18 research outputs found

    Suomalaisessa leivonnassa tapahtuvista tiamiinihäviöistä

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    The investigation comprised a number of different types of wheat and rye bread. They could be considered to represent the most common types of bread in Finland. A part of the flours were still of the standard conditioned by the war-time regulations, a part can be regarded as normal. Customary baking technique was employed. The vitamin content of the crumb and of the crust of the loaf were determined separately in each case. The bread types examined were as follows: Soft types of wheat bread 1. The so-called French bread (weight of the loaf 400 g., volume 1530 ml., height 65 mm., length 335 mm., breadth 90 mm.) made from half-white wheat flour of war-time qaulity (ash content 0.85 %, dry basis). 2. The so-called yeast bread, leavened with yeast, round loaf (weight 446 g., volume 920 ml., height 65 mm., diameter 145 mm.) made from dark high-extraction flour (mill stream BM3, ash content 4.00 %). 3. Yeast bread, round loaf (weight 389 g., volume 730 ml., height 67 mm., diameter 135 mm.) from the same flour as the previous one (2) but vitaminized with thiamine hydrochloride. 4. Whole-meal yeast bread, round loaf (height 60 mm., diameter 158 mm.). 5. Sweet bread (weight of the loaf 460 g., height 55 mm., length 330 mm., breadth 100 mm.) made from fine white flour (mill stream 82, ash content 0.70 %). In addition to flour, the dough contained 3.5 % eggs, 13 % butter, 10 % sugar, 1 %*salt, 3 % yeast ,35 % milk, and 5 % water colculated on the weight of flour. Soft types of rye bread 6. Whole-meal sour bread, leavened with acid ferment, round loaf (height 60 mm., diameter 143 mm.). 7. Whole-meal sour bread, leavened with acid ferment, round loaf with a hole in the centre (weight 378 g., volume 580 ml., height 24 mm., diameter 195 mm.) 8. Whole-meal bread, leavened with yeast, round loaf) weight 370 g., volume 530 ml., height mm., diameter 143 mm.). 9. Strongly fermented bread (height of the loaf 70 mm., diam. 193 mm.) made from a mixture of rye whole-meal and high-extraction wheat flour (97; 3). 10. Sour bread (weight of the loaf 470 g., volume 645 ml., height 55 mm., diam. 146 mm.) made from a mixture of rye whole-meal and high-extraction wheat flour (85 : 15). Hard thin bread (crisp bread) 11. Whole-meal wheat bread, leavened with yeast (thickness of the loaf 9 mm., diam. 230 mm water content 8.4 %) (same dough as in n:o 4). 12. Sout bread from a mixture of rye whole-meal and highextraction wheat flour (same as no. 9) (thickness of the loaf 6 mm., diam. 230 mm., water content 9.1 %). 13. Whole-meal rye bread, leavened with yeast, commercial quality (Elanto's bakery, size of the loaf 7,5x240x265 mm., water content 9.7 %). 14. Whole-meal rye bread, leavened with yeast, commercial quality (Elanto's bakery, size of the loaf 6.5x240x280 mm., water content 8.4 %). Customary baking procedure, adapted to each bread type, was followed. The additional ingredients were: common salt 1—2% and yeast 3 % of the weight of the flour. In making the sour bread (loaves nos. 6,7, 9, 10, 12) and acid ferment was used, instead of yeast, in 1.3—1.7 % of the weight of flour to raise the dough. The pH of the sour bread was 3.32—3.95. Baking was carried out in this laboratory, except that two of the hard thin loaves were made in a big Finnish bakery (Elanto). There the baking was performed in a wire-net travelling oven, the temperature being, with no 3, at the start 270°C and at the end 230°C, and with no 6, 280°C and 230°C respectively. The baking temperature of the wheat loaves was 225—240°C, that of the rye loaves 240—260°C Vitamin B1 was determined in the soft loaves, from which the crust could be removed, in the entire loaf, and besides, in the crumb and in the bottom and top crust separately. For this purpose the crust was very carefully removed from the loaf. It weighed 20—30 % of the total weight of the loaf. Determination of vitamin B1 was made according to the method of Feilenberg and Bernhard (9, 10). For the enzymatic hydrolysis diastase and papain were used and in some experiments cysteine for reduction of the disulphide form of thiamine. However, cysteine was not found to affect the results. Before oxidation to thiochrome the solution to be examined was purified by shaking it twice with 2.5 volumes of isobutanol (12). This because we had previously noted that the extracts of rye-meal and ryebread have a strong fluorescense of their own (19). The same is true of the extracts obtained from the crust of wheat bread. The method of Andrews and Nordgren (1) was also tested for determination of thiamine. The results obtained were in fairly good agreement with these obtained by the first mentioned method. The loss of vitamin B1 occuring in baking was 10—25 % of the initial amount (Table 2). In the group of soft wheat bread the loss was smaller (11 %) in the whole-meal loaves than in the others (16 —20 %). The difference between wheat and rye bread was not great. The loss was 15—25 % in the soft rye bread, or slightly higher than in the wheat bread. This may be due, for instance, to differences in the baking temperature or in the acidity. The loss was regularly greater in the crust of bread than in the crumb, in certain cases 3, even 4 times greater. In the bottom crust the loss was always greater than in the top crust. In particular, the attention was drawn to the fact that in the hard thin crisp bread which in fact consists of crust only, the losses of vitamin B1 were of the same order as in the corresponding soft-bread loaves. Thus, for instance, the loss was 11 % in a yeast bread loaf (no. 4) made from wheat whole-meal and 14 % in the hard thin loaf (no. 11) from the same material. In the loaf (no. 9) made from mixed rye meal the loss was 21 %, while in the corresponding crisp bread (loaf no. 12) it was 15 %- For the sake of comparison some data have been collected from the literature concerning the losses of thiamine in baking (Table 1)

