385 research outputs found

    Inisiatif Msp (Malacca Straits Patrols) Dalam Menangani Ancaman Perompak Di Selat Malaka

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    The Malacca Straits is defined as the world\u27s most significant International maritime choke-points, and considered as straits used or International navigation, especially for International shipping who conduct oil transportation, threatened in Malacca Straits would be very detrimental to the global economy. Report issued by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) related to piracy and armed robbery against ships obviously cause anxious by the International. The great cooperation among three three state (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore) become emergency to handle this problem. The focus of this research is the MSP (Malacca Straits Patrols) initiative who build by three states specifically to solve the piracy and armed robbery in Malacca Straits. The MSP Initiative structured by three elements patrols, there is MSSP (Malacca Sea Straits Patrols), EiS (Eyes in the Sky), and IEG (Intelligence Exchange Group). This research uses International Cooperation theory which has been revealed by K.J Holsti. This research is qualitative research which is used by library observation. The result of this research prove that full commitment between Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand in MSP Initiative very effective to reduce the frequencies of piracy and armed robbery until it reaches zero level on 2014. The MSP Initiative also open wide the cooperation among big countries such US, Japan, India to strengthening the patrols in Malacca Straits

    Pengaruh Net Working Capital (Nwc), Current Ratio (Cr), Quick Ratio (Qr), Cash Flow Liquidity Ratio (Cflr) Dan Market Value Added (Mva) Terhadap Return Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Go Public Di Bei Periode 2013-2015)

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    The purpose of this study was determine and explain the simultanious impact of Net Working Capital (NWC), Current Ratio (CR), Quick Ratio (QR), Cash Flow Liquidity Ratio (CFLR), and Market Value Added (MVA) to Stock Returns and which is the most dominant to Stock returns. This study use linear regression analysis with tool SPSS for Windows ver 23.00. The result of the testing indicate that NWC, CR, QR, CFLR, and MVA are have influence simultaneously to stock returns at consumer goods industry companies period 2013-2015, amounting significant 0,027. NWC is the most dominant significant impact on stock returns amounting 0,003 at consumer goods industry companies period 2013-2015.CR and QR are have insignificant effect because the consumer goods industry requires large consignment stock and due to large inventories,it can not meet the large income in its monthly financial statements

    Pengaruh Asset Turnover, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Terjadinya Underpricing Saham Pada Perusahaan Di Pasar Penawaran Saham Perdana Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2014

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of asset turnover, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, and company size on that occurs on initial public offering. Sampling techniques used in this research is purposive sampling with criterions companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that cinducted IPO during period 2010-2014, outside financial company sector, companies that underpriced, and companies which, have complete information. By those criterions, 71 companies were obtained as samples. The result of this research show that asset turnover, current ratio, debt to equity ratio, and company size silmutaneously influence to underpricing. Partially asset turnover has negative influence to underpiricing, current ratio has negative influence to underpricing, debt to equity ratio has positive influence to underpricing, and company size has negative influence to underpricing. Keywords— Underpricing, Asset Turnover, Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, and Company Siz

    Pengaruh Capital Intensity Ratio, Inventory Intensity Ratio, Ownership Strucutre dan Profitability terhadap Effective Tax Rate (Etr) (Studi pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011 -2014)

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    The objectives of the research are to examine the effect of capital intensity ratio, inventory intensity ratio, ownership structure, dan profitability on effective tax rate (ETR) both simultaneously and partially. In this research, ownership structure variable using managerial ownership and institutional ownership. Profitability measured by using ROA (Return on Asset)..Data were collected from the financial statements of the manufacture companies that listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange. Research conduct in 4 years (2011-2014). By using purposive sampling, there are 60 companies fulfilling the sample criteria. Multiple linier regression model is used to test the hypothesis.The results of this research are capital intensity ratio, inventory intensity ratio, ownership structure, and profitability simultaneously influence on ETR. Ownership structure partially does not have affect on ETR. Partially, Capital intensity ratio and inventory intensity ratio have negative influence to ETR and profitability has positive influence on ETR


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    Pabean Bay is an estuary waters in which salinity fluctuations occur. This fluctuation requires that the fish living in this location have the ability to adapt. This research is a preliminary study that aims to identify the diversity of fish species in these waters. The study was conducted from January to June 2015 with sampling at intervals of one month. Fishing was carried out at three stations, namely the inside which is the estuary of the river, the middle part and the outside of the estuary to get a representative sample. The fishing gear used are sero, and trammel nets. During the study, it was found that 78 species of fish were included in 39 families. The number of species in each sampling varies. Among the fish found were mainly the family Gobiidae (10 species) and the Family Leiognathidae, Lutjanidae, Sciaenidae and Tetraodontidae (four species each). Several fish species were found in the larval, juvenile and adult stages, and these conditions illustrate the importance of estuaries in the survival of the fish life cycle

    The Perception of Learning English By Undergraduate Students

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    This research analyzed the perception of undergraduate students on learning English. This research adopted the theory on perception proposed by Efron (1968) in which he stated that perception is the primary cognitive contact of person with the world around him. It was completed by adopting quantitative method in which the data were collected by sharing questionnaire to undergraduate students as its respondents. The questionnaire was tested by Product Moment Pearson to meet its validity with t-table larger than r-table, and by Alpha Coefficient to meet its reliability with Cronbach‘s Alpha value larger than 0,6. Furthermore, the data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed by using Likert Scale with four alternative responses. They were Strongly Disagree (0% – 24.99%), Disagree (25% - 49.99%), Agree (50% - 74.99%), and Strongly Agree (75% - 100%). The research found that the perception of the respondents towards English learning is 66%.   Keywords: Perception, Learning English, undergraduate studen

    Invigorasi Benih Nangka (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lamk) Setelah Periode Simpan Dengan Pemberian Zpt

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    Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh invigorasi benih nangka dengan pemberian ZPT pada berbagai lama simpan serta konsentrasi ZPT terbaik pada masing-masing lama simpan telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tadulako, Palu dari bulan September sampai Desember 2012. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 2 Faktor yaitu lama simpan dan pemberian ZPT dengan 3 ulangan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh dengan dosis tertentu pada berbagai lama simpan memberikan pengaruh berbeda terhadap invigorasi benih serta pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh 0.05% pada waktu simpan 4 dan 5 minggu menghasilkan invigorasi benih nangka yang terbaik
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