7 research outputs found


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    The purpose of study is to find out the dominant factors of biomotor and psychomotor determining tennis groundstroke forehand ability. The research methods were using a quantitative approach and confirmatory factor analysis design. The data collection was processed and analyzed by using Statistical Program Computerized system with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Version 23 and try-out Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test. The population in this study was 40 students of coaching achievement tennis FKIP UNS Surakarta. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques applied the test and measurement. The results of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor factors that determine the tennis ability of forehand groundstrokes on having components value factor ? ?0,5? is : grip strength with the factors component value of (0.84), flexibility with the factors component value of (0.34), limb muscle power by the factors component value of (0.82), speed with the factors component value of (0.91), cardiovascular endurance the factors component value of (0.79), hand-eye coordination with the factors component value of (0.50), agility with the factors component value of (0.79). The conclusion of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor were the most dominant factors determining the forehand groundstrokes ability. Biomotor factors are the speed with the value (0.91) and psychomotor factors are the agility with the value (0.79). Keywords: Biomotor, psychomotor, tennis forehand groundstrokes abilit


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    The purpose of study is to find out the dominant factors of biomotor and psychomotor determining tennis groundstroke forehand ability. The research methods were using a quantitative approach and confirmatory factor analysis design. The data collection was processed and analyzed by using Statistical Program Computerized system with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) Version 23 and try-out Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test. The population in this study was 40 students of coaching achievement tennis FKIP UNS Surakarta. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques applied the test and measurement. The results of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor factors that determine the tennis ability of forehand groundstrokes on having components value factor ≥ │0,5│ is: grip strength with the factors  component value of (0.84), flexibility with the factors component value of (0.34),  limb muscle power by the factors  component value of (0.82),  speed with the factors component value of (0.91), cardiovascular endurance the factors component value of (0.79),  hand-eye coordination with the factors component value of (0.50), agility with the factors component value of  (0.79). The conclusion of study as follows: biomotor and psychomotor were the most dominant factors determining the forehand groundstrokes ability. Biomotor factors are the speed with the value (0.91) and psychomotor factors are the agility with the value (0.79).  Article visualizations

    Kemampuan Biomotor Cabang Olahraga Kick Boxing Sma Negeri Olahraga (Smanor) Provinsi Lampung

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    Kemampuan dan peran biomotor dibutuhkan setiap aktivitas olahraga baik ketika berlatih atau berkompetisi. Kualitas performa biomotor sebagai fundamental untuk menjalani desain program pelatihan. Studi ini meneliti: (1) level daya tahan, (2) level kekuatan otot tungkai, (3) level kekuatan otot tungkai, (4) level kecepatan, (5) level kelincahan Atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung. Penggunaan metode pada penelitian ini ialah pendekatan yakni deskriptif kuantitatif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui level biomotor atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung. Akuisisi data dengan stopwatch, rolling meter, leg dynamometer. Focus pada penelitian ialah atlet sebanyak 10 atlet. Data selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Merujuk pada hasil yang telah diteliti dan dibahas, bisa disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung mempunyai ketagori rata-rata (VO2Max) 42,71 % pada Kategori Menengah. 2) Atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung memiliki rata-rata kemampuan kekuatan otot tungkai 168,11% pada kategori menengah. 3) Atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung mempunyai kemampuan rata-rata daya ledak otot tungkai 55,75 % cm dalam kategori baik. 4) Rata-rata level kecepatan atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung yakni 4,61% detik dengan kategori baik. 5) Rata-rata level keterampilan atlet Kick boxing SMANOR Provinsi Lampung ialah 17,09 % pada kategori Menengah.  Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Biomotor, Kick boxing, SMANOR Provinsi LampungAbstractBiomotor abilities and roles are needed in every sporting activity, whether practicing or competing. Quality of motor performance is fundamental to undergoing training program design. This study examines (1) the level of endurance, (2) the level of leg muscle strength, (3) the level of leg muscle strength, (4) the level of speed, (5) the agility level of Kick boxing athletes at SMANOR Lampung Province. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive approach to know the motor level of Kick boxing athletes at SMANOR Lampung Province. Data acquisition with a stopwatch, rolling meter, and leg dynamometer. The focus of the research is 10 athletes. Further data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Referring to the results that have been researched and discussed, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Kick boxing athletes at SMANOR Lampung Province have an average category (VO2Max) of 42.71% in the Middle Category. 2) SMANOR Kick boxing athletes in Lampung Province have an average leg muscle strength ability of 168.11% in the medium category. 3) Kick boxing athletes at SMANOR Lampung Province have an average leg muscle explosive power of 55.75% cm in the good category. 4) The average speed level of SMANOR Kick boxing athletes in Lampung Province is 4.61% seconds in the good category. 5) The average skill level of SMANOR Kick boxing athletes in Lampung Province is 17.09% in the Middle category.

