60 research outputs found

    Accessory male investment can undermine the evolutionary stability of simultaneous hermaphroditism

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    Sex allocation (SA) models are traditionally based on the implicit assumption that hermaphroditism must meet criteria that make it stable against transition to dioecy. This, however, puts serious constraints on the adaptive values that SA can attain. A transition to gonochorism may, however, be impossible in many systems and therefore realized SA in hermaphrodites may not be limited by conditions that guarantee stability against dioecy. We here relax these conditions and explore how sexual selection on male accessory investments (e.g. a penis) that offer a paternity benefit affects the evolutionary stable strategy SA in outcrossing, simultaneous hermaphrodites. Across much of the parameter space, our model predicts male allocations well above 50 per cent. These predictions can help to explain apparently ‘maladaptive’ hermaphrodite systems

    Between-group competition elicits within-group cooperation in children

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    Aggressive interactions between groups are frequent in human societies and can bear significant fitness costs and benefits (e.g. death or access to resources). During between-group competitive interactions, more cohesive groups (i.e. groups formed by individuals who cooperate in group defence) should out-perform less cohesive groups, other factors being equal (e.g. group size). The cost/benefit of between-group competition are thought to have driven correlated evolution of traits that favour between-group aggression and within-group cooperation (e.g. parochial altruism). Our aim was to analyse whether the proximate relationship between between-group competition and within-group cooperation is found in 3–10 years old children and the developmental trajectory of such a relationship. We used a large cohort of children (n = 120) and tested whether simulated between-group competition increased within-group cooperation (i.e. how much of a resource children were giving to their group companions) in two experiments. We found greater within-group cooperation when groups of four children were competing with other groups then in the control condition (no between-group competition). Within-group cooperation increased with age. Our study suggests that parochial altruism and in-group/out-group biases emerge early during the course of human development

    Moderate Multiple Parentage and Low Genetic Variation Reduces the Potential for Genetic Incompatibility Avoidance Despite High Risk of Inbreeding

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    Background: Polyandry is widespread throughout the animal kingdom. In the absence of direct benefits of mating with different males, the underlying basis for polyandry is enigmatic because it can carry considerable costs such as elevated exposure to sexual diseases, physical injury or other direct fitness costs. Such costs may be balanced by indirect genetic benefits to the offspring of polyandrous females. We investigated polyandry and patterns of parentage in the spider Stegodyphus lineatus. This species experiences relatively high levels of inbreeding as a result of its spatial population structure, philopatry and limited male mating dispersal. Polyandry may provide an opportunity for post mating inbreeding avoidance that reduces the risk of genetic incompatibilities arising from incestuous matings. However, multiple mating carries direct fitness costs to females suggesting that genetic benefits must be substantial to counter direct costs. Methodology/Principal Findings: Genetic parentage analyses in two populations from Israel and a Greek island, showed mixed-brood parentage in approximately 50 % of the broods. The number of fathers ranged from 1–2 indicating low levels of multiple parentage and there was no evidence for paternity bias in mixed-broods from both populations. Microsatellite loci variation suggested limited genetic variation within populations, especially in the Greek island population. Relatedness estimates among females in the maternal generation and potentially interacting individuals were substantial indicating fullsib and half-sib relationships

    Moderate energy restriction with high protein diet results in healthier outcome in women

