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    Rangkong merupakan salah satu kelompok burung yang mulai mengalami kepunahan akibat perbuatan manusia. Untuk mencegah kepunahan rangkong, maka perlu dilakukan penyadartahuan sejak usia dini. Penyadartahuan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap konservasi siswa tentang rangkong. Namun perlu dipertimbangkan bagaimana strategi penyadartahuan yang efektif untuk memberikan pengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap konservasi siswa agar tujuan pelaksanaan penyadartahuan dapat tercapai dengan baik. Bentuk strategi penyadartahuan yang diberikan berupa strategi ceramah, video, dan karyawisata. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada siswa SMP Terpadu REA Kaltim dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 150 siswa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode quasi-experiment dan analisis menggunakan uji ANAVA satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji beda (LSD). Berdasarkan hasil yang didapatkan, maka disimpulkan bahwa strategi penyadartahuan berpengaruh terhadap sikap konservasi siswa tentang rangkong dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan siswa tentang rangkong serta strategi karyawisata memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap sikap konservasi siswa dibandingkan dengan strategi ceramah dan strategi video. Hornbills are one of birds groups that starting to extinct because of human activity. To prevent their extinction, then it is necessary for awareness from an early age. Awareness that was conducted intend to give an effect toward student knowledge and attitude of conservation on hornbills. However, it need to considered how is an effective awareness strategy to give an effect toward student knowledge and attitude of conservation so the implementation of awareness objectives can be achieved well. Design of awareness strategy that was given are lecture, video, and field trip strategy. Experiment conducted on REA Kaltim integrated junior high school student with 150 student as the samples. Experiment conducted with quasi-experiment and analysis using one-way ANOVA test with LSD post-hoc test. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that awareness strategy had an effect toward student attitude of conservation on hornbills and didn’t have an effect toward student knowledge on hornbills whereas field trip strategy gave a better effect toward student attitude of conservation on hornbills than lecture or video strategy


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    Flores hawk-eagle (Nisaetus floris) was a Critically Endangered endemic raptor species in Lesser Sunda Region, especially in East Nusa Tenggara. The lack of information and difficulties in reaching the Flores hawk-eagle's distribution area have caused difficulties in conservation efforts for this species. One of the efforts that could be made was by spatial modeling distribution of Flores hawk-eagle habitat in East Nusa Tenggara based on GIS. Using habitat distribution spatial modeling could predict the potential place where a species can live. Logistic regression was one of the methods applied in animal distribution spatial modeling, where this method was considered to have better accuracy. Through the analysis, it was found that the potential habitat for Flores hawk-eagle was 6390.48 km2 (22%), and the non-potential habitat was 22,459.59 km 2 (78%). The habitat factors that determine the distribution of the Flores hawk-eagle include slope, altitude, rice fields, plantation, forests, and shrubs. The availability of nesting trees and food for Flores Hawk-eagles may influence the distribution of existing habitats. The results of the distribution mapping of the Flores Hawk-eagle can be used as a reference in efforts to manage the habitat of the Flores hawk-eagle in East Nusa Tenggara.  Key words: Endemic Raptor, Habitat Modelling, Logistic Regression, Nisaetus floris,  Species Priorit

    Habitat Distribution Models of Flores Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus floris) in East Nusa Tenggara

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    Flores hawk-eagle (Nisaetus floris) is a Critically Endangered endemic raptor species in Lesser Sunda Region, especially in East Nusa Tenggara. The lack of information and difficulties of reaching the Flores hawk-eagle's distribution area have caused the difficulties of conservation efforts for this species. One of efforts that can be done is by spatial modelling distribution of Flores hawk-eagle habitat in East Nusa Tenggara based on GIS.  Utilization of habitat distribution spatial modelling can predict potential place where a species can live. Logistic regression is one of the methods applied in animal distribution spatial modelling where this method is considered to have better accuracy. Through the analysis carried out, it was found that the habitat factors that determine the distribution of the Flores hawk-eagle including slope, altitude, rice fields, agriculture, forests and shrubs. The area of ​​potential habitat for Flores hawk-eagle is 6390.48 km2 (22%) and non-potential habitat of 22,459.59 km 2 (78%). The distribution of existing habitats may be influenced by the availability of nesting trees and food for Flores hawk-eagles. The results of distribution mapping of Flores hawk-eagle obtained can be used as a reference in efforts to manage the habitat of Flores hawk-eagle in East Nusa Tenggara