    Circuit Training Training Assistance for Madiun City Science Society Tutoring Students

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    Today's physical condition literacy is still rarely known by Gen-Z. Many people think that being healthy means being fit. Physical performance is now a necessity that cannot be separated from daily activities. Preparation to achieve prime physical condition is not achieved in a short time. Many methods are used to achieve excellent physical quality. Start with good physical exercise, meet balanced nutritional needs, stress management, and adequate hydration. There are many training methods to improve physical condition, one of which is the circuit training method. Circuit training can be done alone or in groups. There are many benefits to be gained if this circuit training exercise is carried out in groups, one of which is being able to increase the enthusiasm of students to carry out and complete the posts provided by the team coach. There are many phenomena that occur due to a lack of understanding of literacy about Circuit training exercises for science society tutoring students. So it is necessary to carry out assistance by carrying out community service whose aim is to provide literacy education for Circuit training exercises. Methods and forms of community service implementation using a participatory approach. The result of this assistance is the increasing understanding of the physical literacy of circuit training participant

    Profil Kapasitas Volume Oksigen Maksimal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru MI UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the VO2 Max capacity of the students of PGMI FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research in the form of using a test survey method. The measurement test uses a multi-stage test or Multi Stage Fitness Test (MFT). Data were analyzed using percentages. The research sample was 435 students of PGMI FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Based on data on the frequency of VO2 Max capacity, students of PGMI FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung 0.68% are in the medium category, 75.86% are in the less category, and 23.44% are in the very poor category. Based on the results, the largest percentage of the VO2 Max capacity of the students of PGMI FTK UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung was mostly in the less category

    Nilai Kadar Kortisol Serum Pada Pemain Futsal Malam Hari

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    The factor of busy working hours causes many people to choose to exercise at night. This study aims to determine the value of cortisol levels in night futsal players. This type of research is descriptive observational research with 15 futsal players as subjects. The data collection technique was carried out by measuring the value of serum cortisol levels using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The results showed that of the 15 subjects, the lowest cortisol level in night futsal players was 0.54 µg/dl and the highest cortisol level was 1.69 µg/dl. Furthermore, the average value of cortisol levels at night futsal players is 1.09 µg/dl. The results of this study revealed that the value of serum cortisol levels in night futsal players was at a normal level Faktor jam kerja yang padat menyebabkan banyak masyarakat memilih berolahraga pada malam hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kadar kortisol pada pemain futsal malam hari. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitain deskriptif observasional dengan jumlah subjek 15 orang pemain futsal. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengukur nilai kadar kortisol serum menggunakan alat enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 15 subjek, kadar kortisol paling rendah pada pemain futsal di malam hari adalah 0,54 µg/dl dan kadar kortisol tertinggi adalah 1,69 µg/dl. Selanjutnya, nilai rata-rata kadar kortisol pemain futsal malam hari adalah 1,09 µg/dl. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa nilai kadar kortisol serum pada pemain futsal malam hari berada pada level normal


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    Teknik pembuatan dan pengembangan batik saat ini semakin beragam, antara lain penggunaan bahan pembuat pola dari tumbuh-tumbuhan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan kelompok PKK dengan mengembangkan potensi kearifan lokal membuat batik ecoprint di Desa Katelan Kecamatan Tangen Kabupaten Sragen. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan tahapan: 1) Survey/observasi lapangan, 2) Sosialisasi/penyuluhan, 3) Pelaksanaan praktik/pelatihan, 4) Monitoring dan evaluasi program. Indikator ketercapaian program yang ditetapkan adalah: ketersediaan bahan baku tumbuhan untuk membuat pola, aktivitas peserta pelatihan, peran serta tokoh masyarakat, keaktivan peserta, keterampilan melakukan tahapan kegiatan, dan keterlaksanaan program. Sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah ibu-ibu kelompok PKK. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, kuisioner/angket. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara diskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis angket pemahaman dan pengetahuan kelompok PKK terhadap potensi tumbuhan sebagai bahan baku membuat pola batik ecoprin sebesar 80%. Ibu-ibu PKK mempunyai keinginan dan motivasi untuk membuat batik ecoprint untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi keluarga sebesar 85%. Pembuatan batik ecoprint ini dapat meningkatkan aktivitas kelompok PKK desa. Keberlanjutan program ini diperlukan adanya pendampingan dan motivasi serta pemasaran, sehingga dapat mendukung pengembangan industri desa