39 research outputs found

    Vehicle Routing Problem by Combining Nearest Neighbour and Local Search

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    PT. X is a company tasked with distributing Elpiji Gas to major agents. The problem under study is to find a more optimal distribution route so it can maximize the use of other resources, for example the number of trucks used. This distribution problem will be solved by a combination two methods, Nearest Neighbor and Local Search with the hope of getting the shortest route. The way the Nearest Neighbor method works is selecting the Agent's location based on the shortest distance from the last location and improving the solution using Local Search (intra-route insertion (1-0)) by moving one customer's position in one route so that a good distribution route is produce

    Hubungan Senam Yoga Dengan Kualitas Tidur Malam Hari Pada Anggota Yang Mengalami Insomnia Di Sanggar Senam RM7 Karanganyar

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    CORRELATION YOGA EXERCISE WITH SLEEP QUALITY AT NIGHT ON THE MEMBERS WHO HAVE INSOMNIA AT GYMNASTIC RM7 KARANGANYAR (Fresha Putri Rahmarwati, 2016, 46 pages) ABSTRACT Background: Many factors cause our body disorder or trouble sleeping the night is often called insomnia . As a result of insomnia sufferers sleep quality to be bad . Quality is the ability of each individual to maintain a state of sleep and to get REM and NREM sleep stage right . Many factors that cause insomnia include stress , illness , age , lifestyle and others. Objective: To determine the correlation of yoga exercises with the quality of nighttime sleep at members who have insomnia . Aims Research: For information and evaluation that yoga exercise can improve sleep for people with insomnia . Research Method: This was an observational study by distributing questionnaires and questionnaires with respondents . Sampling technique using purposive sampling as many as 60 respondents . Measuring tool by using a questionnaire or a questionnaire PSQI( Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) . The used statistical test is the test of Rank Correlation Test ( Spearman ) . Results: Based on the test staistik yoga exercises relationship with sleep quality produce p -value -0.048 or problabilitas < 0.05 . Conclusions: There is a relationship between yoga exercises with the quality of nighttime sleep at members who experience insomnia at RM7 Karanganyar gymnasium . Keywords: Gymnastics Yoga , Insomnia , Sleep Quality

    Pengaruh Senam Aerobic Low Impact Terhadap Penurunan Derajat Insomnia Pada Lanjut Usia

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    Di seluruh dunia saat ini terjadi transisi demografi dimana proporsi penduduk berusia lanjut meningkat. Menurunnya fungsi tubuh pada proses menua menyebabkan berbagai macam penyakit yang biasanya ditandai dengan keluhan susah tidur (insomnia). Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan derajat insomnia pada lanjut usia adalah dengan melakukan senam aerobic low impact. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam aerobic low impact terhadap penurunan derajat insomnia pada lanjut usia. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain pre and post test with control group. Sampel penelitian adalah penderita insomnia yang berusia 60 tahun keatas. Jumlah sampel yang dilibatkan 38 lansia dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, dimana pada masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 19 lansia. Pengukuran insomnia menggunakan Kelompok Studi Psikiatri Biologik Jakarta (KSPBJ) Insomnia Rating Scale, dengan analisis data menggunakan uji t-test. Hasil Penelitian: Setelah 4 minggu penelitian berdasarkan pengujian statistik didapatkan hasil yang signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan dengan nilai p = 0,021, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak signifikan dengan nilai p = 1,000. Jadi ada pengaruh berupa penurunan derajat insomnia pada subjek yang melakukan senam aerobic low impact, sedangkan yang tidak melakukan senam aerobic low impact tidak ditemukan penurunan (tidak ada pengaruh). Kesimpulan: Pemberian senam Aerobic Low Impact dapat membantu menurunkan derajat insomnia pada lansia


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    Dwi Putri Purwasri Sukamto: Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada PT. Surya Biru Murni Accetylene Samarinda.The company is always trying to improve the company's financial performance in order to get a profit or profit, in 2015 the company generated a profit of Rp. 6,819,373,114,- while in 2016 experienced a profit loss of Rp. 5,666,497,170,- which was caused by Indonesia's macro economy at the time of decline, and in 2017 it increased by Rp. 7.473496.132,-.    The purpose of doing research is to determine the company's financial performance at PT. Surya Biru Murni Accetylene Samarinda in the period of 2015-2017 in terms of Financial Ratios namely Liquidity, Solvency, and Profitability.The data analysis technique used is financial ratio analysis in terms of Liquidity (Current ratio), Solvency (Debt to Equity Ratio), Profitability (Return On Investment).The results of financial performance research at PT. Surya Biru Murni Accetylene Samarinda as measured by the Current ratio for the 2015-2016 period has decreased in performance and in the 2016-2017 period it has also decreased in performance. However, the company is still able to pay off the company's debt. Performance as measured by the Debt to Equity Ratio for the 2015-2016 period has increased and for the 2016-2017 period it has decreased. This company has not been able to manage existing finances and shows that the company's capital cannot be sufficient to guarantee the debt given by creditors so that the company is in a bad condition. Furthermore, in the 2015-2017 period it experienced an increase, as measured by Return On Investment in the 2015-2016 period, an increase in performance and in the 2016-2017 period also improved performance so that the company can be said to be in a good position

    Pengaruh Terapi Musik Intrumental dan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Insomnia Pada Mahasiswa Fisioterapi D3 Angkatan 2011