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    BACKGROUND: The present study compares two different weight reduction regimens both with a moderately high protein intake on body composition, serum hormone concentration and strength performance in non-competitive female athletes. METHODS: Fifteen normal weighted women involved in recreational resistance training and aerobic training were recruited for the study (age 28.5 ± 6.3 yr, height 167.0 ± 7.0 cm, body mass 66.3 ± 4.2 kg, body mass index 23.8 ± 1.8, mean ± SD). They were randomized into two groups. The 1 KG group (n = 8; energy deficit 1100 kcal/day) was supervised to reduce body weight by 1 kg per week and the 0.5 KG group (n = 7; energy deficit 550 kcal/day) by 0.5 kg per week, respectively. In both groups protein intake was kept at least 1.4 g/kg body weight/day and the weight reduction lasted four weeks. At the beginning of the study the energy need was calculated using food and training diaries. The same measurements were done before and after the 4-week weight reduction period including total body composition (DXA), serum hormone concentrations, jumping ability and strength measurements RESULTS: During the 4-week weight reduction period there were no changes in lean body mass and bone mass, but total body mass, fat mass and fat percentage decreased significantly in both groups. The changes were greater in the 1 KG group than in the 0.5 KG group in total body mass (p < 0.001), fat mass (p < 0.001) and fat percentage (p < 0.01). Serum testosterone concentration decreased significantly from 1.8 ± 1.0 to 1.4 ± 0.9 nmol/l (p < 0.01) in 1 KG and the change was greater in 1 KG (30%, p < 0.001) than in 0.5 KG (3%). On the other hand, SHBG increased significantly in 1 KG from 63.4 ± 17.7 to 82.4 ± 33.0 nmol/l (p < 0.05) during the weight reducing regimen. After the 4-week period there were no changes in strength performance in 0.5 KG group, however in 1 KG maximal strength in bench press decreased (p < 0.05) while endurance strength in squat and counter movement jump improved (p < 0.05) CONCLUSION: It is concluded that a weight reduction by 0.5 kg per week with ~1.4 g protein/kg body weight/day can be recommended to normal weighted, physically active women instead of a larger (e.g. 1 kg per week) weight reduction because the latter may lead to a catabolic state. Vertical jumping performance is improved when fat mass and body weight decrease. Thus a moderate weight reduction prior to a major event could be considered beneficial for normal built athletes in jumping events.peerReviewe

    The fate of received sperm in the reproductive tract of a hermaphroditic snail and its implications for fertilisation.

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    Multiple mating, sperm storage and internal fertilisation enhance sperm competition. The great pond snail can use stored sperm for over three months, and frequently mates with different partners. This hermaphrodite, Lymnaea stagnalis, can also self-fertilise and often produces egg masses containing both selfed and outcrossed eggs. Hence, a sperm recipient may exert considerable control over paternity. Using microsatellite markers, we show that when allosperm are present, all genotyped eggs are cross-fertilised. We also find that sperm have the opportunity to compete, because double matings lead on average to equal paternity for each sperm donor. This indicates that received sperm are randomly mixed in storage. To gain further insight into the mechanisms underlying the process of sperm storage, digestion and utilisation, we investigated the fate of donated sperm at different times after copulation. We find that within 3 h after transfer most sperm have been transported into the sperm-digesting organ. Fluorescent labelling of sperm in histological sections further reveals that allosperm are not stored in the fertilisation pouch, but upstream in either the hermaphroditic duct, seminal vesicles, or ovotestis. Besides contributing to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying sperm competition and/or cryptic sperm choice, this study shows that mixed mating cannot be treated as a separate issue in hermaphroditic animals. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008

    Simultaneous Noise and Impedance Fitting to Transition-Edge Sensor Data Using Differential Evolution

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    We discuss a robust method to simultaneously fit a complex multi-body model both to the complex impedance and the noise data for transition-edge sensors. It is based on a differential evolution (DE) algorithm, providing accurate and repeatable results with only a small increase in computational cost compared to the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm. Test fits are made using both DE and LM methods, and the results compared with previously determined best fits, with varying initial value deviations and limit ranges for the parameters. The robustness of DE is demonstrated with successful fits even when parameter limits up to a factor of 10 from the known values were used. It is shown that the least squares fitting becomes unreliable beyond a 10% deviation from the known values.peerReviewe

    A Composite Phononic Crystal Design for Quasiparticle Lifetime Enhancement in Kinetic Inductance Detectors

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    A nanoscale phononic crystal filter (reflector) is designed for a kinetic inductance detector where the reflection band is matched to the quasiparticle recombination phonons with the aim to increase quasiparticle lifetime in the superconducting resonator. The inductor is enclosed by a 1-μm-wide phononic crystal membrane section with two simple hole patterns that each contain a partial spectral gap for various high-frequency phonon modes. The phononic crystal is narrow enough for low-frequency thermal phonons to propagate unimpeded. With 3D phonon scattering simulation over a 40 dB attenuation in transmitted power is found for the crystal, which is estimated to give a lifetime enhancement of nearly two orders of magnitude.peerReviewe