7 research outputs found


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    Tax reforms that include efforts to improve the taxation system and mechanism, including a tax payment and reporting system that fully authorizes the Taxpayer to determine, calculate and report the amount of tax owed annually in accordance with the provisions of existing taxation laws, which known as the self assessment system. The purpose of this study is to prove empirically that the application of the Self Assessment System affects the compliance of individual taxpayers who carry out business activities and free work in the city of Denpasar. Researchers use Regression Analysis as a method of data analysis, data collection is done by observation, interviews, literature studies, and questionnaires. The initial stage in the analysis is to test the validity and reliability of research instruments. The results showed that the application of the self assessment system had a positive effect on the compliance of individual taxpayers who carry out business activities and free work in the city of Denpasar. &nbsp

    Pelatihan Pembukuan Sederhana UMKM Untuk Binaan Rumah Kreatif Denpasar

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih para pelaku usaha kecil untuk mempergunakan dan menguasai pembukuan sederhana untuk solusi sistem pencatatan keuangan dan kinerja usahanya serta penggunaan teknologi informasi. Untuk itu diselenggarakan pelatihan  tentang  pembukuan sederhana bagi UMKM binaan Rumah Kreatif Denpasar dengan metode pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah pemaparan materi secara daring dan pendampingan yakni praktek langsung pembuatan laporan keuangan sederhana. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi terkait keterbatasan pengetahuan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan usaha sesuai dengan bidang usaha yang digelutinya. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh temuan belum pelaku UMKM Rumah Kreatif Denpasar belum teratur dalam melakukan pencatatan pembukuan dan masih bercampurnya dana pribadi dengan dana usaha. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah metode tatap muka terbatas dan pertemuan online melalui media Zoom Meeting. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan diperoleh 70%pelaku usaha kecil terkecil mulai memahami pembuatan laporan keuangan usahanya secara sederhana baik secara manual maupun menggunakan Ms. Ofiice Excel. Dengan pemberian pelatihan pembukuan sederhana ini para pelaku UMKM Rumah Kreatif Denpasar lebih menyadari pentingnya pembukuan keuangan dan ke depannya pelaku UMKM supaya lebih konsisten berkesinambungan


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    Increasing entrepreneurial competence in the workforce can be done from an early age. Both formal and informal education systems can be used as a means to educate and influence young people to have competencies and interests in the field of entrepreneurship. Higher Education as one of the educational institutions has the opportunity to cultivate competence and entrepreneurial interest in students. This opportunity must be utilized so that it can create young entrepreneurs who will later participate in reducing the unemployment rate in Indonesia. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is an information technology-based high school that encourages students to become entrepreneurs. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia organizes entrepreneurship courses and there is support from entrepreneurial institutions, namely the STIKI Indonesia Business Incubator, which is the umbrella support for entrepreneurship in the academic community at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. To be able to increase entrepreneurial competence in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students, research was conducted on the competence and entrepreneurial interest of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia students. This research is a descriptive study using a questionnaire as a research instrument. The data collection technique was carried out by using a purposive sampling method with the criteria of students who had already received entrepreneurship courses. The results of the study found that entrepreneurial competence had a significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia student

    The Role Of Gamification In English Language Teaching: A Literature Review

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    This literature review examines the impact of gamification in English language teaching (ELT) on motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Gamification, the integration of game elements into education, has gained attention as a promising approach to enhance language learning. The findings reveal that gamification positively influences student motivation in ELT. Elements like points, leaderboards, and rewards create a sense of achievement and intrinsic motivation. Engaged students are more likely to persist and participate actively in language learning. Gamification promotes active learning and engagement, with interactive activities involving vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, and language production. It provides a safe space for students to experiment, apply knowledge, and develop linguistic skills. Collaboration and social interaction are fostered through gamification, encouraging teamwork and peer feedback. This enhances language and interpersonal skills. Immediate feedback and progress tracking in gamification offer valuable learning opportunities. Students receive real-time feedback and monitor their progress, enabling adjustments in learning strategies. However, implementing gamification in ELT faces challenges such as technology constraints and pedagogical considerations. Striking a balance between engagement and curriculum objectives is crucial. Teacher training and professional development are necessary. In conclusion, gamification plays a significant role in ELT by enhancing motivation, engagement, collaboration, and active learning. Despite challenges, embracing gamification and its best practice

