4 research outputs found

    Studi Waktu (Time Study) pada Aktivitas Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit di Perkebunan Sari Lembah Subur, Riau

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    ABSTRAK Optimasi produktivitas kerja merupakan hal yang diinginkan oleh perusahaan. Produk yang optimum dan berkualitas akan meningkatkan profit perusahaan. Peningkatan produktivitas yaitu dengan metode atau cara kerja, studi terhadap waktu (time study) dan gaji atau upah. Metode atau cara kerja perlu dipelajari agar produktivitas kerja dapat dicapai. Kelelahan kerja dapat dikurangi sehingga waktu yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk menjadi semakin singkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan elemen-elemen kerja pada aktivitas pemanenan kelapa sawit berdasarkan pola keseragaman kerja, menentukan waktu baku pada sejumlah elemen kerja yang terlibat dalam aktivitas pemanenan kelapa sawit. Waktu baku untuk mengidentifikasi tandan (Ve) pada topografi teras (T)- lahan kering (K)- ketinggian pohon kurang dari 3 meter (H1) sebesar 3.21detik, Ve pada T-K-ketinggian pohon 3-6 meter (H2) sebesar 2.39 detik, Ve pada topografi flat (F)-K-H1 sebesar 3.45 detik, Ve pada F-K-H2 sebesar 4.59 detik, Ve pada F-lahan basah (B)-H1sebesar 4.27 detik. Waktu baku untuk menyiapkan alat panen (Pr) sebesar 6.45 detik. Waktu baku untuk memotong tandan dan pelepah (Cu) pada T-K-Dodos (D) sebesar 29.86 detik, Cu pada T-K-E1 (egrek) sebesar 38.47 detik, Cu pada T-K-E2 sebesar 57.91 detik, Cu pada F-K-D sebesar 14.19 detik, Cu pada F-K-E1 sebesar 25.88 detik, C F-K-E2 sebesar 21.06 detik, Cu pada F-B-D sebesar 21.13 detik. Waktu baku untuk mencacah dan memindahkan pelepah (Ba) sebesar 9.53 detik. Waktu baku untuk membuang sisa tangkai TBS (Ck) sebesar 1.74 detik. Waktu baku untuk memungut brondolan (Br) pada T-K-H1 sebesar 51.48 detik, Br pada T-K-H2 sebesar 20.32 detik, Br pada F-K-H1 sebesar 37.03 detik, Br pada F-K-H2 sebesar 51.75 detik, Br pada F-B-H1 sebesar 29.67 detik. Waktu baku untuk memuat tandan ke angkong (Lo) sebesar 3.75 detik. Waktu baku untuk perpindahan dengan membawa angkong kosong (UDA) sebesar 9.39 detik, perpindahan dengan membawa tandan (MoT) sebesar 8.68 detik, perpindahan dengan membawa angkong dan tandan (MoAT) sebesar 13.52 detik, dan perpindahan tanpa membawa apapun (UDK) sebesar 15.07 detik. Waktu baku untuk membongkar dan merapihkan tandan di TPH (Un) sebesar 6.56 detik. Waktu baku untuk kelambatan yang dapat dihindarkan (AD) sebesar 10.83 detik.   Kata Kunci  :Pemanenan, Kelapa Sawit, Waktu Baku ABSTRACT Optimization of work productivity is needed  by  company. Optimum products will increase the company's profit. Productivity can be improved by method of working, time study, and salary. Working methods need to be studied in order to reduce fatigue of work so the time needed to produce a product becoming decreased. The aim of the research is to determine elements of work on oil palm harvesting activities based on patterns of working time, determination time standard on elements of the work in activity of oil palm harvesting. Research stage in oil  palm harvesting activities were introduction, data collecting, data  processing, and  improvement. Standar time for verify the maturity of fruit (Ve) on terrace topography (T)- dry land (K)-the height of trees 0-3 m (H1) is 3.21 second, Ve on T-K- the height of trees 3-6 m (H2) is 2.39 second, Ve on flat topography (F)-K-H1 is 3.45 second, Ve on F-K-H2 is 4.59 second, Ve on F-wet land (B)-H1 is 4.27 second. Standar time for prepare harvesting tool (Pr) is 6.45 second. Standar time of cutting the fruit and stem of (Cu) on the T-K-D is 29.86 second, Cu on T-K-E1 is 38.47 second, Cu on T-K-E2 is 57.91 second, Cu on F-K-D is 14.19 second, Cu on F-K-E1 is 25.88 second, Cu on F-K-E2 is 21.06 second, Cu on F-B-D is 21.13 second. Standar time for moving the stem (Ba) is 9.53 second. Standar time for cutting the stalks (Ck) is 1.74 second. Standar time picking up the fallen fruits “brondolan” (Br) on T-K-H1 is 51.48 second, Br on T-K-H2 is 20.32 second, Br on F-K-H1 is 37.03 second, Br on F-K-H2 is 51.75 second, Br on F-B-H1 is 29.67 second. Standar time for loading fruit (Lo) is 3.75 second. Standar time for moving by carrying empty “angkong” (UDA) of 9.39 second, moving by carrying fruit (MoT) is 8.68 second, moving by carrying  fruits and “angkong” (MoAT) is 13.52 second, moving (UDK) is 15.07 second. Standart time for unloading (Un) is 6.56 second. Standar time for avoidable delay is 10.83 second. Keywords : harvesting, oil palm, standar tim

    Studi Waktu (Time Study) pada Aktivitas Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit di Perkebunan Sari Lembah Subur, Riau

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    Optimization of work productivity is needed by company. Optimum products will increase the company's profit. Productivity can be improved by method of working, time study, and salary. Working methods need to be studied in order to reduce fatigue of work so the time needed to produce a product becoming decreased. The aim of the research is to determine elements of work on oil palm harvesting activities based on patterns of working time, determination time standard on elements of the work in activity of oil palm harvesting. Research stage in oil palm harvesting activities were introduction, data collecting, data processing, and improvement. Standar time for verify the maturity of fruit (Ve) on terrace topography (T)- dry land (K)-the height of trees 0-3 m (H1) is 3.21 second, Ve on T-K- the height of trees 3-6 m (H2) is 2.39 second, Ve on flat topography (F)-K-H1 is 3.45 second, Ve on F-K-H2 is 4.59 second, Ve on F-wet land (B)-H1 is 4.27 second. Standar time for prepare harvesting tool (Pr) is 6.45 second. Standar time of cutting the fruit and stem of (Cu) on the T-K-D is 29.86 second, Cu on T-K-E1 is 38.47 second, Cu on T-K-E2 is 57.91 second, Cu on F-K-D is 14.19 second, Cu on F-K-E1 is 25.88 second, Cu on F-K-E2 is 21.06 second, Cu on F-B-D is 21.13 second. Standar time for moving the stem (Ba) is 9.53 second. Standar time for cutting the stalks (Ck) is 1.74 second. Standar time picking up the fallen fruits “brondolan” (Br) on T-K-H1 is 51.48 second, Br on T-K-H2 is 20.32 second, Br on F-K-H1 is 37.03 second, Br on F-K-H2 is 51.75 second, Br on F-B-H1 is 29.67 second. Standar time for loading fruit (Lo) is 3.75 second. Standar time for moving by carrying empty “angkong” (UDA) of 9.39 second, moving by carrying fruit (MoT) is 8.68 second, moving by carrying fruits and “angkong” (MoAT) is 13.52 second, moving (UDK) is 15.07 second. Standart time for unloading (Un) is 6.56 second. Standar time for avoidable delay is 10.83 second