296 research outputs found

    Investigación y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión integrada para la calidad, seguridad y medio ambiente en los astilleros

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    Ante la necesidad de la implantación en los astilleros de las gestiones de calidad, seguridad y protección al medio ambiente, la tesis investiga sobre los medios y procedimientos para llevar a cabo tal implantación. Partiendo de los fines que se pretenden alcanzar en función de las normativas vigentes y del posible desarrollo futuro de estas normativas (desarrollo que se analiza como concreción del espíritu de esas normativas) la tesis llega a la conclusión de que el procedimiento más adecuado y flexible es la implantación progresiva integrada de los tres sistemas de una forma simultánea, aprovechando la sinergia de los tres procesos. La tesis generaliza el procedimiento, independizándolo del posible de desarrollo concreto de las normativas pero suponiendo la continuidad del desarrollo de su espíritu, lo que le da un valor general para abordar el proceso en cualquier situación futura

    The Association between Environmental Lead Exposure and Bone Density in Children

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    Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) that predisposes individuals to fractures. Although an elderly affliction, a predisposition may develop during adolescence if a sufficient peak BMD is not achieved. Rat studies have found that lead exposure is associated with decreased BMD. However, human studies are limited. We hypothesized that the BMD of children with high lead exposure would be lower than the BMD of children with low lead exposure. We collected data on 35 subjects; 16 had low cumulative lead exposure (mean, 6.5 μg/dL), and 19 had high exposure (mean, 23.6 μg/dL). All were African American; there was no difference between the groups by sex, age, body mass index, socioeconomic status, physical activity, or calcium intake. Significant differences in BMD between low and high cumulative lead exposure were noted in the head (1.589 vs. 1.721 g/cm(2)), third lumbar vertebra (0.761 vs. 0.819 g/cm(2)), and fourth lumbar vertebra (0.712 vs. 0.789 g/cm(2)). Contrary to our hypothesis, subjects with high lead exposure had a significantly higher BMD than did subjects with low lead exposure. This may reflect a true phenomenon because lead exposure has been reported to accelerate bony maturation by inhibiting the effects of parathyroid hormone–related peptide. Accelerated maturation of bone may ultimately result in a lower peak BMD being achieved in young adulthood, thus predisposing to osteoporosis in later life. Future studies need to investigate this proposed model

    Analysis of Vertical Ground Reaction Force Variables during a Sit to Stand Task in Participants Recovering from a Hip Fracture

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    Background: A Sit to Stand task following a hip fracture may be achieved through compensations (e.g. bilateral arms and uninvolved lower extremity), not restoration of movement strategies of the involved lower extremity. The primary purpose was to compare upper and lower extremity movement strategies using the vertical ground reaction force during a Sit to Stand task in participants recovering from a hip fracture to control participants. The secondary purpose was to evaluate the correlation between vertical ground reaction force variables and validated functional measures. Methods: Twenty eight community dwelling older adults, 14 who had a hip fracture and 14 control participants completed the Sit to Stand task on an instrumented chair designed to measure vertical ground reaction force, performance based tests (Timed up and go, Berg Balance Scale and Gait Speed) and a self report Lower Extremity Measure. A MANOVA was used to compare functional scales and vertical ground reaction force variables between groups. Bivariate correlations were assessed using Pearson Product Moment correlations. Findings: The vertical ground reaction force variables showed significantly higher bilateral arm force, higher uninvolved side peak force and asymmetry between the involved and uninvolved sides for the participants recovering from a hip fracture (Wilks\u27 Lambda=3.16, P=0.019). Significant correlations existed between the vertical ground reaction force variables and validated functional measures. Interpretation: Participants recovering from a hip fracture compensated using their arms and the uninvolved side to perform a Sit to Stand. Lower extremity movement strategies captured during a Sit to Stand task were correlated to scales used to assess function, balance and falls risk

    Antibacterial Metallic Touch Surfaces

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    Our aim is to present a comprehensive review of the development of modern antibacterial metallic materials as touch surfaces in healthcare settings. Initially we compare Japanese, European and US standards for the assessment of antimicrobial activity. The variations in methodologies defined in these standards are highlighted. Our review will also cover the most relevant factors that define the antimicrobial performance of metals, namely, the effect of humidity, material geometry, chemistry, physical properties and oxidation of the material. The state of the art in contact-killing materials will be described. Finally, the effect of cleaning products, including disinfectants, on the antimicrobial performance, either by direct contact or by altering the touch surface chemistry on which the microbes attach, will be discussed. We offer our outlook, identifying research areas that require further development and an overview of potential future directions of this exciting field

    Tuning the antimicrobial behaviour of Cu 85 Zr 15 thin films in “wet” and “dry” conditions through structural modifications

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    The antimicrobial behaviour of Cu85Zr15 at.% thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering was studied in both wet and dry conditions. Small variations in key deposition processing parameters (pressure and substrate temperature) enabled the growth of thin films with similar nanostructures but different degrees of compactness, according to the Thornton's structural zone model. This model has proven its effectiveness in providing sensitive structural information to explain significant differences in antimicrobial behaviour of the CuZr thin films, even when processing conditions lie within the same structural zone. The antimicrobial behaviour has been studied for E. coli and S. aureus for up to 4 h of “dry” contact. Structures of lower compactness, grown at higher deposition pressure, are shown to provide higher antimicrobial activity for “dry” conditions than for “wet” conditions. For thin films of CuZr deposited at 0.5 Pa, the reduction percentage of bacteria is 99.47%, which is much higher than the results of 70–80% obtained for the films deposited at 0.1 and 0.3 Pa. Microscopy studies indicate that for 4 h of contact time, bacteria exhibit inner damage and even lysis, however, no morphological changes are detected because of the short timeframes used

