420 research outputs found

    Dana Pensiun Dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah

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    Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah.Dana Pensiun adalah badan hukum yang mengelola dan menjalankan program yang menjanjikan manfaat pensiun. Perkembangan transaksi syariah dalam industri keuangan di Indonesia yang semakin meningkat memungkinkan dana pensiun dikelola secara syariah. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui landasan fikih bagi pengembangan dan pengelolaan dana pensiun. Dana Pensiun secara umum diatur dalam Undangundang No. 11 tahun 1992. Perbedaan dana pensiun konvensional dan dana pensiun syariah adalah dari sistem pengelolaan investasi yang dilakukan agar terhindar dari riba dan investasi keuangan konvensional yang berbasis bunga

    Diabetic Nephropathy Determinant Factor in Diabetes Mellitus at RSUD Dr. M. Soewandhie Surabaya

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    Non communicable diseases are an important health problem related with the shift in the pattern of death cause, which is from infectious diseases to non-infectious diseases. Diabetes mellitus (DM) ranked 5 of the top 10 causes of non-infectious diseases in hospitals in Indonesia. If not properly controlled, DM can lead to chronic complications such as Diabetic Nephropathy (DN). This study, conducted at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, in June-July 2014, aimed to analyze correlation between non-clinical factors according to the concept of Hendrik L. Blum, such as compliance to treatment, education level, income, and social support for the incidence of DN in DM patients. This study was an observational analytic study with case-control design. Case samples in this study were DM patients who experienced DN complications and undergoing treatment at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, by 36 respondents. Control samples in this study were diabetic patients who did not experience complications DN undergoing treatment at Internal Medicine Clinic, Outpatient Care, Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya, by 36 respondents. Samples were taken by using a convenience sampling method. Relation streght analysis between dependent and independent variables used Contingency Coefficient by Chi Square test with 95% Confidence Interval (α=0.05). To determine the amount of risk between dependent and independent variables, we used OR (odds ratio) calculation. The results showed that non-compliance to treatment (OR=2.8) with contigency coefficient 0.243, low education (OR=1.5) with contigency coefficient 0.091, income < District Minimum Wage (OR=1.21) with contigency coefficient 0.036, and not receiving social support (OR=1.65) with contigency coefficient 0.117. In conclusion, compliance to treatment, education level, income, and social support affect the incidence of DN in DM patients

    Kekuatan Mengikat Pengumuman Laporan Wasiat Secara Online Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Bagi Notaris

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    One of the testaments which can be conducted to is the testamental deed made by the notary. Which is then called by UUJN, article 16 paragraph 1 letter (i). The Law Administrational General Directorate launch the policy about testamental report by online which is launched in Bidakara Jakarta Hotel on 28-03-2\014 w\explaining that the delivery of testamental report is not acceptable manually. The statements of the problem which can be taken is about how the holding capacity toward the announcement of testamental report by online issued by Commonal Law Administrational General Directorate and what is the impact of law if the notary do not conduct the testamental reporting done by online. The research method used is the normative reseach law. The approach which is used to analyze the problem in this research involves the conceptual approach and constitutional approach (statute approach). The result of this research is the power to bind an announcement which is issued by Ditjen AHU is not binded because the announcement constitutes an official script and not the product of law. The Law Impact of the notary which does not report the testaments by online is not exist, as long as the notary still report the testamental report manually. If the notary do not report the testament by online or manually on 5 days in the firsth month so the testamental deed is not valid, but it is not binding for the third party because it does not fulfill the publicity principl

    Row Sport Context in PISA Like Mathematics Problem

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    The aim of research was to produce valid, practical and had potential-effect to mathematic literacy ability in PISA like mathematics problem in using row sports context at Asian Games 2018. The research method used development research with development studies type. The subjects of the research were the students with 15 years old of class X SMAN 10 Palembang. The techniques of collecting data were used documentation, walkthrough, test, and interview. This research produced the problem about how the students determined how many benches could be made by only knowing length and width of the boats. The results showed that the problem developed (1) valid from the suitability with the framework PISA regarding content, context, literacy process and level of questions that was connected problems with daily life accordance experts review and one to one stage (2) practical because the problem could be understood by students accordance small group stage, and (3) had a potential effect from the result of analyze the student's answer in mathematical literacy ability with representation and reasoning ability as dominant accordance field test stage

    Supply Chain Quality Management Practice Model As an Enabler for Operational Academic Process Toward Excellence Performance: An Explorative Study

