19 research outputs found

    BMP4 induction of trophoblast from mouse embryonic stem cells in defined culture conditions on laminin

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    Because mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) do not contribute to the formation of extraembryonic placenta when they are injected into blastocysts, it is believed that mESCs do not differentiate into trophoblast whereas human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can express trophoblast markers when exposed to bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) in vitro. To test whether mESCs have the potential to differentiate into trophoblast, we assessed the effect of BMP4 on mESCs in a defined monolayer culture condition. The expression of trophoblast-specific transcription factors such as Cdx2, Dlx3, Esx1, Gata3, Hand1, Mash2, and Plx1 was specifically upregulated in the BMP4-treated differentiated cells, and these cells expressed trophoblast markers. These results suggest that BMP4 treatment in defined culture conditions enabled mESCs to differentiate into trophoblast. This differentiation was inhibited by serum or leukemia inhibitory factor, which are generally used for mESC culture. In addition, we studied the mechanism underlying BMP4-directed mESC differentiation into trophoblast. Our results showed that BMP4 activates the Smad pathway in mESCs inducing Cdx2 expression, which plays a crucial role in trophoblast differentiation, through the binding of Smad protein to the Cdx2 genomic enhancer sequence. Our findings imply that there is a common molecular mechanism underlying hESC and mESC differentiation into trophoblast

    Presence of Reactive Microglia and Neuroinflammatory Mediators in a Case of Frontotemporal Dementia with P301S Mutation

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    Background: Recent findings, showing the presence of an inflammatory process in the brain of transgenic mice expressing P301S mutated human tau protein, indicate that neuroinflammation may contribute to tau-related degeneration in frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 with tau mutations (FTDP-17T). Objective: To investigate the occurrence of neuroinflammatory changes in the brain of a patient affected by FTDP-17T associated with the P301S mutation and showing a frontotemporal dementia phenotype as well as in the brain of a patient affected by another FTDP-17T phenotype: multiple system tauopathy with presenile dementia. Methods: We used immunohistochemical methods to visualize activated microglia, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta)-, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-expressing cells. Results: In the brain of the patient with the P301S mutation, a strong neuroinflammatory reaction was present. Activated microglia/infiltrating macrophages expressing the cluster of differentiation 68 and major histo-campatibility complex class II cell surface receptors, encoded by the human leukocyte antigen DP-DQ-DR, were detected in the cortex and hippocampus. IL-1 beta and COX-2 expression were induced in neuronal and glial cells. These neuroinflammatory changes were different from those observed in the brain of the patient bearing the +3 mutation, where macrophage infiltration was absent, microglial cells displayed an earlier stage of activation and COX-2 was not detected. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that microglial activation and the production of proinflammatory mediators by phospho-tau-positive neurons and glial cells may differentially contribute to neuronal death and disease progression in neurodegenerative tauopathies

    Motifs in the tau protein that control binding to microtubules and aggregation determine pathological effects

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    Abstract Tau pathology is associated with cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, and missense tau mutations cause frontotemporal dementia. Hyperphosphorylation and misfolding of tau are considered critical steps leading to tauopathies. Here, we determine how motifs controlling conformational changes in the microtubule-binding domain determine tau pathology in vivo. Human tau was overexpressed in the adult mouse forebrain to compare variants carrying residues that modulate tau propensity to acquire a β-sheet conformation. The P301S mutation linked to frontotemporal dementia causes tau aggregation and rapidly progressing motor deficits. By comparison, wild-type tau becomes heavily hyperphosphorylated, and induces behavioral impairments that do not progress over time. However, the behavioral defects caused by wild-type tau can be suppressed when β-sheet breaking proline residues are introduced in the microtubule-binding domain of tau. This modification facilitates tau interaction with microtubules, as shown by lower levels of phosphorylation, and by the enhanced protective effects of mutated tau against the severing of the cytoskeleton in neurons exposed to vinblastine. Altogether, motifs that are critical for tau conformation determine interaction with microtubules and subsequent pathological modifications, including phosphorylation and aggregation

    Yeast as a Model for Alzheimer's Disease: Latest Studies and Advanced Strategies

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a unicellular eukaryotic model, has enabled major breakthroughs in our understanding of a plethora of cellular and molecular processes. Today, a 're-invention' of its use in fundamental and applied research is paving the way for a better understanding of the mechanisms causing neurodegeneration. The increasing emergence of neurodegenerative disorders is becoming more and more problematic in our ageing society. Most prevalent is Alzheimer's disease (AD), affecting more than 35 million people worldwide (Abbott, Nature 475, S2-S4, 2011) and causing an enormous burden on a personal and communal level. The disease is characterized by two major pathological hallmarks: extracellular amyloid plaques consisting mainly of deposits of amyloid beta (Abeta) peptides, and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), consisting mainly of aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. Despite the huge importance of thoroughly understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration, progress has been slow. However, multiple complementary research methods are proving their value, particularly with the work done with S. cerevisiae, which combines well-established, fast genetic and molecular techniques with the ability to faithfully capture key molecular aspects of neurodegeneration. In this review chapter, we focus on the considerable progress made using S. cerevisiae as a model system for Alzheimer's disease

    Molecular dynamics simulation of tau peptides for the investigation of conformational changes induced by specific phosphorylation patterns

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    The Tau protein plays an important role due to its biomolecular interactions in neurodegenerative diseases. The lack of stable structure and various posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation at various sites in the Tau protein pose a challenge for many experimental methods that are traditionally used to study protein folding and aggregation. Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can help around deciphering relationship between phosphorylation and various intermediate and stable conformations of the Tau protein which occur on longer timescales. This chapter outlines protocols for the preparation, execution, and analysis of all-atom MD simulations of a 21-amino acid-long phosphorylated Tau peptide with the aim of generating biologically relevant structural and dynamic information. The simulations are done in explicit solvent and starting from nearly extended configurations of the peptide. The scaled MD method implemented in AMBER14 was chosen to achieve enhanced conformational sampling in addition to a conventional MD approach, thereby allowing the characterization of folding for such an intrinsically disordered peptide at 293 K. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the simulation trajectories to establish correlations with NMR data (i.e., chemical shifts and NOEs). Finally, in-depth discussions are provided for commonly encountered problems