    Erilaiset ketterät menetelmät

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka erilaiset ketterät ohjelmistokehityksen menetelmät eroavat toisistaan, mitä niissä on yhteistä ja voiko useampia menetelmiä käyttää yhdessä. Lisäksi selvitettiin menetelmien hyötyjä ja rajoitteita. Yrityshaastatteluiden avulla selvitettiin käytännönkokemuksia menetelmien käytöstä työelämässä. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja oli HAMK. Opinnäytetyön tietopohja koostuu erilaisten ketterien menetelmien teoriasta ja lisäksi mukana on perinteinen ohjelmistokehitysmenetelmä nimeltään vesiputousmalli. Opinnäytetyö on tutkimuksellinen. Tutkimusosuudessa hyödynnettiin teoriaosuuden tietopohjaa ja yrityshaastatteluista saatuja käytännönkokemuksia. Tutkimusaineistossa käytettiin strukturoitua laadullista haastattelua. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että kaikista tutkimuksessa mukana olleista ketteristä menetelmistä löytyy yhtäläisyyksiä, eroavaisuuksia ja monia menetelmiä voidaan käyttää yhtäaikaisesti. Lisäksi kaikista menetelmistä löytyy hyötyjä ja rajoituksia. Käytännönkokemukset antavat hyviä näkökulmia tilanteisiin, joissa pohditaan millaiset menetelmät sopivat erilaisissa tilanteissa ja projekteissa parhaiten