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    Latar Belakang: Tidur merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia untuk kesehatan sebagai penambahan energi, penampilan dan kesejahteraan fisik. Orang dewasa rata-rata membutuhkan waktu 6-8 jam untuk tidur setiap harinya, tetapi ada beberapa kelompok yang mengalami gangguan tidur yang sering dikenal dengan istilah insomnia, salah satunya adalah Mahasiswa. Karena usia dewasa awal lebih rentan mengalami masalah akademik dan personal lainnya. ada beberapa tehnik yang diunakan untuk memperbaiki atau mengobati masalah insomnia tersebut, salah satunya dengan menggunakan tehnik rileksasi Terapi Musik Intrumental dan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask yang dalam penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Cheng tahun 2010 dan Jespersen 2012, tehnik rileksasi menggunakan Terapi Musik Intrumental dan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur seseorang. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengetahui Beda Pengaruh Terapi Musik Intrumental dan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa fisioterapi D3 Angkatan 2011. Metode Penelitian: jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Pre and post test two group design dengan membandingkan antara 2 perlakuan terapi musik instrumental dan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask yang diberikan selama 2 minggu dengan besar sampel 14 responden. Untuk mengukur tingkat insomnia digunakan kuesioner Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). Tehnik analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Wilcoxon untuk uji pengaruh dan Mann Whitney Untuk uji beda pengaruh. Hasil Penelitian: Pengaruh terapi music instrumental terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa fisioterapi D3 angkatan 2011 didapat hasil yang signifikan, Hasil uji pengaruh dengan mengunakan wilcoxon didapat hasil p= 0,008 dengan p< 0,05, dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan terapi music instrumental terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa fisioterapi D3 angkatan2011.pengaruh Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa fisioterapi D3 angkatan2011 didapat hasil yang signifikan, hasil uji pengaruh menggunakan wilcoxon didapat hasil p=0,016 dengan p<0,05, dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa fisioterapi D3 angkatan2011. Uji beda pengaruh antara 2 perlakuan dilakukan menggunakan uji Mann Whitney dengan hasil p=0,07 dengan p<0,5, didapat hasil ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara terapi music instrumental dengan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask. Kesimpulan: ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara terapi music instrumental dengan Aromatherapy Lavender Eyemask terhadap penurunan tingkat insomnia pada mahasiswa Fisioterapi D3 Angkatan 2011

    Pengaruh Variasi Dosis Tawas Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Phosphate Air Limbah Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Liquid waste containing phosphate substances impact on human health .Levels of phosphate test based on the introduction that in doing in PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital of 5,7 mg/l, these results more than raw waste water quality. One way that can be done is with the process of coagulation using koagulan alum. The purpose of this research is aware of the influence of alum doses of variations on the decline in levels of phosphate in PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital. The type of research true experiment with pre-post test with control design. The location of research at PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital. Processing using variations of a dose of alum 0.25 gr/l , 0.5 gr/l and 0.75 gr/l with a method of slow manual stirring 100rpm 10 minutes .The results of average the decline in levels of phosphate every variation namely dosage 67,03 %; 91,98 %; and 99,82 % .The statistics used is Shapiro-Wilk and One-Way Anova. Based on the analysis with the use of one-way anova in the treatment group and the control for levels of phosphate < 0.01, which means that there is variation doses influence alum to a decrease in levels of phosphate. Suggested in other researchers to conduct a similar study using koagulan other kinds for reprocessing with the methods of coagulation with other parameters such as BOD, COD or other metal


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the role of the government in improving public services through E-Government. The background of this research is the application of E-Government to make it easier for people to receive public services. This research is a qualitativeresearch using descriptive analysis, which analyzes the role of the government in improving public services with the application of E-Government. The research method in this study uses observation techniques, namely by making observations, documentation, namely through information in the form of data records and literature, namely reading and studying books or literature, KBBI, the internet and all materials related to this writing. This research takes a case study in the city of Bandung that uses E-Government in the process of administering government and public services. Data collection is carried out by collecting secondary data obtained from the 2020 LKIP Diskominfo, Bandung Regency. The results showed that the government succeeded in improving public services through E-Government by obtaining the highest score of 84.03% at the West Java Provincial level and receiving awards in public information disclosure. There are also driving factors so that the Bandung City government has also succeeded in improving and implementing E-Government for the last 5 years and has succeeded in supporting the delivery of information to the public through Banserv. Thus, the Bandung City government can organize a government implementation process, especially public services that utilize ICT so that it can run optimally and can encourage community participation in using the official Bandung City website. The advice that researchers can give is the need for support in the form of regulatory readiness that regulates the procedures, procedures and standards of the website system and the integrated and integrated information technology management information syste


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    This research aimed to analyze the decision-making process on the vegetables food choise, the pattern of processed vegetables consumption, and factors that affected the amount of vegetables consumption among households (HH) at Gisting Atas Village. This research was conducted by survey method. Location of this research was determined purposively at Gisting Atas Village Gisting Subdistrict of Tanggamus district. The amount of research samples was as many as 65 HH who were selected by simple random sampling. The data was collected in month of April 2018. The result showed that HH decision making on processed local food consisted of introduction needs, seeking information, evaluation of the alternative, selection and consumption decision, post-selection evaluation. Cabbage and kale vegetables were the most consumed vegetables in which frequency was in sufficient category. The level of education and nutrition knowledge of housewives significantly influenced the amount of vegetables consumption.Key words: consumtion pattern, decision making, vegetables consumptio