1,612 research outputs found

    Comparison of Career Decision Difficulties Between Nursing Freshmen and Interns

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    Career selection is one of the most important decisions an individual makes in his life. High career expectation could result in career decision difficulties. This study aimed to compare and analyze the career decision difficulties between nursing freshmen and interns. This cross-sectional study involved 110 and 66 nursing freshmen and interns respectively (n=176) in two private nursing colleges. Career decision difficulties questionnaire was used in data collection. Descriptive statistic and independent sample t test were used in data analysis (α<.05). Results showed that most respondents experienced moderate difficulties in both groups. Overall, there was no significant difference of career decision difficulty found between groups (p=.057), but indecisiveness, dysfunctional myths, lack of knowledge about the process of career decision making, lack of information, lack of information about occupations, lack of information about ways of obtaining additional information, and internal conflicts were significantly different between groups (all p<α). Career decision difficulties occur similarly both in nursing freshmen and interns

    Emotional Violence Caused by the Effect of Parents' Role in Cultural Hegemony of Social Control on Children in Lia Shine's TerpaksaMenikah: a Case Study

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    Emotional violence is violence that can frustrate social development on children or mental health children. Emotional violence is verbal violencethat is usually received by the involving feelings in himself. This will impact that distasteful to the development of children. According to Moffat âemotional violence will make children unable to give or receive affection normallyâ. Research has a reference to see hegemony cultural influenced by violence emotional, where hegemony culture is an aspect of leadership where it is dominated by a class that cause a pressure in the domain of the habit or culture. This relatively relation to social control in emotional children. So it will be examined through the theory of social control which will show expectation of violent emotional to the development of children

    Peningkatan Kontrol Sosial Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan NAPZA

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    The drug abuse problem that occured in society these days is very alarming. The existence of the perpetrator and the activity of drug abuse has become a custom of the community. However, permissiveness shown as if the people let these problems occur. The existence of stakeholders is expected to have a positive impact, so that the functions of society can work well, especially in the prevention of drug abuse. The improvement of society social control is an effort to prevent drug abuse. The purpose of this research is to improve the society social control as away to prevent drug abuse. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with action research. The Place of research conducted in RW 18 Sadang Serang Village, Coblong Sub-district, Bandung with a number of main informants and supporting  informant were 6 people as many as 3 people. The intervention is done through several activities, namely the Counseling and Socialization, Social Campaign, and Forming Local Organization “Pemuda Anti NAPZA”. The results showed an increase in society social control is an effort to prevent drug abuse in RW 18 Sadang Serang Village. Final model  has been enhanced tends to be more effective in addressing the problem of drug abuse which is occured

    The Correlation of Playing Role-playing Games and Students\u27 Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text

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    This research investigates the correlation of playing Role-Playing Games and students\u27 reading comprehension of narrative text. Thirty (30) ninth grade students who play Role-Playing Games participated in this study. Their frequency in playing Role-Playing Games and their ability in reading comprehension of narrative text are analyzed by using correlation research design. Correlation research design was used in this study in order to find out the tendency of relation between students\u27 frequency in playing role-playing game and their reading comprehension in narrative text. Creswell (2012, p. 338) states that correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern between two variables or two sets of data to vary consistently. The result shows that the correlation degree between both variables is at the point of 0.687. It can be categorized as positive strong relationship, which means that students who play Role-Playing Games have a tendency to get higher score in reading comprehension of narrative text. From the findings, it is recommended that Role-Playing Games can be used as a media to teach narrative text to the students

    Analisis Tingkat Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Syariah Psak-syariah

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    Sharia financial industries have grown rapidly in the last one decade. It causes the need of arranging sharia accounting standard and human resources who understand the context of sharia based business becomes urgently required. Universities conducting high education services provide the students to meet the need of sharia financial industries. Related to the provision of human resources with the understanding of sharia accounting, Islamic Universities of 45 (Unisma) Bekasi gives two choices for the students to take either Islamic Banking or Accounting department focusing on sharia accounting. The research method employed in this study was descriptive quantitative. The primary data source was the written test containing 25 items consisted of 20 multiple choices and 5 essays. The sample was 23 students: 8 were from sharia accounting department and 15 were from Islamic Banking in the academic year of 2012. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique since the sample was only those having taken sharia PSAK. The method used for data analysis was by scoring the test result and converting it to the score based on the standard scoring of UNISMA. Based on the average score of the test done by the students of Sharia Accounting which was 72.93, the students "understand" sharia PSAK while the students of 2012 academic year majoring in Islamic Banking have the average score was 77 which also means that the students "understand" sharia PSAK. The hypothesis was tested by using Mann Whitney Test with the Sig value (p value) of 0.084 >0.05 meaning that there is no difference between the understanding of the students who were focusing in Shariah Accounting and majoring in shareea banking belonging to the academic year of 2012 on sharia PSAK. It means that H alternative is rejected while H0 is accepted

    Penetapan Mahar Terhadap Kelangsungan Pernikahan Ditinjau Menurut Hukum Islam

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    In Islamic marriage system, mahar is one of the prior concern although it is not any of rules (rukun) of the marriage itself. Etymologically, mahar means dowry. Terminologically, it refers to something which is given by a husband to his wife as replacement or guarantee from him from what he takes from her. It can be either in form of things or sevices (such as setting slaves free, teaching, etc. Basically, mahar is genuinely the right of a wife. That means it is the wife that determines what and how many/much she wants it to be given to her. Even if she does not want anything for her mahar, a husband does not need to force to provide it. However, if his wife requires him to give her mahar, it should be whole and kind hearted gift to her. This reasonable since mahar symbolizes deep and true feeling of love and legal evidence of bond between a husband and a wife. However, in its implementation, mahar is not a simple as it may seem. Involving traditional and religious leaders in determining and approving mahar (as in Binabo Julu village) made few marriages postponed, unregistered (siri) or even cancelled. This also indicates that mahar potentially gives unexpected impacts toward the marriage it sel

    Freedom of Religion in the Principles of the Islamic Nomokrasi

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    Human thought about the country laws developed in various situations the history of human civilization. Although the concept of State law is regarded as a universal concept and are recognized by civilized nations, but at the level of implementation turns out to have a diverse character and traits. This happens because the influence of the historical situation in addition to the influence of the philosophy of the nation, schools of philosophy and the political ideology of a country. One of the substance of the State of law is the guarantee of the protection of human rights (human rights). Therefore, the context of the freedom of religion cannot be separated from the HAM as it is a human right that belongs to every citizen to embrace a religion according their respective beliefs. By understanding the existence of Nomokrasi Islam as the country\u27s law that put the norms of Islamic law (Sharia) in the Organization of the Government of a country, then the right of religious freedom also need to be protecte