    Tiamiinin (B1-vitamiinin) ja rasvan sijainti vehnänjyvässä

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    The chief purpose of the experiments has been to find out the thiamin content of the different parts of wheat grain. Special attention has been paid to the relation of the thiamin and fat content in germ, in the outer bran tissues, and in flours of different grades. On comparing the yeast fermentation method and thiochrome method with each other the former gave 45 to 85 per cent higher values for thiamin than the latter. The results presented in this paper were obtained by using the thiochrome method. All thiamin, as well as crude fat, ash, and fiber contents are given on dry basis. 70 to 80 per cent of the thiamin contained in wheat is concentrated in the germ end of the kernel. In analysis there were obtained the following contents for the germ preparations separated in a special way; ash 5.6 & 5.7 %; thiamin 35.1 & 35.0 μg/g; fat 18.8 & 15.8 % (the corresponding figures of whole kernel; 1.8 & 2.0 %; 3.9 & 3.5 μg/g; and 2.0 & 2.0 %). The thiamin content of the germ preparation was accordingly 9 to 10 times and the fat content 8 to 10 times greater than that on whole kernel so that the relation of the thiamin and fat contents in the germ preparation was about the same as in whole kernel. The content of ash, on the contrary, vas comparatively much lower in germ. The thiamin content of the outer bran tissues of wheat is very low. A small quantity of bran containing thiamin only about a quarter (0.9 μg/g) of the amount contained in whole kernel (3.8 μg/g) was separated with a scouring apparatus of simple construction. It was further possible to separate material about 7 per cent of the weight of grain from its surface without more than 7 per cent decrease in the thiamin content; while the decrease in the fiber content was greater by far (about 40 per cent). The relation crude fat/thiamin is greater in bran tissues than in whole kernel. Analytical data are given of milling products and a series of flours of a commercial mill which was obtained by mixing mill streams in an order according to the ascending ash content. The possibility to control the amount of thiamin in commercial flour and its physiological value on the ground of the ash and fat contents is discussed. On the ground of the fat analysis it is to some extent possible to decide whether the vitamin or mineral substances found in flour has come into it »in a natural way» i.e. as a result of a high rate of extraction, or if a remarkable part of the nutrient in question has been added into it.Kokeiden päätarkoituksena on selvittää vehnänjyvän eri osien tiamiinipitoisuutta; huomio on kiinnitetty erityisesti tiamiini- ja rasvapitoisuuden suhteeseen alkiossa, ulommissa kuorikudoksissa sekä eri asteisissa vehnäjauhoissa. Vertailtaessa keskenään hiivakäymis- ja tiokromimenetelmiä antoi edellinen 45—85 % korkeampia tiamiiniarvoja kuin jälkimmäinen. Tässä julkaisussa esitetyt tulokset on saatu käyttämällä tiokromimenetelmää. Kaikki tiamiini-, samoinkuin raakarasva-, tuhka- ja kuitupitoisuudet ilmoitetaan kuiva-aineelle laskettuina. 70 80 »/ 0 vehnänjyvän tiamiinin kokonaismäärästä on kasaantuneena alkion puoleiseen kärkeen. Erityisellä tavalla eroitetuille, huomattavan puhtaille alkiovalmisteille (saalis 1,6 & 1,7 % jyvän painosta) saatiin analysoitaessa seuraavat pitoisuudet: tuhkaa 5,6 & 5,7 %; tiamiinia 35,1 & 35,0 μg/g: rasvaa 18,8 & 15,8 % (koko jyvän vastaavat luvut: 1,8 & 2,0 %; 3,9 & 3,5 μg/g; 2,0 & 2,0 %). Alkion tiamiinipitoisuus oli näin ollen 9—10 kertaa ja rasvapitoisuus 8—10 kertaa suurempi kuin koko jyvän, niin että tiamiini- ja rasvapitoisuuden suhde oli alkiopreparaatissa jotenkin sama kuin koko jyvässä. Alkion tuhkapitoisuus sen sijaan oli suhteellisesti paljon vähäisempi. Vehnänjyvän ulompien kuorikudosten tiamiinipitoisuus on hyvin vähäinen. Yksinkertaisella hiontalaitteella voitiin erottaa pieni määrä kuorta, jonka tiamiinipitoisuus oli vain noin neljännes (0,9 /rg/g) koko jyvän vastaavasta pitoisuudesta (3,8 μg/g). Oli edelleen mahdollista poistaa jyvän pinnasta ainesta noin 7 % jyvän painosta, ilman että tiamiinipitoisuus väheni enemmän kuin 7 %; kuitupitoisuudessa tapahtui samalla monin verroin suurempi (noin 40 %:n) väheneminen. Suhde raakarasva, tiamiini on kuorikudoksissa suurempi kuin koko jyvässä. Esitetään analysitulokset ison myllyn tuotteista ja sarjasta jauhoja, jotka on saatu sekoittamalla juokseita kohoavan tuhkapitoisuuden mukaisessa järjestyksessä. Käsitellään mahdollisuutta arvostella tiamiinin määrää kaupallisissa vehnäjauhoissa ja näiden fysiologista arvoa tuhka- ja rasvapitoisuuden nojalla. Rasva-analysin perusteella voidaan jossakin määrin päätellä, onko jauhoissa tavattava vitamiini- tai kivennäisaine tullut siihen »luonnollista tietä» s.o. korkean jauhosaalisprosentin seurauksena vai onko huomattava osa k.o. ravintoaineesta lisätty jauhoon

