659 research outputs found

    Model to Predict Duty of Community Nurses in Promotive and Preventive Care

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    Community nurses had important role in promotive and preventive care in community. Aim of the study was to make model to predict community nurses role in promotive and preventive care based on Health Promotion Model (HPM). Design of the study was used explanatory with cross sectional approach. Sum of participant was 161. This study was conducted in 11 Public Health Center in Banyuwangi at 1 January to 30 January 2018. Methods of data collection was cluster sampling. The data was analysed using smartPLS software.. Inner model: personal factors (t=1.981), interpersonal influences (t=4.036), situational influences (5.720), commitment (t=5.138) had affected to community nurses duty in promotive and preventive care. This model could predict community nurses duty in promotive and preventive care in high level (Q=0.998). That was important to enhance of community nurses duty through modifying commitment of nurses, interpersonal influence factors, personal factors and situational influence factors

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pencacah Daun dan Ranting Gambir

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    Tanaman Gambir merupakan tanaman perdu yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Ekstrak (getah) daun dan ranting gambir mengandung asam katechu tannat (tanin), katechin, pyrocatechol, florisin dan lilin fixed oil. Sumatera Barat merupakan penghasil gambir terbesar di Indonesia namun bila dilihat dari produktivitas per hektar masih rendah yaitu berkisar antara 300 sampai 400 kg gambir kering per hektar per tahun. Hal ini disebabkan pengolahan gambir yang masih tradisional. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas adalah dengan dibuatnya alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir. Alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam proses pengempaan karena daun dan ranting gambir sudah dicacah terlebih dahulu. Kapasitas alat pencacah ini adalah 53,83 kg/jam dan laju pengumpanan 63,6 kg/jam. Untuk analisa ekonomi teknik didapat total biaya tetap Rp.1.911.052/tahun, total biaya tidak tetap Rp. 91.088,8 / jam, biaya sewa alat Rp. 1.706,9 /jam dan BEP untuk pengoperasionalan alat 2.365,45 Kg/jam. Harga jual alat pencacah daun dan ranting gambir adalah Rp. 7.463.000 dengan laba 30

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering dan Nutrien Ransum pada Kambing Peranakan Etawah yang Diberi Hijauan Beragam dengan Aras Konsentrat “Molmik” Berbeda

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hijauan beragam dengan suplementasi konsentrat “Molamix” terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan nutrien ransum. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga kelompok/blok sebagai ulangan. Ternak yang digunakan sebanyak sembilan ekor (unsex) dengan kisaran berat badan awal 19,57 ± 2,4 kg. Ketiga perlakuan tersebut adalah perlakuan A: 70% hijauan (rumput lapangan) + 30% konsentrat ”molamix”; perlakuan B: 80% hijauan (40% rumput lapangan + 60% gamal) + 20% konsentrat ”molamix”; dan perlakuan C: 90% hijauan (20% rumput lapangan + 60% gamal + 20% waru) + 10% konsentrat ”molamix”. Air minum diberikan secara ad libitum. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pemberian 90% pakan hijauan beragam (rumput, gamal, dan waru) dengan 10% konsentrat ”Molamix” dapat menghasilkan peningkatan kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, protein kasar, dan kecernaan serat kasar

    Analisis Potensi Longsor Lereng Bukit Tui Kelurahan Tanah Hitam Kota Padang Panjang Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Aplikasi Slide V6.0

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    Tui Hill is a limestone hill lined south of Padang Panjang. It is located between Rao-Rao Village and Tanah Hitam. Based on the results of investigations of researchers on the slopes of Bukit Tui limestone in the coordinates S0 ° 28\u2721.3 "E100 ° 24\u2700.4ʺ which are in the Tanah Hitam Village, there are many weak fields such as burly, steep slope geometry, influence on earthquake vibrations, and rainfall the high can lead to landslides on slopes, potential for landslides on the slopes of research can endanger road users and community settlements on slope locations. This study aims to analyze the potential of landslides based on the physical and mechanical properties of intact rocks, using the boundary equilibrium method. Then make reinforcement recommendations so that slope conditions are safe / stable. Based on the results of analysis and calculations in saturated conditions with the influence of earthquake factors 0,7 - 0,9g the values ​​of FK 1,461, 1,295, and 1,144 were obtained. From the results of the analysis, the slope is unsafe / unstable. In the original condition with 0.9g earthquake factor, FK 1.364 is obtained. Based on the results of analysis and calculations, the slope reinforcement recommendation used is the wire mesh installation method (wiremesh) in slope face

    Game Chicken Roll Dengan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Metode forward chaining pada umumnya digunakan untuk sistem pendukung keputusan dan sistem pakar. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma forward chaining, khususnya untuk proses review dan untuk menentukan apakah seorang pemain game layak melanjutkan ke level berikutnya. Algoritma forward chaining adalah algoritma yang berbasiskan pada fakta-fakta atau premise yang ada sehingga menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan atau konsekuen. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai validitas mencapai 100%. Hasil didapat dari komparasi data antara rules dan hasil pengujian yang didapat saat bermain game

    Pengaruh Country of Origin Dan Price Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Terhadap Konsumen Xiaomi Di Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura Dan Filipina)

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    The purpose of this study is to describing the effect of country of origin and the price on purchase decisions. The type of this research is explanatory research. Country of origin and price was used as independent variabel research, while the buying decision is dependent variable. Subjects examined in this study is a smartphone that comes from China, namely Xiaomi. The population in this study is that Xiaomi consumers has ever bought or already using a Mi phone, especially from in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines. Total sample used in this study were 112 people. Sampel in this research taken with quota sampling method. Data collected in this research using electronic questionnaire (google form) that spread via internet through online forum and social media. This research use multiple linear regression analysis and test of ANOVA. The research obtained in this study show that the country of origin and price variable have significant effect toward buying decision variable either simultaneously or partialy. Country of origin have a biggest effect toward buying decision, it shows that Xiaomi consumer in four country sensitive against country of origin product. Xiaomi consumer suppose that China have positive image. Based on ANOVA test from four country indicate no different perception about country of origin and price
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