11 research outputs found

    Analisis Energi dan Eksergi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas-Uap Blok 1 Unit Pembangkitan Gresik

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    Penelitian ini tentang menganalisis efisiensi energi dan efisiensi eksergi pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap. Salah satu metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui energi yang berada dalam suatu sistem pembangkit ada dua, yaitu metode analisis energi dan analisis eksergi. Dalam analisis energi dapat diketahui efisiensi termal dari suatu pembangkit tetapi tidak dapat mengetahui besar kerugian sistem tersebut. Pada PLTGU Gresik, sudah ada yang melakukan penelitian tentang efisiensi termal dari PLTGU Gresik tetapi belum ada yang melakukan perhitungan eksergi untuk konfigurasi 3-3-1 pembangkit sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini. Perhitungan yang dilakukan penulis menggunakan hasil data performance test agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dalam perhitungan didapat bahwa PLTGU Gresik blok 1 memiliki efisiensi termal 59,37% dan efisiensi eksergi 52,82%


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    Pada proyek akhir ini dibuat sebuah rancang bangun mobil operasional rumah sakit. Tujuan pelaksanaan kendaraan ini adalah untuk menujukkan kepada Universitas Diponegoro bahwa D3 Teknik Mesin mampu membuat karya kendaraan yang termasuk dalam kendaran ramah lingkungan. Fungsi mobil tersebut adalah sebagai kendaraan operasional para suster atau petugas keamanan untuk mengelilingi rumah sakit atau menuju satu ruang ke ruang lain. Mobil tersebut menggunakan motor DC 24 volt sebagai penggeraknya dan di inputkan dengan modul DC 48 volt dengan daya 575 watt. Mengapa digunakan motor DC 24 volt sebagai penggeraknya, karena apabila menggunakan motor bakar dapat menimbulkan kebisingan dan menyebabkan polusiudara. Selain ramah lingkungan dan tidak menimbulkan kebisingan mobil tersebut dapat mengefisiensikan pekerjaan para suster atau para petugas keamanan. Ada pula metode yang dibahas pada laporan ini adalah mencari titik berat, kecepatan yang dapat ditempuh, daya yang diperlukan untuk kendaraan tersebut. Untuk pengujian dilakukan pada jarak 30 meter dan kemudian dilihat berapa kecepatan, arus, dan waktu yang ditempuh. Untuk kendaraan ini memliki beban maksimal 120 kg dan kecepatan maksimalnya 7,5 km/jam. Kata kunci : Mobil Listrik, Operasional Rumah Sakit In this final project created a plan to build a hospital car operations. The car uses a 24 volt DC motor as the propulsion and fed with a 48 volt DC module. The aim of this vehicle is for the Diponegoro University showed that D3 Mechanical Engineering is able to create works of vehicles are included in the eco-friendly vehicle. The car function is as an operational vehicle nuns or security officers to surround the hospital or to the one room to another. Why use a 24 volt DC motor as the driving force, as if using a motor fuel can menimpulkan noise and cause air pollution. In addition to environmentally friendly and do not cause the car noise can streamline the work of the sisters or security officers.In this final project created a plan to build a hospital car operations. The aim of this vehicle is for the Diponegoro University showed that D3 Mechanical Engineering is able to create works of vehicles are included in the eco-friendly vehicle. The car function is as an operational vehicle nuns or security officers to surround the hospital or to the one room to another. The car uses a 24 volt DC dynamo as the propulsion and fed with a 48 volt DC module and 575watt. Why use a 24 volt DC motor as the driving force, as if using a motor fuel can cause noise and cause air pollution. In addition to environmentally friendly and do not cause the car noise can streamline the work of the sisters or security officers. There is also the methods discussed in this report is to find the center of gravity, the speed of which can be reached, the power required for the vehicle. For testing performed on 30meter distance and then see how the speed, flow, and time taken. For these vehicles possess the maximum 120 kg maximum speed 7,5 km/jam. Key word: Electrik car, Transportation Hospita

    Analysis of Land Transport Comparison with Water Transport for Coal Transportation

