9 research outputs found

    Rational belief hierarchies

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    Sähkö- ja kaasuautojen kustannustehokkaat edistämiskeinot - GASELLI loppuraportti

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    Tässä työssä arvioidaan toimenpiteitä sähkö- ja kaasuautojen kustannustehokkaiksi edistämiskeinoiksi. Työn pohjaksi on selvitetty sähkö- ja kaasuautojen vuoden 2018 markkinatilannetta ja tulevaisuudennäkymiä, sekä sähköautojen osalta niiden kotilataamiseen liittyvä haasteita. Työstä on aiemmin julkaistu kaksi väliraporttia, joista ensimmäinen paneutuu kotilataamisen ongelmakohtiin ja toinen sähkö- ja kaasuautojen markkinatilanteeseen ja -näkymiin. Työssä on laadittu systeemidynaaminen ennustemalli ohjausvaikutusten arvioimiseksi. Nykyisilläkin sähköautojen ja latausinfrastruktuurin kannustimilla voidaan mallin mukaan saavuttaa tavoitteena oleva 250 000 kappaleen sähköautomäärä vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Tällöin autoista olisi noin 100 000 täys-sähköautoja ja 150 000 ladattavia hybridejä. Ennustemalli vastaa melko hyvin sekä suoraa autojen myyntiluvuista johdettua ennustetta, jossa täyssähköautoja on vuonna 2030 noin 80 000 kappaletta, että IEA:n ennustetta Suomen sähköautomarkkinan kehityksestä. Yhdistettäessä simulaatiossa kaikki tarkastellut seitsemän ohjaustoimenpidettä, pystytään tulosten mukaan saavuttamaan vuoteen 2030 mennessä noin 300 000 täyssähköauton ja 230 000 ladattavan hybridin kanta. Kaasuautojen osalta näyttää myös mahdolliselta saavuttaa tavoiteltu 50 000 kappaleen autokanta vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Tehokkaimmiksi sähköautojen edistämiskeinoiksi lyhyellä aikavälillä arvioidaan sähköautojen hankinta-hintaan vaikuttaminen hankintatuen korottamisen tai autoveron kautta, viestintä ja markkinointi sekä panostus kotilataamisen edistämiseen taloyhtiöissä

    Measured performance of exhaust air heat pumps in Finnish apartment buildings

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/856602/EU//FINEST TWINS Publisher Copyright: © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021. Copyright: Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.The energy efficiency of existing apartment buildings is playing an important role in energy and climate targets. In Finland, mechanical exhaust ventilation system is commonly used in older apartment buildings. Hence, there could be an energy saving potential by an exhaust air heat pump system (EAHP). In this work two cases have been studied. Buildings were built in 1960's and 1970's and in renovation equipped with hybrid heating system: district heating and exhaust air heat pump system. Two years measurement data, 2018 and 2019, was collected to evaluate the performance of exhaust air heat pump systems. According to measurement data the monthly coefficient of performance (COP) was calculated as well as seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) was defined. The monthly COP values varied from 3,1 to 4,6 and SCOP values were about 3,7. Heating energy cost savings were 23-31 %. Energy performance class before and after EAHP installation was calculated. If at least 50 % of heating energy consumption was covered by EAHP then also energy performance class was improved.Peer reviewe

    Buildings’ energy efficiency measures effect on CO2 emissions in combined heating, cooling and electricity production

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    | openaire: EC/H2020/856602/EU//FINEST TWINSValid tools for building designers and building simulation professionals to evaluate transparently CO2 saving potential of energy efficiency measures are needed to achieve CO2 reduction targets. Earlier studies have pointed out existing tools' weak interconnection between buildings and energy systems and the lack of transparency. This study developed and validated a multimode district energy system model including district heating, cooling, CHP and heat pumps, and connection to a national power generation, to evaluate buildings' energy efficiency measures effect on CO2 emissions. A calculation example demonstrates how important it is to take into account an interconnection between buildings and a wider energy system. Implementation of the robust model as a calculation tool is fully reported and validated against the measured data so that it fulfilled the calibration criteria. Calculation tool overestimated regional CO2 emissions only by 3% with small variation and correlation to real data was very good. Calculation example shows that buildings’ energy efficiency measures effect on CO2 emissions was highly dependent on CO2 intensity of marginal national electricity generation and electricity import when regional CHP production exists, and existing building stock was considered. Thus, interconnection between buildings, regional energy production and national electricity generation must be taken into account if regional CHP production and district heating demand changes exist. Annual average CO2 factors failed to provide reliable results when the CO2 saving potential of energy efficiency measures was evaluated and therefore should not be used.Peer reviewe

    Finnish energy renovation subsidies in multifamily apartment buildings: Lessons learnt and best practices

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    This study analysed renovation measures implemented with ARA renovation subsidy in Finland in multifamily apartment buildings. Measured energy data was used to calibrate the energy simulation model of the most typical renovated building from the 1970 s. For the reference building, a comprehensive set of renovation packages were applied to assess the performance of ARA grants. It was noticed that official energy performance certificates (EPC) overestimated before the renovation energy use as well as energy saving by a factor of almost 2. It was notable that in calculated EPCs, after renovation, EP-value was higher than before renovation, EP-value based on measured energy use. The main reasons for faulty energy calculations were strong overestimations in the building leakage rate and ventilation airflow rate. Renovation packages reduced EP-value by 8 % to 27 %, including lighting and appliances. Those using district heat resulted in a small increase in electricity with a flat duration curve, but the combined ground source and exhaust air heat pump showed the highest peak electricity power increase by factor 6. Exhaust air heat pump, window replacement and photovoltaic were the most cost-effective options, while packages with additional insulation faced considerably higher costs than the sum of ARA support and monthly savings could cover bank loans; thus, ARA support was clearly too small to support deep renovation. The need to improve the accuracy of EPCs in assessing energy performance to facilitate more effective financial support was a finding that can be important for any support scheme to secure the necessary funding for renovation