    Distribution of thiamin (Vitamin B1) and fat in wheat grain

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    The chief purpose of the experiments has been to find out the thiamin content of the different parts of wheat grain. Special attention has been paid to the relation of the thiamin and fat content in germ, in the outer bran tissues, and in flours of different grades. On comparing the yeast fermentation method and thiochrome method with each other the former gave 45 to 85 per cent higher values for thiamin than the latter. The results presented in this paper were obtained by using the thiochrome method. All thiamin, as well as crude fat, ash, and fiber contents are given on dry basis. 70 to 80 per cent of the thiamin contained in wheat is concentrated in the germ end of the kernel. In analysis there were obtained the following contents for the germ preparations separated in a special way; ash 5.6 & 5.7 %; thiamin 35.1 & 35.0 μg/g; fat 18.8 & 15.8 % (the corresponding figures of whole kernel; 1.8 & 2.0 %; 3.9 & 3.5 μg/g; and 2.0 & 2.0 %). The thiamin content of the germ preparation was accordingly 9 to 10 times and the fat content 8 to 10 times greater than that on whole kernel so that the relation of the thiamin and fat contents in the germ preparation was about the same as in whole kernel. The content of ash, on the contrary, vas comparatively much lower in germ. The thiamin content of the outer bran tissues of wheat is very low. A small quantity of bran containing thiamin only about a quarter (0.9 μg/g) of the amount contained in whole kernel (3.8 μg/g) was separated with a scouring apparatus of simple construction. It was further possible to separate material about 7 per cent of the weight of grain from its surface without more than 7 per cent decrease in the thiamin content; while the decrease in the fiber content was greater by far (about 40 per cent). The relation crude fat/thiamin is greater in bran tissues than in whole kernel. Analytical data are given of milling products and a series of flours of a commercial mill which was obtained by mixing mill streams in an order according to the ascending ash content. The possibility to control the amount of thiamin in commercial flour and its physiological value on the ground of the ash and fat contents is discussed. On the ground of the fat analysis it is to some extent possible to decide whether the vitamin or mineral substances found in flour has come into it »in a natural way» i.e. as a result of a high rate of extraction, or if a remarkable part of the nutrient in question has been added into it

    Distribution of thiamin (vitamin B1) and fat in wheat grain

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KTiamiinin (B1-vitamiinin) ja rasvan sijainti vehnänjyväss

    Suomalaisen vehnän karotinipitoisuutta koskevia tutkimuksia

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Distribution of thiamin (Vitamin B1) and fat in wheat grain

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    Suomalaisessa leivonnassa tapahtuvista tiamiinihäviöstä

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KThe Loss of thiamine in baking Finnish brea

