790 research outputs found

    Visual Archives of the AIDS Epidemic: Examining the Cultivation of Anticipatory Mourning in the Works of Nan Goldin, Cookie Mueller, and Vittorio Scarpati

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    In examining Putti’s Puddingand The Cookie Portfolioas independent yet intertwined projects of anticipatory mourning, this thesis identifies Witnesses: Against Our Vanishing as the artistic fulfillment of Vittorio Scarpati, Cookie Mueller, and Nan Goldin’s combined efforts to proleptically manifest collective memory within the visual archive of their shared experience with AIDS. Assisted by an exploration of both the AIDS epidemic and the three artist’s linked life histories, this study also recognizes the importance of creating an art history inclusive of social and personal history whilst considering materials so inextricably linked to their creator’s biographical contexts

    [Review of] Mark Christian Thompson. Black Fascisms: African American Literature and Culture Between the Wars

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    In How Bigger Was Born, Richard Wright described the political choice available to young black men like Bigger Thomas as being between communism and fascism. A plethora of recent scholarship from critics like Barbara Foley, James Smethurst, and William Maxwell has articulated the complex relationship between black and red in the first half of the twentieth century. Mark Christian Thompson\u27s Black Fascisms begins to explore the other half of Wright\u27s binary, tracing the uses of fascist ideology in the work of Marcus Garvey, George S. Schuyler, Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, and Richard Wright

    Myth of Overpopulation

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    A basin-wide Black Sea Mnemiopsis leidyi database

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    A specific marine biological data management tool, the Black Sea Mnemiopsis leidyi database system was created within the European Commission 6th framework Black Sea SCENE project for the Black Sea region and is now being supported by the Permanent Secretariat of the Black Sea Commission. The core team of scientists studying M. leidyi in the Black Sea was brought together and all their available M. leidyi data and metadata were loaded into the common database. This works on the Internet and has a simple user interface. It gives Black Sea scientists the option to load all their corresponding data on the database and to use it as an effective tool to work both with M. leidyi and, in future, with other gelatinous organisms’ data, including another invasive ctenophore Beroe ovata. All loaded metadata and historical data are available to the entire scientific community. More recent data are available to the team members and with some restrictions to other scientists.JRC.H.5-Land Resources Managemen

    Michelangelo Buonarroti and Homophobia in the Renaissance

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    Tommaso de’ Cavalieri was a young man with an aristocratic background when he first met famous artist Michelangelo Buonarroti in Rome. Tommaso was known to be an incomparable physical beauty, with intelligence and elegant manners, as well as being a member of one of the most illustrious families of Rome—the Orsini. Some have said this is what drew the artist to Cavalieri from the start. Though not much is known about their encounter, it is confirmed that Cavalieri remained a close and loyal companion to Michelangelo for thirty-two years until the artist’s death in 1564. Furthermore, throughout their years together as friends, there passed between them several letters and even a collection of drawings which contain scenes of suggested homoeroticism. Some scholars have stated that Tommaso became the object of Michelangelo’s affection, his muse, and the inspiration for the letters, drawings, and numerous poems. Given the artist’s contested sexuality, the nature of these drawings and the men’s relationship has been examined by numerous art historians. The drawings consisted of classical motifs and narratives which exhibit themes of ecstasy and punishment for partaking in something forbidden. In other words, the drawings present scenes which illustrate giving into something and a subsequent consequence. Additionally, given the homoerotic nature of the drawings, the conclusion would be that homosexuality is the “forbidden fruit” which Michelangelo refers to, and therefore would indicate Michelangelo subconsciously harbored internalized homophobia. This would further indicate a proposed or failed romantic attachment which could not be sustained with the artist’s own internalized homophobia, produced by restrictive laws and a largely Christian society of sixteenth century Italy. Michelangelo Buonarroti gave Tommaso a multitude of drawings, including, The Rape of Ganymede, The Punishment of Tityus, The Fall of Phaethon, The Children’s Bacchanal and The Dream, as well as letters and poetry to communicate certain messages to Tommaso, such as his affections for the young man in a society which had cultivated internalized homophobia for the artist

    Inscribing temporality, containing fashion: Otto Dix's portrait of the dancer Anita Berber recontextualized

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    Using Kracauer’s essay ‘Photography’ as a starting point, this article argues that Otto Dix’s Portrait of the Dancer Anita Berber (1925) should be understood as an intervention in Weimar Modernity’s discourse about the relevance of painted portraits in an image economy increasingly dominated by photographic reproductions. A strategy of historical retrieval will reveal how the painter dealt strategically with issues of celebrity, beauty and commodification to neutralize the contagion of fashion and its destructive temporal dynamics for avant-garde painters, simultaneously engaging the work in a demonstration of his own mastery of a new temporal order. The artwork is reframed as a pastiche that marks endpoint and synthesis in a chain of production and reproduction of images - from dancer Anita Berber to actress Lya de Putti and distant art history, and it demonstrates the new openness of processes through which images from mass media culture enter art history

    The Overflow of Contained Emotions in Anita Rau Badami's The Hero's Walk : An Analysis of Affects through the Imagery of Water

