2,478 research outputs found

    A survey of stellar X-ray flares from the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue: Hipparcos-Tycho cool stars

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    The X-ray emission from flares on cool (i.e. spectral-type F-M) stars is indicative of very energetic, transient phenomena, associated with energy release via magnetic reconnection. We present a uniform, large-scale survey of X-ray flare emission. The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue and its associated data products provide an excellent basis for a comprehensive and sensitive survey of stellar flares - both from targeted active stars and from those observed serendipitously in the half-degree diameter field-of-view of each observation. The 2XMM Catalogue and the associated time-series (`light-curve') data products have been used as the basis for a survey of X-ray flares from cool stars in the Hipparcos Tycho-2 catalogue. In addition, we have generated and analysed spectrally-resolved (i.e. hardness-ratio), X-ray light-curves. Where available, we have compared XMM OM UV/optical data with the X-ray light-curves. Our sample contains ~130 flares with well-observed profiles; they originate from ~70 stars. The flares range in duration from ~1e3 to ~1e4 s, have peak X-ray fluxes from ~1e-13 to ~1e-11 erg/cm2/s, peak X-ray luminosities from ~1e29 to ~1e32 erg/s, and X-ray energy output from ~1e32 to ~1e35 erg. Most of the ~30 serendipitously-observed stars have little previously reported information. The hardness-ratio plots clearly illustrate the spectral (and hence inferred temperature) variations characteristic of many flares, and provide an easily accessible overview of the data. We present flare frequency distributions from both target and serendipitous observations. The latter provide an unbiased (with respect to stellar activity) study of flare energetics; in addition, they allow us to predict numbers of stellar flares that may be detected in future X-ray wide-field surveys. The serendipitous sample demonstrates the need for care when calculating flaring rates.Comment: 26 pages, 24 figures. Additional tables and figures available as 4 ancillary files. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Audio-based event detection for sports video

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    In this paper, we present an audio-based event detection approach shown to be effective when applied to the Sports broadcast data. The main benefit of this approach is the ability to recognise patterns that indicate high levels of crowd response which can be correlated to key events. By applying Hidden Markov Model-based classifiers, where the predefined content classes are parameterised using Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, we were able to eliminate the need for defining a heuristic set of rules to determine event detection, thus avoiding a two-class approach shown not to be suitable for this problem. Experimentation indicated that this is an effective method for classifying crowd response in Soccer matches, thus providing a basis for automatic indexing and summarisation

    An XMM-Newton observation of the young open cluster NGC 2547: coronal activity at 30 Myr

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the young open cluster NGC 2547 which allow us to characterise coronal activity in solar-type stars at an age of 30 Myr. X-ray emission peaks among G-stars at luminosities (0.3-3keV) of Lx~10^{30.5} erg/s and declines to Lx<=10^{29.0} erg/s among M-stars. Coronal spectra show evidence for multi-temperature differential emission measures and low coronal metal abundances (Z~0.3). The G- and K-type stars follow the same relationship between X-ray activity and Rossby number established in older clusters and field stars, although most solar-type stars in NGC 2547 exhibit saturated/super-saturated X-ray activity levels. Median levels of Lx and Lx/Lbol in the solar-type stars of NGC 2547 are similar to T-Tauri stars of the Orion Nebula cluster (ONC), but an order of magnitude higher than in the older Pleiades. The spread in X-ray activity levels among solar-type stars in NGC 2547 is much smaller than in older or younger clusters. Coronal temperatures increase with Lx, Lx/Lbol and surface X-ray flux. Active solar-type stars in NGC 2547 have coronal temperatures between those in the ONC and the most active older ZAMS stars. A flaring rate (for total flare energies [0.3-3keV] >10^{34} erg) of 1 every 350^{+350}_{-120} ks was found for solar-type stars, similar to rates found in the ONC and Pleiades. Comparison with ROSAT HRI data taken 7 years previously reveals that only 10-15 percent of solar-type stars or stars with Lx>3x10^{29} erg/s exhibit X-ray variability by more than a factor of two. The similar levels of X-ray activity and rate of occurrence for large flares in NGC 2547 and the ONC demonstrate that the X-ray radiation environment around young solar-type stars remains relatively constant over their first 30 Myr (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Electronic tables available from the autho

