12 research outputs found

    Discovery of Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors by Integrating Protein Engineering and Chemical Screening Platforms

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    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) govern intracellular life, and identification of PPI inhibitors is challenging. Roadblocks in assay development stemming from weak binding affinities of natural PPIs impede progress in this field. We postulated that enhancing binding affinity of natural PPIs via protein engineering will aid assay development and hit discovery. This proof-of-principle study targets PPI between linear ubiquitin chains and NEMO UBAN domain, which activates NF-κB signaling. Using phage display, we generated ubiquitin variants that bind to the functional UBAN epitope with high affinity, act as competitive inhibitors, and structurally maintain the existing PPI interface. When utilized in assay development, variants enable generation of robust cell-based assays for chemical screening. Top compounds identified using this approach directly bind to UBAN and dampen NF-κB signaling. This study illustrates advantages of integrating protein engineering and chemical screening in hit identification, a development that we anticipate will have wide application in drug discovery

    IL-38 Ameliorates Skin Inflammation and Limits IL-17 Production from γδ T Cells

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    Summary: Interleukin-38 (IL-38) is a cytokine of the IL-1 family with a role in chronic inflammation. However, its main cellular targets and receptors remain obscure. IL-38 is highly expressed in the skin and downregulated in psoriasis patients. We report an investigation in cellular targets of IL-38 during the progression of imiquimod-induced psoriasis. In this model, IL-38 knockout (IL-38 KO) mice show delayed disease resolution with exacerbated IL-17-mediated inflammation, which is reversed by the administration of mature IL-38 or γδ T cell-receptor-blocking antibodies. Mechanistically, X-linked IL-1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 (IL1RAPL1) is upregulated upon γδ T cell activation to feedforward-amplify IL-17 production and is required for IL-38 to suppress γδ T cell IL-17 production. Accordingly, psoriatic IL1RAPL1 KO mice show reduced inflammation and IL-17 production by γδ T cells. Our findings indicate a role for IL-38 in the regulation of γδ T cell activation through IL1RAPL1, with consequences for auto-inflammatory disease. : Han et al. report that genetic depletion of IL-38 in mice delays the resolution of imiquimod-induced psoriasis by increasing the production of the inflammatory cytokine IL-17A by skin-infiltrating T cells. Depleting these T cells or the receptor that is targeted by IL-38 reduces psoriatic skin inflammation. Keywords: IL-38, IL1RAPL1, IL-17, γδ T cells, psoriasis, inflammatio

    Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of α-Glucosidase and α-Mannosidase and Their Clustered Genes from the Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Picrophilus torridus

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    The genes encoding a putative α-glucosidase (aglA) and an α-mannosidase (manA) appear to be physically clustered in the genome of the extreme acidophile Picrophilus torridus, a situation not found previously in any other organism possessing aglA or manA homologs. While archaeal α-glucosidases have been described, no α-mannosidase enzymes from the archaeal kingdom have been reported previously. Transcription start site mapping and Northern blot analysis revealed that despite their colinear orientation and the small intergenic space, the genes are independently transcribed, both producing leaderless mRNA. aglA and manA were cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the purified recombinant enzymes were characterized with respect to their physicochemical and biochemical properties. AglA displayed strict substrate specificity and hydrolyzed maltose, as well as longer α-1,4-linked maltooligosaccharides. ManA, on the other hand, hydrolyzed all possible linkage types of α-glycosidically linked mannose disaccharides and was able to hydrolyze α3,α6-mannopentaose, which represents the core structure of many triantennary N-linked carbohydrates in glycoproteins. The probable physiological role of the two enzymes in the utilization of exogenous glycoproteins and/or in the turnover of the organism's own glycoproteins is discussed

    SpyDisplay: A versatile phage display selection system using SpyTag/SpyCatcher technology

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    ABSTRACTPhage display is an established method for the in vitro selection of recombinant antibodies and other proteins or peptides from gene libraries. Here we describe SpyDisplay, a phage display method in which the display is achieved via SpyTag/SpyCatcher protein ligation instead of genetically fusing the displayed protein to a phage coat protein. In our implementation, SpyTagged antibody antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) are displayed via protein ligation on filamentous phages carrying SpyCatcher fused to the pIII coat protein. A library of genes encoding Fab antibodies was cloned in an expression vector containing an f1 replication origin, and SpyCatcher-pIII was separately expressed from a genomic locus in engineered E. coli. We demonstrate the functional, covalent display of Fab on phage, and rapidly isolate specific high-affinity clones via phage panning, confirming the robustness of this selection system. SpyTagged Fabs, the direct outcome of the panning campaign, are compatible with modular antibody assembly using prefabricated SpyCatcher modules and can be directly tested in diverse assays. Furthermore, SpyDisplay streamlines additional applications that have traditionally been challenging for phage display: we show that it can be applied to N-terminal display of the protein of interest and it enables display of cytoplasmically folding proteins exported to periplasm via the TAT pathway

    Disrupting the LC3 interaction region (LIR) binding of selective autophagy receptors sensitizes AML cell lines to cytarabine