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    Coal is one of the most abundant energy resources in Indonesia. At present, coal in Indonesia is not only an export commodity producing foreign exchange, but also began to be used as a source of energy to replace oil and natural gas. Coal demand is still high for export and domestic needs, coal production in one area of the Province of South Kalimantan will be increased from 8,000,000 tons / year to 10,000,000 tons / year.Increasing the amount of production requires appropriate transportation so that production can be achieved. The calculation of the comparison of coal transportation starts fromthe transport capacity, the capacity of the freight transportation based on the graph of the travel schedule,Land transportation used is a 30 ton capacity truck and the water transport used is a 180 feet barge with a capacity of 1,000 tons. Based on the results from the analysis, land transportation production is 8,466.120tons. The amount of production cannot be increased because the capacity of the cargo has been maximal and the number of queues of vehicles is tide. Based on the results of calculations, the best transportation for coal transportation is water transportation. Keywords—Coal; Transport Capacity; Comparison Transportation; Coal Transportation


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    This research was conducted to analyze and investigate the impact of organizational commitment and job satisfaction on the intention to move perceived by the operator employees of one of the Garment Companies. Data is collected through surveys and library studies. The questionnaires were sent to respondents returned resulting in a response rate of 98%. From correlation and regression analysis, this study found that the correlation and impact of turnover intention have been supported. Of the four hypotheses that have been tested in this study, all hypotheses are supported. The results showed that the existence of organizational commitment and job satisfaction was negatively and significantly related to turnover intention and negatively affected the company

    The Influence of Health Education on Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) on Knowledge and Attitude of Hypertension Patients

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    Introduction: The high cases of hypertension are increasing due to the lack of public knowledge in the management of eating patterns. This revolves around cultural, environmental, and educational factors that can affect knowledge and attitudes in people with hypertension. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of health education on knowledge and attitudes of hypertension patients. Method: This study used a one group pre-post test design. The study was conducted in one village in Java region of Indonesia, which involved 56 respondents, selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments used were knowledge and attitude questionnaire sheets. Statistic analysis by utilizing Wilcoxon sign rank test to determine the difference between pre and post test with a significance value of p < 0.05. Results: The results of the knowledge variable before and after being given health education with a p-value = 0.000, and for the attitude variable with a p-value = 0.000. This shows that there is a difference in average between the results of knowledge and attitudes of hypertensive patients before and after being given health. Conclusion: Health education about the DASH diet affects knowledge and attitudes in patients with hypertension

    Responses of Herbivorous Fishes on Coral Reef Cover in Outer Island Indonesia (Study Case: Natuna Island)

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    Coral reefs are one of the most highly productive marine ecosystems, with the largest transfer of energy attributed to the trophic interaction between herbivores and algae. Rapid demographic growth, leading to transmigration to small islands such as Natuna Island where located on outer Island Indonesia.The aim of the present study is to test for significant associations between herbivore fish species traits and Habitat complexity was derived from coral reef cover. Method to record each observed herbivore fish species with UVC (Underwater Visual Census) using SCUBA diving equipment along modification line transects. A total of 39 different fish species belonging to 3 families‟ herbivore fish were identified. Total biomass of herbivorous fish correlated with Dead Coral Algae (DCA). Biplot of the first two axes for the nonmetric multidimensional a scaling (NMDS) analysis for family and grazer showed the dominance of herbivore fish grazer

    Responses of Herbivorous Fishes on Coral Reef Cover in Outer Island Indonesia (Study Case: Natuna Island)

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    Coral reefs are one of the most highly productive marine ecosystems, with the largest transfer of energy attributed to the trophic interaction between herbivores and algae. Rapid demographic growth, leading to transmigration to small islands such as Natuna Island where located on outer Island Indonesia.The aim of the present study is to test for significant associations between herbivore fish species traits and Habitat complexity was derived from coral reef cover. Method to record each observed herbivore fish species with UVC (Underwater Visual Census) using SCUBA diving equipment along modification line transects. A total of 39 different fish species belonging to 3 families‟ herbivore fish were identified. Total biomass of herbivorous fish correlated with Dead Coral Algae (DCA). Biplot of the first two axes for the nonmetric multidimensional a scaling (NMDS) analysis for family and grazer showed the dominance of herbivore fish grazer