    Exploring Maxim Flouting in “A Man Called Otto” Movie: A Pragmatic Study

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    The term flouting maxim refers to a situation in which a speaker deliberately fails to uphold one of Grice’s conversational maxims, called the Grice a maxim: quantity, quality, relation, and manner. In the movie A Man Called Otto, there were several times when the cast committed violations of the maxim. Due to the discovery of these problems, the primary aims of this study are to ascertain the various categories of maxims that are flouted within the movie “A Man Called Otto,” and to provide an explanation of the situational context underlying the character’s dialogues that involve the flouting of maxims. The data were analyzed by the theory proposed by Cutting, (2002) as the leading theory to find out the types of flouting maxims, and the theory context of the situation offered by Halliday, M. A. K., & Hasan, (1989) was used. In this study, the method utilized for analyzing the data was a descriptive qualitative, while observing and note-taking techniques were used in collecting the data. The results of this study indicate that the characters in the movie “A Man Called Otto” flouted the conversational maxims. The maxim of relation was found to be the most frequently flouted, followed by the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, and lastly, the maxim of manner

    Penerapan Metode Human Centered Design dalam Perancangan User Interface (Studi Kasus: PT.X)

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    User interface merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan sebelum membuat suatu sistem. Perancangan user interface yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan user akan membuat user nyaman dalam menggunakan sistem. PT.X merupakan sebuah usaha yang bergerak dibidang Fashion wanita dan saat ini PT.X hanya memasarkan produknya melalui Instagram sehingga jam pemesanan terbatas waktu operasional dan mengurangi pemasukan. PT.X memerlukan website untuk dapat memasarkan produknya tanpa terbatas dengan waktu operasional dan untuk dapat meningkatkan pemasukan. Dengan adanya website PT.X dapat melakukan penjualan kapan saja tanpa terbatas waktu. Perancangan user interface website dilakukan menggunakan Metode Human Centered Design. Metode Human Centered Design memiliki beberapa tahapan yaitu: Spesifikasi Konteks Pengguna, Spesifikasi Kebutuhan Pengguna, Merancang Desain User Interface Website, dan Melakukan Pengujian Desain User Interface Website. Hasil perancangan user interface website prototype dengan menu homepage, header, footer, wishlist, keranjang, kategori produk, detail produk, ulasan konsumen, login/buat akun, checkout, pembayaran, informasi akun, lacak pesanan, penilaian, dan penukaran barang yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan website pada PT.X

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Sentuhan Teknologi dalam Memasarkan Produk Umkm Desa Sumita

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    Tujuan : tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah memasarkan produk unggulan umkm yang ada pada desa Sumita sebagai upaya peninngkatan Brand Awareness produk UMKM melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan pemanfaatan Teknologi. Metode Penelitian : Menerapkan Sentuhan Teknologi berupa pemanfaatan sosial media sebagai tools dalam memasarkan produk unggulan UMKM di desa Sumita. Metode observasi dan wawancara menjadi point utama dalam mendefinisikan masalah serta memberikan solusi yang tepat dalam membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dialami penggiat UMKM Ukiran di desa Sumita. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan pemanfaatan sentuhan teknologi dalam memasrkan produk Unggulan UMKM desa sumita sehingga Sumber daya Manusia dapat  meningkatkan pemahaman bagi masyarakat penggiat UMKM Implikasi Penelitian: melalui pelatihan dan pemanfaatan teknologi yang telah dikemas dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat, penggiat UMKM di desa sumita dapat memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai upaya dalam peningkatan pemasaran produknya ke sektor yang lebih luas baik dengan menggunakan sosial media seperti instagram