3,174 research outputs found

    Sound radiation from a perforated unbaffled plate

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    A model to calculate the sound radiation from an unbaffled perforated plate is proposed. This is achieved by modifying an existing model of an unbaffled plate to include the effect of perforation in terms of a continuously distributed surface impedance to represent the holes. Results are compared with those of an idealised situation, a perforated plate in an equally perforated baffle. At low perforation ratios, the radiation efficiency is lower for the unbaffled case but as the perforation ratio increases, the results for both conditions become similar. The effect of perforation increases as the perforation ratio increases and also as the hole diameter reduces. Comparison with existing measurement is also found to give a good agreement

    Peran Negara dalam Menciptakan Perdamaian: Kasus Pilkada Langsung di Kab. Gianyar dan Kab. Buleleng, Provinsi Bali

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    Until recently, Direct Local Election within its implementation have been causing potential for serious conflict in regional level. Moreover, this is always leads to anarchy which triggers national disintegration. The Local Government power manages conflicts in Local Election needed for social stability. This paper will to elaborate the cases of conflicts in Local Election of Gianyar and Buleleng Regencies. However, the intensity resulted from both of regencies is different. Difference on conflict's intensity raised is correlated to the role of government (in this case Local Government and other related institutions) in creating strategies for conflict solution in these regencies. The Government took several non-formal strategies for those parties involved. The non-formal strategies was taken for Gianyar Regency and its illustrated through several non-formal mediations to create peace and to build better communication within the resolution. I conclude that the hard situation in creating peace for conflict resolution in Buleleng was because the formal strategy taken is actually weakening communication between those involved in conflict, thus people use wrong strategies to address their message

    Analisis Posisioning Produk Kredit Modal Kerja pada Kantor Pusat PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Bali

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    Kualitas layanan adalah faktor yang dapat membedakan sebuah bank dengan pesaingnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implikasi strategi yang relevan dalam memperkuat positioning. Data yang terkumpul dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan metode Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS) melalui perceptual map dua dimensi, tiga dimensi dan Correspondent Analysis (CA). Strategi pemasaran yang diterapkan untuk memperkuat layanan Bank BPD Bali adalah strategi adaptasi positioning. Untuk meningkatkan positioning harus merubah citra Perusahaan dengan memperbaiki atribut-atribut yang masih tergolong lemah di mata responden serta menerapkan strategi penyempurnaan pelayanan secara adaptif

    Connotative Meaning of L.A. Bold Cigarette Advertisement My Kind of Bold Version

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    This study concerns on the connotative meaning in L.A. Bold cigarette TV version advertisement. The objectives of the research are to find out connotative meaning and to describe how connotative meaning denoted in the advertisement. Regarding to this, the writers applied theory of Connotative of a Denotative Sign from Roland Barthes consisting of E, an expression (or signifier), in relation (R) to C, a content (or signified): E R C. The data and data source of this study are the text and pictures that appear in the whole advertisement. As the result, it concludes that each sign has a sign system creates connotative meaning. It is found 16 connotative meanings from 7 data, they are Good Carrier, Enjoyment and Challenge, High class, Masculine and Classic, Playboy and Glamour, Metropolitan, Modern, Masculine, Sporty, Brave, Risk Taker, and not be afraid to smoke cigarette

    Pengaruh Teknik Pembelajaran Tennis Verbal Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Siswa Yang Memiliki Motivasi Berprestasi Berbeda Pada Standar Kompetensi Mengaplikasikan Rangkaian Listrik