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    In this article, Anita Rau Badami's second novel, The Hero's Walk (2000), is analysed through the perspective of the field of affects. This analysis examines how the author, through the imagery of water, presents the non-physical reality of feelings and emotions. Water is the most receptive of the elements, a source of continuous, intimate and transitory metamorphoses. In the form of storms, floods, and other types of natural phenomena related to this element, it is possible to observe how Badami makes use of a metaphorical conceptualisation of intense emotional states related to the psychological trauma that arises from the loss of a loved one. For the purpose of analysis, several important sources in the field of affect theory and water symbolism will be considered. Special emphasis will also be placed on the body (and the house as an integral extension of it) as a receptacle for contained emotions in the processing of pain.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la segunda novela de Anita Rau Badami, The Hero's Walk (2000) desde el ámbito de los afectos, estudiando cómo la autora, a través de la imaginería del agua, presenta la realidad no física de los sentimientos y las emociones. El agua es el más receptivo de los elementos, fuente de continuas metamorfosis íntimas y transitorias. En forma de tormentas, inundaciones y otros tipos de fenómenos naturales relacionados con este elemento, observamos cómo Badami hace uso de una conceptualización metafórica de intensos estados emocionales relacionados con el trauma psicológico derivado de la pérdida de un ser querido. Para el análisis se tendrán en cuenta diversas fuentes de gran relevancia en el campo de la teoría de los afectos y el simbolismo del agua como forma de expresar las emociones. Asimismo, se hará también especial hincapié en el cuerpo (y la casa como extensión del mismo) como receptáculo de emociones contenidas en el encausamiento del dolor

    Voimaa etänä : Etäkuntoutus fysioterapian ohjauskeinona

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    Nivelrikko on yleisin nivelsairaus Suomessa ja muuallakin maailmassa. Niveltä vaurioittavat muutokset etenevät yleensä hitaasti vuosien kuluessa aiheuttaen toimintakyvyn heikentymistä, kipuja sekä liikkumisen. Nivelrikolle altistavia tekijöitä on useita, kuten perimä, ikääntyminen, ylipaino ja mekaaninen kuormitus. Nivelrikon hoidossa erittäin tärkeää on konservatiivinen itsehoito, jossa korostuu fysioterapeutin ohjaama liike- ja liikuntaharjoittelu. Sähköisillä palveluilla on mahdollista parantaa ihmisten mahdollisuutta huolehtia omasta hyvinvoinnistaan ja terveydestään. Erilaiset sähköiset palvelut ovatkin lisääntyneet merkittävästi viime vuosina. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa etäohjauksen käytöstä ohjausmenetelmänä lonkka- ja polvinivelrikkoisten fysioterapiassa osana nivelrikon itsehoitoa. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella nivelrikkoisten toimintakykyä tukevaa etäohjauspalvelua yhteistyössä Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry:n kanssa. Tutkimustehtävät olivat nivelrikkoisten toimintakykyä tukevan etäohjauspalvelun suunnittelu ja laadinta sekä sen toimivuuden pilotointi ja arviointi testiryhmällä. Toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Suomen Nivelyhdistyksen ja Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa. Tämä opinnäytetyö tarjoaa ehdotuksen uudenlaiseen nivelrikon itsehoitoon perinteisen kuntoutuksen tueksi. Etäkuntoutuksen ja nivelrikon lisäksi teoreettisessä viitekehyksessä tutustuttiin palvelumuotoiluun. Etäohjaus arvioitiin keräämällä palautetta pilottihenkilöitä heti ohjauksen päätteeksi. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä käytettiin Net Promoter Scorea (NPS) -mittaria arvioimaan asiakaskokemusta ja prosessia. Palautetta pyydettiin myös opinnäytetyötä ohjaavilta opettajilta. Prosessin päätteeksi tehtiin myös itsearvio. Palautteen ja teorian pohjalta luotiin ehdotus etäfysioterapian toteutuksesta palvelumuotoiluprosessin mukaisesti. Kaikki viisi pilottihenkilöä olivat innostuneita tämän kaltaisesta etäfysioterapiasta. He olivat valmiita suosittelemaan palvelua ystävilleen ja kokivat palvelun erittäin hyödylliseksi. Etäfysioterapiapalvelu voisi toimia hyvänä lisänä lähifysioterapian ohella. Jatkotutkimuksena olisi mielenkiintoista selvittää etäfysioterapian ja lähifysioterapian vaikuttavuuden eroja.Osteoarthritis is the most common joint-disease in in Finland and also in other parts of the world. Degenerative changes usually progress slowly over the years and cause impaired performance, pain and changes to normal movement patterns. There are multiple risk factors for osteoarthritis, such as genetics, ageing, weight and mechanical stress. Conservative methods play a key role in the treatment of osteoarthritis, and therapeutic exercise is one of the most effective ways of managing the symptoms. Digital services can be used to im-prove the way people care for their own health and well-being. Partially due to this, the use of digital services has increased over the last few years. The aim of this thesis was to generate new information about the use of telerehabilitation in physiotherapy as a way of improving the self-care of people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. The goal was to develop a teleguidance service to support the function of people suffering from osteoarthritis. This was done in co-operation with Suomen Nivelyhdistys ry, the national organization of Finnish osteoarthritis patients. The research goals of this study were the development of a teleguidance service to support the function of people suffering from osteoarthritis, conducting a pilot of the service on a test group, and assessment of the service. The functional thesis was done in co-operation with Suomen Nivelyhdistys and Laurea University of Applied Sciences. This thesis offers a suggestion for a new way of supporting the self-care of osteoarthritis patients, to be used in addition to traditional rehabilitation methods. In addition to telerehabilitation and osteoarthritis, the theoretical framework of this thesis included service design. The teleguidance session was assessed by collecting feedback from the participants right after the session. Net Promoter Score (NPS) was used to assess the client experience and the process in general. In addition, feedback was asked from our thesis counselors, and a self-review was conducted at the end of the process. Based on the feedback and gained theoretical knowledge, a proposition for a telerehabilitation service was designed in accordance with service design principles. All five participants were excited about this kind of telerehabilitation. They were ready to recommend the service to their friends and found it very useful. This kind of telerehabilitation service could work as a supplementary service for traditional physiotherapy. In further studies, it could be interesting to measure the differences in effectiveness of traditional- and telerehabilitation