29 research outputs found

    Analysis of the blast-induced vibration structure in open-cast mines

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    Blasting in opencast mines is characterized by the use of large masses of explosives for a single blast. Blasting is done in a series of several to tens or even hundreds of charges placed in long holes and fired with a millisecond delay. Works are often carried out in the vicinity of buildings; therefore, reducing vibration impact is essential for opencast mines. This paper presents the applicability of the method of time-frequency Matching Pursuit (MP) for analysis of vibration structure. The use of MP analysis enables the development of much deeper and more reliable impact assessments of blasting on the environment

    Method for studying the structure of blast-induced vibrations in open-cast mines

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    Detonations of explosive material charges are a source of intense paraseismic vibrations. These vibrations can cause damage to buildings and other infrastructure in the vicinity of the works, and can be a nuisance for their inhabitants. The article presents the problem of paraseismic vibration analysis, as induced by blasting works carried out in open-cast mines, using various methods of time – frequency, providing information about the duration of the signal, the frequency structure, and its energy

    phi YeO3-12 phage tail fiber Gp17 as a promising high specific tool for recognition of Yersinia enterocolitica pathogenic serotype O : 3

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    Yersiniosis is an infectious zoonotic disease caused by two enteropathogenic species of Gram-negative genus Yersinia: Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Pigs and other wild and domestic animals are reservoirs for these bacteria. Infection is usually spread to humans by ingestion of contaminated food. Yersiniosis is considered a rare disease, but recent studies indicate that it is overlooked in the diagnostic process therefore the infections with this bacterium are not often identified. Reliable diagnosis of Yersiniosis by culturing is difficult due to the slow growth of the bacteria easily overgrown by other more rapidly growing microbes unless selec-tive growth media is used. Phage adhesins recognizing bacteria in a specific manner can be an excellent diagnostic tool, es-pecially in the diagnosis of pathogens difficult for culturing. In this study, it was shown that Gp17, the tail fiber protein (TFP) of phage phi YeO3-12, specifically recognizes only the pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3 (YeO:3) bacteria. The ELISA test used in this work confirmed the specific interaction of this protein with YeO:3 and demonstrated a promising tool for developing the pathogen recognition method based on phage adhesins.Peer reviewe

    Endovascular treatment of visceral artery aneurysms — a single-centre experience

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    Background. Visceral artery aneurysms (VAAs) are intra-abdominal aneurysms that occur in the coeliac trunk and the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries or their branches. They are uncommon vascular anomalies but can be life-threatening, with mortality ranging from 10 to 25% and up to 75% in pregnant women. Currently available treatment options include transcatheter embolisation, percutaneous implantation of covered stent, or surgical resection. The aim of our study was to demonstrate methods of minimally invasive endovascular treatment of visceral artery aneurysms and to assess their applicability and efficacy. Material and methods. Between January 2000 and September 2009, 34 patients with VAAs (aged 23–79 years) underwent endovascular treatment. Different techniques were used: 14 aneurysms were embolised with coils, covered stents were implanted in 12 patients, and in 8 cases transcatheter direct thrombin injection into the sack of the aneurysm was implemented. Results. Almost all aneurysms (33/34) were successfully excluded from the circulation. Follow-up examinations with Doppler USG or angio-CT were performed in 31 patients between 3 and 18 months after treatment. No reperfusion of aneurysmal sac was observed in any of the followed-up patients. Satisfactory results were observed in all 31 examined patients. Conclusions. Our experience shows that percutaneous treatment of visceral artery aneurysms is both safe and effective. Endovascular treatment of these lesions should be considered as the primary treatment option. Good treatment results depend on proper assessment of the aneurysm’s morphology by means of angio-CT or angiography as well as on selection of the appropriate vascular approach and endovascular technique. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 3: 209–218Wstęp. Tętniaki tętnic trzewnych występują w pniu trzewnym, tętnicy krezkowej górnej i dolnej oraz gałęziach tych naczyń. Mimo że są rzadką patologią naczyniową, stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla życia (wskaźnik śmiertelności waha się od 10% do 25%, nawet do 75% u kobiet ciężarnych). Wśród dostępnych metod leczenia tych wad naczyniowych należy wymienić: przezcewnikową embolizację, przezskórną implantację stentów pokrywanych (stentgraftów) lub chirurgiczne wyłączenie tętniaka. Celem niniejszego badania było przedstawienie możliwości leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego oraz ocena skuteczności tej metody leczenia. Materiał i metody. W okresie od stycznia 2000 r. do września 2009 r. 34 chorych (w wieku 23–79 lat) z tętniakami tętnic trzewnych poddano leczeniu wewnątrznaczyniowemu. Zastosowano różne metody: 14 tętniaków embolizowano za pomocą spiral, u 12 chorych implantowano stenty pokrywane, a u pozostałych 8 podano trombinę do worka tętniaka. Wyniki. Prawie wszystkie tętniaki (33/34) skutecznie wyłączono z krążenia. W okresie 3–18 miesięcy po zabiegu u 31 chorych przeprowadzono badanie kontrolne: USG metodą doplerowską lub angio-CT. U żadnego chorego nie stwierdzono napływu krwi do worka tętniaka. Wnioski. Doświadczenie autorów w leczeniu tętniaków tętnic trzewnych pokazuje, że zabiegi przezskórne są metodą zarówno skuteczną, jak i bezpieczną. Leczenie wewnątrznaczyniowe tętniaków powinno się rozważać jako pierwszą z możliwości terapeutycznych. Dobre wyniki leczenia zależą od poprawnie ocenionej morfologii tętniaka na podstawie angio-CT lub angiografii oraz właściwie wybranej metody leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 3: 209–21