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    The purpose of this research is to develop the supply chain quality management model by identifying the important factors that contribute to the success in implementation of supply chain quality management in the academic business process. This research is exploratory in nature using case study in the supply chain member of study program’s academic process. The approach is by identifying the framework parameter of supply chain quality management. Focus of study is cross-sectional to the member of study program’s supply chain, which includes new student admission centers, head of study program, quality assurance centers and career development centers. The information is collected by in-depth interview and data analyzed from the academic process business document. Data analysis is done by open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, identifying relevant concepts and classifying them into several categories. The whole process of coding is done using NVivo 11 Pro software. The result of the article is in identifying the key elements that support the success of the academic business process of the study program in implementing supply chain quality management and presenting the supply chain quality management model implementation, supported by the essential elements found. This research presents the important input regarding the integration of total quality management and supply chain management implementation of the study program’s operational academic process in higher education. Results of this study are also valuable for other service industries, especially services that have strong involvement between client and server. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: supply chain management, total quality management, operational academic process, performance measuremen

    Alat Pemantau Kestabilan Pasteurisasi Susu

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    — Perkembangan teknologi sekarang ini mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat. Alat-alat dengan teknologi canggih telah banyak ditemukan seiring dengan kebutuhan manusia yang semakin kompleks. Khususnya dibidang elektronika, segala aspek kehidupan manusia saat ini dan mendatang tidak akan lepas dari perkembangan teknologi ini.Pemantauan suhu presisi sangat dibutuhkan di dunia industri saat ini khususnya di dunia industri pangan dan minuman yang memiliki tingkat kadaluarsa. Salah satu aplikasi penggunaan pemantauan suhu presisi yaitu pada proses pasteurisasi. Alat Pemantau Kestabilan Pasteurisasi Susu ini menggunakan mikrokontroler AT Mega 8535 sebagai inti atau otak, yang di jalankan menggunakan program. Alat ini juga memakai sensor suhu DS18S20 sebagai pendeteksi suhu dimana sensor ini sudah memiliki output digital, dan alat ini menggunakan IC timer DS1307 yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur batas suhu, juga IC MOC3020 yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur batas suhu, dan juga LCD yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan pembacaan suhu, waktu, dan batas suhu yang semuanya sudah ditentukan dalam program. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian dan pembuatan alat pemantau kestabilan pasteurisasi susu ini adalah sebagai pembatas dan penyetabil suhu pemanasan pada suhu 800 sampai jangka waktu yang ditentukan yaitu 1 menit. Alat melakukan pemanasan susu sampai suhu mencapai batas yang ditentukan pada suhu 800 kemudian menyetabilkan suhu sampai jangka waktu yang ditentukan yaitu 1 menit. Keywords— Pemantau pasteurisasi, Mikrokontroler, Sensor suhu DS18S20

    Desain Pembelajaran Volume Kubus Dan Balok Menggunakan Filling Dan Packing Di Kelas V

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    This study was aimed at producing a learning design that can help the students to understand the concept of cube and cuboid volume using the filling and packing method in the fifth grade of the primary school. The approach used was PMRI. The subjects were the students of the fifth grade of MI Ma\u27had Islamy Palembang, South Sumatera. The study used validation study research design. The results show that the learning design is able to help students in understanding the concept of cube and cuboid volume; the contents of cube and cuboid through the activity of filling, the beams have more volume than the cube through comparing, the concept of the cubes and cuboid volume, the volume of a cube through the activity of packing, a formula of cube volume, the volume of the cuboid through the activity of packing, cuboid volume formula, and the conclusing out of cubes and cuboid formulas

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Minyak Rami Dengan Minyak Wijen Terhadap Kadar Sgpt Sprague Dawley Dislipidemia

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    Latar Belakang: Dislipidemia adalah faktor risiko penyakit perlemakan hati. Kadar SGPT lebih berkorelasi dengan perlemakan hati dan sering digunakan sebagai tanda jejas hepatosit. Minyak rami dan minyak wijen mengandung asam α-linolenat, vitamin E dan sesamin yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar SGPT. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kombinasi minyak rami dengan minyak wijen terhadap kadar SGPT pada tikus dislipidemia.Metode: Penelitian true experimental dengan pre and post test randomized control group design terhadap 24 ekor tikus Sprague dawley dislipidemia yang dibagi secara acak dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol yang hanya diberikan pakan standar. Tiga kelompok perlakuan diberikan pakan standar dan kombinasi minyak rami dengan wijen dengan dosis 1 ml, 2 ml, dan 3 ml selama 14 hari. Kadar SGPT diperiksa dengan metode spektrofotometri. Data dianalisis dengan uji Paired t-test dan Anova.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan setelah intervensi pada kelompok perlakuan. Rerata kadar SGPT sebelum intervensi pada kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 adalah 37,06±0,50; 37,78±0,56; dan 37,68±0,61. Sedangkan rerata kadar SGPT setelah intervensi pada kelompok P1 (p=0,000), P2 (p=0,000), dan P3 (p=0,000) adalah 29,45±0,50; 26,05±0,66; dan 22,89±0,47.Simpulan: Pemberian kombinasi minyak rami dengan minyak wijen selama 14 hari pada dosis 1 ml, 2 ml, dan 3 ml dapat menurunkan kadar SGPT pada tikus Sprague dawley dislipidemia. Penurunan terbesar tejadi pada dosis 3 m
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