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan teknik pembelajaran tennis verbal ataupun yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional pada mata diklat mengaplikasikan rangkaian listrik, (2) mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar mata latih mengaplikasikan rangkaian listrik pada siswa kelas x program keahlian teknik instalasi tenaga listrik pada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi tinggi dan rendah, dan (3) mengetahui adanya interaksi hasil belajar siswa dengan pembelajaran tennis verbal, model pembelajaran konvensional dengan motivasi berprestasi siswa yang tinggi dan rendah siswa kelas x program keahlian teknik instalasi tenaga listrik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan rancangan “Nonequivalen Control Design”. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X TITL-1 sebagai kelas kontrol dan X TITL-3 sebagai kelas eksperimen di SMK Negeri 7 Surabaya. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa yang diperlakukan dengan pembelajaran tennis verbal dan konvensional, perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi berbeda (tinggi dan rendah), serta untuk mengetahui adanya interaksi hasil belajar siswa dengan pembelajaran tennis verbal, model pembelajaran konvensional dengan motivasi berprestasi siswa dilakukan dengan analisis varian dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan teknik pembelajaran tennis verbal lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional, yaitu nilai uji-F= 11,130 dengan p-value 0,001, p-value lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 ; (2) hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi tinggi lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang memiliki motivasi berprestasi rendah dengan nilai uji-F = 9,652 dan p-value = 0,003, p-value lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 ; dan (3) Terdapat interaksi hasil belajar dengan perlakuan teknik pembelajaran tennis verbal dan konvensional, serta motivasi berprestasi siswa, yaitu nilai uji-F = 14,310 dan p-value = 0,000, p-value lebih kecil dari α = 0,05. Kata kunci: Perbedaan hasil belajar,  Perbedaan  motivasi berprestasi , dan Interaksi hasil belajar.     Abstract This study aims to: (1) determine differences in student learning outcomes using tennis verbal learning techniques or the use of conventional learning to applying an the electrical circuit study, (2) determine whether there is difference in learning outcomes applying an the electrical circuit in class X program power plant engineering students with high achievement motivation and low, and (3) determine the students' interaction with the tennis verbal learning, conventional learning models with high student achievement motivation and low grade x program of power plant engineering . The research method used was quasi experiment with the design of "Nonequivalen Control Design". The subjects in this study were students of class X-1 TITL as class control and X-3 TITL as an experimental class at SMK Negeri Surabaya 7. To know the differences between the learning outcomes of students who are treated with conventional learning and tennis verbal, differences in student learning outcomes that have different achievement motivation (high and low), and to investigate the interaction of the learning outcomes of students with learning verbal tennis, the conventional model of learning achievement motivation students performed with analysis of variance two lanes. The results showed that: (1) student learning outcomes using tennis verbal learning techniques higher than those using conventional learning model, the value of F-test = 11.130 with p-value 0.001, p-value less than α = 0, 05, (2) the learning outcomes of students who have high achievement motivation higher than students with low achievement motivation with the F-test value = 9.652 and p-value = 0.003, p-value less than α = 0.05, and ( 3) There is interaction with the learning outcomes of treatment techniques tennis verbal and conventional learning, and student achievement motivation, the value of the test-F = 14.310 and p-value = 0.000, p-value less than α = 0.05. Keywords: Difference learning outcomes, achievement motivation differences, and the interaction of learning outcomes

    Kewenangan Pegadaian dalam Menerbitkan Sertifikat Batu Mulia di Indonesia

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    Authority of Pegadaian in Issuance of the Certificates of Precious Stones in Indonesia.This research aimed to determine the institution authorized to issue the certificate of the precious stones in Indonesia. This study used the empirical research type to look at the enforcement of the law from the non-legal aspect. The collected data – both primary and secondary data – were analyzed qualitatively. Then, they were described in order to answer the problems of this research.The research results revealed that The authority to issue certificates for the precious stones in Indonesia was given to the authorized and powerful institutes in order to issue certificates for the precious stones in Indonesia, such as the Pawnshop and order private institutes as the actors in the commerce industry of precious stones in Indonesia

    Analisis Dikabulkannya Permohonan Peninjauan Kembali Setelah Pelaksanaan Putusan Sengketa Gadai Tanah Ulayat

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    The settlement of agricultural land plot disputes over communal ulayat often culminates in the settlement in the realm of the Court. The judge\u27s ruling is based on Law Number 56 Prp of 1960 and there are decisions based on Minangkabau Traditional Law. The problem was how the consideration of the panel of judges on the settlement of agricultural land disputes over ulayat of the people in the decision of Review of number 394 PK/PD/2011 and How the position of the land buyer in the settlement of agricultural land disputes disputes over ulayat people after the release of judgment review number 394 PK/PDT/2011. The method used to solve the problem was normative juridical, meaning that by using the approach of legislation and relevant theory will illustrate the legal certainty relating to the problems that have been formulated. The result of the research which was derived from the problem formulation was obtained the result, the settlement of agricultural land disputes over the ulayat of the people in the court should be based on the National Legislation and the Minangkabau Adat Law provisions, the two legal bases are contradicted and in the decision of Review Number 394 PK/PDT/2011, the Panel of Judges of Judicial Review did not base the judgment of the Review on the National Law and Minangkabau Customary Law and the possession of the object was submitted to the purchaser of the object of such pledge. The judge\u27s opinion on this Review was false, unfounded and not fair because it was inconsistent with the National Law and Minangkabau Law

    Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Anak Agar Tidak Menjadi Korban Dari Tindak Pidana Pornografi Melalui Situs Internet

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    Starting from a number of legal facts, namely the case of a child with the initials JJ still under age do crime of murder and did sodomy to his friend with the initials MI who was aged 16 years, as a result of the impact of online games and internet sites containing pornographic. The research objective of this law is to know the facts and to analyze whether the legislation in Indonesia has given legal protection of children from becoming victims of crime pornography and how the policy formulation of the protection of children from the crime of pornography through internet sites and online gaming future. The method used in this research is normative, whereas the approach used is the approach of law (statute approach), the conceptual approach and comparative approach. The results of the study of law in Indonesia has no regulations concerning the crime of child pornography and the protection of the laws and regulations concerning criminal acts pornography and child protection but no settings are discussing the age limit for the child in the use of internet sites and online games related to the crime of pornography, especially soft pornography. The results of the second study law, after examining all the legislation against online gaming and internet sites, and by conducting comparative legal arrangements with the United Kingdom, it is necessary to look for policy formulation as a solution to the shortage in the future. The policy in the form of an age restriction for children to use internet sites and online games
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