -- theoretical low-energy spectra, two-neutron separation energies, charge isotope shifts, spectroscopic quadrupole moments, and E2E2 reduced transition matrix elements accurately reproduce available data, and exhibit more pronounced discontinuities at neutron number N=90N=90, compared to the adjacent even-even Sm and Gd isotopes. The enhancement of the first-order quantum phase transition in odd-mass systems can be attributed to a shape polarization effect of the unpaired proton which, at the critical neutron number, starts predominantly coupling to Gd core nuclei that are characterized by larger quadrupole deformation and weaker proton pairing correlations compared to the corresponding Sm isotopes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Mesoscopic circuits with charge discreteness:quantum transmission lines

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    We propose a quantum Hamiltonian for a transmission line with charge discreteness. The periodic line is composed of an inductance and a capacitance per cell. In every cell the charge operator satisfies a nonlinear equation of motion because of the discreteness of the charge. In the basis of one-energy per site, the spectrum can be calculated explicitly. We consider briefly the incorporation of electrical resistance in the line.Comment: 11 pages. 0 figures. Will be published in Phys.Rev.

    Mixed-state fidelity and quantum criticality at finite temperature

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    We extend to finite temperature the fidelity approach to quantum phase transitions (QPTs). This is done by resorting to the notion of mixed-state fidelity that allows one to compare two density matrices corresponding to two different thermal states. By exploiting the same concept we also propose a finite-temperature generalization of the Loschmidt echo. Explicit analytical expressions of these quantities are given for a class of quasi-free fermionic Hamiltonians. A numerical analysis is performed as well showing that the associated QPTs show their signatures in a finite range of temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Constraints on Holographic Dark Energy from Latest Supernovae, Galaxy Clustering, and Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Observations

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    The holographic dark energy model is proposed by Li as an attempt for probing the nature of dark energy within the framework of quantum gravity. The main characteristic of holographic dark energy is governed by a numerical parameter cc in the model. The parameter cc can only be determined by observations. Thus, in order to characterize the evolving feature of dark energy and to predict the fate of the universe, it is of extraordinary importance to constrain the parameter cc by using the currently available observational data. In this paper, we derive constraints on the holographic dark energy model from the latest observational data including the gold sample of 182 Type Ia supernovae (SNIa), the shift parameter of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) given by the three-year {\it Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe} ({\it WMAP}) observations, and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The joint analysis gives the fit results in 1-σ\sigma: c=0.910.18+0.26c=0.91^{+0.26}_{-0.18} and Ωm0=0.29±0.03\Omega_{\rm m0}=0.29\pm 0.03. That is to say, though the possibility of c<1c<1 is more favored, the possibility of c>1c>1 can not be excluded in one-sigma error range, which is somewhat different from the result derived from previous investigations using earlier data. So, according to the new data, the evidence for the quintom feature in the holographic dark energy model is not as strong as before.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Spatial organization and evolutional period of the epidemic model using cellular automata

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    We investigate epidemic models with spatial structure based on the cellular automata method. The construction of the cellular automata is from the study by Weimar and Boon about the reaction-diffusion equations [Phys. Rev. E 49, 1749 (1994)]. Our results show that the spatial epidemic models exhibit the spontaneous formation of irregular spiral waves at large scales within the domain of chaos. Moreover, the irregular spiral waves grow stably. The system also shows a spatial period-2 structure at one dimension outside the domain of chaos. It is interesting that the spatial period-2 structure will break and transform into a spatial synchronous configuration in the domain of chaos. Our results confirm that populations embed and disperse more stably in space than they do in nonspatial counterparts.Comment: 6 papges,5 figures. published in Physics Review

    Quenched Charmed Meson Spectra using Tadpole Improved Quark Action on Anisotropic Lattices

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    Charmed meson charmonium spectra are studied with improved quark actions on anisotropic lattices. We measured the pseudo-scalar and vector meson dispersion relations for 4 lowest lattice momentum modes with quark mass values ranging from the strange quark to charm quark with 3 different values of gauge coupling β\beta and 4 different values of bare speed of light ν\nu. With the bare speed of light parameter ν\nu tuned in a mass-dependent way, we study the mass spectra of DD, DsD_s, ηc\eta_c, DD^{\ast}, DsD_s^{\ast} and J/ψJ/\psi mesons. The results extrapolated to the continuum limit are compared with the experiment and qualitative agreement is found.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, latex fil

    Sensitive Chemical Compass Assisted by Quantum Criticality

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    The radical-pair-based chemical reaction could be used by birds for the navigation via the geomagnetic direction. An inherent physical mechanism is that the quantum coherent transition from a singlet state to triplet states of the radical pair could response to the weak magnetic field and be sensitive to the direction of such a field and then results in different photopigments in the avian eyes to be sensed. Here, we propose a quantum bionic setup for the ultra-sensitive probe of a weak magnetic field based on the quantum phase transition of the environments of the two electrons in the radical pair. We prove that the yield of the chemical products via the recombination from the singlet state is determined by the Loschmidt echo of the environments with interacting nuclear spins. Thus quantum criticality of environments could enhance the sensitivity of the detection of the weak magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Testing quantum adiabaticity with quench echo

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    Adiabaticity of quantum evolution is important in many settings. One example is the adiabatic quantum computation. Nevertheless, up to now, there is no effective method to test the adiabaticity of the evolution when the eigenenergies of the driven Hamiltonian are not known. We propose a simple method to check adiabaticity of a quantum process for an arbitrary quantum system. We further propose a operational method for finding a uniformly adiabatic quench scheme based on Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the case when the initial and the final Hamiltonians are given. This method should help in implementing adiabatic quantum computation.Comment: This is a new version. Some typos in the New Journal of Physics version have been correcte

    Remarks on Hawking radiation as tunneling from the BTZ black holes

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    Hawking radiation viewed as a semiclassical tunneling process from the event horizon of the (2 + 1)-dimensional rotating BTZ black hole is carefully reexamined by taking into account not only the energy conservation but also the conservation of angular momentum when the effect of the emitted particle's self-gravitation is incorporated. In contrast to previous analysis of this issue in the literature, our result obtained here fits well to the Kraus-Parikh-Wilczek's universal conclusion without any modification to the Bekenstein-Hawking area-entropy formulae of the BTZ black hole.Comment: 12pages, no figure, use JHEP3.cls. Version better than published one in JHE