183 research outputs found

    Finite element modeling of the upsetting of an anisotropic cylindrical workpiece

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    Anisotropic material deformation is modeled with the application of the finite element method. Hill's yield criterion is used for simplified conditions of the upsetting process. The largest flow stress direction is determined to be parallel to all the three coordinate axes by turns. It is discovered that the base of the cylinder can take an oval shape when the flow stress directions of various values lie in the base plane. In this case, the smaller axis of the oval corresponds to the largest flow stress direction. When the flow stress directions of various values lie in the longitudinal section plane of the workpiece, its shape remains cylindrical. The deformation load is higher in this case. © 2017 Author(s)

    Evaluating the flow stress of electrical steel under cold rolling in terms of the strain-rate hardening effect

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    The flow stress of the Fe+3%Si electrical steel under actual cold rolling conditions is evaluated on the basis of the approximation of the existing data on the work hardening and strain-rate hardening of this steel during cold tensile testing. It has been discovered that ductility is significant during electrical steel cold rolling and, besides, that its value is lower for large strains and strain rates than for low strains and strain rates. © 2016 Author(s)

    Option for Change in Compression of a Cylinder from Anisotropic Material

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    The compression process of a cylinder made of anisotropic material is considered. For the analysis of plastic flow, Hill‘s theory was applied. The solution of the boundary value problem is obtained for one of the variants of the relations of Hill coefficients. It is shown that the bases of a cylindrical billet in this case turn from circles to ovals. A vector solution of the problem with a set of arrows characterizing the direction of the main deformations is given.Рассмотрен процесс сжатия цилиндра из анизотропного материала. Для анализа пластического течения применена теория Хилла. Получено решение краевой задачи для одного из вариантов соотношений коэффициентов Хилла. Показано, что основания цилиндрической заготовки в этом случае превращаются из окружностей в овалы. Приведено векторное решение задачи с совокупностью стрелок, характеризующих направление главных деформаций


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    From the cold-rolled electrical steel sheet, flat samples with different orientations relative to the coordinate system of the rolling process were prepared. Based on the results of the on the Shimadzu HMV-G21DT unit test results, the dependence of the average hardness of the cold-rolled electrical steel on the measurement direction was obtained. Using the known relationship between the conditional yield strength of the material and the hardness, the coefficients of the Hill’s plasticity equation were established.Из холоднокатаного листа электротехнической стали были подготовлены плоские образцы с различной ориентацией относительно системы координат процесса прокатки. По итогам результатов испытаний на установке Shimadzu HMV-G21DT была получена зависимость среднего значения твердости холоднокатаной электротехнической стали от направления измерения. С помощью известной связи между условным пределом текучести материала и твердостью установили значения коэффициентов уравнения пластичности Хилла

    Pharmacological modulation of cell functional activity with valproic acid and erythropoietin

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    Valproic acid (VA) is carboxylic acid with a branched chain, which is used as an antiepileptic drug. VA, which is an antiepileptic drug, is also a teratogen, which causes defects of a neural tube and an axial skeleton, although the mechanisms are not yet fully clear. It is shown that valproic acid reduces the intracellular level of oxygen active form

    Rechallenge patients with immune checkpoint inhibitors following severe immune-related adverse events: review of the literature and suggested prophylactic strategy.

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    Patients with cancer who developed severe, grade 3 or 4 immune-related adverse events (irAEs) during therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors are at risk for developing severe toxicities again on rechallenge with checkpoint inhibitors. Consequently, medical oncologists and multidisciplinary teams are hesitant to retreat in this scenario, despite the fact that a number of patients may derive clinical benefit from this approach. Balancing such clinical benefit and treatment-related toxicities for each patient is becoming increasingly challenging as more and more patients with cancer are being treated with checkpoint inhibitors. In this manuscript, we provide an extensive overview of the relevant literature on retreatment after toxicity, and suggest prophylactic approaches to minimize the risk of severe irAE following rechallenge with immune checkpoint blockade, since treatment may be lifesaving in a number of occasions


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    In this work the ratio of kinematic zones in deformation containment volume in the course of cold-rolling reduction of silicon steel at different values of forward and back takeup of a strip by tracking of provision of neutral plane is investigated. The problem was solved by a finite-element method in „DEFORM 3D“.В настоящей работе исследовано соотношение кинематических зон в очаге деформации в процессе холодной прокатки кремнистой стали при разных значениях переднего и заднего натяжений полосы путем отслеживания положения нейтрального сечения. Задача решалась методом конечных элементов в «DEFORM 3D»


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    В настоящей работе было проведено испытание на растяжение образцов сплава Fe-3%Si в состоянии после холодной прокатки. Испытания проводили в трёх направлениях: направление прокатки, поперечное и диагональное (45° относительно направления прокатки). Было обнаружено, что величина временного сопротивления в направлении прокатки на 5 % меньше, чем в поперечном направлении.Tensile tests of Fe-3%Si alloy cold rolled samples were carried out in this paper. There were three orientations of samples for tensile tests: rolling direction, transverse direction and diagonal direction (45° to rolling direction). It was discovered that ultimate strength value in rolling direction is less than transverse direction by 5 %

    Study of the anti-inflammatory and immunotropic activity of the secretome from multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells induced by erythropoietin, valproic acid or dexamethasone in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with valproic acid, erythropoietin, and dexamethasone on the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activity of the secretome of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) in an in vitro experimen

    Effect of the secretome of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells induced by dexamethasone in vitro on the expression of phospho-NF-κB p65 and Ki-67 in mononuclear cells

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    To investigate the influence of secretomes from native and dexamethasone-treated adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) on the proliferation of mononuclear cells (MNCs) and on their expression of phospho-NF-κB p65 in vitr