81 research outputs found

    Rozstrzyganie sporów kompetencyjnych na ziemiach polskich. Od Rady Stanu Księstwa Warszawskiego do współczesności

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    "Począwszy od końca XVIII w., problematyka sporów kompetencyjnych jako jedno z istotnych zagadnień ustrojowych stanowiła przedmiot zainteresowania prawodawców państw europejskich. Pojawienie się konieczności rozstrzygania kontrowersji dotyczących właściwości organów państwa wiązać należy z upowszechnieniem się oświeceniowej idei trójpodziału władzy, która szczególnie silnie zaciążyła na rozwiązaniach przyjętych we Francji w okresie rewolucji, kiedy to uwaga ustawodawcy skierowana została na rygorystyczne rozgraniczenie kompetencji sądów i władzy wykonawczej."(...

    Zapomniany Trybunał z 1921 r. Rozwiązywanie konfliktów kompetencyjnych na ziemiach zachodnich II Rzeczypospolitej na tle rozwiązań pruskich

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    "Rozwiązywanie sporów kompetencyjnych przez cały wiek XIX i w pierwszej połowie wieku XX było jednym z istotnych problemów funkcjonowania aparatu państw europejskich. Sposoby rozstrzygania konfliktów pojawiających się na styku sfer działania sądownictwa i administracji mieściły się w szerokim spektrum rozwiązań instytucjonalnych przyjmowanych przez ustawodawstwo poszczególnych krajów. Także na ziemiach polskich problematyka ta znalazła swoje odbicie, czego wyrazem są choćby przepisy dotyczące załatwiania zajść o jurysdykcję w konstytucjach Księstwa Warszawskiego i Królestwa Polskiego."(...

    Rola Sądu Najwyższego II Rzeczypospolitej w rozstrzyganiu wątpliwości kompetencyjnych w byłym zaborze austriackim

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    "Wraz z odzyskaniem niepodległości przez Polskę w 1918 r. władze odrodzonego państwa stanęły przed koniecznością rozwiązania szeregu kwestii tyczących organizacji administracji i sądownictwa. Wśród nich, choć nie na pierwszym planie, była również sprawa rozstrzygania konfliktów kompetencyjnych. Zagadnienie to w systemach prawnych państw europejskich pojawiło się już pod koniec XVIII stulecia. Pionierem w tej dziedzinie była Francja, jednak również w państwach zaborczych szybko dostrzeżono wagę problemu. Zarówno w Prusach, jak i w Austrii powołano do życia specjalne sądownictwo kompetencyjne, które miało rozwiązywać spory pomiędzy organami administracji a sądami."(...

    L’imprévision en droit polonais

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    Publication financée par l’Association Henri Capitant des amis de la culture juridique français

    A one-dimensional model for the growth of CdTe quantum dots on Si substrates

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    Recent experiments involving CdTe films grown on Si(111) substrates by hot wall epitaxy revealed features not previously observed [S. O. Ferreira \textit{et al.}, J. Appl. Phys. \textbf{93}, 1195 (2003)]. This system, which follows the Volmer-Weber growth mode with nucleation of isolated 3D islands for less than one monolayer of evaporated material, was described by a peculiar behavior of the quantum dot (QD) size distributions. In this work, we proposed a kinetic deposition model to reproduce these new features. The model, which includes thermally activated diffusion and evaporation of CdTe, qualitatively reproduced the experimental QD size distributions. Moreover, the model predicts a transition from Stranski-Krastanow growth mode at lower temperatures to Volmer-Weber growth mode at higher ones characterized through the QD width distributions.Comment: to appear in Physics Letters

    Algorithm-based diagnostic application for diabetic retinopathy detection

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a growing health problem worldwide and is a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness, especially among working people aged 20-65. Its incidence is increasing along with the number of diabetes cases, and it is more common in developed countries than in developing countries. Recent research in the field of diabetic retinopathy diagnosis is using advanced technologies, such as analysis of images obtained by ophthalmoscopy. Automatic methods for analyzing eye images based on neural networks, deep learning and image analysis algorithms can improve the efficiency of diagnosis. This paper describes an automatic DR diagnosis method that includes processing and analysis of ophthalmoscopic images of the eye. It uses morphological algorithms to identify the optic disc and lesions characteristic of DR, such as microaneurysms, hemorrhages and exudates. Automated DR diagnosis has the potential to improve the efficiency of early detection of this disease and contribute to reducing the number of cases of diabetes-related visual impairment. The final step was to create an application with a graphical user interface that allowed retinal images taken at cooperating ophthalmology offices to be uploaded to the server. These images were then analyzed using a developed algorithm to make a diagnosis.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, preprin