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    Short linear motifs (SLiMs) located in disordered regions of multidomain proteins are important for the organization of protein–protein interaction networks. By dynamic association with their binding partners, SLiMs enable assembly of multiprotein complexes, pivotal for the regulation of various aspects of cell biology in higher organisms. Despite their importance, there is a paucity of molecular tools to study SLiMs of endogenous proteins in live cells. LC3 interacting regions (LIRs), being quintessential for orchestrating diverse stages of autophagy, are a prominent example of SLiMs and mediate binding to the ubiquitin-like LC3/GABARAP family of proteins. The role of LIRs ranges from the posttranslational processing of their binding partners at early stages of autophagy to the binding of selective autophagy receptors (SARs) to the autophagosome. In order to generate tools to study LIRs in cells, we engineered high affinity binders of LIR motifs of three archetypical SARs: OPTN, p62, and NDP52. In an array of in vitro and cellular assays, the engineered binders were shown to have greatly improved affinity and specificity when compared with the endogenous LC3/GABARAP family of proteins, thus providing a unique possibility for modulating LIR interactions in living systems. We exploited these novel tools to study the impact of LIR inhibition on the fitness and the responsiveness to cytarabine treatment of THP-1 cells – a model for studying acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Our results demonstrate that inhibition of LIR of a single autophagy receptor is insufficient to sensitize the cells to cytarabine, while simultaneous inhibition of three LIR motifs in three distinct SARs reduces the IC50 of the chemotherapeutic

    Transposable Modules Generated by a Single Copy of Insertion Sequence ISPme1 and Their Influence on Structure and Evolution of Natural Plasmids of Paracoccus methylutens DM12▿ †

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    We demonstrated that a single copy of insertion sequence ISPme1 can mobilize adjacent segments of genomic DNA of Paracoccus methylutens DM12, which leads to the generation of diverse transposable elements of various size and DNA contents. All elements (named transposable modules [TMos]) contain ISPme1 (placed at the 5′ ends of the elements) and have variable 3′-end regions of between 0.5 and 5 kb. ISPme1 was shown to encode an outwardly oriented promoter, which may activate the transcription of genes transposed within TMos in evolutionarily distinct hosts. TMos may therefore be considered to be natural systems enabling gene capture, expression, and spread. However, unless these elements have been inserted into a highly conserved genetic context to enable a precise definition of their termini, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to identify them in bacterial genomes by in silico sequence analysis. We showed that TMos are present in the chromosome and plasmids of strain DM12. Sequence analysis of plasmid pMTH1 (32 kb) revealed that four TMos, previously identified with a trap vector, pMEC1, comprise 87% of its genome. Repeated TMos within pMTH1 may stimulate other structural rearrangements resulting from homologous recombination between long repeat sequences. This illustrates that TMos may play a significant role in shaping the structure of natural plasmids, which consequently may have a great impact on the evolution of plasmid genomes

    Tissue cytokine IL-33 modulates the cytotoxic CD8 t lymphocyte activity during nutrient deprivation by regulation of lineage-specific differentiation programs

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    IL-1 family member IL-33 exerts a variety of immune activating and regulating properties and has recently been proposed as a prognostic biomarker for cancer diseases, although its precise role in tumor immunity is unclear. Here we analyzed in vitro conditions influencing the function of IL-33 as an alarmin and a co-factor for the activity of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in order to explain the widely discussed promiscuous behavior of IL-33 in vivo. Circulating IL-33 detected in the serum of healthy human volunteers was biologically inactive. Additionally, bioactivity of exogenous recombinant IL-33 was significantly reduced in plasma, suggesting local effects of IL-33, and inactivation in blood. Limited availability of nutrients in tissue causes necrosis and thus favors release of IL-33, which—as described before—leads to a locally high expression of the cytokine. The harsh conditions however influence T cell fitness and their responsiveness to stimuli. Nutrient deprivation and pharmacological inhibition of mTOR mediated a distinctive phenotype characterized by expression of IL-33 receptor ST2L on isolated CD8+ T cells, downregulation of CD8, a transitional CD45RAlowROlow phenotype and high expression of secondary lymphoid organ chemokine receptor CCR7. Under nutrient deprivation, IL-33 inhibited an IL-12 induced increase in granzyme B protein expression and increased expression of GATA3 and FOXP3 mRNA. IL-33 enhanced the TCR-dependent activation of CD8+ T cells and co-stimulated the IL-12/TCR-dependent expression of IFNγ. Respectively, GATA3 and FOXP3 mRNA were not regulated during TCR-dependent activation. TCR-dependent stimulation of PBMC, but not LPS, initiated mRNA expression of soluble IL-33 decoy receptor sST2, a control mechanism limiting IL-33 bioactivity to avoid uncontrolled inflammation. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the compartment-specific activity of IL-33. Furthermore, we newly describe conditions, which promote an IL-33-dependent induction of pro- or anti-inflammatory activity in CD8+ T cells during nutrient deprivation

    Fluorescence-Based Sensors to Monitor Localization and Functions of Linear and K63-Linked Ubiquitin Chains in Cells

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    Ubiquitin chains modify a major subset of the proteome, but detection of ubiquitin signaling dynamics and localization is limited due to a lack of appropriate tools. Here, we employ ubiquitin-binding domain (UBD)-based fluorescent sensors to monitor linear and K63-linked chains in vitro and in vivo. We utilize the UBD in NEMO and ABIN (UBAN) for detection of linear chains, and RAP80 ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) and TAB2 Npl4 zinc finger (NZF) domains to detect K63 chains. Linear and K63 sensors decorated the ubiquitin coat surrounding cytosolic Salmonella during bacterial autophagy, whereas K63 sensors selectively monitored Parkin-induced mitophagy and DNA damage responses in fixed and living cells. In addition, linear and K63 sensors could be used to monitor endogenous signaling pathways, as demonstrated by their ability to differentially interfere with TNF- and IL-1-induced NF-κB pathway. We propose that UBD-based biosensors could serve as prototypes to track and trace other chain types and ubiquitin-like signals in vivo