    Influence of Upper Extremity Assistance on Lower Extremity Force Application Symmetry in Individuals Post–Hip Fracture During the Sit-to-Stand Task

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    STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study using a cross-sectional design. OBJECTIVES: To compare lower extremity force applications during a sit-to-stand (STS) task with and without upper extremity assistance in older individuals post–hip fracture to those of age matched controls. BACKGROUND: A recent study documented the dependence on upper extremity assistance and the uninvolved lower limb during an STS task in individuals post–hip fracture. This study extends this work by examining the effect of upper extremity assistance on symmetry of lower extremity force applications. METHODS: Twenty-eight community-dwelling elderly subjects, 14 who had recovered from a hip fracture and 14 controls, participated in the study. All participants were independent ambulators. Four force plates were used to determine lower extremity force applications during an STS task with and without upper extremity assistance. The summed vertical ground reaction forces (vGRFs) of both limbs were used to determine STS phases (preparation/rising). The lower extremity force applications were assessed statistically using analysis of variance models. RESULTS: During the preparation phase, sideto-side symmetry of the rate of force development was significantly lower for the hip fracture group for both STS tasks (P\u3c.001). During the rising phase, the vGRF impulse of the involved limb was significantly lower for the hip fracture group for both STS tasks (P = .045). The vGRF impulse for the uninvolved limb was significantly increased when participants with hip fracture did not use upper extremity assistance compared to elderly controls (P = .002). This resulted in a significantly lower vGRF symmetry for the hip fracture group during both STS tasks (P\u3c.001). CONCLUSION: Participants with hip fracture who were discharged from rehabilitative care demonstrated decreased side-to-side symmetry of lower extremity loading during an STS task, irrespective of whether upper extremity assistance was provided. These findings suggest that learned motor control strategies may influence movement patterns post–hip fracture

    Evaluation of the region-specific risks of accidental radioactive releases from the European Spallation Source

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron research facility under construction in southern Sweden. The facility will produce a wide range ofradionuclides that could be released into the environment. Some radionuclides are of particular concern such as the rare earth gadolinium-148. In this article, the local environment was investigated in terms of food production and rare earth element concentration in soil. The collected data will later be used to model thetransfer of radioactive contaminations from the ESS

    Wells’ Syndrome Successfully Treated with Colchicine

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    La celulitis eosinofílica es un trastorno infrecuente, inflamatorio y crónico de etiología desconocida. Actualmente, se considera que los corticosteroides son el tratamiento de primera línea, pero no carecen de desventajas significativas, como las contraindicaciones en los casos resistentes a esteroides y los pacientes con recidivas frecuentes. Divulgamos a un paciente que sufre del síndrome de Wells con una historia de 24 años de lesiones cutáneas sintomáticas y generalizadas. Después de la consulta en nuestro servicio, se prescribió tratamiento con colchicina 1 mg / día, lo que resultó en una gran mejoría clínica. No se han registrado efectos secundarios. Hasta donde sabemos, este es un enfoque de enfermedad original. Aunque pequeña, nuestra experiencia clínica respalda la inclusión de colchicina en el arsenal farmacológico cuando se trata a pacientes con síndrome de Wells. De hecho, su excelente perfil de seguridad lo hace muy atractivo para los pacientes con episodios recurrentes frecuentes que necesitan opciones seguras para el control de la enfermedad a mediano y largo plazoA celulitis eosinofílica é un trastorno infrecuente, inflamatorio e crónico de etioloxía descoñecida. Actualmente, considérase que os corticosteroides son o tratamento de primeira liña, pero non carecen de desvantaxes significativas, como as contraindicacións nos casos resistentes a esteroides e os pacientes con recidivas frecuentes. Divulgamos a un paciente que sofre da síndrome de Wells cunha historia de 24 anos de lesións cutáneas sintomáticas e xeneralizadas. Despois da consulta no noso servizo, prescribiuse tratamento con colchicina 1 mg / día, o que resultou nunha gran melloría clínica. Non se rexistraron efectos secundarios. Ata onde sabemos, este é un enfoque da enfermidade orixinal. Aínda que pequena, a nosa experiencia clínica apoia a inclusión de colchicina no arsenal farmacolóxico cando se trata a pacientes con síndrome de Wells. De feito, o seu excelente perfil de seguridade faio moi atractivo para os pacientes con episodios recorrentes frecuentes que necesitan opcións seguras para o control da enfermidade a mediano e longo prazoEosinophilic cellulitis is an uncommon, inflammatory and chronic disorder of unknown etiology. Corticosteroids are currently considered as the first-line treatment but they are not without significant disadvantages such as contraindications in steroid-resistant cases and patients with frequent recurrences. We report a patient suffering from Wells’ syndrome with a 24-year history of symptomatic and generalized skin lesions. After consultation in our department, treatment with colchicine 1 mg/day was prescribed resulting in large clinical improvement. No side effects have been recorded. To our knowledge, this is an original disease approach. Although small, our clinical experience supports the inclusion of colchicine in the drug armamentarium when treating patients suffering from Wells’ syndrome. Indeed, its excellent safety profile makes it very attractive for patients with frequent recurrent episodes who need secure options for the medium- and long-term disease contro