    Effectiveness and safety of ICA stenting in conjunction with mechanical thrombectomy (antegrade approach) in acute ischaemic stroke patients due to tandem occlusion

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    Aim of study. We investigated the effectiveness and safety of an antegrade approach consisting of emergency ICA stenting in conjunction with mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in a one-stage procedure as a treatment for Tandem Occlusion (TO).Clinical rationale for study. We here describe our experience in the treatment of TO with an antegrade approach with long-term results. We also discuss the advantages and drawbacks of this treatment modality with special attention to possible haemorrhagic complications that can be encountered in patients with ischaemic stroke who receive antiplatelet treatment. We believe that our study adds to the limited number of reports on this topic.Materials and methods. We selected 34 patients diagnosed with acute ischaemic stroke due to ICA and ipsilateral intracranial occlusion treated with ICA stenting in conjunction with MT. We analysed the short- and long-term results as well as investigating complications with special regard to haemorrhagic transformationassociated with the need for antiplatelet treatment after stent implantation in patients after acute ischaemic stroke treatment.Results. A favourable angiographic outcome was defined as mTICI 2b–3. This was achieved in 33/34 patients (97%). On average, NIHSS at 24 hours after the procedure was 8.5 ± 7, which indicates a significant clinical improvement. Four cases of symptomatic ICH were observed (11.8%). One re-occlusion in stent was noted. At three-month follow-up, mRS scores were 0 in 11 (34.3%), 1 in 5 (16%), 2 in 1 (3%), 3 in 3 (9.3%), 4 in 3 (9.3%), and 5 in 2 (6%) patients. Seven patients did not survive (22%). Overall, a favourable outcome (mRS 0–2) was achieved in 17/34 patients (50%). The final mortality rate was 26.5% (9/34 patients).Conclusions and clinical implications. We conclude that an antegrade approach is a feasible and effective method for treating acute TO stroke, giving the patient the chance to regain his or her full independence in everyday life, with low overall complication and final mortality rates

    Highly regioselective and diastereoselective synthesis of novel pyrazinoindolones via a base-mediated Ugi-N-alkylation sequence

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    An efficient base-mediated/metal-free approach has been developed for the synthesis of 1-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrazino[1,2-a]indole-3-carboxamide derivatives via intramolecular indole N–H alkylation of novel bis-amide Ugi-adducts. In this protocol the Ugi reaction of (E)-cinnamaldehyde derivatives, 2-chloroaniline, indole-2-carboxylic acid and different isocyanides was designed for the preparation of bis-amides. The main highlight of this study is the practical and highly regioselective preparation of new polycyclic functionalized pyrazino derivatives. This system is facilitated by Na2CO3 mediation in DMSO and 100 °C conditions

    New Insights on the Feature and Function of Tail Tubular Protein B and Tail Fiber Protein of the Lytic Bacteriophage φYeO3-12 Specific for Yersinia enterocolitica Serotype O:3

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    For the first time, we are introducing TTPBgp12 and TFPgp17 as new members of the tail tubular proteins B (TTPB) and tail fiber proteins (TFP) family, respectively. These proteins originate from Yersinia enterocolitica phage φYeO3-12. It was originally thought that these were structural proteins. However, our results show that they also inhibit bacterial growth and biofilm formation. According to the bioinformatic analysis, TTPBgp12 is functionally and structurally similar to the TTP of Enterobacteria phage T7 and adopts a β-structure. TFPgp17 contains an intramolecular chaperone domain at its C-terminal end. The N-terminus of TFPgp17 is similar to other representatives of the TFP family. Interestingly, the predicted 3D structure of TFPgp17 is similar to other bacterial S-layer proteins. Based on the thermal unfolding experiment, TTPBgp12 seems to be a two-domain protein that aggregates in the presence of sugars such as maltose and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). These sugars cause two unfolding events to transition into one global event. TFPgp17 is a one-domain protein. Maltose and GlcNAc decrease the aggregation temperature of TFPgp17, while the presence of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) increases the temperature of its aggregation. The thermal unfolding analysis of the concentration gradient of TTPBgp12 and TFPgp17 indicates that with decreasing concentrations, both proteins increase in stability. However, a decrease in the protein concentration also causes an increase in its aggregation, for both TTPBgp12 and TFPgp17

