16 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Seller's Preferences in Selling Online in Marketplaces

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    In Indonesia, the growth of internet commerce (e-commerce) tendencies has nearly doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic. The changes that have taken place have created a pattern where individuals are switching from traditional to internet buying. Both Shopee and Tokopedia provide business actors numerous options to boost sales, but each e-commerce has advantages and disadvantages specific to the services offered to business actors in e-commerce. This study compares Shopee and Tokopedia sellers' perceptions of their experiences to see if there are any discrepancies. In order to collect data, preference and comparison problem-related questionnaires were sent. Shopee excels in the people variable, while Tokopedia excels in the product, price, site, promotion, physical facilities, and process factors, according to the average perceived value of each variable. Overall, Tokopedia outperforms Shopee in terms of the services it offers to merchants. The findings of this study can be utilized to assess the issues that arise from comparison studies in order to better the research subject

    Analysis of Consumable Material Inventory Control in Brake System Company

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    A good raw material and consumables control planning system is important in the production process so that the process runs according to schedule and target. Brake system company is a manufacturing company engaged in brake systems. Concerning the control of consumable material, this company often experiences overstock in warehouses, causing an overrun in inventory costs and investment cannot develop. One of these conditions can be influenced by the ordering method applied by the company which is still not appropriate. The purpose of this study is to find out and provide proposed to companies related to the cost of consumable inventory by comparing the three methods of determining lots based on Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Fixed Order Quantity Proposed (FOQ Proposed) is the FOQ method combined with the Lot for Lot (LFL) principle to determine the method with the most optimal inventory cost. From the results of the study, it is known that the Proposed FOQ method has the lowest total inventory cost compared to the other two methods. The proposed FOQ approach could reduce inventory costs by up to one-third times the previous cost

    Analysis of Mental Workload on Counter Sales Using NASA-TLX Method

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    PT. XYZ is a service-oriented branch company that provides consumers with a wide range of products. Services provided by this company is divided into three main sections, namely sales, service, and spare part. One of the main parts is sales, which is selling units of cars carried out by counter sales to meet targets. The demand for achieving targets provides a psychological workload for counter sales. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the mental workload in this area. The work measurement method used in this research is NASA-TLX. This method was developed based on the emergence of subjective measurement needs in measuring workload using six indicators, namely mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, own performance, effort, and level of frustration. The results showed that WWL values ​​were in the range of 88.33-91.67 and had a very high category. Several recommendations for improvement that need to be implemented include evaluating picket scheduling by considering predictions of increased customer visits, conducting routine training and providing motivation, and providing rewards as a form of appreciation for workers according to their achievements

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Obyek Wisata Kebun Teh Jamus Dengan Menggunakan Metode Service Quality (Servqual) Dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)

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    It is very important to measure customer satisfaction to determine the level of service quality provided to visitors so that they can maintain the sustainability of the Jamus Tea Garden tourism object. For this reason, tourism managers are required to provide maximum service in order to be able to compete with other tourism sectors. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of visitor satisfaction with the service quality of the Jamus tea garden tourism object and to provide recommendations for improvement and development of tourism objects. The analysis uses the SERVQUAL and IPA methods to get an assessment and weighting from visitors and managers. The results showed that 21 attributes have negative gaps which indicate that the services provided by the Jamus Tea Garden tourism object have not been satisfactory, so improvements are needed. Suggestions for improvements that can be recommended to the manager are by adding entry counters on weekends and holidays, investing in online ticketing system technology, adding safety signs and conducting regular monitoring, checking and cleaning of existing facilitie


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    CV. Istiqomah Furniture is a company engaged in manufacturing furniture located in Klaten, Central Java. The problems that are often faced by CV. Istiqomah Furniture, namely the decrease in worker productivity and the number of final products that are not following company standards. One of the departments responsible for these problems is the service department. The high intensity of work in the service department can cause a mental burden for workers. The purpose of this study is to calculate the mental workload felt byworkers, find out the dominant factors that cause this mental burden, and provide alternative improvements based on the problems faced by the company. The method used in this research is NASA-TLX (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index). The results of this study are that the average worker has a high mental workload with a WWL value of 72.11, and the mostinfluential factors are physical and mental needs. Based on these results, the proposed improvements provide sufficient rest time, improve worker safety and comfort, increase work motivation, provide adequate facilities, conduct medical tests, and provide good nutrition

    Analysis of Eco-Efficiency Level in Tofu Processing Using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method

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    A tofu industrial center in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java requires approximately 700 kg of soybeans per day. There is some waste in tofu processing, including energy consumption, water consumption, and has a negative impact on the environment in the form of liquid waste and solid waste. This study aims to analyze and provide suggestions for improvements regarding the level of eco-efficiency in tofu processing. The method used is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) using SimaPro software with the scope of "gate to gate". This research resulted in an eco-cost value of IDR 2,005,000 and an EEI value of 0.13 which means that it is affordable but not sustainable. Then obtained an EVR value of 7.5 and an EER rate of -6.5%, which means that the eco-efficiency of tofu products is quite poor. So that the proposed improvements that can be used are minimizing the use of raw materials, water and energy and treating waste from tofu processing according to the predetermined booklet