    Complicated colonic diverticulitis at 34 weeks gestation

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    Peritonitis is a set of symptoms of varying etiology, usually with an accompanying infection, systemic and local changes within the peritoneal cavity. Colonic diseases, especially colon perforation, are one of the most common causes of peritonitis. The course of the disease may be turbulent due to sudden perforation. In case of limited peritonitis the disease is not as acute as the perforation hole is small and it can be sealed by the omentum and internal organs. Abdominal pain is usually located around the source of infection and is less severe. A 38-year-old patient at 34 weeks gestation was hospitalized in the obstetric-gynecological ward of the Health Care Center with a diagnosis of preterm delivery, urinary infection and renal colic. Due to increasing peritoneal symptoms and deteriorating general condition of the patient, a decision to perform immediately exploratory laparotomy combined with the Cesarean section was made. The surgeon indicated a place in the left mesogastrium that could correspond with a drained interintestinal abscess and also found a large amount of fibrin in the lower floor of the peritoneal cavity. The initial point of the abscess remained unknown and the patient received total parenteral nutrition for 10 days. On 5 postoperative day the drain was removed from the peritoneal cavity and since day 10 patient health was steadily improving. Bacteriological cultures revealed abundant growth of E. coli that showed sensitivity to the used antibiotics. On 22 postoperative day the patient and her child were discharged home in good condition. Five months later, the patient was admitted to the surgical ward with acute abdominal pain with the diagnosis of an abscess in her left mesogastric and subgastric area, perforation of sigmoid diverticulum and fecal fistula. Our case illustrates great difficulties in diagnosing diseases of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy because causes and symptoms may be typical of this condition, as well as of unrelated diseases, including: kidney problems, appendicitis, cholecystitis and bowel disease. Examination of the pregnant patient presents a challenge and the symptoms are uncharacteristic. Tension of the abdominal wall, as well as the muscles of the digestive and urinary tract are reduced and the topography of the internal organs changes during pregnancy. The interpretation of laboratory tests becomes more difficult. In our case, the initial local peritonitis, caused by microperforation of the diverticulum, ran a latent course and was masked by both pregnancy and renal colic symptoms, consequently leading to diffuse peritonitis. The presented case demonstrates the importance of the problem and forces obstetricians to be more vigilant in determining the diagnosis and decision-making, because of its meaning for the health and even the life of the patient and her child

    Evaluation of 24-hour oesophageal pH monitoring in children with food allergy Ocena 24-godzinnego badania pH-metrycznego u dzieci z alergią pokarmową

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    Abstract Introduction: Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and food allergy are conditions occurring most often in young children. Many authors emphasize the relationship between them. Aim: To evaluate 24-h oesophageal pH monitoring in children with food allergy. Material and methods: The retrospective analysis included 84 children with food allergy aged from 4 months to 24 months. The control group consisted of 15 children at the same age diagnosed with GER but without features of allergy. All children underwent 24-h oesophageal pH monitoring. Results: Gastroesophageal reflux was diagnosed among children with allergy in 29 patients (34.5%). A gradual increase of the number and duration of reflux episodes in the period between meals compared to the postprandial period in both groups with GER was observed. The number of reflux episodes was higher in children with coexistent allergy. Analysis of graphic record of oesophageal pH monitoring revealed a primary reflux in 12 children with GER and allergy as well as in 9 children from the control group. In the remaining children from both groups the record showed features of secondary reflux, but the phases were not fully presented. The incidence of GER with features of secondary reflux was similar in both groups. Conclusions: Twenty-four-hour oesophageal pH monitoring is helpful, but it cannot be the sole diagnostic criterion in the diagnosis of GER dependent on food allergy. Such a diagnosis should be based on the results of oesophageal pH monitoring as well as allergological and immunological tests

    The spectrum of malignancies among adult HIV cohort in Poland between 1995 and 2012 : a retrospective analysis of 288 cases

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    THE AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study was to evaluate the spectrum of AIDS-defining malignancies (ADMs) and non-AIDS-defining malignancies (NADMs) in HIV-infected patients in Poland. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective observational study was conducted among HIV-infected adult patients who developed a malignancy between 1995 and 2012 in a Polish cohort. Malignancies were divided into ADMs and NADMs. Non-AIDS-defining malignancies were further categorised as virus-related (NADMs-VR) and unrelated (NADMs-VUR). Epidemiological data was analysed according to demographic data, medical history, and HIV-related information. Results were analysed by OR, EPITools package parameters and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: In this study 288 malignancies were discovered. The mean age at diagnosis was 41.25 years (IQR20-81); for ADMs 38.05 years, and for NADMs-VURs 46.42 years; 72.22% were male, 40.28% were co-infected with HCV. The risk behaviours were: 37.85% IDU, 33.33% MSM, and 24.31% heterosexual. Mean CD4+ at the diagnosis was 282 cells/mm(3) (for ADMs 232 and for NADMs-VUR 395). Average duration of HIV infection at diagnosis was 5.69 years. There were 159 (55.2%) ADMs and 129 (44.8%) NADMs, among whom 58 (44.96%) NADMs-VR and 71 (55.04%) NADMs-VUR. The most frequent malignancies were: NHL (n = 76; 26.39%), KS (n = 49; 17.01%), ICC (n = 34; 11.81%), HD (n = 23; 7.99%), lung cancer (n = 18; 6.25%) and HCC (n = 14; 4.86%). The amount of NADMs, NADMs-VURs in particular, is increasing at present. Male gender (OR = 1.889; 95% CI: 1.104–3.233; p = 0.024), advanced age: 50–60 years (OR = 3.022; 95% CI: 1.359–6.720; p = 0.01) and ≥ 60 years (OR = 15.111; 95% CI: 3.122–73.151; p < 0.001), longer duration of HIV-infection and successful HAART (OR = 2.769; 95% CI: 1.675–4.577; p = 0) were independent predictors of NADMs overall, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In a Polish cohort NHL was the most frequent malignancy among ADMs, whereas HD was the most frequent among NADMs. Increased incidence of NADMs appearing in elderly men with longer duration of HIV-infection and with better virological and immunological control was confirmed. As HIV-infected individuals live longer, better screening strategies, especially for NADMs-VUR, are needed. The spectrum of cancer diagnoses in Poland currently does not appear dissimilar to that observed in other European populations