    Blasting technique as a direction of research work carried out at the department of Surface Mining AGH

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    „Praca badawcza dla przemysłu, jakim jest górnictwo odkrywkowe nie musi być wielka, ale musi być skuteczna i odpowiedzialna”. Takie przesłanie było mottem zespołu, kształtującego się w Zakładzie Techniki Strzelniczej, Instytutu (późniejszej Katedry) Górnictwa Odkrywkowego, pod kierownictwem Profesorów Juliana Sulimy-Samujłło i Zbigniewa Onderki. W swojej działalności zespół podjął wyzwanie stworzenia warunków naukowych i organizacyjnych, dla zapewnienia bezpiecznego dla otoczenia, wykonawstwa robót strzałowych w górnictwie odkrywkowym. Praca w terenie stwarzała warunki do ciągłego doskonalenia sztuki górniczej i budowania dobrej współpracy z przemysłem. W artykule przedstawiono w zarysie genezę działalności naukowej i dydaktycznej w zakresie techniki strzelniczej. Wskazano na działania zmierzające do powstania laboratoriów, umożliwiających wykształcenie i przygotowanie do praktycznej działalności pokoleń inżynierów strzałowych. Realizacja programu prac wymagała przygotowania bazy aparaturowej, jak również zbudowania systemów informatycznych do projektowania robót strzałowych i kontroli ich efektów. Znaczącym sukcesem było wypracowanie oryginalnych procedur prowadzenia badań kontrolnych oddziaływania robót strzałowych na otoczenie kopalń odkrywkowych, które z powodzeniem nadal są stosowane.“Research work for the surface mining industry does not have to be great but it must be effective and responsible”. This message was the motto of the team, which was formed at the Laboratory of Blasting Techniques, the Institute (later the Department) of Surface Mining, under the leadership of Professors Julian Sulima-Samujłło and Zbigniew Onderka. In their activities, the team took up the challenge of creating scientific and organizational conditions to ensure the execution of blasting works in surface mining safe for the environment. Field work created conditions for continuous improvement of mining art and building good cooperation with industry. The article outlines the genesis of scientific and didactic activity in the field of blasting technique. Activities aimed at creating laboratories enabling education and preparation for practical activity of generations of blast engineers were indicated. The implementation of the work program required the preparation of the equipment base as well as the construction of IT systems for the design of blasting works and control of their effects. A significant success was the development of original control measurements procedures for the impact of blasting works on the surroundings of surface mines, which are still successfully used

    Monitorowanie oddziaływania robót strzałowych na otoczenie – nowe rozwiązania

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    Roboty strzałowe prowadzone w kopalniach odkrywkowych surowców skalnych wzbudzają drgania, które mogą powodować szkodliwe oddziaływanie na obiekty budowlane w otoczeniu. W związku z powyższym kopalnie prowadzą działania skierowane z jednej strony na wyznaczenie warunków bezpiecznego dla otoczenia wykonywania robót strzałowych, a z drugiej strony na dokumentowanie poziomu tego oddziaływania. Dokumentowanie oddziaływania przez cykliczne pomiary kontrolne i oceny oddziaływania mają zasadniczą wadę w postaci okresowej ich realizacji. Ta słaba strona pomiarów kontrolnych jest całkowicie niwelowana przez monitoring oddziaływania. W Polsce do monitorowania oddziaływania robót strzałowych na otoczenie stosowany jest system Kopalniana Stacja Monitoringu Drgań (KSMD), który został zaprojektowany i zbudowany w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. System ten w czasie kilku lat uległ modernizacji i unowocześnieniu. Aktualnie jest to zdalnie sterowany system z zastosowaniem łączności przez Internet, dane pomiarowe gromadzone są na centralnym serwerze w AGH. W artykule przedstawiono ewolucję systemu z podkreśleniem aktualnych jego możliwości

    The use of vibration monitoring to record the blasting works impact on buildings surrounding open-pit mines

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    Environmental protection law and geological and mining law require the mineral mining plant to protect its surroundings from the effects of mining operations. This also applies to the negative impact of vibrations induced by blasting works on people and construction facilities. Effective protection is only possible if the level of this impact is known, therefore it is necessary to record it. The thesis formulated in this way has been and continues to be the guiding principle of the research works carried out in the AGH Laboratory of Blasting Work and Environmental Protection. As a result of these works are procedures for conducting preventive activities by open-pit mines in order to minimize the impact of blasting on facilities in the surrounding area. An important element of this activity is the monitoring of vibrations in constructions, which is a source of knowledge for excavation supervisors and engineers performing blasting works, thus contributing to raising the awareness of the responsible operation of the mining plant. Developed in the Laboratory of the Mine's Vibration Monitoring Station (KSMD), after several modernizations, it became a fully automated system for monitoring and recording the impact of blasting works on the surrounding environment. Currently, there are 30 measuring devices in 10 open-pit mines, and additional 8 devices are used to provide periodic measurement and recording services for the mines concerned