16 research outputs found


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    Speaking of a nation's identity, should be influenced by what it did in the past, its present condition, and what vision it has for the future. Nation's identity needs to be continuously reformed. Since way back from independence, Indonesia has been through an up and down with its development progress. Its history and present condition should be managed into a vision that can mobilize its people to step onto a better future. This article is meant for capturing a flash look at Indonesian past and present, some visions that have arose in Indonesia, and how those visions would be meant for its citizens to interpret it

    Angka Dalam Berita, Siapa Takut

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    Dalam masa globalisasi dan internet, informasi datang dari segala penjuru, gaya berkomunikasi pun telah berevolusi dengan melibatkan angka-angka sebagai penunjang argumentasi penyedia informasi untuk meyakinkan pembacanya. Masalah kemudian muncul ketika kebenaran yang dicoba untuk diwakili oleh angka tersebut bertemu dengan konsumen dengan berbagai jenis kualifikasi kepekaan terhadap informasi. Angka yang sejatinya bersifat eksak, menurut Blastland dan Dilnot, ketika menjadi agen informasi bisa menjadi tidak sepasti sifat aslinya. Kadang terkandung motif-motif politis atau marketing di dalam angka, atau juga hanya kesalahan interpretasi penyalur informasi terhadap suatu angka. Kadang juga informasi yang terkandung sudah benar, tapi tidak menyeluruh sehingga pembaca sulit mengetahui apa sebenarnya informasi yang ingin disampaikan media yang bersangkutan


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    The term BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) which expresses 4 high-growing and large-economic-size emerging countries is introduced in a paper by Wilson and Purushothaman (both represent Goldman Sachs). The paper predicts that by 2050, those 4 countries will outshadow the present sum of major economies that we now know as G6. The prediction also notices that Indonesia will be placed as the 7th largest economies in 2050. With the present global economic downturn and how each country responds the situation, this prediction might eventually change. The negative growth of many developed countries and the resilience of some emerging economies may cause an even earlier proof of the prediction. Indonesia that's been predicted in the next line of the new giants also shows a strong resilience in the present financial crisis, side by side with China and India. Would it be the positive sign of the future development of Indonesia? This paper gives some perceptives that though Indonesia is lagged in economic performance behind the BRIC especially after the 1998 economic crisis, Indonesia shows a strong resilience in the effect of present global financial crisis. Indonesia can be part of the upcoming economic giants, but it needs to enhance its competitiveness. This paper also comprises the comparison of BRIC's and Indonesia's development path, and also the future potentials and resistance that Indonesia might meet during the path to be the next giants

    Meneropong Masa Depan Asia Melalui Kacamata Michael Backman

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    Backman hadir lagi dengan bahasan yang telah menjadi spesialisasinya, Asia. Sudah lima buah buku (termasuk buku ini) yang dia hasilkan, dan kesemuanya mengulas mengenai Asia dari segi ekonomi, bisnis, dan politik. Backman memang terkenal karena keahliannya ini. Dia memiliki kolom tetap Asian Business di koran Melbourne Age, menulis berbagai artikel lepas mengenai bisnis, budaya dan pengelolaan perusahaan Asia yang khas, dan juga menjadi pembicara rutin di seminar dan konferensi yang diselenggarakan berbagai media ternama dan pemerintah di penjuru dunia. Spesialisasi bahasannya tentu akan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi calon pembaca buku ini