14 research outputs found

    Evoluzione tardo quaternaria del margine casertano della Piana Campana (Italia meridionale)

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    Vengono ricostruite, attraverso rilievi di campo e l’analisi di circa 300 sondaggi geognostici, le caratteristiche geologiche di superficie e di sottosuolo del settore settentrionale bordiero della Piana Campana nell’area di Caserta. Sono state distinte cinque unità litostratigrafiche del Pleistocene medio-superiore di cui due marinotransizionali (M1 e M2), presenti esclusivamente nel sottosuolo, e tre piroclastiche (V1, TGC, TGN). Su queste basi è stata ricostruita l’architettura stratigrafica dell’area di studio. L’unità più profonda è costituita da depositi marino-transizionali (M1) riferibile al Pleistocene medio-superiore; al di sopra di questi sono presenti vulcaniti incoerenti (V1), correlate con depositi ascritti all’Ignimbrite di Durazzano (~116 Ka), affioranti lungo il bordo orientale della Piana. Depositi prevalentemente transizionali (M2) si ritrovano in alcune aree meridionali al di sopra di V1. Vulcaniti riferibili al Tufo Grigio Campano (TGC; ~39 Ka) ricoprono le unità M2 e V1. L’unità più superficiale è costituita dal Tufo Giallo Napoletano (TGN; ~15 Ka) presente solo nella porzione media e bassa della Piana. Depositi alluvionali e detritico-colluviali riferibili al Pleistocene superiore – Attuale icoprono le unità vulcaniche più recenti. Le sezioni geologiche ricostruite evidenziano i rapporti geometrici tra le unità litostratigrafiche, dislocazioni del tetto delle unità M1 e V1 permettono di ipotizzare che l’attività tettonica si è protratta fino al Pleistocene superiore. I dati analizzati sono stati immessi in un database gestito in un Sistema Informativo Territoriale (SIT)

    New stratigraphic constraints for the Quaternary source-to-sink history of the Amatrice Basin (central Apennines, Italy)

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    New stratigraphic constraints have been detailed for the Amatrice Basin, an intermountain morpho-structural depression of the central Apennines (Italy) hosting up to 60-m-thick Quaternary continental deposits. Through the results coming from a 1:5,000 scale field survey and from facies analyses, we documented the geometry, thickness, and extent of the post-orogenic continental deposits filling this basin. The Quaternary deposits form a complex architecture of purely aggradational and aggradational/degradational terraces with a dominant component of conglomerates and gravels, at the bottom, and subordinate sands, at the top. The Quaternary deposits overlie an up to 1-km-thick succession of flysch sediments that accumulated in the western Laga Basin during the Miocene syn-orogenic phases in central Apennines. The collected data are used to constrain the style and mechanisms of both syn-orogenic (i.e., subsidence and terrigenous sedimentation in foredeep environment) and post-orogenic (i.e., uplift, erosion, and continental sedimentation) phases documented for the central Apennines. In particular, the post-orogenic history of the Amatrice Basin, if compared with those of surrounding intermountain basins of the central Apennines, includes limited basin subsidence, reduced thickness of the post-orogenic covers and progressive deepening of the drainage network during the Quaternary. The results shed light on the source-to-sink history of the Amatrice Basin, which results from a long-lived interaction between regional-scale factors (climate changes, chain uplift, and extensional tectonic regime) that influenced the activity of the hydrodynamic pattern and the amount of intrabasinal sedimentation during the Quaternary

    Geology of the central part of the Amatrice Basin (Central Apennines, Italy)

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    A 1:5,000 scale geological map and 31 geological cross-sections are presented for the surroundings of Amatrice village (central Apennines, Italy), epicentral area of the first damaging earthquake of the 2016–2017 seismic sequence. This detailed geological dataset focuses on: (i) the extent, the thickness, and the internal stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary continental deposits; (ii) the bedding and the thickness of the Miocene substratum; and (iii) the spatial distribution of the main fault systems. The provided dataset would update the available regional geological maps in deciphering the syn-to-post-orogenic history of the Amatrice Basin. Eventually, the accuracy of the geological mapping would represent a basic tool for interpreting and integrating the multidisciplinary dataset deriving from post-seismic activities

    Geology of the central part of the Amatrice Basin (Central Apennines, Italy)

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    A 1:5,000 scale geological map and 31 geological cross-sections are presented for the surroundings of Amatrice village (central Apennines, Italy), epicentral area of the first damaging earthquake of the 2016–2017 seismic sequence. This detailed geological dataset focuses on: (i) the extent, the thickness, and the internal stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary continental deposits; (ii) the bedding and the thickness of the Miocene substratum; and (iii) the spatial distribution of the main fault systems. The provided dataset would update the available regional geological maps in deciphering the syn-to-post-orogenic history of the Amatrice Basin. Eventually, the accuracy of the geological mapping would represent a basic tool for interpreting and integrating the multidisciplinary dataset deriving from post-seismic activities

    Geology of the central part of the Amatrice Basin (Central Apennines, Italy)

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    A 1:5,000 scale geological map and 31 geological cross-sections are presented for the surroundings of Amatrice village (central Apennines, Italy), epicentral area of the first damaging earthquake of the 2016–2017 seismic sequence. This detailed geological dataset focuses on: (i) the extent, the thickness, and the internal stratigraphic architecture of the Quaternary continental deposits; (ii) the bedding and the thickness of the Miocene substratum; and (iii) the spatial distribution of the main fault systems. The provided dataset would update the available regional geological maps in deciphering the syn-to-post-orogenic history of the Amatrice Basin. Eventually, the accuracy of the geological mapping would represent a basic tool for interpreting and integrating the multidisciplinary dataset deriving from post-seismic activities