    Suomalaisessa leivonnassa tapahtuvista tiamiinihäviöistä

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    The investigation comprised a number of different types of wheat and rye bread. They could be considered to represent the most common types of bread in Finland. A part of the flours were still of the standard conditioned by the war-time regulations, a part can be regarded as normal. Customary baking technique was employed. The vitamin content of the crumb and of the crust of the loaf were determined separately in each case. The bread types examined were as follows: Soft types of wheat bread 1. The so-called French bread (weight of the loaf 400 g., volume 1530 ml., height 65 mm., length 335 mm., breadth 90 mm.) made from half-white wheat flour of war-time qaulity (ash content 0.85 %, dry basis). 2. The so-called yeast bread, leavened with yeast, round loaf (weight 446 g., volume 920 ml., height 65 mm., diameter 145 mm.) made from dark high-extraction flour (mill stream BM3, ash content 4.00 %). 3. Yeast bread, round loaf (weight 389 g., volume 730 ml., height 67 mm., diameter 135 mm.) from the same flour as the previous one (2) but vitaminized with thiamine hydrochloride. 4. Whole-meal yeast bread, round loaf (height 60 mm., diameter 158 mm.). 5. Sweet bread (weight of the loaf 460 g., height 55 mm., length 330 mm., breadth 100 mm.) made from fine white flour (mill stream 82, ash content 0.70 %). In addition to flour, the dough contained 3.5 % eggs, 13 % butter, 10 % sugar, 1 %*salt, 3 % yeast ,35 % milk, and 5 % water colculated on the weight of flour. Soft types of rye bread 6. Whole-meal sour bread, leavened with acid ferment, round loaf (height 60 mm., diameter 143 mm.). 7. Whole-meal sour bread, leavened with acid ferment, round loaf with a hole in the centre (weight 378 g., volume 580 ml., height 24 mm., diameter 195 mm.) 8. Whole-meal bread, leavened with yeast, round loaf) weight 370 g., volume 530 ml., height mm., diameter 143 mm.). 9. Strongly fermented bread (height of the loaf 70 mm., diam. 193 mm.) made from a mixture of rye whole-meal and high-extraction wheat flour (97; 3). 10. Sour bread (weight of the loaf 470 g., volume 645 ml., height 55 mm., diam. 146 mm.) made from a mixture of rye whole-meal and high-extraction wheat flour (85 : 15). Hard thin bread (crisp bread) 11. Whole-meal wheat bread, leavened with yeast (thickness of the loaf 9 mm., diam. 230 mm water content 8.4 %) (same dough as in n:o 4). 12. Sout bread from a mixture of rye whole-meal and highextraction wheat flour (same as no. 9) (thickness of the loaf 6 mm., diam. 230 mm., water content 9.1 %). 13. Whole-meal rye bread, leavened with yeast, commercial quality (Elanto's bakery, size of the loaf 7,5x240x265 mm., water content 9.7 %). 14. Whole-meal rye bread, leavened with yeast, commercial quality (Elanto's bakery, size of the loaf 6.5x240x280 mm., water content 8.4 %). Customary baking procedure, adapted to each bread type, was followed. The additional ingredients were: common salt 1—2% and yeast 3 % of the weight of the flour. In making the sour bread (loaves nos. 6,7, 9, 10, 12) and acid ferment was used, instead of yeast, in 1.3—1.7 % of the weight of flour to raise the dough. The pH of the sour bread was 3.32—3.95. Baking was carried out in this laboratory, except that two of the hard thin loaves were made in a big Finnish bakery (Elanto). There the baking was performed in a wire-net travelling oven, the temperature being, with no 3, at the start 270°C and at the end 230°C, and with no 6, 280°C and 230°C respectively. The baking temperature of the wheat loaves was 225—240°C, that of the rye loaves 240—260°C Vitamin B1 was determined in the soft loaves, from which the crust could be removed, in the entire loaf, and besides, in the crumb and in the bottom and top crust separately. For this purpose the crust was very carefully removed from the loaf. It weighed 20—30 % of the total weight of the loaf. Determination of vitamin B1 was made according to the method of Feilenberg and Bernhard (9, 10). For the enzymatic hydrolysis diastase and papain were used and in some experiments cysteine for reduction of the disulphide form of thiamine. However, cysteine was not found to affect the results. Before oxidation to thiochrome the solution to be examined was purified by shaking it twice with 2.5 volumes of isobutanol (12). This because we had previously noted that the extracts of rye-meal and ryebread have a strong fluorescense of their own (19). The same is true of the extracts obtained from the crust of wheat bread. The method of Andrews and Nordgren (1) was also tested for determination of thiamine. The results obtained were in fairly good agreement with these obtained by the first mentioned method. The loss of vitamin B1 occuring in baking was 10—25 % of the initial amount (Table 2). In the group of soft wheat bread the loss was smaller (11 %) in the whole-meal loaves than in the others (16 —20 %). The difference between wheat and rye bread was not great. The loss was 15—25 % in the soft rye bread, or slightly higher than in the wheat bread. This may be due, for instance, to differences in the baking temperature or in the acidity. The loss was regularly greater in the crust of bread than in the crumb, in certain cases 3, even 4 times greater. In the bottom crust the loss was always greater than in the top crust. In particular, the attention was drawn to the fact that in the hard thin crisp bread which in fact consists of crust only, the losses of vitamin B1 were of the same order as in the corresponding soft-bread loaves. Thus, for instance, the loss was 11 % in a yeast bread loaf (no. 4) made from wheat whole-meal and 14 % in the hard thin loaf (no. 11) from the same material. In the loaf (no. 9) made from mixed rye meal the loss was 21 %, while in the corresponding crisp bread (loaf no. 12) it was 15 %- For the sake of comparison some data have been collected from the literature concerning the losses of thiamine in baking (Table 1)