    The Ultramassive White Dwarf EUVE J1746-706

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    We have obtained new optical and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectroscopy of the ultramassive white dwarf EUVE J1746-706. We revise Vennes et al.'s (1996a, ApJ, 467, 784) original estimates of the atmospheric parameters and we measure an effective temperature of 46,500 +/- 700 K and a surface gravity log g = 9.05 +/- 0.15 (~1.2 M_o), in agreement with Balmer line profiles and the EUV continuum. We derive an upper limit on the atmospheric abundance of helium of He/H = 1.3 x 10^{-4} and a neutral hydrogen column density in the local interstellar medium N_HI = 1.8 +/- 0.4 x 10^{19} cm^{-2} from the EUV spectrum. Our upper limit corresponds to half the helium abundance observed in the atmosphere of the ultramassive white dwarf GD 50. We discuss the possibility that EUVE J1746-706 represents an earlier phase of evolution relative to GD 50 and may, therefore, help us understand the origin and evolution of massive white dwarfs.Comment: 6 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses aastex, to be published in ApJ Letter

    Making sense of sensemaking in organization studies

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    types: Article© 2014 Annie Pye. Post print version deposited in accordance with SHERPA RoMEO guidelines. The definitive version is available at:http://oss.sagepub.com/content/36/2/265'Sensemaking’ is an extraordinarily influential perspective with a substantial following among management and organization scholars interested in how people appropriate and enact their ‘realities’. Organization Studies has been and remains one of the principal outlets for work that seeks either to draw on or to extend our understanding of sensemaking practices in and around organizations. The contribution of this paper is fourfold. First, we review briefly what we understand by sensemaking and some key debates which fracture the field. Second, we attend critically to eight papers published previously in Organization Studies which we discuss in terms of five broad themes: (i) how sense is made through discourse; (ii) the politics from which social forms of sensemaking emerge and the power that is inherent in it; (iii) the intertwined and recursive nature of micro-macro sensemaking processes; (iv) the strong ties which bind sensemaking and identities; and (v) the role of sensemaking processes in decision making and change. Third, while not designed to be a review of extant literature, we discuss these themes with reference to other related work, notably that published in this journal. Finally, we raise for consideration a number of potentially generative topics for further empirical and theory-building research

    Unextractable fossil fuels in a 1.5 °C world

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    Parties to the 2015 Paris Agreement pledged to limit global warming to well below 2 °C and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C relative to pre-industrial times1. However, fossil fuels continue to dominate the global energy system and a sharp decline in their use must be realized to keep the temperature increase below 1.5 °C (refs. 2,3,4,5,6,7). Here we use a global energy systems model8 to assess the amount of fossil fuels that would need to be left in the ground, regionally and globally, to allow for a 50 per cent probability of limiting warming to 1.5 °C. By 2050, we find that nearly 60 per cent of oil and fossil methane gas, and 90 per cent of coal must remain unextracted to keep within a 1.5 °C carbon budget. This is a large increase in the unextractable estimates for a 2 °C carbon budget9, particularly for oil, for which an additional 25 per cent of reserves must remain unextracted. Furthermore, we estimate that oil and gas production must decline globally by 3 per cent each year until 2050. This implies that most regions must reach peak production now or during the next decade, rendering many operational and planned fossil fuel projects unviable. We probably present an underestimate of the production changes required, because a greater than 50 per cent probability of limiting warming to 1.5 °C requires more carbon to stay in the ground and because of uncertainties around the timely deployment of negative emission technologies at scale

    Supply chain security: the need for continuous assessment

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    Ease of Internet accessibility has offered business the opportunity to incorporate this electronic infrastructure technology into establishing electronic-based supply chains. With the improved efficiency that this brings to the management and functionality of the supply chain, there are also security considerations that should be taken into account for protecting the integrity of the electronic supply chain, not only within each business node, but also across the entire supply chain. Such security vulnerabilities can be negated with the implementation of security measures and policies, however these need to be consistent throughout the supply chain and regularly assessed against security benchmarks in order to ensure they meet dequate security standards.</div


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    Wildfires in the United States result in total damages and costs that are likely to exceed billions of dollars annually. Land managers and policy makers propose higher rates of prescribed burning and other kinds of vegetation management to reduce amounts of wildfire and the risks of catastrophic losses. A wildfire public welfare maximization function, using a wildfire production function estimated using a time series model of a panel of Florida counties, is employed to simulate the publicly optimal level of prescribed burning in an example county in Florida (Volusia). Evaluation of the production function reveals that prescribed fire is not associated with reduced catastrophic wildfire risks in Volusia County Florida, indicating a short-run elasticity of -0.16 and a long-run elasticity of wildfire with respect to prescribed fire of -0.07. Stochastic dominance is used to evaluate the optimal amount of prescribed fire most likely to maximize a measure of public welfare. Results of that analysis reveal that the optimal amount of annual prescribed fire is about 3 percent (9,000 acres/year) of the total forest area, which is very close to the actual average amount of prescribed burning (12,700 acres/year) between 1994-99.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,