    Karakteristik Nilai Kalor dan Laju Pembakaran Briket Biomassa dengan Variasi Komposisi Ampas Tebu dan Kulit Singkong

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    Bekas limbah dari proses pemrosesan tebu dan kulit singkong merupakan sumber yang berpotensi dimanfaatkan. Menggunakan bahan-bahan ini untuk menciptakan briket adalah solusi cerdas dalam memproduksi bahan bakar alternatif. Batu bara dan minyak, dua sumber energi utama saat ini, semakin menipis cadangannya. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi kita untuk mencari sumber energi terbarukan, seperti briket, yang dapat diperbarui secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan ampas tebu dan kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku, yang diikat dengan tepung tapioka dalam tiga rasio berbeda: 70/55/15, 60/60/15, dan 55/70/15 gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kalor terendah ditemukan pada komposisi briket 60/60/15 dengan hasil 3.75 kal/gr, sementara laju pembakaran tertinggi dicapai oleh komposisi 70/55/15 dengan hasil 4.67 kal/gr. Laju pembakaran terendah diukur pada komposisi 70/55/15 dengan hasil 7.63 gram/menit, sedangkan laju pembakaran tertinggi tercatat pada komposisi 55/70/15 dengan hasil 8.06 gram/menit. Kandungan air paling rendah terdapat pada komposisi 70/55/15 dengan hasil 14.6%, sementara kadar air pembakaran tertinggi terdapat pada komposisi 60/60/15 dengan hasil 30.5%

    Peran Relawan Pajak dalam Asistensi Pelaporan SPT Tahunan WPOP di Kota Batam

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    The Tax Volunteer Program is a concrete step in the dedication of the Batam State Polytechnic academic community to assist the role of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) in conducting tax education to increase taxpayer awareness and compliance. This program is also used as PBL which is required for D3 Accounting Study Program students and involves 5 courses in the 4th semester. Volunteers assist in reporting the Individual Annual Tax Return internally at the Batam State Polytechnic and external parties at the Regional Office of DGT Riau Islands as well as several companies cooperating with the Regional Office of DGT Riau Islands. In 2023, tax volunteers succeeded in assisting 808 Individual Taxpayers both from internal Polibatam and outside Polibatam parties. More than 87% of Individual Taxpayers who were assisted by tax volunteers felt the assistance provided by Polibatam Tax Volunteers was very useful and easy for Individual Taxpayers to understand so it could greatly assist Individual Taxpayers in reporting their tax obligations. Many Individual Taxpayers hope that this program can be carried out every year by increasing the skills and understanding of tax volunteers and improving the mechanism for implementing assistance by adding a short tutorial on reporting the Individual Annual Tax Return through e-Filing.Kegiatan Relawan Pajak merupakan langkah nyata pengabdian civitas akademika Politeknik Negeri Batam untuk membantu peran Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dalam melakukan edukasi perpajakan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepatuhan wajib pajak. Kegiatan relawan pajak ini juga dijadikan sebagai PBL yang diwajibkan untuk mahasiswa Prodi D3 Akuntansi dan melibatkan 5 mata kuliah di semester 4. Relawan memberikan asistensi untuk pelaporan SPT Tahunan WPOP di internal Politeknik Negeri Batam dan pihak eksternal di Kanwil DJP Kepri serta beberapa perusahaan yang bekerja sama dengan Kanwil DJP Kepri. Pada tahun 2023 ini, relawan pajak berhasil mengasistensi 808 WPOP baik dari internal Polibatam maupun dari pihak eksternal Polibatam. Lebih dari 87% WPOP yang diasistensi oleh relawan pajak merasa asistensi yang dilakukan oleh Relawan Pajak Polibatam sangat bermanfaat dan mudah untuk dipahami oleh WPOP sehingga dapat sangat membantu WPOP dalam melaporkan kewajiban perpajakannya. Banyak WPOP berharap kegiatan ini dapat dilakukan setiap tahunnya dengan peningkatan skills dan pemahaman dari relawan pajak serta memperbaiki mekanisme pelaksanaan asistensi dengan menambahkan tutorial singkat mengenai pelaporan SPT Tahunan melalui e-Filing