116 research outputs found

    Perturbative renormalisation of quark bilinear operators for overlap fermions with and without stout links and improved gauge action

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    We calculate lattice renormalisation constants of local and one-link quark operators for overlap fermions and improved gauge actions in one-loop perturbation theory. For the local operators we stout smear the SU(3) links in the fermionic action. Using the popular tadpole improved L\"uscher-Weisz actions at β=8.45\beta=8.45 and β=8.0\beta=8.0 we present numerical values for the Z factors in the MSˉ\bar{MS} scheme (partly as function of the stout smearing strength). We compare various levels of mean field (tadpole) improvement which have been applied to our results.Comment: 7 page

    One-loop renormalisation of quark bilinears for overlap fermions with improved gauge actions

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    We compute lattice renormalisation constants of local bilinear quark operators for overlap fermions and improved gauge actions. Among the actions we consider are the Symanzik, L\"uscher-Weisz, Iwasaki and DBW2 gauge actions. The results are given for a variety of ρ\rho parameters. We show how to apply mean field (tadpole) improvement to overlap fermions. The question, what is a good gauge action, is discussed from the perturbative point of view. Finally, we show analytically that the gauge dependent part of the self-energy and the amputated Green functions are independent of the lattice fermion representation, using either Wilson or overlap fermions.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures, v2: Numbers in Tables 1-4,7-10 corrected, Figs. 4,5 updated, 2 misprints in (A.2), (A.4) correcte

    Non-perturbative renormalisation for overlap fermions

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    Using non-perturbative techniques we have found the renormalisation factor, Z, in the RI-MOM scheme for quark bilinear operators in quenched QCD. We worked with overlap fermions using the Luescher-Weisz gauge action. Our calculation was performed at beta=8.45 at a lattice spacing of 1/a=2.1 GeV using a value of rho=1.4. Our results show good agreement between the vector and the axial vector in the zero mass limit. This shows that overlap fermions have good chiral properties. To attempt to improve the discretisation errors in our results we subtracted the O(a^2) terms in one-loop lattice perturbation theory from the Monte Carlo Green functions. In particular we paid attention to the operators for the observable . We found a value for the renormalisation constants Z^msbar_(v_2b) and Z^msbar_(v_2a) just less than 1.9 at mu=1/a=2.1 GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, uses PoS style, poster presented at Lattice 2005 (Chiral Fermions), to be published in Proceedings of Scienc

    Accelerating Hasenbusch's acceleration of Hybrid Monte Carlo

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    Hasenbusch has proposed splitting the pseudo-fermionic action into two parts, in order to speed-up Hybrid Monte Carlo simulations of QCD. We have tested a different splitting, also using clover-improved Wilson fermions. An additional speed-up between 5 and 20% over the original proposal was achieved in production runs.Comment: Poster presented by H. Stueben at Lattice2003, meta-data correcte

    Generalized Parton Distributions in Full Lattice QCD

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    We present recent results on generalized parton distributions from dynamical lattice QCD calculations. Our set of twelve different combinations of couplings and quark masses allows for a preliminary study of the pion mass dependence of the transverse nucleon structure.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Talk presented by Ph.H. at Light-Cone 2004, Amsterdam, 16 - 20 Augus

    Reply to "Comment on `Lattice determination of Sigma - Lambda mixing' "

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    In this Reply, we respond to the above Comment. Our computation [Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 074512] only took into account pure QCD effects, arising from quark mass differences, so it is not surprising that there are discrepancies in isospin splittings and in the Sigma - Lambda mixing angle. We expect that these discrepancies will be smaller in a full calculation incorporating QED effects.Comment: 5 page

    Strange quark mass from Finite Energy QCD sum rules to five loops

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    The strange quark mass is determined from a new QCD Finite Energy Sum Rule (FESR) optimized to reduce considerably the systematic uncertainties arising from the hadronic resonance sector. As a result, the main uncertainty in this determination is due to the value of ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD}. The correlator of axial-vector divergences is used in perturbative QCD to five-loop order, including quark and gluon condensate contributions, in the framework of both Fixed Order (FOPT), and Contour Improved Perturbation Theory (CIPT). The latter exhibits very good convergence, leading to a remarkably stable result in the very wide range s0=1.04.0GeV2s_0 = 1.0 - 4.0 {GeV}^2, where s0s_0 is the radius of the integration contour in the complex energy (squared) plane. The value of the strange quark mass in this framework at a scale of 2 GeV is ms(2GeV)=95±5(111±6)MeVm_s(2 {GeV}) = 95 \pm 5 (111 \pm 6) {MeV} for ΛQCD=420(330)MeV\Lambda_{QCD} = 420 (330) {MeV}, respectively.Comment: Additional comments added at the end of the Conclusions, and one extra reference is given. A note added in proof uses the most recent determination of Lambda_QCD from ALEPH to narrow down the predictio

    International Lattice Data Grid

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    We propose the co-ordination of lattice QCD grid developments in different countries to allow transparent exchange of gauge configurations in future, should participants wish to do so. We describe briefly UKQCD's XML schema for labelling and cataloguing the data. A meeting to further develop these ideas will be held in Edinburgh on 19/20 December 2002, and will be available over AccessGrid.Comment: Lattice2002(plenary