99 research outputs found

    Census of Gaseous Satellites around Local Spiral Galaxies

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    We present a search for gas-containing dwarf galaxies as satellite systems around nearby spiral galaxies using 21 cm neutral hydrogen (HI) data from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) Survey. We have identified 15 spiral `primary' galaxies in a local volume of 10 Mpc with a range of total masses, and have found 19 gas-containing dwarf satellite candidates within the primaries' virial volumes (R200R_{200}) and 46 candidates within 2R2002R_{200}. Our sensitivity using ALFALFA data converts to MHI≈7.4×106M_{\rm HI} \approx 7.4 \times 10^{6} M⊙M_{\odot} at 10 Mpc, which includes 13 of the 26 gaseous dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, and the HI properties of our sample are overall similar to these 13. We found 0−30-3 gaseous satellites per host galaxy within R200R_{200} and 0−50-5 within 2R2002R_{200}, which agrees with the low numbers present for the Milky Way and M31. There is also agreement with the star-forming satellite numbers per host in the deep optical surveys SAGA and ELVES, and the Auriga cosmological simulations. When scaled to R200R_{200}, the optical surveys do not show a trend of increasing quenched fraction with host mass; there is a slight increase in the total number of gaseous satellites with host mass for our sample. The low numbers of gaseous/star-forming satellites around spiral hosts are consistent with the idea that a universal and effective satellite quenching mechanism, such as ram pressure stripping by the host halo, is likely at play.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The Kinematic Structure of Magnetically Aligned HI Filaments

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    We characterize the kinematic and magnetic properties of HI filaments located in a high Galactic latitude region (165∘<α<195∘165^\circ < \alpha < 195^\circ and 12∘<δ<24∘12^\circ < \delta < 24^\circ). We extract three-dimensional filamentary structures using \texttt{fil3d} from the Galactic Arecibo L-Band Feed Array HI (GALFA-HI) survey 21-cm emission data. Our algorithm identifies coherent emission structures in neighboring velocity channels. Based on the mean velocity, we identify a population of local and intermediate velocity cloud (IVC) filaments. We find the orientations of the local (but not the IVC) HI filaments are aligned with the magnetic field orientations inferred from Planck 353 GHz polarized dust emission. We analyze position-velocity diagrams of the velocity-coherent filaments, and find that only 15 percent of filaments demonstrate significant major-axis velocity gradients with a median magnitude of 0.5 km s−1^{-1} pc−1^{-1}, assuming a fiducial filament distance of 100 pc. We conclude that the typical diffuse HI filament does not exhibit a simple velocity gradient. The reported filament properties constrain future theoretical models of filament formation.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    A Limit on the Metallicity of Compact High Velocity Clouds

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    There is a fortuitous coincidence in the positions of the quasar TonS210 and the compact H I high velocity cloud CHVC224.0-83.4-197 on the sky. Using Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations of the metal-line absorption in this cloud and sensitive H I 21cm emission observations obtained with the multibeam system at Parkes Observatory, we determine a metallicity of (O/H) <0.46 solar at a confidence of 3 sigma. The metallicity of the high velocity gas is consistent with either an extragalactic or Magellanic Cloud origin, but is not consistent with a location inside the Milky Way unless the chemical history of the gas is considerably different from that of the interstellar medium in the Galactic disk and halo. Combined with measurements of highly ionized species (C III and O VI) at high velocities, this metallicity limit indicates that the cloud has a substantial halo of ionized gas; there is as much ionized gas as neutral gas directly along the Ton S210 sight line. We suggest several observational tests that would improve the metallicity determination substantially and help to distinguish between possible origins for the high velocity gas. Additional observations of this sight line would be valuable since the number of compact HVCs positioned in front of background sources bright enough for high resolution absorption-line studies is extremely limited.Comment: 15 pages, 3 postscript figures + 1 JPEG figure (reduced from postscript for size considerations), accepted for publication in ApJ (June 2002

    The Origin and Distribution of Cold Gas in the Halo of a Milky Way-Mass Galaxy

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    We analyze an adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamic cosmological simulation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy to study the cold gas in the halo. HI observations of the Milky Way and other nearby spirals have revealed the presence of such gas in the form of clouds and other extended structures, which indicates on-going accretion. We use a high-resolution simulation (136-272 pc throughout) to study the distribution of cold gas in the halo, compare it with observations, and examine its origin. The amount (10^8 Msun in HI), covering fraction, and spatial distribution of the cold halo gas around the simulated galaxy at z=0 are consistent with existing observations. At z=0 the HI mass accretion rate onto the disk is 0.2 Msun/yr. We track the histories of the 20 satellites that are detected in HI in the redshift interval 0.5>z>0 and find that most of them are losing gas, with a median mass loss rate per satellite of 3.1 x 10^{-3} Msun/yr. This stripped gas is a significant component of the HI gas seen in the simulation. In addition, we see filamentary material coming into the halo from the IGM at all redshifts. Most of this gas does not make it directly to the disk, but part of the gas in these structures is able to cool and form clouds. The metallicity of the gas allows us to distinguish between filamentary flows and satellite gas. We find that the former accounts for at least 25-75% of the cold gas in the halo seen at any redshift analyzed here. Placing constraints on cloud formation mechanisms allows us to better understand how galaxies accrete gas and fuel star formation at z=0.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap
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